Why are italians the most delectable race of cutiess in the world? Old bread:>>38627487>>38627487Please join gigi's official discord server: https://pastebin.com/sMt8iUTX
please breed me uwu
>>38630470Anywhere in the Mediterranean has top tier twinks/trunksShite at war tho
i prefer french
Italy is my favourite country in da worl
>>38630504hohoho, je parle francais. <3
I lost interest in discord when I realized it was just the same people who think gaygen is grindr for people who cant handle grindr
>>38630525pls dont talk to me
>>38630504if only the frogs didnt occupy the country...
>>38630547>not my fault you are bilingualTrilingual master race. >>38630548Says the Anglo-saxon. Go back to denmark you fucking barbarian.
>>38630561yer speaking me barbarian language hahaha
>>38630470Brazil is the best country. >>38630558I agree with you thorny. Also the fact the she is polish and polish people love killing themselves it’s their national sport
>>38630571Made out of 50-75% foreign words - which 50% of which is Latin or french derivative. Go roll in the mud porkchop.
>T- 22 hours till Project 2025
>>38630580im on zoloft for anxiety, ive never had any wish to kill myself i have issues but im genuinely happy to be alive and have experiences and i only have better things to look forward to lol
>>38630586ye still be speakin it every day a yer loif hahahaha
>>38630504When I was around 18 on a family holiday, I ended up boning the lifeguard at our hotel in NiceCute dude think he was required to wear these hilariously tight speedos as well spotted him on grindr and went from thereFun times
>>38630599Good for you. Keep telling yourself that.
xanpipa nee connie is so mad because i endorsed trump's immigration policy plans kekeke
>>38630598It's like the 1930s all over again so exciting.
My bad. Let's try this again. >>38630296>>38630316How do you know I have bad genetics? No evidence of such.>>38630410I read this
>>38630558ik that she is fucked just bc she is trans, she just numbed herself a bit but trans is fatal unless you are retarded like me..
like whos the actual conservative here sweetie lol
>>38630634stop posting adam's cumrag
>>38630630im not trans lol
>>38630561elsaß is teutsch>>38630599>happy to be alive strange choice of words but im happy to be wrong, maybe i have the worst odds...
>>38630645So you’re just confused or? Because last time we talked you were a tranny. And you claimed to be gay despite claiming to be bisexual when you first arrived. So what are you, Shiza?
>>38630645sure thing, you had this cope before you transitioned, then you transitioned and accepted it, then it went bad and now you are coping with that again, and even if you are not trans, that is not better bc it means you are retarded..
>>38630666NIGGA you can't even write it correctly, and its Strasbourg fyi
>>38630676i don't remember talking to you i don't associate with brown drooling retards
What would you do if someone outted you to your relatives? I outted my cousin to my aunt and uncle cause they accidently found out I was gay lol.
>>38630685don’t get mad honey I didn’t mean to call you out
>>38630680how did it go bad? i did hrt to raise my smv and it worked for that but my priorities changed and i got out, i larped a little yes but i realized everything abt being a foid is contemptible lol
I love playing squad 44 because I can kill Germans as the french :)
>>38630684fatty made me check...Elsaß! and btw I decide how its written
Now shiza is infertile. The gene pool of poland will be better for this.
>>38630711what abt that time you got really fucking drunk and told your mom with tears in your eyes that you should have been born a girl and how sad you are abt it and then you told us that she said you should go to therapy or smth and then you said that you would go?sounds trans and genuine to me and not some smv cope and you lower your smv as a troon when it comes to long term dating, only for hookups you raise it..
>>38630676>So what are you, Shiza?A mess.
>>38630606post butt and long greentext
>>38630738These kind of feelings don’t just disappear from one day to another.. and the same with sexuality. You can’t just go from being bisexual to being gay. That ain’t how it works ..
Why is it that when ever you see a video of someone fainting, everyone around them tries to get them to stand up immediately? Like "HE'LL DIE IF HE DOESN'T STAND UPRIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!"
actually ignore me, no reason to make you suffer when being trans is smth so horrible, if the copes work, good for ya..
>>38630738what? i told my mom that it was a mistake that i was born and it was abt family drama and multigen trauma not that lol, i did fess up abt hrt at that point because i felt i was doing something wrong
>>38630470crazy how the races that produce the cutest young adults also produce the most disgusting middle aged+ adultslatinos, italians, asians. some switch flips at like 35 and by 40... oofthe white man's true advantage is consistency while aging
>>38630690would stop talking to them forever, spies and traitors deserve no mercy after 18yo
So.... you wish to discuss intelligence in evolution again, eh?
>>38630738>and you lower your smv as a troon when it comes to long term datingthis is also not true but you wouldn't get it because you're an ugly jewish rat without a single feminine quality whereas i have always had to contend with only receiving attention from bisexuals seeking androgynous ppl
I've been on gaygen since 2014, and I can say with confidence that this is by far the shittiest group of tripfags and namefags this general has ever had.
>>38630780Intelagence is subjektiv
>>38630757Americans and their standing culture. Laying down is lazy weak.
>>38630793tripup sunny
>>38630776He's probably upset, but idk if he will do anything cause he's a weak femme bitch. Haven't talked to him so idk.
>>38630793I've been there for a year max and I can already tell it's the worst that's ever been.
>>38630793maybe I should make my debut sis
>>38630793What do you think of me
Good night SAARS.
Or evolution of involuntary compulsive same sex exclusive fixation. Either is fine with me. There seems to be a lot of muddling in the understanding of the latter as well. Everyone trying to group concepts together based on ... sex? rather than actual expression.The idea that everyone who has at some point same sex attraction or experience then qualifies to be lumped in the same socially contrived category is absurd.
is it possible for a straight guy to turn gay later on in life?
>>38630780sadly you cannot raise your intelligence but you can at least keep your brain sharp and some people are extremely intelligent but also extremely mentally ill emotional so it kinda cancels out for them and they do dumb shit anyway, you kinda need to the whole package in life, smart, good looking, not emotional/mentally ill, etc... to be really high high value which statistically is very unlikely..
im on meds, im in therapy, im working out daily, im dieting, i feel happy most days and im way less crippled by anxiety like idk im kinda winning... i guess i just have to keep at it until people believe the positive change in my life
>>38630901You are a fat whore. Fucking die.
>>38630878If he has to experience daily gay rapes in a prison dungeon for 5 years, yeah he can be convertred to homosexuality. But that's very uncommon sis.
>>38630893I agree plus my blackness gives me a disadvantage because society is racist towards me. Black people are truecels.
Zoomers should have no expectation that civilization will continue until the end of their lives and prepare accordingly.God knows I dont.https://x.com/MarcNixon24/status/1880475886962851979
>>38630907i am fat and chaste
>im on medsLOL>im in therapyLOL>im working out dailylol>im dietinglol>i feel happylol>most dayslol>and im way less crippled by anxiety like idklol>im kinda winninglol
>>38630959Leave her be sis, her delulu keeps her happy and non-violent
>>38630836...but its you who is the irredeemable scum though...not only is your trust rating down to 0, which is equal to a rabid animal, u did it to blood kek
can u even out a femme
>>38631026>effeminate but not a flamer at all>no fagccent>every time i've told someone i'm gay>they already knew>tfw every time since i was a kid>tfw was bullied for being gay before knowing i was gayp sure if im not even a femme but everyone knew, im sure it's the same for them if not more so
>>38630918yea, it is more abt the sum of everything, think like everything having a + - or 0 score, if you are smart you get + and a number that depends on how much more intelligent you are than most people, if you are average intelligence you have a 0 and if you are dumb you have a - plus a number depending how retarded you are, and this goes for all of your traits, you sum all of them up and get a score, if it is negative you are subhuman fucked undesirable, if it is 0 or small value you are average, and if it is positive and at least a medium value you are above average which makes you desirable and if it is a high number you are way above average and you are extremely desirable.. everything is kinda math if you think abt it.. and like if you have an extremely high + number in one of your traits, like for example you are a genius, other traits won t matter as much bc that high number will just carry you.. in simple terms the more special and useful and harder to replace you are, the more valuable you are and you are your genetics and this can t be changed.. it is all abt luck, it is what it is..
>>38631026I did. An ex ruined my life, so I dragged his idiosyncrasies out to his large Christian family and rubbed their face in it.
>>38631049Being bad at being a man doesnt make you gay. It just makes it more likely. Theres a congruent psychology that it parallels.But thats not a gene so no one wants to talk about it. Least of all bad parents.
>>38631062hmm in the end its just best to be out with all these vengeful exes out there haha
>>38631049femmes cant tell if they are effeminate lelpost vocaroo
>>38631026Sweetie you’re not femme. You’re as manly as they come. Don’t delude yourself.
Sorry luv but u ain’t a pretty picture xx
so whats /gaygen/ up to on a 3day weekend sunday? i just made some cheesecake pistachio muffins and pumpernickle everything bagels. still working out dinner but thinking pork wellington
connie... just show your mug classy mama or don't talkplus you don't even know how to bite with a sting, if anything i see my effeminacy as a curse, its my lack of masculinity that makes me sad
Is this her Paris is Burning era
it's hilarious how easy to provoke you are,the slightest hint of somebody seeing through your fabricated single layer persona sets you off and you eratically start trying to come up with an insult and you're never quite on mark, it's a very funny routine i love it
>>38631187Working. I hate working. I can't stand another 50 years of this.
>>38631187woke up jerked shitpostingnurturing backdanced with coffeebathjerkednurturing backpseudofood out of tomatoes bananas greenshit to try maybe supervitaminize metook 3 different multivitaminschoreslotsa shitpostinggonna lay down to nurture back and maybe watch somethingjerk?
>>38631261she has definitely lost it that's for sure
>>38631261Paris has already done had herses!
>>38631187my food vs your foodwe are not the same!
>>38631305gotta get a real job anon. idk where the genX 9-5 horror started desu. i work 730-4 M-F and it's comfy af. WFH three days outta the week too, but looks like that might change soon
>>38631346that seems awful. just be fat and eat good food
What was the name of that website which let you see all of a reddit user posts with images or vids?It was very useful for watching porn.Do you know what i'm talking about?
i need a good job pls
i can t smoke cigs but they cost a lot of money and are horrible for me.. i can t eat either bc i am fat..
>>38631382aren't you that ugly tranny?
>>38631379>>38631379>>38631379Bumping this question.
>>38631359>>38631366>>38631375i dont need good food! im high on life!!!!!there is also a carrot in there and some nuts, im used to chugging protein drink shit down, doesnt bother me. if only i had cake at home tho>>38631379
>>38631382now hiring dirt eaters
>>38631483is it like a breakfast smoothie or are you solely living off of a nutrient slurry?
>>38630746it's not that exciting, really >at a hotel with my family in frogland>oggle a lot of the lifeguards >guys not much older than me>sometimes in board shorts over these fucking ridiculously tight speedos>but when supervising the pool on full display for the most part >on Grindr later and hit up a conversation with one of them >qt twinkish dude 2 years older than me>jet black hair, tanned skin >knew I was a patron so full honesty there>meet up and hit it off>alright English but heavy accent>invites me to go clubbing with him and a few friends>drunkenly make out >he brings me back to his place >I was sort of putting on a character at the time because I thought he was into it>leaned into the whole rich foreign preppy fratbro shit>more making out at his place but decided to escalate so move the situation along and he was gung-ho for it>felt weird being the one in charge because I was younger but when in Rome I guess >push him gently down to his knees >whip out my cock and push it into his mouth >grab the back of his head and keep inching him down my cock >goes on for a bit >ask if he douched>top-tier franco-twink did indeed >bend him over and go to town on him >grunting intensifies and eventually climax >he's still hard as a rock jacking off>grab his hair and tell him to look me in the eyes when he cums>still remember staring down those chestnut brown eyes >met up a few times afterwards >was a nice guy There you go, fun times
>>38631483None of those exist, you retarded fuckerDoesn't chatGPT only know information up to about 2 years ago?
>>38631482omg come on troony stop fishing for yous and compliments its all so tiring...
>>38631524im a gay man
i wish i didnt sound like an ass goblin
>>38631508desu it was an attempt to reduce spasming in my leg, i didnt have potassium or magnesium supps so went with what i had...typically i blend oats and 0 fat cheese (the white one , curddled? 13% protein) with milk sugar whatevs hits my fancy and thats the meal to get a sixpack
i convinced myself that i must be gay since i enjoy getting topped and i think about it all the time. but like, is there a chance that i'm not really gay and am simply addicted to anal pleasure?
>>38631571how do you feel about giving head
>>38631586idk. i'll do it if he likes it. i'm a noob though
>>38631513hot ngl did you keep in touch
>>38631571>>38631592you're gay and probably submissive too
>>38631513>oggleshould have described their bodies more, wet, muscilular, glustening>speedos shouldnhave described the pacage more...>characterwhy? to seem worldly?so u have a big coq?secscene was brutally short and lame...write like a woman!i cant jerk to this...
I was sexually harrassed at a bar the other day it was terrible :s
I'm currently in bed with a guy who just fucked me.He has a tiny dick so he was like "tighten that asshole so I can cum".Maybe I've been having too much sex and my asshole has gotten too loose.
>>38631531yeah sure post pole...
>>38631633so you have said... three times now...
>>38631641post hole...
hello :3
>>38631618there's no way you can know that with 100% certainty. i think if anal wasn't seen as "gay", a lot more straight guys would be open to experiencing it. some straight guys even have gfs who top with the strapon
>>38631641But it would hurt when I tighten. And he kept hitting the sides of my walls. I'm just never fucking a small dick guy.
>>38631644Ok? Are you monitoring everything I say now or what? I’m allowed to post what I want
>>38631641>>38631663is this u?
>>38631571"Gay" is a decision. You engage in homosexuality. Not the same thing. Maybe you like females too. Maybe you like females sexually but arent interested in their dating game. Which would make you functionally exclusive homosexual. Most people are going to call that gay. You might identify with it. Or maybe not. But if you are down for sucking dicks and taking it up the ass, the one thing certain is that you are really not interested in choosing a 'straight' life. As for finding a social tribe to cling to for whatever purpose that serves, its up to you. You can either try harder to be a better straight, you can join the snowflakes as some weird underground mutant narrative, which is a gateway to trans, you can be an idle bisexual, or you are completely free to choose nothing at all, since it will change over time anyways.However it seems you will choose to be 'gay' since you show some need to fish for a narrative to explain an interest in being sodomiized; the reason why isnt particularly relevant since you express no interest in abstaining from it for a more mainstream personal life.
>>38631688i aint reading that
i blame shiza for the trans plot line in squid games 2
>>38631641Hi Steve
>>38631702how can squids even be trannies
>>38631683no i'm just laughing as your story gets ignored for a third time sis
>>38631702Bro I can't believe they killed Thanos he was carrying so hard he could have been so much more of a piece of shit
where did delta go
she's with her wife sist
>>38631595nope, not sure what happened to him hope he is well nice dude>>38631631sorry, not much of a writer>bodies they all looked as you'd expect, slim, muscular, early 20s college students, not wet tho as they were mostly just supervising. Fairly tanned, most with darker hair. Speedos were a tight fit so you could see pretty much everything, not to disappoint, but his bulge was not massive nice little plump ass tho if I remember correctly. >to seem worldlykind of I was dumb and young, and once I saw that it piqued his interest, I leaned into it also, sort of to instill a sense of importance and that I was not better or anything but tougher, stronger, and more confident than him >a big coq bigger than him, but not massive, 6 inches or so sorry I couldn't help you jack off tho
>>38631723I find it flattering that you spy on me and obsess about me like that shiza. Like a true fan ;-)>>38631729Hi Debbie :-) are you excited for Donald trump becoming president tomorrow?
>>38631685obviously not. it is well known that i have a tight hole
>>38631770tops are so uncreative uwu
how can i actually fix my life, i am very scared cause i have to keep staying alive while living this mess..
>>38631655Don't laughibb co/v1vbt8P
>>38631618Its the same thing. I have never met or heard of a man who only tops who is only into males. Just gays that like to role play. Eventually they tire of it and just call themselves vers, or behave that way. The gay only top is, for the most part, a myth of circumstances, something invented to insist normal men who like hole are gay or gay adjacent by deliberately conflating a homosexual activity with being significantly attracted to men as if the psychological profiles bear any resemblance to each other; a man who get head from anyone pretty with a male compulsively driven to suck dicks.All of this is implied in the mysticism of the 'gay' gene which somehow coerces one into being attracted to men but with 'passive' and 'active' variants, thus leading to the idea that there are two pseudo-genders of the gay gene, which is how you eventually wind up in the rationale of the troon universe.Gays will tell you some gene mysteriously orients a mind towards males before the concept of gender makes any sense, but not why it can be situational, explained many other ways, appear at any stage of life, coincide with an attraction to females, and of course, my favorite, produce both tops and bottoms.Mostly I think it was just a ploy to appropriate the normalcy of "tops" otherwise it would be undeniable that all gays eventually reach a point where their behavior and judgment become increasingly bizarre, as one would expect of someone deciding to dedicate their life to aberrant adolescent experiences or thoughts.It doesnt make it morally wrong, just fraught with a lot of idiot excuses, all converging on a refusal to take responsibility for sexual habits.
>>38631787I'm excited to watch more right wing infighting and dicksucking, it's pretty funny and only going to get more pathetic.https://youtu.be/nb7fAEQaJwE
>>38631692Yep, gay.Gays arent really into thinking, as known.
>>38631868That’s great to hear deb :-) hang in there, all right buddy?
>>38631868Is it as exciting as losing the election, both houses, every swing state and the popular vote? That exciting?
wonder why a sociopath thinks he can mimmick normal people? it's due to a lack of self-awareness, common for those without a conscience
>>38631911drag shiza
>>38631911Say. Their. Names.
>>38631858loooool u dont know me eh niggeru have a surprisingly round ass , bluand tight little bbussy... do neger intestines look as pink as germanic ones?
>>38631892I'm in my corporate lane and thriving. The benefit to being gainfully employed is that there is an systemic bias against right wingers because they are low iq and can't get through college, like you>>38631899It's the same thing. Everything that happens now is the republican's fault. I'm as excited as when inbreds were having public meltdowns over being told to wear a mask.
>>38631861Not sure I 100% agree there anon. There is absolutely same-sex physical and romantic attraction to the male physique, one that is not purely sexual. I doubt it's solely genetic, though that, along with environmental and epigenetic factors probably account for why there is homosexual behaviour in various cultures and societies, sometimes very pronounced other times much less so. In general I have arguably anecdotal suspicions that power dynamics play a much greater role in sex for both men and women and I think it makes people rather uneasy - interestingly this is why I think so many women are into BDSM erotica and really horrific true crime shit.
>>38631993He may as well be a chatbot anon. You're earnestly replying to a guy who tried to solicit esex from an autistic homeless guy, and threw a public hissy fit when rejected.
>>38631991Sweety I study law and everyone who studies law or works at the big law firms are right wing. Right wingers earn more than left wingers on average.
>>38631991I love that Donald trump illegalized TikTok. That app spies a lot on its users and sends the information to the Chinese government
>>38632015>everyone who studies law or works at the big law firms are right wing>Right wingers earn more than left wingers on averageThanks for the laugh
gaming is a huge waste of time, time sinkbut like real life sucks and there is nothing cool to even do
>>38632015most lawyers are also alcoholic nutjobs not sure we should be taking political advice from them desu t. stressed out paralegal
>>38631861I will stab you if you top me sis. I will shoot you if you top me sis. You have been warned sis.
>>38632040I love that you care so much about US politics while being a 3rd world bum with 80 iq
imagine being so dumb to care for any politics at all lol lmao even
Maybe Xanthippe is an Indian dude betting on an H1B
i love being forced to bottom but im such a bottom i can't pretend to not want it so it makes the struggle feel fae
>>38631993>environmental and epigenetic factors probablyHow.
>>38632093I think that's what CNC is for
>>38632051Right wingers do earn more than left wingers hun. Why do you think right wingers want lower taxes and left wingers want more redistribution
>>38632093You are weak sis. He's not raping me without a bloody nose.
pls just kill me
>>38632100I think society can be very situational, so ancient Greece and Rome, where the dichotomies were more focused on active/passive partners. If you live in that world, I think a lot of men will engage in same-sex activity, especially where the lines are more blurred. Not an endorsement of sexuality in antiquity by the way they were fucking nuts but, nonetheless, interesting. I think the twin studies make for a good argument for why epigenetic switches here and there also play a part, but definitely an area that could do with more research.
>>38632092So what if I was Indian? What a weird comment
>>38632093My favorite part of my first time anal with drunk straight guy was that I couldn't hide that I liked it and knowing that he knew it since he knew he was my first. He didn't cum till I started pushing back. He chose missionary and I kept squeaking.
i am hungry
>>38632133yeah i've tried before but there's not much difference between play pretend getting raped and getting raped in terms of the actual physical experiences and responses, and playing it out as if it were rape makes it feel like that and it kinda sucks after>>38632159good for you, stay strong sis
>>38632093i'm pretty dominant in bed, but god rape kinks creep me the fuck out not something I could ever do. I do like the idea of a confident dude giving me a bit of lip or playful push-back until I pin him down and he gets all meek and obedient againbut yeah that's it
When we wake up tomorrow… Donal Trump is the leader of the free world. Hail Donald trump!
>>38632136>Why do you think right wingers want lower taxes and left wingers want more redistributionRight wingers want lower taxes to own the libs and because they are unironically low iq. I'm going to be maniacally laughing at poors suffering. Idk about the political/economic divide in whatever shithole you live in but in the USA, the right wing is the party of poor rural inbreds and the left wing is the party of well of virtue signalers.The right wing wants lower taxes because they think it applies to them (it doesn't, they are just low iq and easily tricked)The left wing wants redistribution because we want a more equitable society. If the poors want to stay poor, more power to them. I don't feel bad for people who do it to themselves.>>38632176Nothing weird about it at all. The right wing wants Indian immigrants to do the thinking work for them. Making America Great Again means replacing generational American workers with immigrants who are smarter and harder working with them. It's just business.
i can't believe trump really launched a crypto coin...
>>38632219Too bad you don't live in the free world Kumar
i forgot how fun firewalkwithme is>>38631858hey pumpkin, could u spank your ass real hard please and show if it gets red? always wanted to know ...
>>38632217thank you for reminding me i have to finish watching that show
u;n feek====
>>38632225Sweety statistics says otherwise. Namely that republicans earn more than democrats on average. https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/
>Gang of thugs jailed for launching homophobic attack on innocent victims – and dousing one in acidReminder gay retards voted for this
>>38632250squid game?
>>38632203I agree that it's off-putting. Maybe you just want more spontaneity? Ask your guy to just feel you up more and be more forward maybe?
>>38632175No, Im asking you to explain the connection between epigenetics and compulsive, involuntary same sex interest that excludes interest in females. Epigenetically or genetically.If environment is a factor, then of what use is the gene? If so, theoretically everyone could have this gene and only the environment would reveal expression.Which is the same as saying everyone is potentially gay, which means no one is gay, which means the gene is completely irrelevant.If there is a furry gene and fucking dogs is legal and therefore suddenly a lot of women start fucking dogs, of what use is it to say it is somehow genetic. People would seem to make their sexual risk decisions based on the perceived risk. Some people dont discover their favorite food until they are middle aged. Having a gene for taste buds is not causative.Either causality matters or it doesnt. If I can explain something without a need for some mysterious peptide chain that magically orients one towards a behavior that can be causally explained by other factors, any genetic component becomes irrelevant. Its like people who try to dodge by saying the brain is a sex organ by completely distorting the meaning of the word sex.
>>38632281girls hbo im not watching your korean crap!!
>>38632284y-yeah... maybe when i get a guy again.....
>>38632272>religious landscape studyAmong religious people, maybe yeaDemocrats are less religious, as are people with high IQ and income.
I just smoked weed out of a chinese guy’s ass. That makes me gay. That’s why I’m gay and I have a gay dick.
>>38630901I'm happy for you shiza.
>>38632278And somehow faggots have an Arab and mudslime fetish in my country.
>>38632272>>38632319Forgot pic
>>38632325ur giving me deja vu
>>38632319The illustrations aren’t for religious people it’s for the whole us population sweety. Did you look at the graphs? You know how to read a graph, right?
>>38632278>>38632342islamophobia isn't cute and arabs are actually hot.
>>38632363gigi , u ever felt melancholy for a time u didnt actively loved in?i sometimes long to be 18 in 1990 chicago or newyork, from the media...
how the fuck do I find a bfI've been stood up 5 times in 3 weeksall I ask is that they're disease and drug free and then they stop talking to me
>>38632399Ancient Greece would've been fun to live in
>>38632399I long to be an aristocratic explorer in Brazil in the 1800s
got a bunch of compliments on my outfit today people love when you get a little silly with it
>>38632405Attention, gaymers, the quoted post is a biboomer false flag
>>38632327thank you buggy!
>>38632437Those pants are fire
>>38632286There is no sole gene that will dictate sexual orientation, nor have I said otherwise. What is interesting is that there is evidence that some epigenetic component occurs that heightens same-sex behaviour and attraction - Why? Well, that's a question for evolutionary biologists. See here the various twin studies. This is not to say that a person will fit entirely into rigid boxes of "straight" or "gay" (this is a rather modern and recent way of viewing sexual orientation) but that it will heighten the preference greatly to the point where they will - in a particular society or culture - latch onto those identities, especially where it is their predominant form of romantic and sexual attraction. I have my own suspicions that most people lay in and around some sort of spectrum and any given environment/culture will either allow for that expression or inhibit it in some way.
>>38632437You look like a dork, you better have a cute face dressing all dorky like that.
>>38632372Yes sweetie I know how to read graphs I just also know how to contextualize them
>>38632399I feel like right now is a good time to be a gay Catholic sis. Considering how unpopular the Church is nowadays. I like to be contrarian.
>>38632460It’s so funny to me how despite democrats having longer educations they still earn less on average than republicans
girl someone feed deborah a big mac and shut her up
>>38632479This is why. I'm white btw.
>>38632456Im skinnyfat and mid>>38632399this is a bog standard answer but i loooove the 80s everything about it the music, movies, tech, clothes, furniture/interior design, i would have loved to live then, it seems like the perfect balance of technology where people used it for convenience & fun but their lives didnt revolve around screens like today
Democrats be like “acthually I have a post graduate degree in post colonial LGBT studies so I’m like really smart”
>>38632513you should meet my current professor. i think she's a grifter as she specialises in "lesbian issues" whatever the fuck that means
>>38632525Maybe she’s specialising to be a lesbian couple’s counseler?
>>38632506we have to fucking go back!!!!
>>38632513My degree is in a business field. Are MBAs woke now?
>>38632548Business degrees are for people who are bad at math and most liberals are bad at math
>>38632455For some reason, there are a lot of fags in my family tree. I have two male cousins who are also gay. My family came from background of severe poverty, hunger, and war. Also all the adult men in my family are girly whimps who simp over their wives and daughters. I think they had to rely on these family bonds to survive back in my homeland before they moved to America, but since I was raised in America, I see them all as backwards and weak. I guess many of the men in my family lineage felt too weak to survive on their own so they had to pass on cock-sucking skills to survive the jungle.
>>38632437for bravery i presume
Manifesting a bf through meditation
>>38632469thats not melancholy...
>>38632580You will get a bf one day, I promise :-) I’m manifesting it for you as well anon.
you can just tell when someone is full of red flags (or at least i can). it's a comforting feeling, knowing that i can protect myself from those kinds of people in society; being able to sense it instantly
>>38632437I would instantly ghost you if you showed up on a date like that. :)
>>38632586my reading comprehension is nonexistent sis.
>>38632506You're not that bad>>38632580Literally me
I put beer and weed inside my body and I kiss men I kiss women I drive, baby baby.
>>38632506i guess gayface is a thing
>>38632571makes me think of how i have a small penis and really strong bottom impulses, and how some ancestor somewhere must've been similarly afflicted, and i like to imagine being some roman nobleman's puer delicatus and that he loved me wildly i wished to be his but instead i commit suicide and he makes a painting or something instead
>>38632580Manifest a bf by going to a yoga class cuz any other guy there will be a fag>>38632621okay lol>>38632640thx
>>38632594There are many sociopaths out there. Take care sis
>>38632567Degrees in general are for liberals because conservatives are low iq
>>38632455>evidence that some epigenetic componentAgain, what are you calling evidence, and how?If I find that homosexuals per capita tend to be white, that doesnt mean being white causes homosexuality. There has to be a causal path. Finding a coincidence is far and away from causation.And yet you have faith that it has some validity. This is mysticism, faith in a theoretical idea.You then understandably water down the definition of homosexuality to once again include vast swathes of the population with no real criteria, most presumed instead of any actual evidence, as some vague nebulous group from any variety of experiences in any context for any period of time.So again, if anyone can be gay, then no one is gay and this gene, present or not, is irrelevant.I assume we both acknowledge that genetic expression does not necessarily rely on one gene. My point is that we are searching to find an answer in an explanation that we have no reason to suspect exists. We can perfectly well explain the formation of same sex attraction with no need of any physical molecular component. That people dislike the implications of that does not make it untrue.You begin to explain homosexuality and you end up indirectly implying the mirror image of heterosexual formation. No one is looking for a heterosexual gene though. And yet to have a genetic explanation for homosexuality, such a gene would have to exist in this premise.
>>38632547nah gritty grunge and heroin it is
pizza in the shizza
>>38632701Sweety the graph you’re showing is for professors not students who are taking a degree. And I think it’s impressive how republicans earn more despite being less educated. In the end the point of getting a degree is to get a decent income
>>38632729shut up
>>38632710thought pic was picrel lol
need hairy chested bf
>>38632748Shiza you turned conservative right? Or you still a socialist?
>>38632763UGH saem
>>38632772these are not conflicting views sis
>>38632731>the point of education is incomeThe point of education is not being retarded, a byproduct of which is a decent incomeRich republicans without degrees are most often the results of rich parents.
>>38632703... Also, a 'spectrum' is artificial and based on the artefact of there being two genders. Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not some opposite simply because there are two genders. There really is no "sexuality" at all. Its a word game meant to imply there is some relevance to each and every new discovered deviation in psychological profiles but one, heterosexuality.Nor does heterosexuality really exist outside a dubious academic desire to discuss male-female interest in pseudo-medical terms. We already can explain the causative reasons a boy develops to find females sexually interesting; we do not need genes to explain that either.Like homosexual interest, there is acculturation. Either a society does or does not encourage and reward family building behaviors in the developing minds, or it doesnt. If it does, than we see consequences. If it doesnt have consequences, then why do it. Likewise some cultures advocate homosexuality to youth, others dont. Again, there are consequences.So if we know all that, of what use is it to look for a genetic explanation where even the consequences of its theoretical presence are irrelevant. Its a pilpul, a discussion meant for the purpose of continuing a discussion on a matter for its own sake. One would only do this if the already established truth is in some way inconvenient towards a plan or narrative.
why am i cursed like this?
DEI is why everything is burning
Do gay guys get fucked up and watch football like straight guys?
>>38632789So you’re like a nationalsocialist kinda thing?>>38632794Just because you don’t have a university degree doesn’t mean you’re retarded. That’s a very elitist and out of touch view
>>38632748im a 30 year old german estromale and i met a drunk polish crossdresser at a gay bar in northern europe once, he showed me and my bf his grindri think that was actually you
>>38632835Debaser is a very out of touch individual. Can never be sure if he's pretending or not. He's that insincere.
>>38632763>>38632785now that's what i call men
>>38632835>Just because you don’t have a university degree doesn’t mean you’re retardedThat's true, being a poor republican (most of them) does though
>>38632838mhm>>38632835consult this graph
>>38632827Gay sports bars exist
>>38632703Why does everything you write sound like you vomited out a thesaurus, your point becomes increasingly less clear. The epigenetic element comes into play as when twins are born, and one is homosexual, the other does not have the same tendency at a 100%, yet they maintain homosexual behavior/linkage at a much higher preponderance than the general public. It's just one hypothesis, among many others. Epgientic "switches" are the best explanation for as you put it this "coincidence" There's copious research here and by all means you can just Google it. I cited this as one example, among many, at your request. I am not watering down anything - I have said point blank that I am critical of modern labels of "gay" and "straight" and explained my reasons here. What I am interested in is explaining same-sex behaviour and romantic attraction. Regardless, I am getting tired so good night.
>>38632827Gay guys like hockey a lot
>>38632827are u gae?
y are you gae?
Met a winter fairy and he was all like "let's go on a date to the ethereal gardens of Alara, the crystal caves of Zephyr, the floating islands of Serendip, and the whispering willows on the planes of tranquility" and then I shrunk down to the size of a pixie and rode on his back into the night sky.
>out with straight best friend and another gay friend of his>other gay guy gets a message from his ex>apparently i had messaged his ex on grindr before>and this guy thought we may have been on a date or something?>pretty sure the guy on grindr sent the other gay friend pics i had sent him (the guy on grindr)>pretty sure other gay friend showed straight best friend to laugh at them>tfw this was like a decade ago and i still think about it sometimes and cringekms>>38632899horrifying truth
>>38632938who said im gae
>>38632703I think same sex attraction could be used for procuring money and resources from other men, in a similar vein that women use sex. Possibly from environmental pressures, like war, hunger and famine. I can't really think of any other viable reason for this strange behavior. A rare mutation that persists.I do believe anybody can be gay given the environmental pressures are in place. Most of the societal forces push towards heterosexuality and masculine roles, but some slip through the cracks. I do believe it's possible to turn a straight man gay >>38630915and to turn a gay man into a heterosexual, but the amount of force that is required is cruel and inhumane to the subject.
>>38632896lmao that pic is great
>>38632948thats so profoundly beautiful
I hate friend havers so much
>>38632899That’s awesome >>38632919It’s a fun sport to watch>>38632925No I’m straight. Just bored and wandering 4chan
>>38632964u are gae
>>38632987post penis pls for inspection
>>38632919Can confirm my bf makes me go to hockey games oftenHockey is tolerable because the games are short lol
>>38632973friends are not real, no one really has friends, just acquaintances
>>38632571Im not sure if you are joking, but you may have accidentally outlined an evident explanation in learning same sex behavior. Homosexuality is a social strategy. It is antisocial in a macro sense, but prosocial on an individual level. It parallels the typical female social strategy of cooperation vs competition with males.However it usually expires in adolescence. That many maintain these strategies into adulthood as a result of ongoing ideas that were not relinguished earler should not surprise.It might be helpful to remember that when we are talking about male human sexuality, we are talking about a specific stage of life that excludes the time prior to puberty where social strategies are learned that will later inform sexual interest and excludes the period after sexual pursuit is more subdued and really just a holdover from youthful pursuits. No one expects to find any explanations for male sexual interest in the ideas or reflections of middle aged men.All the formation, the nidus occurs in adolescence and typically wanes in middle age, at which point it is assumed rather than practiced. The entire heterosexual life plan is based on "making hay while the sun is shining".Its also useful to remember that all this sexuality coincides with the human life span before modern medicine doubled it. So there is no reason to think the topic of male sexuality really extends beyond middle aged. We are typically focused on formation in adolescence, the prior pre-pubescent social strategies a male or female forms, and the ensuing execution of it until middle age. The lifespan of the individual as a whole is rather irrelevant. Thus a lifetime commitment to it would seem to deserve the same premise. Whether 'gay' or 'straight', one should consider the consequences of their sexual strategy as it informs the future, not just those years of peak pursuit. It would make no sense to decide these plans based soley on the exuberance of youth experiences.
>>38632948Tinkerbell boyfriend
>>38632938he was nice to me, and next thing ya know. it happens
>>38632949bad endingnow do the good one and neutral
>>38632999im gæ
>>38633021I hate friend Havers. Periodt.
>>38633013do u fit 5 seats?
i thought he was doing vocaroo now...
>>38633013Do you watch the Cincinnati Cyclones?
thinking about slurping cum like a fag
>>38633110The other Ohio C alliteration
>>38633197Cincinnati Cunts???
>>38632908>The epigenetic element comes into playAgain, its the same formula. There is never any causative path demonstrated. That would be evidence. Instead what we always get from gay gene arguments is:1. Genes!2. ????3. "And therefore gay!"The whole point is to insist there must be some physical determinate component when there is no need for one and other explanations are readily available. Its to move the discussion into science fiction relying on the ignorance of laypeople having faith in vague suggestions by researchers. Its as simple as this:1. I am going to study a link between homosexuality and cream cheese.2. Headline: "Researchers are exploring the link between homosexuality and cream cheese"3. "We could not prove there wasnt a link between homosexuality and cream cheese"4. Headline: "Researchers say cream cheese could cause homosexuality".Theres is never any evidence of an actual pathway. If it was causal to a minority of the population, it should stand out like a red thumb. But because it never does, the definition of homosexuality has to be broadened to some vague group of people from self identified gays to someone who looked at a dick in the shower once.Its the same with trans science. The irony is that if you did actually have medical evidence that linked a marker to trans, no trans would take the test because it would force their life narrative from being vague speculation into a physically observable determinant that would reveal that at least some made it up in their head.There are no girl ghosts living in the genes of trans, or pseudo gender orientations in the minds of gays. It is causal, formative and explainable without any need to keep repeating theories of genes. People make choices and emotionally connect to them based on their personality when allowed. Its no more complicated than that.
https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/1i543nu/how_to_get_into_a_festival_for_free/who is the guy with the sunglasses who looks like leo? kinda hot
The thing was putting off doing for over a month only took me 2 hours to do
>>38633208Columbus Clits
>>38633166abstain from sin, son!
>>38633218Evidence doesn't mean causalityNot reading the rest of your post because you're a blathering idiot
Did freshie kill himself last night? I checked out after the first couple schizo posts.
>>38633261i will abstain afterwards
>>38633166Real shit>>38633197Gay, the Cyclones are better.
>>38633208cincinnati mention !!
Gays drive electric cars?
>>38633290Actually they are worse because they are in Cincinnati and I would have to drive there
Skunk won
>>38633297This gay drives no cars because he finds it too stressful and he lives in a city anyway so it doesn't matter
>>38633261Abstain from jewish myths, slave
in the end i won nothing but misery
>>38633296>>38633304Cincinnati sweeps always.
>>38632965All of this is true and again goes back to being a pro-social behavior, cooperation, at the individual level.Whether it is straight women marrying men or binobos trading sex for food, its all basically the same behavior. Humans tend to intellectualize it into more complex narratives of domination/submission because of heirarchial themes in our society, but its basically the same thing.Animals engage in homosexuality and you can see it play out there as well. Until there is a scent or behavioral reaction, a rabbit approaching another rabbit with an erection has no idea if its about to mount a male or female, and the gender is irrelevant. Either the one being mounted moves or fights the intrusion or it doesnt. Males are more likely to perceive an attack.Straights constantly anthropomorphize this in nature specials, as if some dumb animal has some idea of gender or reproduction. A great deal of the "fighting" and rivalries you see between animals for sex are just finding out the other participant isnt interested in being mounted. Form follows function, so naturally a smaller weaker animal is going to favor cooperation rather than a physical challenge it is likely to lose. For many animals, that will be the female, humans included. Female humans were naturally selected to be smaller, because why would a male risk a confrontation it might lose.
>>38633329dont talk to me fatso
My dick is so retarded
>>38633166lolI always admired your sense of purpose.
>>38633337You seem to have mistaken me for someone who cares about sportsball when I just care about drinking beer with my bf and getting startled by the cannon>>38633361Jesus was an arab and you're a slave for jews
>>38633386sucks to be youmine is awesome>>38633395i refuse to be provoked
Wait the blue jackets aren't the cllippersThat's how much I don't care lol idk why I always mix them up
>>38633421>i refuse to be provokedlol<3
>>38633396Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever I don't care.https://youtu.be/D6UaplvdnWM?si=Q09d4Z5V8glDEOSI
>>38633396im a son of odin, u vile subhuman mutt fattard, even lynch timely hates u
>>38633440He sounds so much like Jeff Rosenstock
>>38633467You're the son of a dysgenic retard and the apple bla bla bla kill yourself loser
>>38633480>Jeff RosenstockPUP is Toronto Punk so that's probably where you're getting that comparison from.
>>38633615I've seen the name before and also had the same thought about other bands which isn't helped by the fact that he's in multiple bands lol