Qott: Do you even lift?Previous: >>38676871
chasers, wwyd if i trooned out on you
>>38679174Date you probably?
chasers wwyd if i raped u in the ass
>>38679174Marry you
>>38679180Call you mommy probably?
>>38679180Cut off your dick for even joking about it and rail you in the ass every day for the rest of our natural lives
>>38679162I pick stuff up and put it down until someone loves me.>>38679174Who are you?>>38679180Cry.
>>38679162Calisthenics at da park>>38679182for trayn rand
>>38679162>qottno and won't i want endurance not beef. i am thinking about taking up a martial art but i need to select something that won't fuck up my joints. i want to do jiu jitsu but it would probably fuck up my joints lol>>38679147if the world is past saving then anything i ever do is just an encore for an empty theatre. it's like this. i could happily live my small life with more personal joys and small rippling impacts, were the future intact. but i am a cell in a dying organism. every fiber in me demands that it must live and thrive, it must be truly alive. i cannot be happy as a piece of a dying god. eden is dying. the temple of the holy spirit is dying. our mother is dying. how can we stand by and avert our eyes to that and be truly happy?>>38679160the real world is in crisis and all the people in power only perpetuate it. if not regime change, then what? what is your alternative?>>38679171usually i think no, sometimes people say yes, but probably not? maybe ohio hot>>38679182there is an acute lack of something among the options available. i am always probing for the potential to join something, i don't wanna call for a movement that cannibalizes something else already going for my aims in an achievable fashion. but it doesn't exist.the only pushes for broad scale institutional reform in my country are the trump movement and the far right movement for a constitutional convention. there is no rational version of these things. the people who agree with my aims are all busy getting local initiatives passed for city busses or the like
good morning i feel terrible again>>38679162>qottno, the gym scares me
>>38679218So if the right wing is the only angle you're looking at things from, what flavor of right wing are we talking about?
>>38679225sorry you're not feeling well, what's wrong?
>>38679218Sorry we might have nazis running America rn things feel a little hopeless
>>38679237ehh its just mental health things + my throat and airways and everything feels kinda crummy and i have that taste in my mouth that you get when sick, so i'm really hoping i'm not getting sick again right before the weekend. but thanks for asking
>>38679236well honestly my information sources have a noticeable left wing bias, i try to counteract it as i can but it's inevitable when you prioritize fact based reporting over ideological alignment. the truth tellers are often still wrong about economics, c'est la vis. but yeah i wouldn't call myself right wing, that has social regressive and authoritarian connotations that i don't affiliate with.>what flavorconfused on this question, do you mean what flavor is the revolution i envision, or what flavor are the right wing big-reform projects going on currently?can give rundown either way, but sparing you the speech until i know which one to give lol>>38679273>mighti admire your optimism ahaha :')people have begun to see this as trite but i still believe doctor king. the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice.they won by promising cheap groceries. their policies are bad and cannot deliver that forever, nor as well as voters hoped for ever. the supporters will slip out of their fervor as the unabating reality of things still being broken eats at the edges of their mind, and resistance will tick back upwards. maybe i make it happen faster, maybe i don't. maybe it doesn't happen in time to save us from climatocalypse, without someone like me taking the leap and throwing their life away for it. but even so, it will happen. there is enough time at least for one more such cycle, and it always does happen. truth always wins sooner or later. the trouble is finding new truth fast enough to beat new lies when progress starts happening.
>>38679290ah i get that this time of winter a lot and sometimes get laid out for a week and sometimes it just goes away, hate it. hope it is one of the short ones and you feel better soon, + mental health improvesalso maybe try a warm drink? i like a nice tea for throat stuff, ginger and honey is ideal
>>38679185why cut off my dick if you aren't going to replace it with a vagina to fuck
>>38679314Your vision. I assume it's primarily economic-based, but I wonder how that interacts with the social side of things. An example of what I mean by that is how the traditional Neo-cons might tell you that they're only focused on economics, not really registering how that impacts specific demographics negatively for the worse and reinforcing traditional racial hierarchies.
>>38679356if they use it for vulvaplasty he can't taxidermy it and mount it over the bed as a trophy and sign of dominance over you duh
>>38679361my vision is primarily based around two goals: radical environmentalism, and maximizing the floor of opportunity for any given individual person. the rest really flows from that.as for the econ ya have put a fair bit of thought into social impacts. quick summary of thoughts:>free enterprise, currency, and personal private property must staythey are quite simply the best tools ever made for increasing productive output. and we have no alternative system wherein people can choose a livelihood freely and at least potentially keep the profits>we need universal welfare, ideally cash handoutsthis of course raises that floor better than anything, but just as importantly it frees people from slavery to the wage. makes work truly voluntary and striking or defying unionbusting viable strats again. co-ops and syndicates would organically emerge>rents are public propertyprimarily land rents. the benefits of this are self-explanatory unless you are a landlord with a tower block or an empty lot where a tower block should be or maybe if you are monsanto. also funds the ubi. this also would reduce speculation in the markets drastically and mitigate if not end the boom/bust cycle (though broader re-regulation of public firms and stock traders may be needed for that)>subsidy initiatives should be reorganized into direct investment, public firmsstart with utilities and military hardware, eventually all essential goods, focus heavily on automation research to suck up as little of the labor pool as possible, anti-jobs for free handouts. this is sort of a new thought but i've been considering it and i think it's necessary long term for the welfare state to function without abolishing capitalism. also raises revenue.also been thinking recently that a cultural campaign may be needed to tie all this wonkery together into a cohesive vision. the real future of course comes from its inhabitants but a propaganda ideal of a new culture may help the movement.
>>38679180Probably kill myself, but I am likely going to do that anyway.
Why do trannies always have to be crazy?
>>38679484All women are crazy
nothing worse than a low effort tranny tbqhon
>>38679484what about when it's the based kind of crazy beckoning to you from the other side of the matrix that's not so bad right
>>38679335>also maybe try a warm drink?good idea, actually. didn't bother actually making tea, just found some aspirin hot drink powder (bc I also have a bit of a headache, two birds with one stone) and made a cup of that.
>>38679508thrifty also what does finnish hot aspirin drink taste like
>>38679514uhhhi have no idea what this taste is actuallybox says blackcurrant, but this is... not that
>>38679484Everyone should strive to be a little crazy anon. It makes you interesting.
>>38679524classic drink mix tasting like it met the flavor on the box at a party once but never followed up on brunch
>>38679529fuck off transbian, thread is for straight trannies
>>38679479hi ghostfan
>>38679503You got that sociopath energy.>>38679529That name is incredible and it makes sense that someone with that name would make this post.
>>38679478>and maximizing the floor of opportunity for any given individual person.You mean like equity?idk senpai, I feel like all of your points just sound like leftism, but with the middleman of fiat currency as your tried and tested medium of exchange.
>>38679547if i am a sociopath, i am one who has chosen to observe the void in my heart, into which anything can be read, and to read into it an abiding love for all living things and a sense of oneness in the tapestry of the earth superorganism and the god that wove it.but i don't think i'm a sociopath i think i'm just absolutely psychotically ambitious and somewhat stricken by a sense of destiny
trayn rand needs a husband, a middle class house in the suburbs, 5 adopted kids and a 7 seat suv. I think she would be fixed by being a stay at home mom like that
>>38679543>me, the radiant, beautiful, magnanimous, AGP perched high up in her throneVs.>you, the crawling, stinking, putrescent HSTS, slithering about in her slime.
>>38679484Idk I kind of like crazy. Keeps things interesting.
>>38679595why do you narcissistic agp transbian hons always insist on invading spaces that are not meant for you
>>38679572i can never remember which one i'm supposed to say with the whole equity & equality thing lol. what i mean is we should increase the mimimum standard of living. right now people are homeless, some have homes but no running water or heat/ac, some can't afford to eat, some can't afford medicine. but a relatively small portion of our overall labor time goes into these things. that surplus means we absolutely can simply make it so that no one is going without. and then as prosperity grows, and as we do other things that make raising standards cheaper like improved urban planning or public pharma manufacturing facilities that sell at cost, and as we automate more of the hard labor, the gap grows, the floor we can insure without public burden gets ever higher.there's one that's always taken to mean "make people equal by lowering the ceiling," what i mean is not that lol
>>38679612Because all their threads are dying and ours is thriving in comparison.
>>38679588GIWTWM ;_;stagger their ages and i will be kept out of the public life for a good long while too, i have elaborate plans for my childrens' education if i have them which include stretches of homeschool and travel-learning
>>38679612I'm just joshin' you anon. If your trans I both love and respect you.
>>38679627i know friend i'm just desperately trying to get that thing to self reflect for a second
>>38679637>if your transwhy even come to the chasergen if you dont love and respect our chaser kings tsk tsk go back to lesgen
>>38679666Goodnight king
I fucked up really bad
>>38679670Did you kill someone or what?
>>38679666nighty night sleep tight don't let the boymoders bite
>>38679670well are you gonna tell us what you did? or is my popcorn gonna go stale?
I think all the 25+ yr old people in chasergen should pair up, marry and we should all move into one suburban neighborhood and lead a massively middle class lifestyle with picket fences and barbecue parties. Tranner wives can get a class of wine and gossip, chaser husbands will bbq and talk about building decks to their back yards.
>>38679721*glass of wine, fucking autocorrect (I'm on my pc)
>>38679721wait this is actually really cute
>>38679732We all know we need that
>>38679743deep down everyone just wants a little tribe this is true. tight knit neighbors would be so good for that. i wish i felt free to pursue that kind of ideal
>>38679616>and then as prosperity grows, and as we do other things that make raising standards cheaper I mean yeah, since the 50s I think we've known that productivity has increased as technology has improved, meanwhile Real wages have stagnated or lowered. And as you know that's kind of the issue with capitalists. There are endless excuses for why the people at the top deserve a raise, but never for the worker that has to actually do the work. Like we could have these things now, not even in the future as urban planning improves or anything like that.
>>38679162why do i get so scared before i go out w a man i think is cool?? should i just date losers forever?
>>38679771>i wish i felt free to pursue that kind of idealDon't gatekeep your own happiness trayn
>>38679788Us guys also get nervous when we're going out with a girl we really like
>>38679848I get anxious 1-2 hrs before any date or meetup, and have to calm myself down with tunes and also the knowledge that I know rationally that it won't in reality be as bad as my body is telling me. Like, I've been ghosted, I've been flaked on, it's fine. And yet my body wants to be irrationally fearful about it.
>>38679848i feel like a total virgin rn
>>38679787the dynamic has never fundamentally changed since the agricultural revolution though. we went from forest wanderers to beings bound to jobs. this was once in service of commodity production but we don't need to live like that to sedentarily produce enough commodities anymore, we can produce freely the standards of ancient kings and beyond for the common citizen at a fraction of our output.as for wage capture well, for one it just matters less when everyone will have a full belly anyway. but also, universal welfare instantly tilts that dynamic. it creates a situation where people can survive without working, as long as enough labor stays in the pool to produce essentials. and once you have created public low-labor supply of the essentials then labor is really free.shift the balance of negotiating power and suddenly bosses cannot make unreasonable demands and keep their operations staffed at the same time.all without touching the core structure of "people are allowed to sell their shit">>38679791goes back to what i was saying in the last thread about the need for a living future. happy neighborhood life could make me incapable of the work, unless it's a neighborhood of revolutionaries.my monkey dreams obstruct my duties
>>38679612Are transbians not allowed to be chasers? What about cis women?
>>38679998lesgen is for women who are into women, trans or cis. chasergen is literally a containment thread for men who are into trans girls, and trans girls who are into men
>>38679943>happy neighborhood life could make me incapable of the workYou deserve to be a brownie baking mom trayn
i miss himmmmm
>>38680063i do deserve that :c
i wish i didn’t like men
did this place kill /mtfg/?
>>38680192mtfg killed mtfg and it might kill this place soon too
if only duels were still a thing, then it would be so easy to solve all this. just challenge the president to a duel for his office. he's old, i'm a good shot, it would be too easy.i would use these new executive powers much better than trump i would fix the economy and then dismantle the powers it would be so good
Sometimes it can be exhausting how clingy trans girls are
>>38680205see i could post my pics if i just didn't say shit like this all the time no restraint on this bitch
woke up at 5am from a nightmare about my boss making me re-qualify for my job using physical reflex tests and scenarios where i needed to sabotage or hurt others :{good morning though chasergen, hope you're all doing ok in euroworld
I need a trans gf with psychic powers
>>38680319gm amerifren >>38680342>tfw powerhon
>>38680319good morning, weirdly enough you featured in the nightmare that woke *me* up at 5am last night, we were sitting in a car and then a truck drove into us. idk why all my nightmares are this basic, it's always just >hanging out>bad thing happens>jolt awake
roads are slippery
https://youtu.be/XqvEFkrewgkgroup chat discussion about if ppl there resemble cats or dogs more. friend said i'm dog coded, see picrel. i don't agree, please gib second opinion. (also it's machine translated from finnish, he didn't actually misgender me there's just no gender pronouns here)
do i count as a chaser if im theymab? sorry if this sounds like a troll, i sincerely wanna know where i fit into all this
>>38680526well it's not like there's anything else going on here so i might as well just post cringefwiw it wasn't like, sex related, just a very normie conversation about who resembles which animal more
>>38680196Based...blobby wins again
>>38680519Yes if just a dude shifting gender ideas inside your headTransbian if transsexual
>>38680644im not sure which is me desu. im a manmoder and the longer i stay on hrt the harder it is to figure out how i actually want to present, but the more intense my attraction to trans girls becomes
>>38680731Transbian go to one of your 12 other gens please
hey have any of you ever deal with in discord by a guy that goes by streetfog_26448? hes a chaser that’s been melting down in gaygen. One of you needs to go fix him asap
>>38680820Bro is berserk
>>38680820Don't bring any drama here, thanks.
>>38680820I've had bad experience with that account. DO NOT interact with it
>>38680845>>38680849>>38680857>all one minute apartthis is him btw good luck. DO NOT interact like I said. He added me back in June of last year and was a weirdo
>>38680848Post the caps
>>38680876Didn't listen to the vocaroos but I personally just wanted to ask you to please not bring any drama here, sincerely.
>>38680885he's your problem now tranny
>>38680810transbians arent attracted to me cus i dont look like a woman
>>38680907nta but you don't belong here, the tranners here are looking for men, not somebody on hrt that is going to troon out on them
>>38680915im not gonna troon out though, i am permamanmoder. i suppose im not exactly a man though either... maybe i should start an nb4nb thread :p
>>38680923blobbers won lilbro
>>38680923>man has knowledge on blanchardianismred flag. like super fucking red.
>>38680934>maybe i should start an nb4nb thread :pplease do, thank you
wish i was cuddling a tranner rn
Trans women don't typically pump and dump right? Last relationship I was in was with a cis woman who was genderfluid and she led my ass on and just wanted a hookup. It was so sad because I honestly thought we had a genuine connection, she said she did too but didn't want a commitment. Since we were coworkers, I ended up quitting my job over it.
>>38680962Are you a gyt or a tranny?
Report? :^)
>>38680966Why are you so ugly tho
>>38680965I'm a guy
I'm cisf
>>38680974Stop using nervous anime girls as pics and man up. If you let yourself be used you will be used by cis girls and tranners alike. >>38680982Lesgen is for you
>>38680987I was respond to vocaroo
>>38680978you're not a chaser but you've been posting your discord here since last year? that doesnt add up at all
>>38680989Don't respond to spammer vocaroos
>>38680962Generally speaking they get attached quickly and get very clingy which can be good or bad depending on what you prefer
Also please take your faggy discord drama elsewhere
This board would be great without americans
Gm cuties, how’s the vibe this morning?
>>38681034Horrible. We're being invaded by some obnoxious vocaroo spammer
>>38681034Drama from other gens has once again intruded here
>>38681042he's here pretty often during euro hours, usually not this late though.
>>38681011why are you here lilbro...ur not a fag or a trannoidwhy have you posted here for years. what do you get out of it
>>38681047apparently he's been up all night in the gay general spamming vocaroos and antagonizing posters
good morning #2this is a video
>>38681042Is it the guy who laughs at himself or someone else? I don’t really listen to vocaroos unless they’re for me sooo>>38681045What gens? Aren’t they all dead at this point? The drama actually used to be real on this board a few years ago, now it’s like “someone farted in a vocaroo they sent me and now I’m gonna type skibidi in all my posts today and show people’s pretransition pics so everyone else is miserable.” I miss the intelligence and creativity that used to thrive here.
>>38681073woah jumpscare >>38681075yeah it's the guy who chuckles at himself at the end of every sentence and has the general speech patters of an old sheriff character in a cheap western
>>38681086Weird. He's from the Bay Area of CA A lot of his personality seems put on and trying too hard
>>38680987I didn't end up getting used though, nothing happened
>>38680971doing god’s work anon
Oh man, it is so ugly
>>38681133It's 5:23am in CA How long have you been up doing this?
It's friday so I'm ordering a pizza. What are you guys doing?
>>38681143He's on drugs and having an angry psychotic break. Someone form gaygen exposed his discord snd post history
>>38681145aren’t you fat enough already blobby?
>>38681151I'm not blobby fuck you
>>38681163Kate looking good
>>38681005I like clingy people
Clingy tranners are the best
every thread is dead
>>38681145Today is goon day.
>>38679162I'm military reserve and I used to workout a lot in training. I even ate well too. Saw a video I recorded with a bottom and looked like a buff duded you'd see in a BMWM video on /gif/. Peak performance. Ever since finishing training and coming back home, I've been getting fatter and eating more unhealthy. I forgot how hard it is to stay in shape as a normal person. I'm gonna try harder this month but fuck...having fast food available down every corner doesn't make things easier.
I want to suck a split penis. On the under side or fully split.
>>38681355Maybe continue that thought in hornygen
>>38681382Nothing truly ever happens. How did your Hemingway style writing day go?
>>38681385pretty good! i am now 5000 words into this book
>>38681086>>38681090Oh I talked to that guy on discord, he basically told me up front he was super autistic and was just trying to find someone to come to California to take his virginity. What was his trip? Anguish?
Happy gooning Friday! What materials are you using today?
>>38681331That’s pretty hot. I’d love having a bf who worked out with me (I generally do 7 days a week). I figured if it ever happened I’d be doing a fixer upper on a fat guy but workouts with a military guy who already has some of the discipline I bet would be fun.
>>38681389Nice! Keep going king I believe in you
>>38681396>What materials are you using today?Hopefully a nice tranny posts an unsee in hornygen and I can use those.
>>38679162I was at the gym just two hours ago>>38681382Hello Nils
>>38681458Too bad you didn’t ask for a mean tranny to post one >:)
why do we have a hornygen shill
>>38681480People flip tabs while jerking off because they’ve numbed their dicks through constant masturbation. Soon they’ll have a breakdown as their fetish escalates into a trans identity and then they’ll make a trip and humiliate themselves for another gooner, thus the cycle repeats
>>38681480They are trying to coerce us into having premarital sex
Had a date tonight, canceled last night because I’m sick and offered both the tickets (I paid for) to him because I felt bad. This morning got a message said he didn’t want them and do I know how hard it is to sneak a night away from his wife. Maybe app dating is a bad idea…
>>38681556>how hard it is to sneak a night away from his wife.Jesus christ, that's a rotten bit of luck
>>38681556Can I have the tickets?
>>38681556That doesn't exactly sound like a date if he has a wife lmao
chuckle anon is just misunderstood :c>>38681331i dont know what to say bout most of what u said o.obuuuut u should start workin out again anon i believe in u c:>>38680948come here anon come here c:>>38680342*makes ur head explode with my brain
>>38681582Hi wife
>>38681582Ty kittyanon, but no I'm bad person. I like animals but not many ppl
>>38681556maybe don't fuck married people :/
when some bitch on the auction house undersells you by 1 bronze coin omfggg
wait this isnt gaygen, byeeeee T O T
>>38681606youll be back here and on mtfg soon enough sister
>>38681601welcome home nadia>>38681606oh nvm see you in three months nadia
sneezed out my 1mg estrogen pill by accident, feeling manly now>>38681633nils!!! !!! !!!
>>38681633Top 3 favorite historical battles, go
>>38681587hiiiiiii mi hermosura how u doin how u slept last night how are u??? c:>>38681595>i like animals but not many pplthats not that uncommon chuckleanon dont worryand why do u say ur a bad person?? (if im allowed to know) :c>>38681606it kinda is lately hehehe
>>38681638Bless you
>>38681650I've treated decent ppl badly and I hate myself. I'm scared of ppl that I like so I make them hate me so I don't fear them anymore. I'm a basket case
>>38681599It was supposed to be a first date how was I gonna know based on a dating profile
>>38681163Need this gf so bad
>>38681669Nobody ever wants the humble not-goth gf
>>38680962show me a theyfab without BPD, I'll wait
i wish i could be horny
>>38681650>hiiiiiii mi hermosura how u doin how u slept last night how are u??? c:Thank you love I slept like a log always, but I would definitely sleep better with you in the bed with me. How did you sleep?
>>38681699I wish I weren't this horny for tgirls
How do I stop being bpd and ruining everything with everyone? When I think I’ve made things as bad as possible I find a way to make them even worse
>>38681699I wish I weren't horny
>>38681722When you feel an episode coming on, just fuck off and don’t talk to anyone until it’s over. Put away the phone, whatever you need to do. Be invisible.
I'm constantly horny and I like it and just manage it
>>38681730But I don’t know how to get grounded again alone
my tummy tummy dont feel so goody goody ):
>>38681722Therapy and actually wanting to put effort in to change
>>38681722you're not bpd, you are justified in every thought you have and everything you do. if you made something bad with someone it just means they were a bad person and deserved it. and if you make things worse after then it means they didn't learn their lesson and you have been "divinely ordained" (not literally but it's a good metaphor) to issue a second punishment for them. you're special and valid and doing good work.
>>38681748pure cancer
>>38681744Other options if I can’t get therapy>>38681748>you're special and valid and doing good workI’m none of those things
>>38681650Chasergen is way more tame, in gigi people threaten to rape each other and shit.
is it possible to say this image is cute without getting called bnwo or something
Millenial tranner gf who gets wine drunk with me and we listen to cheesy popular songs from our youth and dance together in a cringe way
>>38681665maybe ur scared of people hurtin u and "wastin love" or maybe ur scared of not being enough for them and hurtin them in the end and thats why u feel like shooshin them away and that is also not that uncommon chuckleposter :cor maybe thats not ur case but enjoyin solitude is not a crime and maybe u enjoy it more than other people and also if u feel kinda guilty about treatin decent people badly that also says a lot about u so dont be like that with urself chuckleanon>>38681702wish i could give u nanaicitos and whisper songs in ur ear to make u fall asleep :coh and i slept well also i dreamed about zombies and it was kewl and i was runnin for my life c:>>38681787i knowalso...yesterday while i was tryin to sleep i was imaginin how kewl it would be like to write poems in ur body with a hot steel rod in fortnite <33
Is it OK that I want to comfort and reassure a tgirl with shaky mental health and tell her she's beautiful and sweet while exploiting her bussy for my own pleasure nightly
>>38681833Where are you
>>38681834You have a weird obsession with torturing a masochistic twink, is your name Vivienne Medrano by chance?
>>38681833hey hey i just met youand this is crazy
>>38681410>>38681582I think the worst part is that I forgot how fat affects how you see your dick size. I'm 8 inches and yet I feel small. But in my old vids I looked huge. Getting back into it fr.
>>38681884Hey that song is not that ol...>12 yearsOh
>>38681900You definitely sacrifice actual dick size to the belly, it’s not just a “looks smaller” thing.
>>3868190613 actually
>>38681837good song
>>38681833oooooh how i wiiiiishfoooor sooothin rainoh how i wiiiiiish to dreeeeam agaaaaain>>38681880no idea who that is but nope i just wanna make u suffer but like ill make u suffer but i also wont let u enjoy it sorry>>38681900>8 incheso.....oh.....o.o
>>38681912Oh damn. Gotta start running then.
>>38681837It started out with a kiss, how could it end up like this (it was only a kiss) it was only a kiss, now I’m falling asleep, and she’s calling a cab, while he’s having a smoke and she’s taking a drag.
>>38681810>cute black boymoderDoes that actually exist? I've seen a million cute boymoders but they've all been white, Latino, Asian, and even some middle eastern.
>>38681950>oooooh how i wiiiiish>foooor sooothin rain>oh how i wiiiiiish to dreeeeam agaaaaainBonus points for nightwish
>>38681950Wouldn’t that be considered a hate crime? And what’s your obsession with me anyways?
I was the only one who was supposed to be in pain
>>38681810you know exactly what you're doing, and it's gross
Catposter is such a gooner.
real men piss in the sink
better to piss in the sink than to sink in the piss
>>38682042Why would someone use this trip
>>38682049admit it, you've waffle stomped some turds down the drain before haven't you?>>38682051you've never been with a real man if you haven't caught them draining their snake in the drain
>>38682049Better to cum in the sink, than to sink in the cum!
There's nothing quite like taking a fat piss in the sink.
Do you believe someone can be ontologically evil?
feral tranner gang
>>38682063unfortunately, you did not follow the thread replies chain correctly.
>>38682075there is no such thing as evil
>>38682083Gonna wrangle myself a gf
>>38682004I like her
>>38682087you're not a real boymoder if you can't piss in the sink
>>38682088NTA but wrong. So wrong.
>>38682102where did the sink talk come from
If I catch my tranner pissing in the sink I'm taking her spanking privileges away for a week.
>>38681906Oh it's older than that
>>38682088Are you retarded?
>>38682118Oh god just shoot me will you
Hiding my tranner's big glasses so that she has to rely on my to "find" them
Today I will remind the gay men what trannies really are.
Taking the pipes out from under the sink and hiding in the cabinet under the sink so I can drink tranny piss straight from the source
>>38682131pretending i cant see without them so he can feel good about helping me (they are distance and i can see well enough without them to find them)
>>38682106you're wrong, Leonidas>>38682107you need to date real humans, I don't think the kind of thing you wanna date can hold their phallus and aim at the sinkhuman brains can do it, very efficiently, we're good at aiming and throwing>>38682124pooner
>>38681976none im just prayin for ur downfall <33>>38682004i dont do that cuz thats a sin :c>>38682075yep>>38682096love u love u xoxoxo <33
>>38682143Evil people tell themselves evil isn't real as a cope
Someone said piss
>>38682147>love u love u xoxoxo <33Love you too baby girl <3
>>38682153name one evil thing I have done
>>38682164How should I know?
>>38682153That’s not true cause I believe evil is real
>>38682165exactly, evil isn't real, chvdthere is no such thing as evil
>>38682143Retard>>38682147I never did anything to you, why the fuck would you have a problem with me? lol
I will save humanity by impregnating a chaser's ass
>>38681935Import me
>>38682172You sound like an evilfaggot coping
im eating crackers
>>38682132Nothing on this earth has the power to weaken my insurmountable love of tranners
I'm eating n
>>38682187I do nothing but good things. For example, today I let my cat outside to hunt some birds. I've saved countless people from unwarranted government surveillance. Can you say you've done the same, chvd?
>>38682196I too have saved people from government surveillance you little chud-filet chudnugget
>>38682202how many glowies have you run over today? I ran over at least half a dozen. It might have been more, but I wasn't wearing my glasses and that last one could have been somebody's grandma. Either way, it's a cold hard intro for the chaotic randomness of this world. Never let your guard down. I might have taught somebody's grandkids this very lesson. I am a force of pure good, without me the entire world would cry over pussy bullshit, like spilled milk and chipped nails. Now these kids will be hardened human warriors who will thank me in the future wars to come. You're welcome, chvd
How is the vibes here right now?
pills or fall damage?
>>38682181I don’t think anyone wants you sis, you’re clapped in body, face, and mind.
>>38682173i dont have a problem with u spoody i was just playfully bein mean to u like u playfully be mean to me thought that was the thing we were doin but i guess ill stop sorry prima>>38682224bad cuz im here with my bad vibes spreadin bad vibes sorry sorryalso hiii tumurcin or cahicin <33
>>38682223You're a force of pure gay is more like it
PSA: if you find yourself acting like a little bitch on the internet go get your levels tested instead of shitting up threads
>>38682232spoo-der, no matter how hard you beg me I will never render my 8 inch bbc into your stinky pooner clit, my mighty excalibur is reserved only for the tightest chaser bum-bum>>38682238I am extremely straight
>>38682236You got baited into apologizing, great job! Fucking pendeja.
>>38682141Do you think you could start squatting down trying to find them like Velma from Scooby-Doo
PSA: if you find yourself craving women with penises on the internet go get your T levels tested instead of begging for huge tranner cock up your bum-bum
>>38682257Straight up gay yeah
sex with women with penises
>>38682257Who the fuck even are you? Irrelevant ass nigga lol
>>38682276not gay, I have never done anything gay, cope sneed and dial the number 8>>38682279I'm from the streets, if you ain't head of me then you a weak ass gimp
Hey guys I'm new to this subreddit. I love boats, cocaine and trans gendered buttholes
>>38682253what do i test for. i think i'm dying
>>38682299>I have never done anything gayCringe and cowardly
Kissing men as a repper? BasedKissing men as a cis woman? CringeKissing men as a tranny? BasedKissing men as a chaser? Based
>>38682299I don’t fuck with hoes who work the corner, I work in the clubs babes, not in the streets.
>>38682313you will never catch me slippin', you wicked agent of Sodom>>38682328oh you're a stripper? My condolences
i would sacrifice every person who has ever posted in these threads during the eclipse if it meant being a cis woman
>>38682321>Kissing men as a chaser? Basedkeep this in mind, chasers
>>38682332I think sacrifices have to be something of worth
>>38682236You bring good vibes, stop hating on yourself cat poster
>>38682335not happening
>>38682332ur ebil ;_;
>>38682330I do cunt boy porn
>>38682330You're gonna be slippin' dicks up your butt when you finally can't suppress your gay urges anymore
>>38682343i wouldn't want real people to get hurt>>38682351i would not judge you if you were to do the same to me
>>38682260i knew it i fuckin knew itill hunt u perra i cant take ur sassyness anymoh >:c>>38682316how thicc are ur forearms...for...scientific purposes c:??>>38682332i would sacrifice every person who has ever posted in these threads>>38682344yeh but ive seen some snarky comments sayin otherwisealso thank u mi niño love ya love ya
>>38682361Oh look, it's famous chasergen homophobe and biphobe Clown
I'm taking clown down the boozer this weekend
>>38682377You’re just like the retards in passgen thinking I’m an ftm, retarded.
>>38682332I'd do it just to be a passoid
>>38682189based and straight
>>38682355the only thing I suppress are my homicidal urges. I am a good person, because otherwise you would all be dead
>>38682389You posted in passgen?
>>38682403And now she will larp as someone else and pretend she didn't get immediately caught being a homophobe like always.
>>38682368i'd marry you if you managed to escape>>38682391if i'm making a dark deal then i'm going all the way. no half measures
>>38682404Ok gaylord
>>38682389i know what u are bitch dont tempt me e.e
>>38682377>forearmsnot very, I don't work my upper body intentionally
>>38682415ok schizo, and caught being homophobic? for telling another transphobic troll shitting up the thread to kys? what am I missing?
Clown is pretty based
>>38682452Being pro-gay is not transphobia, you fucking gincel flipflop sperg.
>>38682377Only care about opinions of people who care about you
>>38682389>>38682245Wtf it's real
>>38682389>thinking I'm an ftm, retarded>>38682245>I’m an ftm btwWhats the truth?
>>38682462are you autistic? that's what you think the post was? just innocently pro gay? like you're clearly confused, don't even know who you're replying to lol.
>>38682428straighter than you, Hans
>>38682500Probably but Hans is a gay ass name
>>38682470Gay baby
>>38682470>bug turns out to be a cute boythis makes all his raging funny in retrospect lil twink slammin on the keys
>>38682488obviously mtf
>>38682302Estrogen should be higher than your average menopausal Karen and testosterone lower than your average women’s rugby player