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I am using LaTeX Overleaf however I'm not satisfied with the document layout. Was wondering what other people here use
Graphite pencil and paper exclusively
LibreOffice Writer.
Used LaTeX in the past but nowadays everyone requires you to send .docx so LaTeX is useless for that.
Libreoffice writer, it's free and does everything microsoft office does without annoying you about licences.
I use apple TextEdit
I'm still writing my bills with LaTeX, mostly as PDF
Extremely based if true
i use gedit
I use vim
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I program in Vim, so I figure I might as well use the shortcuts I've memorized for writing as well. While writing, I type in Markdown with Goyo and Vim Pencil. When formatting, I typically use Latex, either writing it out manually or converting it through Pandoc.

Markdown's great for writing long-form prose. I break chapters into separate documents and hyper-link them to a master file. I honestly forget if this is Markdown's default behaviour or a feature of Vim Wiki. I started using Markdown as a way to emulate Scrivener's project structure, and I find it equally as convenient.

Markdown is not ideal because it treats text as html, and you have spaces between paragraphs. Imagine publishing a manuscript with spaces between paragraphs. It's a joke.

But other than that, yeah VIM, Goyo, Pencil is a good combo
I treat it as a drafting format. I reformat to LaTeX before submitting any work.

you are submitting to a non-technical publisher or editor using latex? they can open this in word?
emacs org-mode is comfy once you have everything set up
i'm trying to get in practice with vim so I figured i'd write in that program. before I would just write in notepad
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Let me give you the best advice, aim to "file formats" not just for programs.

The best from a writer perspectice is the org-mode format because is easy to maintain and you can put other formats in it. Markdown can too and there are many more beginner friendly programs you can try. LaTeX has friendly programs too but the easiest is never mentioned, LyX, which is even easier than Word, try it if you can. I would recommend Emacs because org-mode works out of the box but the configuration is daunting and people seem to think you need to tamper with the configuration files and know the key shortcuts before using it. Picture proves that I am not saying Emacs shouldnt be used, only telling the truth.

But do not, I repeat, do not use a program that has a proprietary or uses a mixed format of mixed and proprietary format, is going to be hell to convert to another program if anything happens.
Pen with bite marks and paper, loads of fucking paper, followed by asking my borderline unemployed wife to put it all out on libreoffice when shes free to do so. I cant stand writing in a computer screen it feels so souless

markdown is iteslf a proprietary format and imagine writing fiction with a fucking line of space between every dialogue line and every paragraph.
i certainly appreciate this info, but would like to clarify a couple things.
I've been out of the loop a long while but am about to write for myself again but this is new to me.
I thought that anything that could be exported in DOCX file format was OK for a publisher, no?

f I am writing a manuscript that will be submitted to various publishers, exactly what should I be doing?
Using LaTeX LyX, that youmentioned? Word? other commercial products? something else?

Sorry to be stupid, but while I googled EMACS I am uncertain what org-mode is, etc.
>markdown is iteslf a proprietary format
Objectively wron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_file_format
>imagine writing fiction with a fucking line of space
You choose a program that hides these shenanigans from you.

>I thought that anything that could be exported in DOCX file format was OK for a publisher, no?
Different thing than what we are talking here. Yes, docx is ok.

>f I am writing a manuscript that will be submitted to various publishers, exactly what should I be doing?
Using LaTeX LyX, that youmentioned? Word? other commercial products? something else?
Most programs can convert (export) between formats. You choose whatever feel you want.

>Sorry to be stupid, but while I googled EMACS I am uncertain what org-mode is, etc.
Org-mode is the file format and the plugin for Emacs that runs that format.

Seriously try a bunch of programs but marry none that locks you..
notepad and backups
yWriter all the way. It was designed by a writer and not a techtard and it shows.
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much appreciated
I've used libreoffice for years, but it's starting to suffer from tech bloat too and gets stupidly heavy on my old laptop. Opening novel-lenght documents sometimes takes almost half a minute. I'd like a lighter solution that's not quite as primitive as notepad
Microsoft Word. why tf not.
Yeah I dislike markdown too, I just use a neovim plugin to write in org-mode or when I need more I open Emacs. I subscribe to George RR Martin model of minimalism because of ADHD and need this.
The Google docs app on my phone
Orgmode or FreeMind for organizing thoughts, LaTeX in vim or whatever editor MikTex includes by default for actual content
But is it good? What are its advantages? Never heard of it. Sell it to me anon.
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Just bypass latex and use markdown and pandoc
You can use latex inside markdown and org-mode anyway, is what I do
It seems one of those clusterfucks made for demented retards who can't keep track of their work without cutting it to ribbons, or just want to feel like they've achieved something by having the pieces laid out in front of them for no practical purpose.
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Fuck you, suck my dick, come back to me when You've written half as much shit as I have (And this is only my published writings)
>You choose a program that hides these shenanigans from you.

Can you suggest some? I wasn't aware of anything that could "hide" markdown from you. If a text editor can "hide" markdown from you then why wouldn't they be able to do the same with rtf? That would be a killer app right there.
Not Obsidian because they use a proprietary markdown, that is a trick they do, as another anon said proprietary markdown is a thing and wont be compatible anywhere else. I use Joplin on my phone and while you still have to write the markdown it automatically displays the formatted text and also comes with normal word processor actions. The other app I use on my phone is Markor to show pictures inbetween my text and even audio notes, you wouldn't believe how cool that is.
this guy knows
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Adobe Indesign
>physical notes (post its) or digital Notes
>queue for review and transcription/sorting
>revise in transcription to 'hard copy' backups
I like your tone do you write any m/m erotica?
I write mainly F/F and fantasy or low sci fi (also known as fantasy in space).
Not sure I’m the right audience. I didn’t realize until much later but my favorite books all have no female characters ( Moby dick…the crossing etc..). I wish you the best of success tho.
>writing directly in ultra heavy layout design software
>not even formatting
absolute madman
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Word 2016.
What can I say? I'm basic like that. Been writing like this for a long time. I have my own template that I've used for ever.

The image is zoomed out as fuck, I'm usually at 180% zoom.
Having checked out dozens upon dozens of writing software this week, it seems everything is divided into two categories:

1. Flashy meme apps for "world-builders" with 1000 and 1 features for fleshing out your anime characters, their biographies, family trees, and pets' favorite foods, and organizing your chapters, scenes, recollections, and battle tournament arcs into a nifty fan formation that's like your life flashing by in front of your eyes. Cost 59.99/month and are always online.

2. Obscure retro programs for the "I write my novel in code comments stashed between C++ functions that will parse the whole thing out as ASCII art on execution" crowd.

There's really nothing for sane people who just want to fucking write?
Wouldn't that just be google docs or something? Cloud saves and simple formatting. Plugin support. just open the website for it and start writing.
And for any of the other features what often come packaged into the fancy texy editors, you can just use another website, like wordhippo for a thesaurus or chat gpt for plot hole analysis.
Just use Joplin bro, Emacs is not for everyone
>google docs
>Cloud saves
You're just begging to get fucked over by working online. My writing laptop isn't even plugged to the internet.
Am I a pleb for liking google docs? The cloud sync lets me work from anywhere, super convenient. Any alternatives that let me write on my cell phone and PC interchangeably?
It's fine, and nothing really comes to mind with the mobile/pc thing.
That being said, who THE FUCK writes on mobile. Now that disgusts me.
nta but it can be confy writing from bed. that's assuming you didn't fall asleep. But it's better when you connect a proper keyboard, because typing on a phone screen sucks anus. Otherwise gdocs gets the job done and if you're paranoid you can always keep offline saves and periodic .docx downloads in case your account gets botched.
just use fucking microsoft office you dope

I'm >>23531743 and I'm looking for a lightweight software focused on writing. Office is a bloated piece of shit with a million irrelevant features that drag down load times, and they just keep cramming more pointless junk into it year after year. But it seems my choices are either that, or some "let's be novelists" circus apps.
Guess it's nice if you're a saudi prince with the latest miniature quantum computer, or just don't write a lot. My smartphone from 2016 shits itself if there are more than 100 words in my 4chan post.
If you like LaTeX you might like https://typst.app/
I use it on my computer without their cloud stuff
I don’t write much but Typst makes me wish I wrote for print (instead of the Web) more
wait what's wrong with obsidian
Word 2007.
It just works just like it did almost 20 years ago.
Another yuppie scam app that's more about bling than actually producing things. Ie a poor man's scrivener
Not much.
My finger, my shit and the wall of a bathroom stall.
You have an idea you write it down, there are speech-to-text technologies now and free.

Plenty suggestions ITT, try them out.
it's true that too many people fall completely for the """knowledge management system""" meme and basically treat it as a hobby in an of itself without producing anything
that's more about the "fandom" than the actual product though which works great. i turned off most of the fancier features though
i like scrivener too but it was getting really slow and sluggish
What? All publishers I know allow and provide templates for both. Is this a US thing?
I admit to treat my writing tool as a hobby upon itself. Nothing wrong with a hobby, the problem is taking away the time you can best use in a proper way.

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