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give me some schizo core books. the more esoteric/weird, the better. i have a feeling they may hold true knowledge past all the hand wavey bullshit, just think about it. continuously aiming and approximating and getting silly wit it is bound to lead us towards some unmovable truth. right anons? so far, i know of the kyblion, emerald tablet, secret teachings of all ages. post more
Morning of the Magicians, Pauwels/Bergier
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x would know better but i have a host of books i saved i could post.
so i will post until fyad.
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Theozology, Liebenfels

Whats the Sonic comic?
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if i wasnt clear i meant >>>/x/
not that other thing.
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Dr. Fucknose and Anus Ambulance by Gerorge Herbert Walker Bush
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i think
i might be schizophrenic.
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There are some good recommendations, and I highly recommend Genuflect. But it might be too soon to dive head first into the abyss. If I could only give you one book, it would be this one. If only I had read this when I was in your shoes, I would have had a much clearer view of reality.
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i cant post anymore i sleepy
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>Space Magic
what was that other thing :P
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searched them up and nothing comes up. they must be super rare. what are the books even about?
what are the consequences of reading such an intimidating looking book
in what way does satanism have to do with seeing reality clearer?
There is nothing esoteric or schizo about Gracian lmao, it is a book of practical advice. A must read for any gentleman though.
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Against the Light by Grant, The Lightning and the Sun by Devi, and The Golden Cord by Serrano are the very best in esoteric schizocore.
>they may hold true knowledge.

They really don't. Most start with a presupposition that all religions are really the same and their own interpretation is the penultimate one. Or if they don't make this presupposition, they make incoherent, contradictory claims that are unsupported by each other and obfuscated for the sake of persuasion. any book on magic is in effect trying to do magic on you.

half of these books just qualify as introductions to losing your mind and to thr production of a sedated state that does not mind incoherence and contradiction.
>introductions to losing your mind
who would win in a fight? the supreme human will and intellect? or a weak little reality?
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at some point, logic breaks down and you will have to go insane to see reality for what it actually is. logic only goes so far, the light of reality is far greater than any physics and mathematics can explain or reach to
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Yes but also brain-dead retard's first attempt at alteration is a dumb fucking idea
explain what that is
My theoretical writings are becoming a bit /x/tier lately
Be careful with these books, especially the first one. Anything to do with Saturn is dangerous.
>captcha is HAXN
nothing ever happens though
>hasn't fucked around and found out
The White Goddess by Robert Graves is extremely schizo and also very well written and intelligent, I had to stop reading when it all started making perfect sense to me because I knew I was on the edge of madness
All non-jrwish kabbalak is completely fake. A literal hoax and grift. Not saying that in the redditor academic way either. That doesn't mean it will not demonize someone reading and attempting to practice it. Same goes for fake Chakra systems and such.
This guy know what he's talking about.

You might get certain peeks behind a veil of sorts but that protection is there for a reason. People who defy their common sense and proceed anyway will not fail to become endlessly deluded no matter how much true 'information' they may receive. And it only ends in ruin beyond human comprehension.
Correct. What they say about Saturn being Satan is actually true.
Really, even conspiracy theories themselves are demonic. It's called schizophrenic induction. You really don't want to get involved with ANY of this stuff and even if you are extremely discriminating and stick to solely legit non-schizo sources on espionage and geopolitics you are falling victim to a delusion of pride and may still open yourself up to certain things happening in your life that you really don't want.

Refuse to make that Faustian bargain and accept the reality that you may never know some things, for your own benefit.
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I am happy and sad to tell you that things will happen, if you believe for them to happen. Esoteric practicing is weird in that you first have to believe in the results before you see the results. The laws of causality begin to break down and work backwards. Because you believe nothing will happen, means nothing will happen.
Apocalypse Culture
Your schizophrenic induction worked on me. How do I get into learning about the truth of Saturn?
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What happened? You mean supernatural stuff?
Why does no one talk about behead all satans here?
I've seen it and just assumed it was some e-celeb babble. Sell me on it.
It's entirely propelled by self-shilling, the guy was one of the archetypal /lit/ shills. It's not very good, it's in the archive somewhere if you really want to read it. He still shills it occasionally, likely >>23330943 is him.

Better than Gardner if only due to his dedication and he probably is at least a little nuts, but from what I saw when it was posted several years ago it's nothing amazing.
I've seen it shilled here as a book by a former /lit/ anon, I read the reviews on goodreads and seemed to like the idea. I am also asking because I've never seen it discussed further than the occasional recommendation jpeg.
hey brain dead retard instead of spouting off useless nonsense you could have taken the time to look up the book and quickly learn that isn't what it's about. can't even read title lmao you zoomers are fucked
So you haven't read it, yet are deriding it from third rate aged 4chan reviews?
If you've read American Psycho you've read Behead All Satans
There's some amusing vignettes here and there but other than that it's not really anything new
>it must be one thing or the other
Kenneth Grant overall really fits the aesthetic with all the gematria. That shit is like systematic schizophrenia with how it creates very loose associations.
low quality, but seems interesting
jesus, this was such a great listen
Yes, he's pretty creative. Another way to see it is to say that the video contains hypnotism, manipulation, demonology and divination. Doesn't mean he was initiated, some are born with it and some communicate with demons through drugs, they get the technology from another dimension. Either way he's a wizard.
Yeah. I started to hear some voices and feel things touch me when I was doing a summoning ritual. I also had requests filled that I made offerings for.
it's interesting the way the author describes cyber stalking in the early-mid 2000s
before widespread 2-step verification, when it was more about social engineering and knowing your target.
how is this schizo? its normiecore jungian self help
>the kyblion, emerald tablet, secret teachings of all ages. post more
That's not even schizo core, that's just straight up faggot shit.
i think you just have a skill issue
why do you think its faggot shit? are you just elitist-bluffing?
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Etidorpha was my introduction to the Hollow Earth and it's incredibly well written.
I haven't read picrel.
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+the critiques, ofc
i liked the bit where he was living in the big jar. can't say i remember much else. molloy was more comprehensible to me.
thanks anon. posts like this are why I still come here.
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desu the follow-up is even crazier
> give me some schizo core books
Just read evola. Metaphysics of sex is half erudite half schizo. Mistery of the grail is half schizo half historical. You can join the dots from there.
Then there’s full schizo enlightened stuff (but I believe you just find it for your self or don’t read it at all), and then there’s full blown destructive stuff who’ll make a schizo out of you (won’t share for your own good). Talking of actual schizos perhaps look into jerry Marzinsky’s stuff. Still haven’t read but certainly will.
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>the big jar.
Skibidi For You

Colin Wilson, Gurdjeff

>t. Neville Goddard

No harm in more, picrel


Without Plotinus, there's no proper hermetic/take your pick of Western esotericisms after the Renaissance. All religion is to varying degrees secularized metaphysics of some variety-- Magee's Hermetic Hegel to that end and a full reading of that German in light of the aforementioned will give you all the schizocore you require.
lmao, it's not true schizocore but bait for pseuds
The difference is that AP was meant to be funny but BAS was 100% serious.
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>and then there's full blown destructive stuff who'll make a schizo out of you (won't share for your own good).
post every single one of them right now. do it.
Ok but how do I learn about Saturn if I can't read shit about it? Is there a safe intro to it, or is it all just forbidden knowledge that is to be avoided?
its all man made.
>or is it all just forbidden knowledge that is to be avoided?
Yes. All you need to know is the devil is real and has assumed various pagan guises; Saturn is just one of them.
No, you don't to learn more without a cost which anyone in their right mind is not willing to pay.
why are you cockblocking us from knowledge?
kinda vulgar man
I believe black "people" are demons, is there a connection between them and Saturn?
why are you racist?
Why would you assume I'm racist?
why do you think blacks are demons? i dont agree or disagree, its just a question
They're obviously a perverted form of humanity, like fallen men, closer to beasts yes but similar enough to give pause. I don't know if nature would have allowed for such a creature to survive as long as the negroid did. It has the protection of evil
why do you think this is? do you have any esoteric books that may explain them?
Just my senses anon, I don't need another man to describe what I see for me to believe it. My eyes, ears, nose and brain scream at me that blacks aren't human whenever I encounter them in person or on TV. Be your own master and listen to your senses, they'll guide you well. Mine helped me avoid the vaxx (poison)
I agree, it's just common sense to anyone that is spiritually aware. I think Mormons wrote about it, but I'm not really interested in their theology.
I think they're a transitional form, they've been rapidly progressing and becoming more white for 20k years. Humans left Africa when it was mostly controlled by some ancient evil humanlike creature that we could crossbreed with, the "ghost population" that left genetic markers in only Africans. Humans crossbred with Neanderthals in Europe and something even worse in Africa.
West Sahara has always been the cradle of human development but the cycles of dry/wet wash away all evidence and bones regularly.
Humans left Africa 30k years ago when the Sahara dried, many went East to avoid the Neanderthals in the North only to face them again in Turkey.
When the Sahara became lush again 15k years ago it became the cradle of civilization, farming and animal husbandry. Again the pattern repeated as natural disasters hit the area regularly and refugees migrated by boats to Turkey and notably the Caucasus as mentioned in the Bible. Around 6k years ago the lush period ended but even 2k years ago the area still had large rivers and lakes that are now salt flats.
Idk it's possible, I've never seen an animal as malicious as the negroid though. That's part of why I think they're demons. They love cruelty, if you ever see black kids laughing, you can be sure someone is very severely injured and likely by their paws
What are the authoritive books on Freemasonry?
The Hindi Alphabet
Learning Hindi
The Mahabarabta
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thanks for the reccs
Any mormon books?
If you're looking for something that just goes "KILL ALL NIGGERS WHITE NEPHITE DESERET NATIONALISM FOREVER" it doesn't exist, or at least, not as a book. Maybe there's some fringe Utah paramilitary group out there that practices something like that.
If you just want general schizophrenic Mormon stuff the accepted mainline canon is pretty out there once you get into it. Not so much the Book of Mormon itself (though it does feature ancient Jewish submarines and American Jesus), but definitely the later works like the Book of Abraham ("translated" from a papyrus manuscript which, after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, was found to simply be a fragment from the Book of the Dead) or the Doctrine and Covenants (a record of "revelations" given to various Mormon leaders up to the year 1918, at which such things stopped happening for no reason whatsoever).
There are a couple fringe works associated with Mormonism despite not being part of its canon, notably Mormon-influenced NDE accounts such as Visions of Glory. Due to the doctrine of personal revelation and open canon in Mormonism, it is very easy for members to come to believe that they have been granted new revelations to the world and sincerely believe it - sometimes with tragic results, as in the Chad Daybell/Lori Vallow case and the older but more widely known Lafferty murders.
If what you want is just high octane nonsense then take a look through this:
Neville Goddard is kino
All you need is this, if you read it as your own personal diary/story.
the holy bible is schizo-core?

I own paper copies of the Green Book (very dumb), the Little Red Book, and the first three volumes of Governance of China (would like to get the fourth). Also a (((compromised))) copy of Mein Kampf.

The language about the tetramorph in Ezekiel is pretty far out. Also, a talking snake and a bunch of crazy shit happens.
miracles are now schizo? whats the difference?
post them
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>i know of the kyblion, emerald tablet, secret teachings of all ages
All these are worthless. Kyballion was written by a literal grifter looking to make a buck who couldn't hold down a job and was mostly plagiarized from Isaac Newton's Commentaries on the Emerald Tablets. The Emerald Tablets themselves make no sense and are completely misunderstood if you don't understand the history of alchemy and antiquity from which it came, and when you do that you realize there is very little 'occultism' in it. Manly Hall and everything he wrote has a slant towards Freemasonry and he takes massive liberties with everything he interprets. These books edify you to feel like you have secret knowledge but they are really big nothingburgers for retards. If you're really interested start with someone simple like Alan Moore or Carl Jung study their symbols and go from there.
what are some books you reccommend?
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Unironically start with Alan Moore's comic series about magic, Promethea. And if something from that jumps out at you follow it further. He's been studying the occult for over 30 years and made it a part of his life. I don't agree with him 100% on his takes but he is the best place to start and get an introduction to occultic thinking, I think.

Another excellent place to start is The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment by Brian Copenhaver.

A lot of people like Robert Anton Wilson and other /x/ favorites are really just repackaging and rebranding old traditions, and there is no point in reading them when you can just go straight to the source yourself. It's like listening to Jordan Peterson talk about Carl Jung when when Jung's entire corpus is open and available to be read and you choose to listen to Kermit the Frog talk about it instead.
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>give me some schizo core books. the more esoteric/weird, the better.
Philip K Dick is the first and last schizo writer you will ever need. Start with the VALIS trilogy, which is party autobiographical, and read whatever you like from there. Both his short stories and novels are good. Scanner Darkly is his best.
will do!
People believe miracles come from an external being, not from the being within your own depths, which makes people call you a schizo
This poster is gaslighting and lying
how so?
i downloaded hundreds or thousands of occult books from z lib because it keeps recommending them constantly. hundreds about magick, third eye, power of semen retention, breathing, reaching higher dimensions, paranormal events, showing how reality is really all in your mind, how everything is a thought and so on. once you realise everything is a thought and nothing comes by your own doing even reading and writing posts and moving your body, your mind will be free. One of the most useful information i had tooken too long to learn is how important energy is and to bulid it within your body and how in turn you will be able to manifest anything you want the more energy you put in your body, you do this by clean living and stop expelling the biggest source of energy inside of you, semen.
what if i get prostate cancer from not jacking the fuck off or having SEX?
you fit the archetype of the "supernatural midwit who gets off on impressing retards" perfectly
which anon do you even think i am lol. im just asking simple questions
They really couldn't come up with a better benefit to cooming your brains out than prostate cancer? At this point it's up to you to how faulty and umperfect you see the body designed. If you think it takes something as precious as semen to be expelled in order to not get prostate cancer, that there if true is nothing short of proof of lack of intelligent design, which I don't agree is the case. In fact I'm more eager to belive people who abuse sex and cooming are MORE likely to get prostate cancer because they abuse the fuck out of it every time they coom
>showing how reality is really all in your mind
unfortunate that this has been proven false by Kant, then
Crime and punishment?
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The Dream Culture of the Neanderthals by Stan Gooch.

He claims that Neanderthals still exist (or people with a high % of their genes) and they’re superior to modern humans.

He also focuses on the anthropology of Neanderthals which is interesting since there’s not much to go off of
The Revelation After Ioannis by Ioannis Tsatsaris

he claims to have taken his knowledge by interacting / communicating with "Higher Positions".
Book among other thing tries to explain how "evil "works and why.
His book is commented by academically successful people while he also makes some interesting predictions regarding newer generations getting dumber and young people dying at increasing rates with no explanation etc (book was written years ago)
Weird writting style but interesting points.
currently reading!
how so ?
and I answered
i cant find this anywhere :(
Based and Canterelpilled text. Very autistic and imaginative. Lengthy, scientific descriptions of absurd inventions and strange mystical scenes.
Vulgar but beautifully written. Aragon is themostbased. About Nancy Cunard.
He is extremely good, but Artaud is best madman.
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The Head of Vitus Bering by Konrad Bayer
looks interesting!
Isnt alan moore a shit eating faggot commie? The anglo version of that argentinian jew who does everything just to wipe his ass with his audience
>t. woman
soon you will be yelling WANKING IS RAPE WANKING IS RAPE
in reality we must follow the golden path as defined by Aristotle: neither excess nor lack
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did hermes ever even exist?
This actually cures you of being schizo.
More plausible than anteaters
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but anteaters exist though
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This book pokes fun of all the numerology and gematria stuff but if it fries your brain dont hold me responsible. It's kinda meta-Robert Anton Wilson who I consider a drag and a bore.
Jake Chapman-Meatphysics is a book length shitpost, three quarters of which is literally stuff like

ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzewouweweriuerouuru++++++dead dead dead dead DEATH dead zygote zygote zygote DEAD$$$$$$$$$$$Y deadydead baby

and so on, but periodically there are flashes of coherence, names of their artworks, etc. I think there's a section in /lit/'s own beloved Fanged Noumena which operates in similar terms.
Is this the guy Bolano said thrice one should not read, in his essay about Spanish South American short stories?
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really? why did he say that?
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Here's someone who has actually been documented performing his supernatural feats while also explaining the mechanics behind why he is able to do it. The book is written by a Greek Engineer who tries to scientifically describe how the subject of the book does what he does. The spoiler is that Eastern science and philosophy is many years ahead of Western science and philosophy.
The Book of Ezekial
I'm sorry to inform you that you're retarded.
nta and haven't read the book, but it makes sense.
Eating organs has traditionally been thought to confer a benefit to your own corresponding organs by tribal societies. It may be that they learned this through direct experience and it became folk wisdom/medicine.
From a purely physical perspective, modern science has shown that animal organs contain enzymes and peptides (and the right ratios of nutrients/salts/fats) that help your corresponding organs. For example, animal hearts like beef heart are loaded with CoQ10, which helps cardiovascular health. If animal organs are salubrious to our organs, eating human organs is probably more so.

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