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/lit/ - Literature

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ITT: Post a painting, Get a book
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess
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The Iliad
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The Golden Bowl
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book of the new sun
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rockwell is so kitsch
not a painting
The Pillars of the Earth
that's only a detail from a painting
posters of these kinds of threads need to be permabanned.
ai slop
post modern slop
What material do you think was used?
good post
Its by Thomas C. Lea III
i stand by what i said
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the luhzin defence, nabakov
the children, wharton
the saga of the volsungs
my year of rest and relaxation
you're a whiney bitch.
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The Blind Owl.
Tree of Codes.
Any self help with a new age "philosophical" slant
How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Inverted World. It sucks
The Sheltering Sky.
In Watermelon Sugar.
Wait Until Spring, Bandini.
Balcony in the Forest.
Winesberg Ohio.
The Tunnel (Gass)
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Remains of the Day or Gilead
Viper's Tangle
Things fall apart
both of these: Chess Novella by Stefan Zweig
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lmao had a twinge initially then thought it was francis bacon or smt
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Whaddya got
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*a thinly veiled /pol9k/ thread died for this
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The Defense by Nabokov
Island by Huxley
Journey to the end of the night
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Stefan Zweig’s “Chess Story” (also for some reason renamed/translated as “The Royal Game”).

Also Nabokov’s “The Luzhin Defense” (for some reason also having the alternative title of simply “The Defense”).
Carlos Castaneda’s “The Teachings of Don Juan”, “A Separate Reality”, “Journey to Ixtlan”, and “Tales of Power”
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The poems of Álvaro de Campos (Pessoa)
Calasso - The Celestial Hunter
Svevo - Zeno's Conscience
Donoso - Obscene Bird of Night
Auster - New York Trilogy (specifically the second part, Ghosts)
A Crack Up At the Race Riots - Harmony Korine

>A thread that actually discussed literature

Don't kid yourself
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The Brothers Karamazov
A man asleep
da double
nice dragan bibin
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Please no Krakauer (he's shit), Jack London, or HDT.

Totally unrelated, but are there any other nature writing enjoyers on this website?
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invitation to the beheading
on man's wilderness is the closest i have since you don't want london.
Thanks brother. London is amazing, but I've read most of his stuff
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did you read before adam? it's my favorite of his
The hussar by Arturo Pérez Reverte
The flight logs
The Taming of The Shrew
A Fire Upon The Deep by Vernor Vinge
Is that the first selfie?
>is a series
Fine, but this better be good
>Topology of a Phantom City, Robbe-Grillet
>Luzhin Defense, Nabokov
This >>23527730

>Psychotron, Jorjani

>Dreams of Unknown Kadath, Lovecraft
>The Black Heralds, Vallejo

>Barrabas, Lagerkvist
>The Tower, Yeats

>Hollow, Brian Catling

>Book of Monelle, Schwob

>The Butcher Boy, McCabe

>Waiting for Godot

>The Ass Vagina of Lucifer Nigger Bastard

>I Am A Cat, Soseke

>Jakob von Guten, Walser


>Eggs, Bulgakov

This >>23529932

>Call of Kabbalah, Gardener
>Bunny Munroe, Nick Cave
>The Hare, Aira

>The Picture of Dorian Grey, Wilde

>Theodore Roethke/Jim Harrison poems

>AE Stallings Poems

>Leonora Carrington, The Hearing Trumpet

>Eaters of the Dead, Crighton
>Them + Us, how Neanderthal Predation Created Modern Humans, Vendramini

>Faggots, Kramer

>Simplicius Simplicissimus
Barbusse' WWI memoir (surreal)
The Foxfire Books
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East of Eden, Steinbeck.
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Rumo by Walter Moers
I really like Sunrise by Monet but it keeps saying file corrupted
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Looking for military fiction you recommend
The King of Elfland's Daughter by Lord Dunsany.
Nice recs. Peace be upon you, brother.
>What material do you think was used?
certainly NOT paint
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Fuck off, Islamic scum.
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haha funny, so no reccs? take your resentment to /his/
the middle english poem "pearl"
Alright, fine. Come on, don't be grumpy. Here's my recommendation.
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much obliged
This is a better art thread than we have on /ic/. Here's my copy of Calame
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ay sick, i made that painting and i love korine, huge inspiration. thank you, much love
>i made that painting
you have to be 18 to post here. go put it back on your parent's fridge.
It's arriving on Tuesday. Thanks for the rec
Medea, Euripides.

Marianela, Pérez Galdós.

La ciudad y los perros, Vargas Llosa.

Le petit prince, Saint-Exupéry
Why is she smoking the filters? Or is the artist a retard?
Little too obvious.
agreed but then why post it?
try pierre, or the ambiguities.
>"If the miseries of the undisclosable things in me, shall ever unhorse me from my manhood’s seat; if to vow myself all Virtue’s and all Truth’s, be but to make a trembling, distrusted slave of me; if Life is to prove a burden I can not bear without ignominious cringings; if indeed our actions are all fore-ordained, and we are Russian serfs to Fate; if invisible devils do titter at us when we most nobly strive; if Life be a cheating dream, and virtue as unmeaning and unsequeled with any blessing as the midnight mirth of wine; if by sacrificing myself for Duty’s sake, my own mother re-sacrifices me; if Duty’s self be but a bugbear, and all things are allowable and unpunishable to man;—then do thou, Mute Massiveness, fall on me! Ages thou hast waited; and if these things be thus, then wait no more; for whom better canst thou crush than him who now lies here invoking thee?”
The Fountainhead
If any of you say Heart of Darkness I'll fuck you to death
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Beren and Lúthien by jrr Tolkien
>change Jimmy for Dumarest
>the dad for the universe
>and the byke for the planet earth
read the complete saga of Dumarest of Terra.
tobacco road
manuscript found in saragossa
easy. i choose gravity's rainbow for the brocken specter.
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good soldier svejk
i was trying to pigeonhole myself for a while into the fiction i knew, but now i realize this needs a poem, Undine by Seamus Heaney
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blindness, saramago
despair, nabokov
Is the original like north koreans painting 'USA bad'?
The Sorrows of Young Werther

Goddesses, Joseph Campbell

Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin

Logan's Run

Le Grand Remplacement

Bonfire of the Vanities

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