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Personal Jesus
ftm or manmoder?
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It's joever
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This picture reminds me of my high school gf. She looked like the blonde girl with the fat boobies. I know Hitler and I have autism and I'm wondering if I can use gay boys or trannies in some way to help me escape poverty. What a dumb fantasy. I should be doing something productive but everything is setting me off currently so I'm just trying to calm down.
you have girl eyes and a soft chin, and your hair/hairline looks healthy, I bet you could pass
I'm 15 months on estrogen and I'm 6'1
god she's so hot
well you manmode and that's a close up. I'm not trying to hugbox you but I'm not going to tell you to kys just because you have to present masc for now. tall girls are cute btw
you're actually supposed to respond to each other in these threads
pass besides nose
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hi passgen. i got a haircut on saturday, cut and roots and color refresh. i liked it during the process and for about two hours after we were done. then i looked in the mirror and cried and cancelled all of my plans for the night and stayed home for six consecutive days.
does it look awful? i feel even worse than i did beforehand. still have an unfixable manface but now i am stuck with hair that i can't manmode with.
i wanted to cut it all off. it's not too late. please motivate me to cut it all off.

you look like a slightly effeminate man, maybe a bit of gayface. i assume ftm? i think you mostly pass but you might not stand up to scrutiny, or you may have trouble passing if your body isn't up to snuff.
woman with thick brows. i don't see anything here that would clock you. what individual features are you worried about on your face?
short hair woman, you could manmode if you really wanted to but it would be a fragile manmode. and you'd need different glasses, explicitly masculine ones.
you don't say you're manmoding so i assume you are not manmoding. so all of this is to say you can pass if you use the right styling
but then again your pics have gotten posted ad nauseam lately so i have to wonder is this really you returning to the board? or someone else posting your pics?
maybe pass, issues i see are beard shadow and maybe forehead/hairline height under your bangs
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Birthday boygirl! Friend I hold very dear gave me this plushie

if ftm pass

id say pass, maybe clocky hair kinda but that's a stretch

cute, idk if pass
the glasses and nose ring make you look nuts
it's not fucking beard shadow, fuck this is the second time I've been asked here this week
I just have pale skin and the camera picks it up as grey, if I had beard shadow it wouldn't even be dark like that
nuts how? in a manly way?
You are very beautiful
maybe this photo has better lighting? idk

how joever is it?
and what should i do to improve? i think doing something with my brows could be a start lol

t. grammys spare bedroom poster
cute as fuck
like you'd stab me in my sleep if you stayed over
problem glasses
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i literally just look like a twink at best and a full-fledged man at worst
i don't know why i even tried
You need to fix your hair and stop boymoding for real
shape your eyebrows
You do not look like a man in a wig. At all.
Where's the boy? Happy birthday btw
You look like a former incel baby trans. Start doing makeup, shape your brows, wearing feminine clothes, and getting your hair done
oh that's fine
i just wear them because i like them. as long as they don't look more masculine im ok with that. the masculine contrast is what im afraid of.
My dick smells like fish, do I pass?
I'm making the people who post ITT do lewd things with each other in my imagination.
what am I doing?
Thank you
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i know, black knight
you dropped your name again
Drinking my cum out of another girl's ass.
I'm bottom tho :/
Shut the fuck up bitch. Do the dishes.
Nearly forgot the day too!
I think I need to set reminders...
Is this actually passgen something don't feel right
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Apparently there is a Passgen and Assgen at the same time.
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isn't it thursday? i guess not down under, anyway lmk if im NGMI
ugly moid award goes to me

pass i think, kind of theyfab coded
pass, ur hair looks nice and u definitely don’t have manface
“full-fledged man” and it’s just a woman, pass
not sure whether pass but u look pretty in this pic
upside down pass, cool hoodie
unsee /album#qC6WERMo8K2n

I don't know why I'm bothering posting this, I know what the answers are going to be.
I know I need to unfuck my face especially my nose and birthmark, but I can't tell if I look like an ugly woman or an ugly man.
Various anglesfrauds of how bad my nose curves.
>ask people to rate you
>can't view it
double digit iq
literally just a woman. and not an ugly one, you are cute. very pretty eyes and i like your nose a lot, actually.
i think your birthmark is cute. but that is my opinion from an outside perspective. it is distinct, and i think distinct features like that are inherently a plus, but if you dont like it i totally understand.
i think you pass. if you want to prove otherwise consider a video, but i suspect you will pass in the video too.
your unsee isn't working for me. did you set it to one view only?
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>>38676376 rating

pass as always! I think your haircut fits you, it stands out but how wouldn't it :3

english teacher pass

total pass I'd kill for that face type, cute awawa

no pass, honestly if you just had well kept hair you'd pass. Face is alright, longish midface, but features are femenine

pass, boyish look in a tomboy sense. No ugly moid yes serious foid
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I know what I am

pass just a little funky
pass, kind of a theyfab vibe
yes you pass dummy. the haircut looks good

You aren't allowed in the thread.
you're hot
t. chaser
happy birthday!
your eyes, lips and eyeliner are literally to die for. and im obsessed with your hair color. is that your natural color?
extremely easy pass, 100% i see no clockiness
pass mostly
you're actually crazy levels of passing. your hair is amazing
See >>38676551
It's not just a statement.
It's a thread rule.
You are super cute. You should come say hi in chasergen. Here: >>38673463
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ur good
shut it
i hope u get better, you look like a full woman
The ideal version of self. I wish i was you
liv agar

forgot to say happy birthday sorry, happy birthday !!
you just look like a cis dyke and honestly a pretty hot one
pass but you have femboy waist, body fat% too low to pull off this weight. e should help if it's been less than a year, otherwise try putting on 10-15lbs, you'll pass better. it should help with breast growth too
jawhon. start saving up for ffs
you look like a recovering emo bihet cis girl i used to know. pass
Why do people act like this?
Whos sitting behind you 'zelf
I saw someone who looked like you irl a couple days ago. it was terrifying
i genuinely just see a man
>recovering emo bihet
what does this even mean
what do people expect when they say this? do trannies just post their pics in chasergen for attention?
pass but you look like a bpdemon
might pass if you put on makeup
it's over
6/10 but pass>>38676740
get some culture
Atleast ur honest i appreciate the lack of hugboxxing

Yeah, I'm an idiot. It should work now.
god damn it, fixed it. I had a big post rating people but 4chan kept thinking it was spam too
thanks, it's appreciated but I know my nose looks really fucked at certain angles and I outright look like a racial caricature sometimes.

also the only ppl that didn't pass just needed better hair and makeup there weren't even any real nohopers
rate others faggot
You have nice features, but your biggest issue is how unhealthy your hair looks. You've got a bit of a mustache shadow too. You should also start wearing mascara, you have really nice eyelashes.
Makeup. The thin lips that make your philtrum look longer can be mitigated a smidge by overlining your top lip. You should also maybe start adding oil into your hair to give it more luster.
who gives a fuck about your nose and beauty mark? You know what's an even bigger priority? Your hair. It's fucked, go research how to care for curly hair and get a routine that works. And clean up your brows.
Do your hair and makeup, and stop boymoding.
What the fuck is this?!
You're so fucked in the head LOL. Very embarrassing.

Soooo...are you a guy or a girl now? If you're a guy and you got that haircut you're genuinely fucking retarded.
so i wanted to get my hair cut short again, all cut off, but i chickened out. and my stylist was trans so i didnt want to argue against her or say anything bad about being trans to her, and then i ended up with a womens cut and bangs.
its why i feel really dissonant with an unsolvable mix of feminine haircut on masculine everything else
you look attractive and like a mcr fan teleported from 2007
gtfo or browse some more
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don’t be mean
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Cute and upside down
Very cute
Cis get out of here
Extremely cute
Cute boymoder

Don't mind the furry porn girls
Ever heard of a buzz cut? Give yourself a buzz cut, it's easy and you won't look like a "female" anymore.

do i have the trans voice? ftm
And here's another of me in Yarhnam

Everyone else ranges from okay to passable. Most passable and most fuckable tranny ITT is >>38676376
Sounds perfect. Completely passes.
umm.. based.
i think id die if i ever got a buzz cut. ive never had my hair that short since i was a little kid. even before hrt i always had long hair, or that stupid hipster long-on-top haircut
lol what are you raging about, he's hotter than any of the trannies itt
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Just look like a normal gay guy sorry

I don't think ur trans I think ur cis ngl

idk if ur ftm or mtf but im assuming mtf u give theyfab vibes though

Thanks for the honesty

pass id say

here's a better pic i guess ai flagged it as female so idk i dont like it though
Ok, so you're a pussy. Not very fitting of a man. Hair grows back. Also you're a man wearing cat eye glasses...what the fuck are you doing? Stop half assing being a man, or be a woman. You can't be in the middle and say you're a guy in Trump's America.
hot post more skin
ty!! :DD natural hair color. Eyeliner is very easy. You just need a pencil liner. Put eyeline in your lower waterline, then rub your eyes, (like if it itched or smth, close it and move the upper eyelid across), then put some normally in your lower waterline again. It's the first makeup thing I ever knew, (a friend taught me when I came out to her shoutout A.), and I've stuck to it ever since
Passport photos, got to love them.
Let's follow that up with a full body photo shall we?
please don't
i cant be a woman and i already look like a man, hair aside, so cant you just let me have my security blanket
you just look like a fat woman maybe fatmaxxing really is worthwhile
fuck you for making it early now i'm in the middle instead of the top so now i won't get any attention
I know my hair has been kind of fucked but is it really that bad? Always figured my birthmark was the first thing people looked at
I am mtf pre everything if that affects anything
it’s hard to tell but i think? you have a good starting point,, get on e
clocky makeup and hairline
clean up your eyeliner and eyebrows
lose weight and do your eyebrows
My eyes zero in on your hair, not your birthmark
fat woman. You're not attractive, but you pass. Been said 100 times, but, lose weight + learn makeup + flattering hair + fashion, and you'll probably not be a stacy but you'll be cute
i hate you kate
It’s the fat bastard! LOL
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what surgeries do i need?
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should I get surgery? I'm trying not to delude myself.
please none on your face you're fucking beautiful
You look like such a fucking imcel
kill yourself she is cute as fuck
Your frontal plate + orbitals are already feminine, so I wouldn't touch them. Nose is good too. I'd say hairline, tracheal shave, maybe lip lift + filler, soften the chin and jaw. More immediately should be to clear up your skin though.
idk from this angle you look pretty good, maybe the chin + jaw but I couldn't tell your for certain.
i am involuntarily celibate :_(

ty <3
It was a joke about her username :(
need other angles but you look hot
girlmoding is a state of mind
but like really I'm not boymoding even though I look a lot like I do when I am...
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Autistic af lately
whats gucci
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Took some from the side angle and added a couple candids
You look like Soph mixed with Dodge Leigh and slightly emaciated
No ordinary person is going to think you're a boy. Most people just think you're a young woman
:0 hot!!!!
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i hate me too
oh hey. it looks like your diy skin rejuvenation creams are actually working and really well. i think you look great and pass really well here
drop your discord
thanks, its mostly just me getting fat and continuously injecting my neck with dissolvers tho, also less attempts at getting down to me lower weight threshold by walking all day in the baking sun.
oh and i did try topical pio but my second attempt at a more effective (i think) reigime made me want to vomit from hunger and stomach discomfort.
look at me being a proper northern slag
ok who wants to take one for the team and actually rate some people
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close to passing, you should thin out your armenian eyebrows a bit
pass ig
you're likely acting like this for attention but fuck it i'll bite, none of the things are true you look like a fucking woman with a nice haircut
pass happy birthday
not ugly but not pass just yet, probably because of the browbone
pass and i am very jealous of your skin
not rly pass idk
this actually looks decent, i had one taken a few weeks ago and i looked like a human goblin hybrid with rotten skin, might post once i get the passport
really jealous of the nose + forehead... if you really want something you could probably do something with the jaw
yeah you could benefit from like a lot, sorry...
pass as a severely autistic woman
I don't think so but you could
um no sorry
yes pass

rate people who rate people
Your browridge is clocky, jaw is kinda on the limit of still passing. Nose is cute though
fit goes hard but you've got a long philtrum and prominent jaw
low trust phenotype or something idk. i would punch you and not feel that bad about it

discomfiting features, offputting

tgirl swag

pass but you kinda look like the russian sleep experiment guys or some other creepypasta image

not fully passing but i think thats mostly due to presentation not bones

sideways. just a guy

lemme starve u shawty

pass just alittitle too old looking for that hair

way too millennial, pass

twinkhon. pubescent looking, you'll be fine in a couple years
no pass
you look like frog. jaws and eye region are a giveaway. no pass
no pass, dont even need to comment
painfully not passing

i am gonna stop. none of you people pass. you just lie to each other + wishful thinking. you guys need a reality check.
here is an example what's to be considered as passing
most asymmetrical eye placement award

wow this guy smokes cigarettes xe MUST be cool

honestly i kinda feel stupid for believing you actually had severe enough brainworms to try and roll back your social transition lol

you always manage to look sub 80 iq in all ur pics . whats ur secret?

kate take pictures from any other angle challenge

let go of your earthly desires.. you will be free of your 6'1 flesh prison in the next life.... reincarnated as the 5'2 shotaboy of your fantasies

hello bait. if this is real im sorry, you look like you came from someones hon folder

did you get work done on your lips? they look weird
>fit goes hard but you've got a long philtrum and prominent jaw
its true, though i did see a recent photo of my mother and shes looking straight up fucking goulish so i dont think im doing too bad by family standards. like, i shit you not, she looks like shes within a couple mm of my measurements and her appreciation for phet has utterly eroded her facial fat pads.

if im ever employed again tho im getting a fucking lip lift tho, and some of those cool fat cell promoting fillers.

>way too millennial, pass
>pass as a severely autistic woman
sub 80 iq?? Idk lol I don't see how that comes off visually but I just assume everyone here who's insane enough to post their face on 4chan also has issues

do I also look stupid in this photo, what can I do to look like my actual intelligence lol
Shaving your head will add a couple IQ points
can I pass as andro or should I kill myself
is azelf actually 6 foot ?? no way. shes small, right?
holy psyop
based tism girl

retinoids, foundation and concealer, affection from someone who cares about you.

boob job would make passoid
sema + phet + dissolvers around your neck and jawline
take HGH to reduce the gut volume too
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pass and cute hate

(rate us both)
soft cheeks = you both pass, would be cool to see you two in makeup
we r both in slight makeup on that pic altho it may be hard to tell because of the squinty eyes and lighting
yea but i mean full face makeup would kill with your features
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Love your hair
Oh you two are fuckiiing cuuute~ Nice hickies left.
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might try girlmode again in public this weekend with similar-ish makeup, probably not as raccoony looking though, just wanting to get it out my system as much as i can as manmoding back at uni is just a horror I hate
oh pass def you always seem really nice from your posts nice to put a face to it now lol
def pass
pass but…
oh def pass now ik you’d do good lol
100% if voice is any decent
fuck I forgot to do my injection. I don't wanna

right fully passes, left is a little clocky. but you two are cute
no sorry
not looking great desu. is your hair different?
im growing it out but my fringe is desperately needing a trim, i should be getting it tidied up next week though. i know im not actually passing without surgery i can never afford it’s more just wanting to know if i look semi-presentable as an obvious tranny
>my fringe
are you french?
unfortunately azelf is very large
huh? im scottish that’s what it’s called
oh cool cool, I know french people like to refer to bangs in general as fringe, I didn't know the haircut was called fringe
GOALS, if you've started, how long have you been on hrt?
no I honestly think you could pass without surgery
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You are SO beautiful anon, i adore your nose and profile. Your makeup looks really classy too~
meth acne, ripped shirt, facial hair, armpit hair longer than mine
no nigga
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blehh i wish my body wasn't covered in scars i look disgusting lol
qt pass
qt clocky

fucking youngshits
female plague doctor
i can't see shit do u want a rating or not
it's kinda giving laura les idk maybe?
pass but u need bangs it looks like u have traction alopecia sry
no sorry
kinda looks like a woman but kinda androgynous
oh wow thank you, i guess a lot of its hair dependant right now, but also if im attempting girlmoding in public i’ll see what makeup people react better to too. also do your injection dummy
voice is sadly not decent. ive been neglecting to work on it on the basis that i thought id probably not need to for years.
i have no clue, face is saying yes everything else about this pic says no
no sorry
yes if ftm
yes cutie
lose the hat, take care of your hair, maybe don't wear a men's wedding ring, and do some makeup. your bones are ok but your presentation is clocky enough that id pick up on it irl regardless of voice
yes, quite well in fact
oof you pass very well and now i feel insecure screw you don't ever show your face around here again
pass but the scowl doesn't help
ya i def wanna say pass but your hair is somehow tripping me a bit
pass SEE SEE
what did i JUST tell you passoid
yes you pass no I'm not hugboxing
>female plague doctor

>lose the hat
absolutely not
>take care of your hair
im trying but cortisol fucked it for a bit
>maybe don't wear a men's wedding ring
ill pressure my bf to marry me when he gets back today
>and do some makeup
ye im working on this desu, tired of going out without it on
>your bones are ok but your presentation is clocky enough that id pick up on it irl regardless of voice
fair. desu i dont mind being clocky in a sense, or rather, i dont want passing to come at the cost of enjoying life and it feels like chasing passing sometimes does that.
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Cis get ooout
Cute but oh dear, those pants look tight...
have i seen you before
did you used to post here a few years back
wait, are you the girl with the hat
>least berserkpilled tranny
not particularly, what makes you say that
shes looking at your gock
well it's sub 4 inches at ahem full size
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I can't roleplay about you and your nice big bulge in the middle of this thread anon all the HSTSs on this board are already on my back about being some kind of pervert gooner.
do you have proof of this, anon?
HSTS girls love our gooner sisters, its the HSTSlarp AGP femcels that dont.
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Oh dang that's like mine anon. I guess your jeans just accentuate it a lot
keep the hat if you want a hat as a statement piece for your fit but id say buy a nicer one. the one in the picture kind of gives costume over classy. sort of an equivalent to incels buying a $50 watch and claiming they stylemog apple watch users. alternatively cleaning it may help some if you like the (felty?) texture

>ill pressure my bf to marry me when he gets back today
wait is it not a wedding ring? sorry if im confused but it definitely looks like one

>working on [makeup]
i think it would really tie it all together. you dont really need "feminizing" makeup perse its just that women dont really go out in a coat/hat like that without makeup. also overline your upper lip i think it'd do a lot for you

>i dont want passing to come at the cost of enjoying life
i understand that, and i kinda feel the same but imho every time i realize im stealthing a conversation the social weight of being a tranny is just lifted from me and its pretty nice
>big bulge
ew i don't have a big bulge
normally i wouldn't post this but now I'm feeling self conscious
it looks like this without tucking
https://unsee cc/album#XK1MssgsBZ4r
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waow passgen mostly only gonna rate new ppl i havent rated before

>>38676182 from these angles yes but side profile could be clocky ?
>>38676203 i cant tell
>>38676330 yes
>>38676609 not really, but if good voice then perhaps
>>38676622 upside down
>>38676668 yes from this angle but side profile couild be clocky brow
>38676736 yes but close angle
>38676740 yes
>38676902 who is this
>38677150 hmm maybe
>38677155 pass
>38677259 sideways but prob no in this photo
>38677677 yes
>38677990 too close
>38678032 cant see
>38678579 hmm close
>38679617 oh waow you're looking good since i last saw u :]
i don't remember what you rated me rate me again passoid
its really hard to find a good hat for my face desu. its 100% wool felt, but wool felt is not proper hat material ik. i had a beret that works but i live rural and it got dropped in horse shit...

>wait is it not a wedding ring? sorry if im confused but it definitely looks like one
its an engagement ring, i gave it to my bf years ago with intent of only letting it last a year but shit happened and the years went by.

>i think it would really tie it all together. you dont really need "feminizing" makeup perse its just that women dont really go out in a coat/hat like that without makeup. also overline your upper lip i think it'd do a lot for you
desu my current makeup kinds works except for foundation being matte when i need gloss. i usually pencil in my outer lip where it fades a little and put pink lip balm over it. im not sure if overlining would work desu, i feel it has a kind of tacky look usually. like its so obviously drawn on.
>gock print
thats really cute, but i meant at full size :3
Sorry sis, I didn't mean to trigger your penis dysphoria, it looks cute and fem!
Very cute
that's all you're getting let it be known henceforth that i am not packing much down there
it’s crazy how ffs isn’t real and your face just sorta did that
i use a natural colored lip stain for overlining, not posting face on 4chan but imo you really cant tell its overlined if you do it in moderation and with good technique
The length of your hair's not bad, it just needs layering I think. Still gotta work on skincare too. You could shorten the wings of your eyeliner a bit, and instead add some to the lower outer part of your waterline. Eyebrows and mascara look great though
How has girlmoding been working out for you? Just wondering.
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should i post a clearer face pic I'm not getting a lot of ratings
passgen sucks ass now and no one rates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you use to be able to get at least a dozen on average
I did it it just took 20 minutes for me to stop crying and psych myself up enough to insert the needle. anyway yeah I think a lot of it is hair and clothes, makeup is important too but I think yours looks pretty good in those pics. but you already know how I feel about your clothes, and I'm obviously not the person to ask about hair
>pass but you kinda look like the russian sleep experiment guys or some other creepypasta image
I can see it
>add some to the lower outer part of your waterline
What's a waterline? I'm honestly not that experienced with eyeliner, or any makeup really beyond some concealer and mascara. I'm a little embarressed about it for how long i've been on hrt.
I’ve went to a therapy session in girlmode and just out for a walk both in the evening, only got one very mean look from a lady on a train so far. I’m 6ft tall so I’m obv gonna stick out like a sore thumb with my face on top of that so I try dress very very plain for my age while out and I think it maybe helps? Need more experience I guess and to try start using my voice and interacting with people too.
Im glad you did it <3 and yeah clothes is more a caution thing but im gonna try push myself out my comfort zone by the summer hopefully.
Wow, you only recently started girlmoding? You are so beautiful though! How long have you been on hormones, can I ask?
between the eyes and the lashes themselves, that part that you put eyeliner on at the top. Just do the same for under but not the whole thing, just the ends that are furthest from your nose. Idk I'm drunk, go google it.
idk I feel like women in yurop are pretty tall in general, being 6ft isn't as insane as you 4chan trans women like to make it out to be. You definitely should get more experience with it though, practice makes perfect and that simply requires you to figure things out as you go, I think you should be very proud of yourself for taking this step <3
2.5 years on and off so progress has been slow. im not girlmoding full time and likely won’t be for a while because family but it’s a start!!
oh where im from 6ft isn’t uncommon at all it’s more I meant with how my face looks it makes stand out just that bit more lol. but yeah i realised i need to start getting practice where i can now even if it’s no full-time, it’s just hard accepting you’re a much slower transitioner than others lol.
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pov you join your tranny gf in bed and realize she's literally just a man who usually wears long hair and makeup
nah there are people on here who never even stop boymoding. You're doing great, keep it up.
dawg shut up, this bit is tiring.
brain reduction, mega mind
Ik it’s more just they usually pass despite that T_T but thank you i will i hope i eventually find friends who are ok with me girlmoding and it feels a little less isolating doing it
boooooo shut up eat some chocolate and be nice to yourself
I've been lurking passgen for three years to see if the tranny I once fell for has made it. She left me because she felt like she was doing something wrong or leading me on, since she was just starting out and not pretty yet. I really liked her personality and I was willing to wait for the estrogen to do its work, but her self-destructive attitude towards the situation ended it.

I haven't seen any pics of her yet. Maybe she stopped coming to this board. That would be for the best.
Everyone in here needs to log off and go outside.
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inhabiting this body is tiring
halfway there
>inhabiting this body is tiring
I believe you, I've interacted with enough trans women from here to know it's not some 4D chess move and that you really do mean what you say. But fucking hell, the worms are lying to you. They are LYING.
Doesn't pass at all sorry

Could pass if forehead was hidden maybe

Kinda looks like a more passable Sophie Labelle, clockable

Passes as a wine aunt

Pass+cute looks like cis metal metalhead girl I know

Passes as British woman

Agp fashion, look smelly and hair is bad but somehow passes

Clocky but would probably pass to cis men and boomers

Strong features but passes to me, beautiful androgynous greecian lady

Clocky face, gigapassoid body

Passes as trans woman

Passes as trans woman

Passes but in a very lesbian way

>t.cis f so I might be better at clocking than men
>Passes but in a very lesbian way
good i'm sick of men
woke up at 5am from a nightmare, good morning, apparently the best thing i have to do is check this thread on my phone
>you're likely acting like this for attention
im not...
>but fuck it i'll bite, none of the things are true you look like a fucking woman with a nice haircut
:/ thank you
>honestly i kinda feel stupid for believing you actually had severe enough brainworms to try and roll back your social transition lol
there were no lies, i rolled my name back everywhere and only recently changed my name back again on facebook because i got very drunk and switched it back to the tranny name out of sadness and a desire to hide from some old classmates, and now im locked into that name again for about 45 more days i think?
but i literally made my appointment for that haircut with my real name, my birth name, and he/him in the salon's pronouns field on the appt form
i never lie about how i look. i don't want people to think i do. sometimes i get a feminine haircut because deep down i still want to transition but it just makes me look like a creep. i don't want to be a man, i don't want to die. it's just reality
is this krissu?
both pass
pass i think
pass, fake manmoder
not a man, a lesbian woman actually, pass
Shut your face you little dyke.
>drop your discord
Sorry I'm incredibly autistic, why do you want my discord?
You wont get a good rating here. Go to a local club and approach a man. If he isn't interested then you dont pass.
Men will fuck anything
Nah no work done their just weird lol




mid uncared woman or tranny


stop fagmoding
>Go get raped or hate crimed to see if you pass
dude, but hot dude




probably wouldn't clock irl, but online? yeah

Stop making retarded faces for pics and you'll look better, you aren't the prettiest but thats not the end of the world. You behave like pretran kayla did on pics

clocky but pretty

probably not irl, online? bet

fat theyfab and fat theymab

maybe not FAS, tranny but trying, irl, given age, wouldn't clock, at least i don't think so

stop being repped by your family
>fake manmoder
she's actually one, getting repped by family hard

post ffs and still insecure, face clearly still swollen from it, woman, not my type, mid, still woman tho

irl? probably wouldn't, online? insta clock

Thats it passgen, see y'all again next year
i should look into this, ideally id get lip lift but that requires employment

delulu passcel

>Passes as a wine aunt
all i ever wanted to be desu

>clocky but pretty
im actually flattered
Would immediately marry holy shit
You especially godddd dammmmn you look like art
Jew lover
what does moment mean here?
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6'1 214lb clothed, 6 inches taller than the average man in my country, apparently stronger than most men according to the government health index

God plays pranks on trannies. Giving me a body fit for a soldier but a tranny brain, specially since both my parents are under 5'4
visibly tranny, would assume cisf if thighs are thick enough to balance torso
woman moment?
you might be taller and stronger than most men according to the government health index (including me) but you are also cuter
>fat theyfab and fat theymab
ok but which is which
fetid moppet (stop using ket)
do i really look jewish...? i'm 876

like ik my nose is fucked but it's from trauma... i don't have the face slant either...
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ive male failed like 5 times the past 2 months but idk if im just being hugboxxed
responded to everyone who gave feedback and reformatted like 6 times why do i keep getting flagged for spammmm
Your hair is gorgeous and I love your nose.
Who did your FFS? Really great results.

And you're getting hit for spam by quoting too many post numbers in one reply. Some people say the limit is 10, some people are limited to six. Might be a ratio of words to number of quotes.
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hi krissu, pass
hi again, pass
tiny bit clocky but pass
is this sophie
you would pass if you fixed your eyebrows and tried to present yourself better in general. but since thats not the case its an absolute godno
because you're cute and I'd like to talk to you
i need all fagmoders to stop fagging and just woman
There is no such thing as fagmoders. There are
>men who are seen as men
>women who are seen as women
>women who are seen as men
>men who are seen as women

The world perceives us in a 100% quantized binary way. If you don't pass then you aren't some inbetween fag, you are just a man or a woman fully.
words of someone who doesn't step outside if you honestly think men and women react and perceive a faggot in the same way they do a man
>I'd like to talk to you
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This is the first time I’ve felt confident to post in passgen. Here’s a little selfie of myself let me know if I pass. I’m an ftm btw
about your transition
oh boy...passing huh? ........ anon...... dear me..
okay, try "melong3890"
Sweet little dood
Face too round and chin too narrow to pass as male but stay on T. How long on?
>is this sophie
I don't know who that is
its a predator, likely the same who keeps trying to buy nudes off everyone
probably frogposter, hes known to do exactly this
omg buggyyyyy
Hat game is weak ngl, it doesn't really add to your appearance and looks purely functional. Get better hats.
Even with the hairline, even with the jaw, even with the slightly long philtrum, I wouldn't be able to clock you. That's straight up just a whole ass woman on my screen.
Learn how to care for your curly hair and do your eyebrows.
You don't, your features are very soft and your chin + jaw are narrow.
from face only, maybe, i guess it depends on your body, you might fall into the 'is that a tranny or a dyke' field
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the hat is purely functional, i was going for a field class, i had field classes almost the whole semester, i even got a tan
this was the day after i did my haircare routine!
Please stop coping and just take the advice pls it looks really pathetic when you make excuses
wow you look way better with a tan
videopost :)))
i know i dont pass, mostly trying to see whether my makeup is honish or nah

probably pass, weird expression xd
scared victorian child
pass, baller style
clocky pass, lovely hair
youre close, i believe in you
>i only wear hats when i'm forced to
>please stop coping and get better hats
i don't like hats retard, i bought one of those straight up fishing hats that can get fully enclosed, field classes SUCK, i'm doing transportation engineering and get lots of classes that involve surveying land
Omg...can you not get angry at me for the choices you made on your own? I didn't force you to do that stuff chica
>i believe in you
12, closing on 13 years, its not gonna get any better than that, it hasn't in a long time, i'm not a baby, just unlucky
dont listen to them, you pass extremely well if you keep doing whatever it was in the pic with you with a tan. literally look so good better than these pastey men with long hair. keep it up good job
calling a strictly functional hat for being shit is like a knife for being sharp, and then saying i'm coping for explaining that
woww real? ive not had ffs or anything other mono EEn and makeup

I had my hair done yesterday though and so happy with it

damn okay okay
>both my parents are under 5'4
...I wouldn't be so sure about that
tall or not youre very cute
pass but maybe work on getting a better hair routine
fellow clocky pass sister, i like your outfit a lot
pixar movie pass
actual doppelganger of a cis lesbian i know
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Side profile is rough, but the rest pass flawlessly.
Pass, but other trannies will clock you because you just have that teen titan raven gender envy brand of mtf autism thing happening
No pass, how far are you on t? seem early but ftms usually pass youll be fine
see above goth chick gender envy autism
Pass look v pretty as usual bb
pass bb but let me do ur makeup luv
pass as always cutie looking marvelous and enigmatic
ugly pass!!! <3 jk yall cute n u know it shuddup
pass and adorable in a cozy sweater
pass cute outfit hair is screaming for help v cute tho
No pass babes beautiful smile though love seeing trans ppl happy :>
Same as above
It depends on what you want. Are you a giga pass? no. Do you pass? yes. are you beautiful and androgynous anyhoo? yes.
No, but love u anyway seem fun
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i cant take it man no woman in history has ever had this hairline/jawline/caveman browbone

also are you mtf or ftm you look afab
i feel pass with better styling
yep but light ffs might be good
look like woman but nop
i know very similar looking cisf but i think miniscule differences are clocky
forehead work would be good
biggest pass in a while, literally identical to my cisf coworker, uncannily so (but i dont know what you look like irl)
none of us pass 100% of the time and that’s okay
I'm ftm :( but i dont wanna cut my hair >:( its ok for transmen to b feminine !
ftm hope i’m not late
>none of us pass 100% of the time and that’s okay
that is not ok, that is unacceptable. that is failure
no pass and im so sorry about your height bro
aphrodite body and a hercules face
yes its okay, you can be a twinky kind of a guy, dont need to be a big massive werewolf to be male
Exactly !!!! i want to be an ethereal twink 8 months on t <3
>Pass, but other trannies will clock you because you just have that teen titan raven gender envy brand of mtf autism thing happening
so what youre saying is i only get clocked by those in the know. thats honestly ideal desu
all of you itt should learn how to tie a rope, it is over.
you pass here, just keep taking t and u will be fine, ur not mtf i dont know why you would worry.
unfortunately you dont pass as a man here to me
the piercings are slightly clocky but also i wont be the one to tell you to get rid of them
i love your hairstyle, would (respectfully)
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i wish he wasn't my dad, but he got tests exactly because i was taller than most adults in my country by age 11, he is my dad, she is my mom, and i have genetic issues
You're kinda doing that thing butch white lesbians get accused of: cosplaying a caricature of a black man in order to come across as more masculine. It looks out of place and wrong on you
i think it looks like that vale when someone looks trans but you're not sure if they're a poon or tranny
ffs consult in a few weeks d:

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