Don't let your memes be dreams edition.dead>>38571208Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno: don't care about the story as long as she draws porn: free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:>Name of comic>Link to it>Short description>Whether or not it's NSFW>Days it updates>Relevant tagsIf you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them:
I drive up and down one little 8000 ft mountain and the thread dies, baka.
Also, I was really tempted to make ethical rape whipped cream filling as the OP, but I don't think its the best for our optics to have front and center. Good job nonetheless.
>>38637307Fug, I had a chance to save the thread, but I was hit with that stupid 15 min timer and it was too late by then.
>>38638227Can't wait for Allison to somehow squander all of that.
>>38638227>trowaway joke is appreciatedlife is worth living again.
>>38637368CU l8r boi
>>38641666>oops haha, how did this "blonde twink gets railed by stud" video get on here>i'll change it back to the science cha- unless...
Monday Mampf
>>38644017A Martin Luther Mampf jr
>>38641638Shuno wears the pants in relationships that don't even exist. What a chad.>>38645017One must imagine a world where the black twinks and white twinks come together to read gay webcomics.
>>38645858Goddammit, I hate this nipple erasure
>>38646823We need to start editing the njipples back into pictures.
>>38647681Will they at least smooch before the inevitable departure.
>>38650042surely there will be 200 pages of filthy fish sex
>>38653155always nice when there's a plot twist in a webcomic that wasn't so obvious it doesn't count as a twist.also nice when a hiatus has content.
>>38653155holy shit
>>38653155Very good cliffhanger for the end of the first chapter. Genuinely surprised by that ending.
>>38653155Absolute kino
>>386531552025 confirmed as Year of the Key Twink
>>38653104Has here art gotten worse, I don’t remember it looking that bad?
>>38654279Not that I have noticed, but it wouldn't surprise me if she is phoning it in now that she has that Netflix money.
>>38653155Twinks really can solve everything
>>38654621I mean look at the proportions in the last panel, apocalypse domestic life~>>38653155best comic
>>38653155Has Cinderella Boy been elevated to Waifu Tier yet? I feel like at this point that's deserved.
>>38656232It was promoted with three votes in favor, the wiki probably still needs updating though. I've finally reached Oregon today, so I should have more time to update soon~
>>38656314Praise be to Adrian
>>38641638Somebody get Shuno an "I made your dad a bottom" t-shirt
>>38653155>stagtown is somehow getting a film adaptationsurely gay keys can't be far behind
>>38659378Good for Punko, I didn't know she had another comic, will have to check it out.
>>38659742More than one other, in fact. I think Stagtown is still the better story, but that might just be because it's complete and her actual wheelhouse is gothic/horror, not cotton candy homosexuals. It's not really suited for this general due to its gay content being extremely tangential.
>’s really funny that they are making such a hoopla about this brother job, and than he’s an assistant sales manger lmao
>>38653155Well done, Ms. Fujo comic lady! Well done indeed. giving off big dumb-twink energy/gang autism this update.
>>38664177A second sniff
Ari sniff
>>38665856>perky small topHnnnnnggggg
>>38665990Short top is fantastic honestly
>>38665856Small tops are so nice, you can feel there inferiority complex in every stroke
>>38665856Ari bless
>>38661557I wish I had roid delts like like the stereotypical fujo-drawn top.
>>38668252i wonder how many ships have been built off a twink's surprisingly broad shoulders
>>38668252I wonder which of them you consider to be the top
>>38656314I can update it to it's proper status, gimme a min to have some coffee and wake up a bit
>>38671701Well done
Submissions have been added, wcg synced to wcgtest. Will update waifu tier once I've eaten
All syncs and updates complete. Thank you to the two(?) anons that added stuff to the Gay Tier, you guys are amazing>>38672217You're a treasure UwU. I thought I could get an apartment with 6 years of rental history, a good credit score, and a decent chunk of money in my acount, but apparently proof of income is the most importan thing, fuck the police. Oh well, guess I'll get an air bnb until I find a job (all of the extended stay hotels here are MORE expensive than the air bnb fml).
> this episode is rated 18+
>>38672792If purchasing, positive rental history counts for FHA loan worthiness. If renting, I'm sorry. Landbastards to the pyre.
>>38673168Time to put this comic in smut tier. Not one, but TWO handholding scenes. I am consumed with lust.>>38673355May they all go to a very special hell.
>>38670407I mean, it's a webtoons comic. Does anyone really fuck in those?
>>38673630No but it could be implied fucking like pg 13 tv
>>38673630I mean the creator of Boyfriends does porn comics for her characters, so it can happen outside of the comic itself.
>>38673700Sounds like "No," with extra steps.
>>38668252All this discussion from a post that doesn't even make sense. Neither protag in Our Walk Home is jacked in the slightest, and their proportions are mostly fine. I thought anon meant to quote the Ari post, but Ari ain't no fujo and his musculature is on point and delicious at that.
>>38673168This made me sad.
>>38674032Isn’t beautiful how true art can make us feel emotions
> yeah got an apartment~~~
>>38674366Yes, actually, but I didn't want to get sad. disclosure: I saw this page before making last page's filename.
Alt text:>They could be hit by a tornado and Noah would be like "we fuckin after this"
>>38681538I guess it was partially visible in the previous pages, but just noticing Noah's 69 jersey now. What a horny little twink, no way he isn't servicing the whole damn circus.
>>38682081Touch base? Is this an USian idiom?
>>38682233yep, common saying in burgerland
>>38682233Its when you touch the base of a penis with your lips
>>38682233Yes, it means "come back and talk about this later." It comes from baseball.
>>38683618Maybe knot?
>>38682595Not convinced...>>38682317I knew it.
>>38683618there are some locked patreon posts maked nsfw so theres some sex coming up but shes also having some sort of medical thing so shes paused patreon until mid february presumably once she runs out of backlog pages shell be on hiatusalas
>>38683618'd hoped Marcos would maybe stand up for himself, put the dukelet in his place, but I guess Atlas literally has to do everything.
>>38689048this reminds me of something that happened to me. does anyone wanna hear my story
>>38689613Did your dad fuck a Satyr? Were you accosted by a salty dukelet?
>>38689613Come on don’t tease us like that
>>38678866I like this shit stirer
>>38689048Omg I love him
>>38689892>>38690951>>38691507I was around 21 years old. I had a puerto rican boyfriend. he wanted to introduce me to his grandmother. we went over to her house and there were a ton of kids all lined up in the living room watching TV, and grandma was doing pentecostal faith healing on people in the back of the kitchen. he took me upstairs to a bedroom where he was supposed to fetch his little dog. we waited for things to die down.then he took me into the kitchen to see the short old lady. "grandma, this is anon." and she looked up at me with these wide innocent eyes. in the sweetest little grandma voice, "is dis yo fren hu yu come ova to his ouse to ave sex wit heem?" I could not believe what was happening. and he said "no you're thinking of the other anon. let's go."
>>38693383Gosh bless. Would commit federal crimes for a Puerto Rican BF.
>>38693699he liked black people music too much and all he cared about was vidya and he asked me to open the relationshib because I wouldn't do more extreme things to him even though he had ulcerative colitis and shouldn't have been doing those things
>>38692168Junkies on wifebeaters IRL are not hot and ripped like this!
/wcg/'s meme magic must be growing stronger, we appear to have summoned an update.
>>38694914Also, this is now tangentially a fish-fucker comic.
>>38694925Would you, anons?
>>38695577All jokes aside, only if it's a mer; I'm sure a curious enough octopus could jerk you off, but I wouldn't want to risk an encounter with their beak if they decided your cock looks like food. Webcomics.
>>38696452Would you fuck a merfolk that's half octopus, like Ursual from "Little Mermaid", but based on a cute twink instead of a fat drag queen.
>>38701329I think the author means his boxing record. I don’t know if it’s the author being a woman, and not knowing sports, or Pepper embarrassing himself tho.
>>38697694Obviously. Shame that all the octopus mers in Castle Swimmer are women, hope that comic comes back soon, tho.
The Paranatural Wrist Curse strikes another comic creatorAlt text:>There are better places to keep your keys, in hindsight
>>38702004Not any less embarrassing than scarface not owning clothes that fit him. There's "buying a size down to show off" and then there's this dork.Something about the art style is really off too. It's like they've never drawn a man before.
>>38701329I'm trying to see it but the big one just looks like a butch lesbian to me
>>38704692I mean he haven’t seen „his“ dick yet only the little one so anything is possible
>>38705471Do you think he's got a double?
another sniff
>>38709831We will not be drowned, but float ever on to find a BF, whether in water or on land.
>>38703478Why's the guy with the phone blurred out.
>>38710664the comics are diegetic videos and he didn't consent to having his face showed.
>>38706975No I’m thinking more of a zero
>>38705471in the omegaverse au the author made with these donutsteel characters a few years back (??????) ken has a dick but who is to say theyre not a woman now alas we live in trying times cw: disgusting fishy boy vagina >
I think cuntboys are hot and I'm getting real tired of anons being little whiny bitches every time Puck's stuff gets posted.
>>38713163You're on the wrong thread.
>>38713163lmao i can jerk it to it but come on shes a weird fetish artist who should frankly revel in the scorn>people can't stop talking about this guy! he's arrived! that should be her every time she gets mocked for being a strange horny freakembody your truth! be the best you can be ! 4real do not put literal vaginas in your gay webcomic you dumb hentai-brained fujoshi mongrel cunt
>>38715368reminded of the irritation of weeding the vaginas out of the gay porn on ao3. we didn't have to do this 10+ years ago, when people weren't constantly using "trans" as a cover for their hetshit.
>>38713163Sorry I just hate heteronormativity in my bl
>>38711365>omegaverseJesus christ, fucking dropped. Makes sense they're a demented ftm though, the artist clearly has no idea what an actual man looks like.
>>38717451>>38716293>>38711365>omegaverseWhat is?
Hiatus episode>
>>38718078>What is?GodIWishThatWereMe.jpg
>>38718702Well then...>>38718947Someone vote deacon for me.
>>38718947>finally a chance to fuck deaconBut the Chairman is obviously the secret route.
>>38718947We would be living in heaven if other authors hat the work ethic of Punko
>>38718947>the hiatus has more stuff and isn't just them disappearing for months at a time
>>38722310Good filename.
>>38723653>look how much pain you're in!Ah, the loving sadism the only a sibling can provide. She may not understand rape at all, but she gets siblings.
>>38724811A second sniff
>>38718947>>38719871Sadly Buddy is way ahead of Deacon, 7200+ votes against 4400+ votes for now :*(I think Deacon is waay cuter and waay more endearing than Buddy, but I'm afraid the female readership does not see it that way
>>38726465People are always going to pick the tsundere
>>38726954>>38726465Indeed, goth woobie will always win a hamplanet poll, but they are fools for the simple reason that the comic is ALREADY locked into the Buddy route.
>>38727021Gasp.We've been bamboozled!
>>38726465>+7200 buddyFujos were a mistake :(
>>38726465>>38727824I voted buddy and I’m proud
>>38730465You dishonor this general!
>>38731087But bossy tsundere twink make my dick go hard
Zockeranon here, I'm back!I'm so sorry for disappearing, especially since I stopped posting while Felix and Tobias were mid-fuck. Life and work just got super busy, and I stopped coming here as often as I used to. Good thing you guys are used to a hiatus xDI caught up with the last two threads but I'm afraid I missed a few Kaito Shuno episodes in the threads before that :( How will I ever recover?
>>38731366Things are still busy on my end, but I'm able to start posting Zocker again. We were at the start of chapter 4. Felix and Tobias were playing Magic and having sex while Tobias's flatmate was away.I can give a summary of the previous episodes of chapter 4, or start posting the whole of chapter 4 again (like a reboot, yay!). Up to you guys, if you have a preference?
>>38731310Understandable but still disappointingPic not related- says it's GL but it also looks like low-quality Korean manwhaI won't be reading it but I got a chuckle out of this Webtoon recommendationAlso has the one with the werewolf twink updated while I was away?
>>38731366Did she learn how to draw peepees?
>>38731388The dick in this particular sketch >>38731366 is surprisingly okayBut generally speaking, no :*(It makes me wonder how wonky her boyfriend's dick must be, if she's using him as a template
>>38718947Crazy how she can do weekly updates and inter hiatus contend and never miss a week. Meanwhile the our walk home author averages one update per month of a series that is supposed to update weekly. I guess some people are just not built for it
>>38731408Imagine having your primary purpose in life to be a dick template. That's got to be a lot of pressure.
>>38733281I wouldn't mind, and I'm available. Where do I sign up?
>>38732538In fairness, people's circumstances are wildly different, and so are their motivations for creating a webcomic. So not all artists have the possibility and the willingness to update frequentlyPunko also has a team of assistants
>>38723653>>38724907She has yet to take Shuno's seminar on dating as an ethical rapist
>>38733466I saw her recent video about horses, and apparently she only has one assistant, who does basic coloring? They're also credited in the logo. I think she's just efficient from experience. This isn't her first weekly comic, and she knows to use computer aid to deal with the added visual density compared to her older stuff.
>>38734746I seem to remember multiple names besides hers in Cinderella Boy's credits, but I may very well remember wrongIn any case, experience plays a huge part, I agree
>>38734701A second, perhaps seductive sniff
Live damn you.
>>38734000>ynw have your ethical rapist bf cherish your booty in front of your family;_;
>>38733430Who has the best penis for modeling in the general?
>>38740083Mine is small and I have phimosis if that’s what you’re into
>>38740083Mine is average size, straight and a bit tight
>>38731373I think if we start an episode or two behind, that will be enough to catch people up.
>>38734000End of Chapter 37
Nothing updates on Thursdays I see
>>38743572To be honest updates very second Thursday
>>38743706Which Thursday is it now?
>>38742159They just left their dog alone for a whole week?
>>38744212The one it’s not updating on
>>>38743572Ava's Demon does (On the rare occasions when it is updating)
>>38741411Let's do that, it's a good ideaOregontrailanon, did you move to California permanently? That could be good for bumping the thread when it's too late at night in Europe
>>38731366>>38731373I got things mixed up, we're actually in chapter 5 of Zocker, not 4. Gome!In chapter 1, Felix stalks his gaming buddy Tobias in Hamburg and later tracks him down at the moored ship where he has been attending a wedding celebration. The boys meet in person for the first time, despite Tobias's initial reluctance
>>38746062In chapter 2, "Unplugged", Tobias spends a few days during the holidays at Felix's house. They grow closer and Felix realizes he has a crush on Tobias. At a beach party on the river Elbe, Felix leans in for a kiss, but Tobias backs off in surprise. Dejected and afraid of losing him, Felix resolves to being just friends, as before
>>38746091In chapter 3, "Reloaded", Tobias shows up unannounced at Felix's house after school. Felix's friend Timo and his cousin Nina take them both to Hamburg's funfair before Tobias can explain why he's here. The atmosphere is awkward, as Felix has been trying to get over Tobias and tries to put some distance between the two of them out of fear to make Tobias uncomfortable again. During a water pistol fight, Tobias kisses Felix out of the blue. Later on, on the way to the train station, he tells a very confused Felix that he was in Hamburg for university entrance exams, and may move here. The two boys have a fight as they try to put words on their feelings and address what happened earlier and at the beach. After some hesitation, Felix goes for a kiss, and Tobias lets himself be kissed. They make out, and Tobias nearly misses his train
>>38746062i know the increasing height difference is a bit of a gag, but this is getting out of hand
>>38746107Chapter 4, "Level Up", is from Tobias' perspective, whereas the previous ones were told by Felix. Tobias is moving to Hamburg with the help of his older brother Daniel, his mum, his new flatmate Riccardo, and Felix. After a trip to Ikea and seeing the family off, Tobias and Felix end up together playing video games in Tobias' new room. Felix, exhausted from studying for his exams, wants to go home, but Tobias, overwhelmed by the change in his life and not wanting to be alone, keeps finding excuses to hold him back. After a while, frustrated that Felix doesn't pick up his admittedly very unclear signals, Tobias simply kisses him, and they end up having sex for the first time
>>38746126XDI made that image by concatenating two images, so I think they were probably not to scaleFlix does have to stand on his toes to kiss Zockl though, it's adorable
>>38746126Big zockl can't hurt you.
>>38744806Perhaps the fujoshis from next door looked after him.>>38744900F
>>38746333i recognize this fetish
>>38746651>tfw no giant smelly gamer shark bf named adrian with two dicks to ethically rape you in your chest hole while inside your illogical spaceship blimp while serving potatoes while dinosaurs laugh and all the russian twinks get gulaged at a german shota boarding school and the american shota high school gets time looped again and wingjobs never happen even though the vampire and the finnish twink arent gay they just like doing that stuff and we havent gotten the werewolf twink update and putting that aside weve yet to even sniff
>>38746769I hate that I understand all of these memes xD
maybe back to work on sniffing in March, she says
>>38747535>maybeI don't believe it.
>>38747985that's when her contract work ends or something.then she'll discover a new game and become obsessed and start drawing fanfart for that instead.
>>38746769My body is ready.
>>38748390just noticing i typed fanfartbut i'm going to stand by my allegation
>>38746333179 cm vs 180 cm.
Apologies, but probably won't be able to check the board or work on the wiki as often. Currently working on backup plans for leaving the US, but they're trying to deny our passports and keep us trapped here. I'm in contact with the French embassy to try and figure out how to get out.
>>38750257have you tried threatening them with gender shenanigans
>>38750282The problem is that im cis. There's not much I can do. Reality is that I have long hair and 10 days in this is now the reality of the US
>>38750363if it's just getting your person out, can you go to canada and fly from there? it's a little weird to me that authorities would be trying to block someone leaving on a different country's passport unless they're wanted for a crime.
>>38750399Can't currently get into Canada. They take your birth certificate with the passport application and haven't returned it. Applying for a new one for him, luckily I had an extra copy of mine.
>>38750408oh, you're trying to get one? that can be a pain. i think when i moved i used an expedited method. these days i have two and if i need to travel i use what's simpler.
>>38750452We expedited it too. Still no luck. All passport applications marked "suspicious" for gender ideology are indefinitely set aside. So we may never get our birth certificates back unfortunately. Ah well. I'm going to look into getting Canadian visas for us. They have an expedited process for healthcare workers, since they need skilled labor
>>38746769why live
>>38746333>>38748796You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
Alt Text:>Jules there was a deepthroating joke right there and you missed it. I'm disappointed in you son
>>38750257>>38750363>>38750408>>38750533oOoI'm so sorry to hear that uwuanon! I hope it resolves fast and you can leave. Spending some time abroad is a good thing to do in life anyway regardless of political circumstances, so why not now that the haters run the show?France is a good place to live and work as a whole, good quality of life on average, large and diverse country to visit. I've been thinking about moving back there in the next few yearsOtherwise, the UK has been a good home to me, I like it here, and I just read in the press that they are giving out visas to foreign healthcare workers like crazy to keep the ailing National Health Service afloat. It suffers from chronic underfunding and has been gutted by the Conservatives in favour of their private sector pals, so wages are low, wards are understaffed, and work is difficult. I'm not sure I'm painting an attractive picture for you... Brexit was five years ago today, and its promise of £350 million additional funding for the NHS failed to materialize. Faced with a shortage of Eastern Europeans, the government is importing healthcare workers from all over the world, especially from former colonies in Africa and Asia. In one of the most amusing blowbacks of Brexit, legal immigration to the UK is now no longer predominantly white.
>>38750699I could, but would I?No, no I don't think I wouldAlso,>filenameInferior Win32 API user detected!
>>38746062>>38746091>>38746107>>38746149Chapter 5, "Friendly Fire", opens with Felix showing Tobias how to play Magic: The GatheringTo catch up:English: episodes in chapters 4 and 5:
>>38752508After his roommate Riccardo leaves to go and play sport with a friend, Tobias throws Magic out of the way and starts making out with Felix...
>>38752517Things escalate quickly...
>>38752523Felix suggests having butt sex...
>>38752534An initially reluctant Tobias suddenly becomes very keen when he understands he'll be topping...
>>38752542Due to the boys' inexperience, the sex is sadly not a great success...
>>38752552Riccardo comes back but thankfully does not walk in on them...
>>38752562Instead, he starts preparing food in the kitchen and making conversation with Tobias while Felix starts sucking off Tobias behind the bedroom door
>>38752578Let's resume with Tobias's dick in Felix's mouth
>>38752599(What Felix is wearing on his head is Tobias's tank top fyi)
>>38752508It's back! :D
>>38752697>holds up toaster
>>38752148Thanks for the tips! Looking mostly into Canada rn, closer to home and I don't think I could leave my mom. In post-surgery with her right now. Would love to at least go see France, I have family over there that I've never gotten the chance to meet. Still need to learn French and work on getting all my French documents
Friday Sniff
>>38757154This is so ancient even I haven't read it
>>38752643DO cum in his mouth!
> used to pray for times like this
>>38762602NiceI remember watching the anime and finding it fairly boring unfortunately
Trigger the anti-smoke anon sniff>>38766298Grrrr, I'm so angry right now.
>>38766298I really want to make a censor out of this image but a lot of the magic is in the background light so cutting it out wouldn't work :*(>>38766818This comic would be so good if the author went back to art school to learn things such as shading, perspective, or volumes
>>38754094It's a laptop xD>>38753163Sorry I was away for so long>>38754982No worries, hope your mum gets well soon!
>>38764141ive been shaving it all lately, do you guys prefer a well kept happy trail?
>>38767619I want to french kiss a boy right now so bad
>>38767655>>38767653Do me! do me! I volunteerI don't have a happy trail like anon >>38767617 thoughI wish I had but it'd probably look rubbish like the rest of my body hair though
>>38767617They call me Percy Fawcett the way I’m exploring that jungle
>>38767695Oh no! Turns out Tobias has sexy voice
>>38767713Sexy voice makes me melt, I can relate
>>38767748End of the thread! Do we have a new OP pic?
>>38766298>>38767498I tried nonetheless, expect this censor to be used in an episode of Zocker later
>>38767754>Do we have a new OP pic?I've got one, I just need to wait those stupid 5 minutes.
>>38769547Ok, done.>>38769640
>>38767754My submissions