ask me anythingadvice: don’t end up like me
>>38656430Why are you still boymoding?
>>38656482short answer: comfortable and complacent, living with parentsi tried a couple times
>>38656499Do your parents know you’re trans?
>>38656430“Boymoding” makes it seem like you could become a woman and choose not to. But thats not the case, is it?
>>38656430i am on the path to becoming like you>ask me anythingfavorite animal?
>>38656541i told them and they got mad. not sure if they just pretend i’m not anymore or if they think i stopped but it doesn’t come up.>>38656588who’s to say?>>38656637don’t become like meumm i like goats and ferrets and giant squid and foxes and teddy bears
>>38656430to what extent do you agree or disagree with the phrase "boymoding is a type of repping"
>>38656686Anon, why are you such a sad, self-loathing piece of shit? :)
>>38656808boymoding is repping on steroids, quite literally
>>38656808well over time i’ve considered what i’m doing to be hrt repping more and more. i guess it depends on your frame of mind, how you identify, and where you’re expecting to go.>>38656819idk. undiagnosed autism in childhood?
allow me to spread moar wisdom:no taking baby steps, they will just be integrated into neutral “man” things. i see women’s jeans, concealer, and eyeliner all as man things now. you must take the plunge.
>>38658405what about trained voicewill that too become a "man" thing?
>>38658610i have done very little voice training but recently i have been confronted with people saying my natural voice passes even tho ya i do consider it man voice
how did you convince yourself to transition as opposed to repping forever? my dysphoria isnt agonizingly depressing the way others describe so i think i could live like this, but if i change my mind i need to do it like now while im still a teen lest I regret it down the road.
>>38658685i didn’t really have any other ideas, i was very naïve about everything. i had dysphoria from a young age and i found out about transition around 12/13 and said “okay, this is what i have to do”if you have dysphoria and are trencher i say go for it, live for yourself and such things. but ya, do some thinking
you look and sound just like a girl though i refuse to believe anyone thinks you are a boy
>>38658748i find it hard to believe people don’t, and harder to believe y’all can’t believe that
>>38658723do you ever regret making the decision, like “fuck i should’ve stayed normal” or not at all?
>>38656430can you post pp pics and/or diaper pics please?
>>38659029i can’t imagine a timeline where it didn’t happen. and i’d probably be dead if otherwise>>38659127uhh maybe if i have time and we reach our subscriber goal ya we’ll see
>>38656686lol what your parents actually pretend like you're not transthat's pretty crazy
>>38656430this is a cool album cover
>>38659202it’s not like it’s something that would come up. the issue just kinda went away. i have no idea what they actually think.>>38659216why did blahaj do it??? DDDD:
>>38659362what pronouns do your family use for you? do you have siblings?
>>38659362hey shutup and post pp pics ok? i don't want to read words that you write i just want to see your pp
i will impart more wisdom:no one’s gonna come up and tell you “wow you’re not a girl?”. i know you’re waiting for it.and even when it does happen, as it sometimes does, you will find some way to discard it, discredit it, decide it doesn’t really count and you’ll come up with a new milestone or benchmark that once you reach THEN you’ll finally girlmode.>>38659372he/him. they don’t even know my “name.” i have two sisters, i came out to one, she was supportive. but we don’t talk anymore.>>38659393anon don’t tell the rest of the board but i don’t have a pp i’m a cis girl okay shh i’m sorry tho maybe one day i’ll get a pp just for u
>>38659486why don't you talk to your sister who was supportive anymore?
>>38659527idk why we don’t talk. funny cuz we live together. it’s my fault, i don’t even look at her. and i don’t even think she was all THAT supportive anyways
>>38659539maybe you should try to reconnect with her
>>38659548we were never very close. i just wanna get away from my whole family now, they’re kind of a write off
>>38659566you should talk to your sistersolder family might be weird about it, but I bet your sisters would accept you
>>38659584nah i’m not going to do that what i’m going to do is go to bed
>>38659600yeah I didn't mean right nowmaybe sometime in the future though
>bring MEF to the us to live with me>fix her back with backshots >MEF punches me out of anger>call her a woman for not controlling emotions >make out passionately and fix her back again > go to bed and repeat until I die
>>38659603what?>>38659606they probably know i wore their clothes so i kinda just wanna get away from them due to shame
>>38659648>they probably know i wore their clothes so i kinda just wanna get away from them due to shameI think they'd probably be happy to accept you
>>38659661i think they fully see me as a guy
>>38659672I bet they're the only people in your family who don't
>>38659678they really don’t
>>38659678i meant they really don’t see me as a woman i’m going to bed
>>38659726uh huh well you should at least try
>>38656430manmoder at that point desu
>>38659736nah>>38659754what’s the difference?
Go to bed Meffy. Please rest
>>38656430I hate you. You were given good genetics and instead of using them as you actually want to, you throw yourself into the misery pit with the rest of us hons for no reason
>>38661898i’m working>>38662059i am a scared person
>>38662059oh and also becoz i am a misogynist
>>38656430hell yeah i just had my 5 year boymodeversary, what can i expect of the year to come?
>>38664386you start to grow content
>>38664425i hope i do
>>38664548molly helped