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Geography and Mapping Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"
Worldbuilding, as already stated above, and contrary to what many believe, does not inherently imply blatantly copying Tolkien. In fact, there are many science-fiction setting out there, and even entire alternative history settings which do not possess supernatural elements at all. Any kind of science fiction book has an implied setting at least, which involves a certain degree of worldbuilding put into it.

Last Thread >>23400937
Thread Questions:
>Have you ever made a map for your setting? What did you use to make it, and what advice do you have for said program?
>When making a map, what are the top things to remember especially in regards to geographical features? What about common mistakes that people make when designing a setting? Speaking of, are there any noteworthy geographical features that were created by magic or something similar, and if yes, what are they and who or what created these unnatural features?
>How do you come up with names for different locations and landmarks, especially if you want something better than calling a town on a major river “River Town” and the like?
>Lastly, how well-mapped is the setting from the perspective of its inhabitants, and who are some of the major explorers in the setting’s history?

Bonus Question:
>If there’s an equivalent of Father’s Day in your setting, how does it compare to the real-life version?
Why would people make moats in fantasy settings with flying monsters and magic users?
>Thread question
I'm suddenly aware that humans are the only race in my setting with a concept of "fatherhood".
They're still an obstacle to regular people, no? Exhausting invading magic-users by making them fill up your moats for their infantry would be good strategy.
Really? What’s up with that precisely?
Thinking of basing my Elves off of the Early Irish Christian explanation of the Tuatha De Danan.

A Parallel or elder race than the Adamic Humans who live near the Mountain of God.
>the Mountain of God.
Is that literal or just a name?
>What did you use?
I'm currently making a map with paint.net and QGIS. One handy thing about QGIS is that it makes it easy to overlay an earth world map, which helps maintain a sense of scale and distance.
I've still got to do a tectonic analysis and climate analysis. I'm not doing from-scratch tectonics because I want more control over the final geography, but I do want things to be plausible enough.
>Naming things
I mentioned in the last thread that I'm working on a set of naming languages. I've got a list of about a hundred nouns and adjectives that I'll mutate into various forms and use those to name locations. I'll still be able to name things "River Town", but with a consistent set of made up words.
>How well mapped is the setting?
It's set during the age of exploration, so initially most of the world is unknown to most of the inhabitants. I haven't got to the point of having falous named characters yet.
In the setting for my story once a century a specialist in every category of magic/type of spell is chosen for a grand tournament, one in which the winner of each bout gains the magical knowledge of the loser, the mages growing stronger as the tournament continues, until the final winner becomes the most powerful mage in the world, and the head of the mage's council for the next 100 years, a bit like a magical version of Highlander. I need some more types/specialties of magic in order to pad out the brackets a bit, no matter how if they don't seem useful in direct combat or not like healing spells or the various kinds of divination, since I want to have every branch of magic possible to be included in this besides the go-to ones like illusions, summoning, elemental spells, or necromancy. Though certain more OP ones, like time magic, might need to have a handicap of entering in later rounds. Remember, no type of spell is too specific or broad to suggest.
There's no such thing as something being too OP. It's fictional, so you can literally make anything as strong as you want. If you have trouble seeing how you can have chronomancers who aren't OP, then look at games that have them because games use balance; for example, the chronomancers in Tales of Maj'Eyal are strong but have limits like the Paradox resource and cooldowns, I've died plenty of times playing them.
This is pretty neat, thanks. What about other types of magic like the original question though?
>Geography and Mapping Edition
Unfortunate that I'm not at home this week or have access to my PC because boy do I have maps
How could my protagonist go about reestablishing an empire that collapsed due to anarchy, leftist revolutions, and nationalist separatism even before he was born?

Is there any precedent for resurrecting long dead nations and cultures?
I've thought about this while planning similar developments in my own story, and the solution is very long-winded and dependent on the context.

But, I'd say the most valuable thing is having some claim of legitimacy, which appeals to the people's sense of justice and gives them a reason to follow a certain faction over the others. This could be a surviving member of the overthrown ruling house, who can unite the elements still faithful to the old regime, or a high-ranking noble, who was held in high esteem.

Next is securing the support of local lords. It's very difficult to reclaim an empire right away. You have to start from one small region and establish a semi-permanent foothold, where you won't be immediately overthrown. Then comes building influence, economically and politically, and ultimately reassembling and training an armed force that can be used to overtake other areas.

For further reading, I recommend Machiavelli's Prince.
As someone on the other thread said, try Israel. Jews preserved their culture for thousands of years, and persecution kept them from assimilating.
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I have a vast, living and breathing fantasy world built up inside my head with tens of thousands of years of history which eventually expands into a galaxy-spanning space opera but I could never publish any of its stories without having to shoehorne niggers into it because
>current year
Fuck off back to /pol/, no one cares.
Hopefully the thread will last long enough for us to see them.
It is interesting to think that none of the classics of the 20th century could be published for reason: not enough niggers
So I've got this (evil) scifi state that sucks out the energy from stars. But I realized that that's not a great use of it, and I love nuclear power, so I made up an extra piece of lore:

>Spaceships do suck out the energy from stars
>But then they convert them into uranium or plutonium rods for more convenient storage.
>Then they carry them to planets or space stations, where they're plugged to nuclear power plants.
>Energy is now ready for use in a more convenient manner.

So does that make sense? Would converting the mass of the stars to nuclear material be a more convenient way to use their energy?
Does anyone have a setting they would like to share? I'm bored and feel like reading something. A dropbox link is fine.
I care.
Using stars to create nuclear power is kind of like using a black hole to dump trash. Nuclear energy is just using steam to turn a turbine, it's really not that complex.
Fusion makes more sense than fission in this case. Instead of plutonium they should harvest light elements like helium, tricium and deuterium.
Also that's a whole lot of energy. What do they need such large amounts of energy for?
I want to spice up the elemental magic in my setting and give mages of each element more than just manipulating the substance of their element directly, like giving my Water mages the ability to heal in addition to shooting water jets at people or walking on water, but I've run out of ideas for things that each element can do, so if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it please.
Not to create, just to store. Think of the plutonium as batteries. It's easier to carry them around than to carry the blazing gases of the stars.

It's a civilization that has colonized the solar system and plans to colonize exoplanets a couple light years away. They need a lot more energy than our entire planet, times a thousand.
Fire represents chaos, so powerful fire mages can manipulate reality and cause unpredictable things to happen.

Water represents the cyclical nature of life, so water mages are able to reincarnate when they die, which no other mages can do.

Air represents the ethereal, so air mages are able to see the unseen, cosmic forces of the universe, such as gods, demons, and cosmic horrors.

Earth represents Gnostic imprisonment, and Earth mages can capture and weaponize the souls of people they kill.l, which also prevents them from reincarnating or going to the afterlife.
What would be the primary motivation of a goddess of mysteries?
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I want to make a vaguely-schizophrenic fantasy setting. What are some books I can read for inspiration?
Did you make this?
No, it's just a picture I found. Basically I want to imagine if Robert E. Howard was schizo instead of suicidal and imagine what he'd wrote. Something about time, space, geometry, etc.
Lovecraft is right up your alley. You can find all his stuff online for free.

Never heard of him. Did he write romance novels?
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i like to use the motif of the pillars of hercules a lot in my world, i rarely namedrop it, especially as the timeline goes into the 2800's. (it's very hard scifi but like dune with the crazy stuff)
They are supposed to represent every time people thought they have reached the end of the world, that history finally ended and things will stay the same forever.
I don't know if there is a point where i am using this symbol too much in very disconnected places, though i really like it, i like the idea behind it and the message it sends. I know there is also spain association but i like to ignore it unless the place dictates a spanish heritage, which most do not.
i also do the whole ptolemey thing twice in two seperate locations.
y'know the one
>ptolemey II
>ptolemey III...
These are great ideas to start with, thanks! If you can think of any more, please let me know, especially ideas for Water and Earth that don't require people people to die first.
Water represents life and purification, so maybe Water Mages can create and control monsters?
Biomancy does go well with healing magic, so that could be an extension of healing, that’s a start, thanks. What about the other elements, scrying could work for Air, and defensive wards for Earth seems logical, can you think of anything more for those?
Speed and invisibility for air.
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Okay thanks, what about spells that “enflame” emotions or cause berserker rages for Fire, got any more ideas for that element? What about Earth? I was thinking that enchantments and making magic items would be split between the elements, so that each element can be used to make certain kinds of items relating to the spells their element can cast, otherwise I’d suggest it for Earth, what do you think?
Not him, but thanks. Got any favorites?
Dagon, Call of Cthulhu, and Mountains of Madness are probably his most famous works.
Tl;Dr my BBEG is essentially a malevolent and sapient plot hole currently trapped outside of reality, and I'm trying to find more ways for its influence to spread around the world beyond it corrupting key "boss" villains throughout the story.
I imagine this kind of BBEG falls into a Lovecraftian tier of entity but so far I've yet to find inspiration for how it's influence could further be noticed in the environment

The shadow over insmouth is by far his best stand alone book
Nta but I just finished it recently, The Exploring Series is truly the goat for reading his books for essentially free
The story itself was good with good tension, but the ending was a little predictable
My world never went through the Nazi thing, so eugenics is still a popular and mainstream idea. Every major intellectual loves it just like they love socialism and planned economies in our world.

But my protagonist is....special. He is a one in a quadrillion freak of nature the likes of which has never been seen before. He is "superior" in all parameters to humans.

But since I hate eugenics, he's a deconstruction of the "next step in human evolution" idea. Despite being handsome and intelligent, he's very shy and not all that popular with girls. He'll likely never have children, meaning his "superior" genes will die with him.
In other words, he won't be the next step in evolution because EVOLUTON DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.

I intend for this to show the humans of this timeline that eugenics are nonsense. It's not "superior" genes that spread, it's genes that adapt to the current situation best.
Given how popular you say eugenics is, I take it some people take issue with his lack of interest in passing his genes on, what are they planning to do?
Michiganon cares.
Hiding these shit threads along with the Writing General threads is the highlight of my day, these bloated FAGGOT threads with their horrid shitty posts. Feels like throwing a bunch of trash into an incinerator
Please. For the love of everything stop writing about "elemental magic". It's kitschy and tortured to death. The literary equivalent of fisher price
>everyone loves eugenics
>character is born as "superior in all parameters"
>not popular with girls
Lol right. This book will change the world anon!!
Holy shit you are a retarded faggot. You are literally making the case for why we need eugenics. Evolution happens no matter what and bad traits will proliferate if nothing stands in the way. Having a society with medical care and welfare is an active form of dysgenics which allows inferiors to reproduce this making humanity as a whole less capable.

I recommend that you forget about writing this book and instead focus on killing yourself
i would like to ask some stupid questions
>when the world has "post-apocalyptic" setting, is it referred to a post apocalyptic mordern/scifi world or it can also be applied for post-apocalyptic fantasy world?
>If the apocalypse is a minor detail in the story (just being a event in the history the world, no hint of it was left, etc) and have no impact on it, do the story still count as "post-apocalyptic"?
These are all great and I'd like to add
>Dunwich Horror
>The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
>Colour out of Space
>Whisperer in the Darkness
>The Dreams in the Witch House

I wish I had some hard copies of his works but they're quite expensive on Amazon and the big "collections" volumes always have a disappointing selection of his stories. Who wants to read "Rats in the Walls" for the 20th time.
>>when the world has "post-apocalyptic" setting, is it referred to a post apocalyptic mordern/scifi world or it can also be applied for post-apocalyptic fantasy world?
It can also be applied to a fantasy world, Adventure Time is unironically the best example of that
>If the apocalypse is a minor detail in the story (just being a event in the history the world, no hint of it was left, etc) and have no impact on it, do the story still count as "post-apocalyptic"?
Adventure Time answers this too somewhat lol, by all accounts it IS post-apocalypse but it's so far in the future from that event that there are few remnants of the nuclear war noticeable and life evolved around it eventually.
I never used a computer program to make maps, so I only ever envisoned the places I imagined. I think of the lanscapes, animals, and even the transitioning of biomes.
Has anyone here made maps complete with underground areas in programs?
Either kill him or try and steal his DNA to create a child without his consent.
Kill yourself, Nazi. Eugenics is sinful. Only God decides what traits will pass on. Not you nor your savage pagan friends.

Nah, I just want to annoy the Nazis. If it helps, he's not a bad guy. And his main problem is that he doesn't even try to woo girls, despite being handsome and successful at everything he tries.

He's just too shy.
Your character sounds like a self-insert.
>my mom said I'm handsome and very clever
>it's the NAZIS fault I don't have a girlfriend

P.S.: the only people who cry about eugenics are the ones who instinctively know they wouldn't make it into the program
Read the Wikipedia pages about the technology that you want to include. A civilization that could harvest energy from a star would likely have the capacity to build a Dyson sphere or transmit energy wirelessly. You're just approaching it from the wrong direction, calling the materials batteries when it's akin to gas tanks.
Toying with humans. I can't imagine that she would be a friend of humans, maybe not an enemy, but as a higher being, humans must seem boring and fragile. Or like dolls for a little girl, since she is a goddess.
....bro, I'm not masochistic enough to self-insert as a societal reject who can't talk to girls. :D

He's just my attempt at trolling Nazis who think humans should be bred like cattle or dogs. I find it to be a disgusting idea.
Wireless transmission isn't as efficient for distribution as just solid storage.
>Toying with humans
This was cliche 6000 years ago, please demand more of yourself
Okay, so what should I do 'instead' of elemental magic then?
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>to limit meatshield support of said flying monsters and magic users, allowing defenders to focus fire
>to house a magic water beastie of our own
>to screen out monsters with water taboos, like vampires
>to leverage certain magics requiring bloodwater circles

once magic is involved one may vigorously produce anything at all out of one's fundament.
Not him, but what is the alternative that you’d suggest?
>Mountain of God
literally mogging
creating more mysteries for people to noootice and theorize over, thus expanding her domain.

Although, most irl gods have their own mysteries. A goddess of mysteries would wind up either head of the pantheon or get her religion jihaded for claiming too much credit.
I would suggest examining the setting first of all. What kind of entities are the gods in your work? Where do they live and act from? What is their relationship with the world and lower lifeforms? Were they also created by some bigger god, or was it the planet itself that birthed them, or are they a manifestation of collective human psyche or what? How much influence do they have in daily life? Thinking about these things, the motivation typically explains itself
There are four groups of gods in my setting, one for Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, and I’m trying to figure out some of the things that each pantheon might hold dominion over after things like the Sun or Flames for Summer, can someone please help me with this?
Spring= Life
I'm looking for more for each season, but I appreciate this regardless.
What would you have done instead then?
Spring=Birth and motherhood, love, change and transformation
Summer=Law and order, fatherhood, war
Autumn=Harvest, plenty, feasting, alcohol
Winter=Sleep, dreams, magic, hidden knowledge
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Why Law and Order for Summer? I can get the logic for the others, except maybe Autumn and Alcohol. This is a great start, thanks, if you have any more ideas please let me know.
I mean there's nothing to really be done, the predictability is simply a product of the modern age. "The call is coming from inside the house" is a pretty popular trope in horror Lovecraft just did it in a time period where it would be new and shocking.
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I’m trying to come up with familiar ideas for my elemental archmages, but I want to avoid only doing the simple things, like fish for Water, with one example Fire mage having a Phoenix for instance, does anyone have any more ideas?
>elemental magic
It's a classic for a reason, why the hate? And technically we're talking about elemental familiars instead of elemental magic anyway if you really want to split hairs, so what do you have to say about that please?
Summer gets law and order because the sun is the king of the sky and summer is when the sun is at its strongest.
Autumn gets alcohol because it also gets feasting.
Trade isn't associated with any season yet, I'd probably give it to whichever season is when trade caravans typically arrive in the region.
Healing probably goes to Spring.
Storms and lightning will be whichever season has the worst weather.
The Sea might be the same season as trade, or it could be Spring along with change (because the sea is ever changing)
Thanks for explaining the reasoning there. And the Healing suggestion is much appreciated as well. Do you have any more suggestions? Like, I was thinking that Summer would have the Forge, since forges use heat to shape metal and Summer is the hottest season, and Winter could have Night since the days get shorter (giving Summer the Day in comparison), what do you think?
What should you do when creating plant monsters for your fantasy setting?
I'd say think about what sorts of things or activities people are going to ask for divine help with or protection from.
Which gods cause natural disasters like floods, famines, droughts or earthquakes?
Which gods grant success in risky endeavours like war, long journeys or childbirth?
What economically important plants or animals are there and which gods govern those? E.g. Zeus was associated with cattle, but Poseidon was associated with horses.
What high status crafts or occupations have their own gods? Healing and smithing have been mentioned. What about architecture, ship-building, music, writing or mining?
Make them fungal and give them the ability to hijack the brains of enemies.
Fungi aren't plants
Why do so many people make that mistake?
Regarding maps, what are some good ones to look at as examples, and have you used any of them as inspiration, like this one I found, and can you please share any you’ve made or used as inspiration?
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There seems to be a lot of disdain for elemental magic here. What type of magic do you find interesting?
Unironically look at actual geography. Consider the equator, the directions of rivers, the relationship between countries and their water sources, etc.
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What resources would you recommend for someone totally unfamiliar with geography that wants to do this?
one easier option is use Gprojector to sift the poles of earth maps and than use the new configuration of the continents the base for your map
And here a guide of how to do maps through simulation of tectonics https://worldbuildingpasta.blogspot.com/2020/01/an-apple-pie-from-scratch-part-va.html
How do I imagine luxuries beyond what the modern world can give?
Immortality, love, mental peace, leisure, etc etc.
Hey, need some help on writing social dynamics for Wizards.
>Magic in my world is mostly powered by egotism and the willingness to surpass your limits in a quest to "Godhood", for lack of a better word.
>So Mages tend to be monstrous egotists who do whatever they like as long as it gets them more power, money, or status.
>They aren't the top dogs of the verse though. Priests can crush them 10/10 times, so Mages have to behave themslves....to some level, because there are a lot more Mages than there are priests.

How would these people organize themselves? Would they?
Need some tips on writing harsh ordeals that a Cult of evil sorcerers can use as initiation rituals.
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In my setting some kind of dimensional catastrophe has caused zones where other planes intersect with the ‘main’ plane of the setting, essentially pocket dimension pieces of those other planes in the primary plane. Some of these planes are close enough to the primary plane that a person can wander in accidentally without noticing, but the main focus is on the more conceptual planes, like Creation, Destruction, Order, Chaos, Light, and Darkness, among others like the elements, or very rarely, Life, Death, or a potential afterlife. People from the primary plane can travel into these pockets, both to look for rarer materials and to deal with the extra-planar creatures that sometimes come out, and if it’s particularly bad they can “pop” the dimensional pocket and return the extra-planar beings and power from whence they came. Each pocket, or at least the conceptual ones, is ruled by what is essentially a minor god or demigod native to the plane the pocket originated from, and the fastest way to “pop” the dimensional bubble is to defeat this being, or at least convince it to leave. The thing is, I’m having some trouble coming up with ways that the conceptual dimensional pockets might manifest in the primary plane, and ideas for some of the creatures and beings within them, let alone the materials that can be found within. Like, for a Destruction pocket, what might it look like besides just a constant explosion, and what might the beings inside look like besides ambulatory ones? Or a Darkness pocket besides a black hole, etc.? Because I’m kind of stumped and could use all the help I can get please.
Well, if it's an afterlife thing, just make it so that the living mind can't fully perceive it.
No, fuck you.
Listen to him. Elemental magic is trite and unimaginative.
You've just described dungeons.
How do you even find motivation for worldbuilding?
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Okay, do you have any helpful suggestions for these dungeons then please?
How should I know what you want to write? Do you own research. Now that you know your concept has been done many times before, it shouldn't be too hard to find sources of inspiration.
It would be difficult to say without more info on the cult, but generally the ordeals should have the dual purpose of teaching the ideals of the group while also fostering loyalty. For example, a cult for a god of death might want people to die and then traverse some spirit realm and return in order to be worthy of joining. The ordeals should also be long and difficult to invoke a sense of loyalty to the group, since someone who invested many years and lots of effort to join a group will be less likely to leave. If they're meant to be evil sorcerers I would probably also note that most people don't survive the initiation, which would add to a member's pride of being part of the elite.The trials can also be shameful for the same reason, as anyone who tries to leave can be blackmailed into staying.
What could be some superpowers based on the concept of "Selfishness" or "Egotism"?
You're so assured of your own invulnerability that you 'are' invulnerable in battle. See Discworld's Lord Rust for what I mean.
Something like the Parasite would be a perfect fit.
The points is that you do things you're genuinely interested in, not force yourself to do stuff you don't care about just for the sheer hell of it
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How do you guys make governments and administration? My world is a sort of post apocalypse far future setting but most people live like ancient or medieval peasants on what arable land remains, advanced technology is for the very few, although some like basic firearms are possible for more to aquire. The state I'm mostly working on is a city-state, which for the setting is the largest state in a very large area. The Government is something like this
>Seven Tyrants, who are all mini diotators of their own section of the city, they are all supposed to act as military commanders with a private army and 'enforcers' of the City. They are the defacto and dejure rulers of the state with legal supremacy over any other law if they directly intervene, unless it's on another Tyrants jurisdiction. They decide all foreign policy and have considerable power in local policy. They are made by a mix of appointment by the previous Tyrant and City election for candidates.
>Land Council, each region outside of the City is represented by a local notable. They make the majority of decisions legal and in local policy regarding the lands outside the City. They are immune to legal persecution by the Tyrants, unless impeached by other members. They effectively represent the other branch of Government compared to the Tyrants. They are elected by committee in their region, effectively an oligarch.
>Governors and Captains, both act as the enforcing arm of the Land Council and Tyrants in the country. Captains are in charge of all military organisation in the divisions and can organise the local forces to fight against invaders or delay until a Tyrant can arrive with their own army.

If there is any glaring errors with how such a state might practically function please point it out.
>Seven Tyrants
That's a senate already. Allowing co-rulers goes against the very nature and definition of dictatorship.
>They are immune to legal persecution by the Tyrants
So the dictators actually have no power at all? The result of such a system is that the regional leaders will simply ignore the central government. The city will die without the surroundings areas to provide for it, putting it entirely at their mercy without any legal hold over them.
>They are elected by committee in their region
>effectively an oligarch.
Oligarchs gain power through economical influence, not by committees. No committee would have any say over someone who owns the lands and businesses in its designated area, and such a person would never submit to committee control, unless it was appointed by him, made up of his own puppets.
>both act as the enforcing arm of the Land Council and Tyrants in the country
Where are all these armies pulled from? There aren't enough men for everybody, somebody would have to do regular work too. You also cannot train or house an army inside a city. It's logistically impossible. The soldiers are the inhabitants of the nearby regions by necessity, which leaves your so-called tyrants bagged on all sides politically, legally, and militarily, which makes the state seem more like a very unhappy prison.

You seem very confused in your use of terms and have no idea how humans or politics work. I'd recommend going to school, before attempting to craft nations.
>That's a senate already. Allowing co-rulers goes against the very nature and definition of dictatorship.
They are not modern dictators or following a modern ideology, I'm just using that as a way to describe their range of power.
>So the dictators actually have no power at all?
They have power in all manner other than that. They are the only people to possess on concentrated standing military power, they control administration and when being practiced their verdict supersedes any law in court. They cannot depose or bring to court somebody they don't like just because. Otherwise there would be no balance to power, which would make the council redundant. It's more like how a Legislative and Executive branch of a modern government works, except in this case the Tyrants are both but not completely dominant in one.
>Oligarchs gain power through economical influence, not by committees
I said they were like oligarchs of their own local regions. They are powerful and wealthy magnates who by common agreement are sent to serve in the City. That's not really any different from the Later Roman Administration where talent was pooled from the elites of a given region to serve in the central government. Or how Medieval Mayors were elected, from a small pool of the rich and powerful voting for each other. You could even use the Venetian Doge as a very significant version of this.
>No committee would have any say over someone who owns the lands and businesses in its designated area
Said committe is made up of his peers. That's just how municipal councils work.
>Where are all these armies pulled from?
Tyrants control their own standing armies, who they pay for and procure through enlistment. Local forces are not standing and have to be called upon like how the Medieval English Array system worked. They are temporary conscripts.
>You also cannot train or house an army inside a city.
This has been the case since Antiquity. Regiments are stationed in cities either being billeted or in barracks, which is also how the Romans did it. It was not uncommon for a normal city to have a regiment of Comitatenses stationed in it and that would be anywhere between 1000-2000 standing soldiers. Let alone military cities like Dura Europos which held far more on a permanent basis.
>The soldiers are the inhabitants of the nearby regions by necessity
Professional soldiers do exist.
I've figured out an explanation for why destroying monsters drops magic gems:
>All magic comes from leaks between the Dreamlands and reality
>Magic takes the form of discrete particles that coalesce over water bodies to form a spiritual core.
>Then it absorbs the negative emotions and evil from the nearby regions (and not necessarily in the same time) to form monsters.
>Monsters then go out and eat people.
>Mages then come around to destroy the monsters and collect their spirit cores.

Spirit cores can be used for a lot of useful things, from "just" creating infinite energy at low voltages to transmutation. That means they're incredibly valuable, and make the Mages very rich.

So therefore, monsters are a net positive for the economy if regularly defeated but a net negative otherwise!
>They have power in all manner other than
the one that actually matters.
>their verdict supersedes any law in court
>They cannot depose or bring to court somebody they don't like just because
Don't you see how these points contradict each other? You can't be above the law in one thing, but not in another. Only total chaos will follow.
>which would make the council redundant
It already is.
>except in this case the Tyrants are both but not completely dominant in one
Do you understand why separation of powers was done the way it was? Because it doesn't work any other way.
>They are powerful and wealthy magnates who by common agreement
Powerful and wealthy magnates typically do not need or seek common agreement.
>Later Roman Administration
Not exactly a good example of functional state.
>That's just how municipal councils work.
Members of municipal councils rarely have their own armies.
>Local forces are not standing and have to be called upon like how the Medieval English Array system worked
Didn't you say they were the first to respond? Do you have any idea how long it takes to assemble and train armies?
>Tyrants control their own standing armies, who they pay for and procure through enlistment.
How much do you think that costs? How much food is needed? Not even Kings in medieval times could afford to keep armies around all year long.

You asked for feedback, but it sounds to me you don't actually want any. So let's wrap here. Have fun.
>the one that actually matters.
This is like saying the Primeminister of the UK doesn't matter because the Hampshire County Council exists.
>You can't be above the law in one thing, but not in another. Only total chaos will follow.
Yes you can. You can be legally superior in an aspect and not be one another.
>Powerful and wealthy magnates typically do not need or seek common agreement.
Which is why we never ever see any magnates work together or try to win each other over. Or maybe you just imagine a grim world were nobody is willing to work with each other, share common goals or have a community.
>Not exactly a good example of functional state.
The most competent state in administration before the Early Modern period is somehow not functional?
>Members of municipal councils rarely have their own armies.
Neither do they in my setting. Don't know what you're getting at.
>Didn't you say they were the first to respond? Do you have any idea how long it takes to assemble and train armies?
A small force would take up to two months to organise. Conscripts aren't trained, even Byzantine seasonal soldiers did not engage in training during campaign season. The Anglo-Saxon Aldermen were capable of raising small temporary forces before Royal armies could arrive, it is not unreasonable.
>How much do you think that costs? How much food is needed?
A lot, and they also have a lot of resources to do that. But neither am I talking about armies of 10,000's but in the lower part of a few thousand standing soldiers funded by a huge revenue stream.
>You asked for feedback
Your feedback was nonsensical and based around things that aren't true or the fact you didn't read properly.
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Thought that I replied to this already, weird.

I was thinking that they wouldn't cause natural disasters directly/consciously... most of the time at least, but naturally. After all, when the summer heat makes someone faint, that's just something that happens in summer, same for someone not bundling up enough in winter and getting frostbite. What do you think?

Well, the Summer pantheon would probably have War like it says above, maybe Spring for Childbirth. I thought that Zeus's animal was the eagle? As for the others, I'm in a rush, so I'll get back to you on that, not 100% sure ATM.
Are there any good resources on technology? I want to know what things I could get away with in a fantasy setting for things that could've been invented earlier, or were invented earlier but nobody seized on them.
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How might martial arts, and combat in general, be different with races that have a non-standard body plan, like tauroid races, lamias, etc.?
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How do I cope with the fact that my project will never be as good, well received, discussed, or loved like the Elder Scrolls universe?
just a reminder none of this "worldbuilding" matters if you can't actually write a good story, its just maladaptive daydreaming
popularity and quality are not necessarily the same thing, or even always causally correlated. If you are able to produce something that is of quality, then it shouldn't matter to you whether you garner a hundred or a thousand fans.
If popularity is your sole goal, without regard for quality, then your priorities are all screwed up.
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>the Elder Scrolls
Why specifically that franchise, and was does it can do well that we can steal?
>post-apocalyptic setting
>regressed to almost medieval ages
>but high-tech still exists in some very limited areas (power generators, wind turbines etc) since this was a space-faring civilization once upon a time
>guns don't exist, but people use compressed air crossbows/bows/slings/spears etc
>shields don't exist either, so people rely on very heavy armour
>nanobots are also a thing, seeded in ancient times and still active, repairing any damaged organic material
>this means that getting riddled with bolts won't necessarily kill you, as long as you're not outright dead the nanobots can repair the tissue
>the more injured you get, the faster the nanobots work on you as you're pre-registered
>this means that people that get absolutely fucked repeatedly their entire life get to have damage on them repaired in minutes, as long as the wound isn't outright fatal (cleaved neck, pierced heart, chopped off face)

Now, I need advice with the three main factions without making them too mundane to the point of just making them "european knights" etc, even though it seems Im doing exactly that, just with less used groups.

>Polis - collective of city states, in a relatively inhospitable land therefore economy is based on slavery. Accepting on everyone who wants to live there, as long as you're not poor. Being poor is a crime, and you get enslaved. Being famished is also a crime, since it implies you're poor. This obviously gets exploited by slavers. Culture primarily inspired my mycenians/minoans (use Dendra panoply armour aesthetics) but because there's multitudes of city states, I can play around and add some specific flavour to the other city states (Japanese/Chinese to the far south). It's a land of "adventure" because there are no constraints and there are constant peasant/slave rebellions.

>Eternal Empire - Ruled by a god-emperor. Towns built in and outside of Ziggurat like structures. Therefore Sumerian/Mesopotamian inspired. Essentially a theocracy, and one of the safest and most fertile places in the world as long as you're not a woman, or non-human, or talk against their religion/god-emperor. Their beliefs are dualistic - good god/bad god, but the trick is there is no god. Their gods are just ancient weapons from the space era. Slavery legal and used to purify the souls of those deemed impure, but is state mandated only.

>Realms of the Asadiv - Genetically modified long ago for use as shock troops, now huge with glowing eyes, glowing veins and horns on their head. Resemble the Jotunn. Mostly inspired by the Rus', lead by a Vozhd who is the official leader for as long as he can maintain control over the realms. The realms are always squabbling and comprised of a variety of sects that fight each other. Their religion is war, so they settle most of their disputes through duels or outright wars. They are mostly congregated in a crater, where a quantum bomb blew up and caused a localized nuclear winter.The not-vikings of the setting(i wanna change it
Remember that there’s no way to make your stuff appeal to everyone.
I think I accidentally made a scifi version of cosmic horror.
There was an alien race that was so much more advanced than humans that we were basically amoeba to them. They literally couldn't communicate with us because we were so inferior.

Their bodies were vast spheres that made the sun look like a marble. There were septillions of them across the universe.

And then they died of a "plague". Needless to say, said plague was yet another alien race that somehow infected and destroyed a species that ate galaxies like popcorn.
Said "plague" is also coming to Earth once they've finished off all survivors.

In other words, the human race is about to be exterminated by a godkilling plague. There's nothing they can do about it. They don't even know how much time they have.

They don't even know they're on a timer.
NTA, but illnesses are wierd. Sometimes they effect creatures in different ways. If they are lucky they could even be totally immune.
The "plague" is literally an advanced alien species. Like, with spaceships and all.

They called it a plague because it was so far below them that it was basically a disease, not an invasion.
Ah, wasn't paying much attention to that part sorry.
Well, if these guys are a lot smaller than the ones they killed, maybe they can be negotiated with?
Textbook example of a trickster god who wants humans to notice and look into the mysteries while at the same time hindering their search for understanding.
Could also make her a capricious goddes who rewards or punishes mortals that get to the end of one of her mysteries depending on her mood.
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I have a vast, living and breathing fantasy world built up inside git with tens of thousands of years of history, where all characters but the isekai'd mcs are female (possibly futa) toddlers, which eventually expands into a universe-spanning cultivation novel, but I could never publish any of its stories without having to shoehorn hags into it because
>current year
You’ve got to give them ‘some’ hope. Otherwise it’s just depressing.
Would a political alliance/faction whose main leverage is that it provides exclusive access to vital infrastructure a services work in a limited sci-fi setting, say a single solar system? Would it work at all?
Say there's this league of space stations that offers exclusive access some piece of technology or service (Like a unified financial transaction system) it may take away at any moment on the case of non-compliance, could this polity function? Would it be an interesting concept?
fuckem in the mouth
Seconding this ask please.
And? Fucking what?
make Ceres space saudis with a monopoly on off-planet rocket fuel refining and distribution
anyone who tries to compete gets inshallah'd by space isis
Not exactly what I was thinking of but it could work. Why the Saudis though? Early space age investment paid off?
On the other hand, a space station or league of stations comprised entirely out of memebers of the house of Saud sounds like it would be interesting. There's more than enough of them to make a viable genetic pool.
How? What could humanity offer them?
Who knows? I certainly don't. Their creation was an accident.

I'm trying to think of what to do with them, really.
I'll obviously have to think of something. It would be too lame a way to kill humanity off.
>Their creation was an accident.
Do you mean in-setting, meta, or both?
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What if they don't have a mouth? But seriously, what ideas do you have?
Meta. I was just trying to figure out how to kill the Star Gods off and they were the first solution that popped into my head. Then I realize that they fit in, and that was that.
I want to create a race of beings that superficially resembles a sci fi robotic alien race, like Cybertronians or Cylons, but in reality, are closer to something like Abarahamic angels in that they are these spiritual beings that serve a greater power and had a "War in Heaven" and so are broadly divided into three groups: loyalists, rebels, and those who stood neutral in the conflict. They're meant to be these distant, alien beings involved in a long spanning,complicated conflict that most beings in the setting don't really understand. What would be a good name that is outwardingly sci-fi ish but also has a tinge of spirituality that isn't outright noticeable at first? I'm thinking of perhaps "Mechatron". Mecha and tron obviously allude to something mechanical, but it's also close to the name of the angel Metatron, who is often attributed as the voice of God.
I am creating a little republic, one founded by religious dissidents and breakaway cults of the main religion of the setting. It's a trading republic, a wealthy one with high literacy by premodern standards. These are people, in other words, with a lot of access to wealth that allows a leisure class of intellectuals and to ideas.

For the sake of simplicity, we shall accept it's politically stable.

Now to the main topic. I want them to be the first nation in the setting to get the scientific revolution. I want them to understand the scientific method and to utilize it in every aspect of society from war to industry. I want them to know chemistry, mathematics, and all other sciences. I want them to be comparable to the modern First World countries in a few centuries.

What factors are necessary for that? I have wealth and literacy locked down, and they have sufficient material resources to build everything that Europe had in the 1600s. They can do it, but how would they? What are the elements that will provoke their intellectuals to adopt the scientific method and revolutionize society?
From what I understand on the subject, abolition of slavery is one of the parts to starting an industrial revolution. Some scholars believe we could had achieve an industrial revolution way back in Roman times, but Rome's ravenous need for slavery hampered its development, because having slaves is an easy subsitute some of the benefits an industrial revolution brings. It's still highly debated, so maybe treat that with a grain of salt. Still, it would make sense for say, abolitionists to breakaway from a power that uses slavery extensively. Maybe they are slaves themselves who managed to gain freedom.
Britian's colonial efforts almost certainly help in developing the industrial revolution, so it may make sense fo the republic to be imperalistic, but that doesn't have to be the sole path. The revolution would require an excess of food and manpower, so they must lock down agricultural productivity to the max. The system would probably have to be open to supporting businesses and a capitalist system that can allow for a capitalist class to exist. Of course, you don't have to copy how our world went about it, but it can be a nice guideline.
Perhaps these breakaway cults are heavily preocupied with mathantics and physics, and in the republic, being a scientist and a monk could be two of the same thing. Perhaps they see creating more and more advanced tech as a way to get closer to the divine. In our world, becoming part of the church was one of the few ways an average person could gain social mobility, so perhaps someone who wasn't particularly spiritual may join the order just to gain the resources to properly innovate and speculate. Since it's a wealthy naval power that's notable for trade, it can be readily able to gain many different ideas from various different cultures that allows it to gain a broader sense of technology.
I don't like idealist cosmology...

any good, mostly materialist cosmologies that still have gods, magic, bullshit like that?
It's true that the most free nations were also the most advanced.
Since you specified a scientific revolution. The first thing they need is a robust philosophical tradition, or at the very least access to a substantial corpus of physical science-philosophy, then they need an active drive to understand and explore the nature of things and animals. From this, societies dedicated to the study of nature can be founded and a perfection in concepts of proof can begin.
Now, a scientific revolution and the other revolutions are not the same thing. And to have the other's you don't necessarily need to have this one, at least not the early stages of the others. All you need is a somewhat learned and enterprising populace, (I'm talking 1600s, 1700s stuff, mostly) for that. Now, a small merchant republic in my opinion could not pull off early industrialization in the way britain did (As a country, I mean). Perhaps they would have been early adopter of paddle-steamers, cannals, revolvers, telegraphs, but as a small city state I don't think it would escalate to anything much more.
I don’t get it either.
How, what could humanity even offer them?
"Scientific method" isn't some philosopher's stone that upon discovery warped mankind to the 21st century. From Chinese inventing gunpowder and rudimentary rocket engine between 1000-1300AD, it took almost 500 years for the first external combustion (steam) engines to be developed, and from there another couple of centuries before commercially viable internal combustion engines were made and the adoption of machinery kicked off the industrial revolution.

Rather than some godly spark of wisdom that inspired people to make shit happen, modern scientific theories were born as an inevitable by-product to explain and improve the technological and societal progress that was already underway, spurred by many individual movements around the world without much coordination.

If you want one country to handle all that in isolation within a generation or two, you're better off just saying "aliens told them how to do it".
how can you be wrong on all accounts with such ease?
not an argument
wasn't meant to be, you got a naive and contrived view of technological civilization's history. I can only assume it's because of how ideologically charged the material you consumed was. There's no point to try and make people not wrong on the Internet, when you can already tell they're gonna be reprobate about it. Be wrong.
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What color should a microwave beam in sci-fi be?

For typical radiation I have it as blue, and advanced more powerful radiation is violet and purple (to signifiy the higher frequency).

I was thinking orange for a microwave beam to signify the longer wavelength but I feel that'd also give the implication that it is "weaker" than normal radiation, when that isn't the case for the weapons
>you got a naive and contrived view of technological civilization's history

>by guy who thinks our modern way of life is entirely thanks to a set of 17th century principles that most people outright ignore
I am not the other guy, but nice try, junior
I'm not that guy either, I'm the other guy
Okay, so where did they come from in-setting?
I'm starting to think maps are bullshit. You could say I suck at drawing them but I don't consider them fundamental to a good fantasy world. I say let readers deduce the geography from the individual locations you describe and fill in the rest with their own theories.
I'm starting to think there are only demerits in showing them to readers, but I still like making maps for my own convenience.
Yeah it can be a fun thing and make it easier for you to actually see your world, but anything that doesn't have to be shown to the reader shouldn't be. There is a ton of good in the vagueness and ambiguity that makes a world strange, mysterious, and leads people into thinking about it after the fact. Handing everything on a platter and going "here, enjoy" has no lasting impact I think.
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What do you need to keep in mind when creating large islands/island chains like Japan or Madagascar? What about the maps?
NTA, but do you have any advice for making said maps please?
Don't get me wrong I think they're kino I just love being ambiguous with my storytelling so the reader has something to think about other than the story itself. Implications are massive and I think keeping the world under a veil of mystery is the best way to go. However, I also love seeing maps when they're done right, so my advice is to keep going if they're your schtick and you actually know how to make one (I really don't).
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>I also love seeing maps when they're done right
How can you tell if you 'are' doing it right as a beginner?
Food. They eat stars.
Satan did. No, not kidding. Literally the devil himself created them to destroy the Star Gods.
I'm writing something urban fantasy and I'm at a crossroads of a major plot decision. I'm trying to decide if I should change the way my characters are framed or not. Do I keep them as freelance paranormal hunters, or do I make them agents of the CIA replacement (the OCA)? Part of why I'm even considering this question is I'm wondering if the concept of "freelancers" is a little underbaked. But I'm not exactly sure what I can do to bake them further. They're essentially freelance bounty hunters, that doesn't typically call on much organization or presence in society.
If they did it would largely be self serving. Look at something like the OG organization 13 from kingdom hearts honestly. They all cooperate, sure, but they're willing to throw each other away at a moment's notice to further their own agendas. However, they keep it on the downlow to preserve that vineer of cooperation
One issue I always had when failing to create maps was generating a sense of proportion and scale. I always made my regions too big or kingdoms too vast so the sense of scale and everything related was completely lost. So I'd say if you feel the scale and proportions are correct, you're probably on the right track. Pay mind to the maps you attached, they seem simple and neat.

P.S. Real world examples can help a lot. ASOIAF's map is just an inverted Great Britain, for example.
So they’ll eventually destroy the universe, got it.
Yes, and then they'll starve to death. Should take around a couple more years for that to happen though.
Thanks for the advice. I didn't know that about ASOIAF, what are some other maps I can look at that do some something similar?
Middle Earth is kino. Simple, accurate, straight to the point. It's basically all a map will ever need.
The "Graduation" ritual of Mages in my world is them proving they can defy each of the laws of thermodynamics. Not that they call them that, of course. The rituals predate the official discovery of said laws.

I was just struggling with how you can defy the third. The first and second are easy enough:
>Create an internal world you can project outwards, thus creating energy. Then destroy it, destroying energy.
>Ignite a candle by dipping it into water, while also freezing said water at the same time.

But how to defy the third?
I have a Damsel In Distress fetish. Therefore:

>Women are much weaker than men. Almost all male Wizards are stronger than almost all female ones.
>Magic can only be passed down from the female parent. So kidnapping female Mages is both practical and necessary if you want to avoid a Magic Gap.
>At the same time, killing female Mages is much harder because their life energy is completely insane.
>Therefore, it's a tradition in most magic communities that a male Mage that saves or captures a female one can lay a claim to her hand. Her father (or herself in democracies) can obviously refuse, but only if they can give sufficient cause.
>Rape is a death penalty offense, and so is abduction and all sorts of sexual assault. Societies that are overprotective of their female mages last longer.

In some regions, this has even led to more matriarchal systems.
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what's your favorite justification for using swords in a world with firearms
My story takes place just about around the time when they are invented. It's actually part of the plot.
The dwarves have gunpowder weapons already but to them it's considered a professional tool and not strictly a weapon per se, so their soldiers are mostly equipped with melee weapons.
On the human side throughout the plot the one kingdom that gains access to firearms will quickly transition to pike and shot warfare and use the unfair advantage to eventually dominate most of the continent.
So the dwarves mainly use gunpowder for mining. Wouldn't the other kingdoms eventually reverse-engineer the stuff themselves?
My warriors are pretty much superhuman. Their muscles have more power than gunpowder. They can slice the bullets out of the air even in their thousands and cover a thousand meters with a single step.

Also, they're tough enough that firearms are useless against them.
There wouldn't be warriors in a setting like that. Just zip, zip, people randomly dropping dead everywhere.
>here's your graduation test: create a world lol

It's like a Reality Marble.
I think that they're saying that their muscles are so powerful that they'd easily over-exert and kill themselves. Maybe.
>So the dwarves mainly use gunpowder for mining.
Yes, but there's also gunpowder weapons carried as a sort of badge of honor by hunters and high ranking military officials, or specialised monster-killer troops. The dwarves live in a very harsh climate where fauna grows larger and tougher, hence the venerated position of hunters.

As for reverse engineering, it is impossible, the dwarves are supremely isolationist, only the highest echelons of human nobility interact with them. To the common people they are closer to myth.
The human engineer apprentice who builds humanity's first gunpowder gun gets a random visit by two dwarves who descend from the sky on strange winged beasts, overpower him, take the gun, examine it thoroughly and when they realise it's legit hand it back, pat him on the shoulder amicably and fly away without saying a word. He's the first civilian who'd seen a dwarf in many centuries so nobody believes his story.
Hmmph. As if realism can stop me!
The very first idea I ever wrote down. Hopefully going to build on it.

An alien world whose inhabitants have birth markings all over their body. Their skin is blue and the markings are green and brown. The markings are in the shapes and relative size of the continents on the planet. The markings change as the planets’ geography changes over thousands of years. This includes colour. This is to show how deeply connected this alien race is to their planet.
>Why Law and Order for Summer?
Because Dyḗus phatḗr said so
I'm saying nobody could even see warriors moving at three times the speed of sound. Every fight would end in one hit, too quick to follow or expect.
Except for the warriors on the other side.
Even if we assumed everyone in your bullshit setting was perfectly equal in ability and technique, which they can't be, the attacker always has an advantage in conflicts. To successfully fend off attacks, the defender can't only be equal to the opponent, but must actually be superior in the relevant aspects. In which case it's the attacker who dies. Either way, everything would be over faster than the blink of an eye. And I wish I could somehow make you pay me for the time lost commenting on this horse crap
should a courier carrying royal correspondence carry weapons?
What are some things that can be done to make elemental regions or settlements like picture related stand out more, and are there any good examples of such places, or maps thereof, that aren’t from Avatar?
for any anons that wanna make maps, full version of inkarnate is free for 10 days (no credit card required either)
Wait, seriously? Cool!
They should also have some kind of certification or even a "license to kill" type thing. Signed by a royal seal or something, there's some history to this in the medieval Mongol system.
for some context, in my world carrying a weapon of any kind is unheard of, basically only reserved for the military police and hunters, but even then its strictly regulated
so, i dont want to give out weapons lightly, but id like to hear your thoughts
Have you ever heard of this novel concept called self-publishing?
you're creating a fake scenario and getting mad over it for the attention of fellow midwits
and it's pretty obvious you're just larping about the vast fantasy world
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Why do you worldbuild?
Considering your comments are so stupid that I'd have to correct every single part of it, I should be the one getting paid.
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yeah, i had it in the backlog as a useful tool that i never really used, but it definitely helps describing things when you write if you actually have a point of reference. it's just a rough outline Ive done in 30 mins, but you can definitely make a full fledged and detailed map in those 10 days they give you

im keen to see anons make their own stuff so i can steal their methods
I worldbuild to create interesting political and economic scenarios and clashes between different societies, peoples or great rulers
At least that's the idea
I think for someone carrying royal messages, it is important enough that they have a weapon. A royal message absolutely needs to reach its source, at least from the perspective of the monarch. Realistically I don't think it would be treated as regular mail or even priority mail, its another class entirely.
The Mongol messengers carried a seal that said something like "this message is the Khan's, do as I say or you will die". very serious stuff.
Also, if you think the messenger themself wouldn't carry a weapon, you can just have them dispatched with a military or cop escort.
I accept your concession, retard. Now take your dragonball fanfic elsewhere, this is a literature board.
I worldbuild to appease my autism instict or else i will kill
makes sense, thank you
Do you have any tips or advice for using Inkarnate please?
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I'm working on a story set in an alternative Earth, where various turn points in history took a different path. For one, the American civil war ended up unresolved and split the continent into a bunch of smaller nations. I tried to look into the past of various states and how they were named to find a new name for that region, or twisted their real names to preserve the same spirit. But, what do you think? I'm sorry if your home ended up underwater.
>Florida not underwater
As a Floridian I'm offended

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