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>man is not an individual, he is a member of a group
why is this idea so repugnant to americans
It's not 2010 anymore anon
i wasn't alive in 2010. are you saying that this idea is no longer repugnant to americans, as it was in 2010?
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groups are fine
cultural marxism is evil
>i wasn't alive in 2010.
You need to be 18+ to post here...
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part 2
don't care about the dei stuff, but modern graphic design is so dismal
American individualism is not the denial of being a part of a larger community. Not that American individualism is a thing anymore, most Americans are firmly planted in one of the two warring tribes and view individualism as having something that sets the apart from their immediate social group that no one outside their immediate social group can see.
1) Can you just choose to be liberally birthed
2) Is that actually just a what do I do next question boring?
3) Just have entertainment
>The collective is a made up social construct that can barely classify people, as man is unique and individualist by his own nature

Why is this idea so repugnant to eurofags?
Because even americans understand, that this idea is kinda idiotic on its own and is especially retarded, when phrased like this.
Slavery final boss. Guy looks like he could whip your back with just a glance while reciting the reasons why you deserved it
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>this anon is 13 years old or younger
Anon this site is bad for you. Only use it when you are at least 23 years old and up, genuinely educated, and self-confident in your education, or else it will rot your brain and perception of self.
I have never once felt part of a group. Society rejects me
Thinking there are other people in the world is communism
>Frankfurt School
Nigga, they were literally against marxism.
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>literally against marxism
Not really, unless you consider Marxism to be a specific, dogmatic political line, instead of an interconnected and sometimes contradictory set of ideas, interpreted by different people in different ways. And I don't see why anyone would go for the former, unless for the sake of arguing on the internet.

>because my personalized license plate, tattoos, and my list of tv shows, movies, and music i like makes me a main character!
>*ends up looking exactly the same as everyone else*
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They are mixed, ergo no/superficial social cohesion

simple as (its also why amerimutts identify so much with the term "white")
>man is not an individual, he is a member of a group
why is this idea so repugnant to americans [sic]

Asks a group (Americans) why they find being defined as a group repugnant.

It is precisely your inability to separate groups from individuals that makes the question.
Pic very much unrelated? Calhoun
defended individualism and rights of states against the encroachment of collectivists from the federal government
Most Americans aren't individuals either, they are members of a group. Just look at every bald headed, bearded millennial søyfacing at their funkopops, all the manchild sports fans all dressing the same to go see their favorite sportsball team, all the dumb left vs right political nonsense from people who love fitting cleanly into a box and try to shove those they dont understand into the opposite box.
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>The term American means of European decent
Dumbest thing I've read all day. Back with your low IQ ilk. >>>/pol/
America was settled by? Go back to redd1t
Emmerich (German name meaning "home ruler") > Amerigo (Italian name of the same meaning) > America (an italian name getting misspelled and falsely attributed to a piece of land) > America (country) > American (nationality)
I would like you to cite one source that backs up the claim that the definition of American is "to describe someone or European descent."
America was settled by Indigenous Americans and those people were invaded by Europeans. Regardless of whether you sympathize with the Indigenous or justify the Europeans it's the truth and you're retarded and unread for denying it.
Are the Muslims just settlers of Germany now?

If America and the West were founded on "rugged individualism" how come everyone in every old photo looks the same?
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Once upon a time "American" was an ethnic group... Now it's just another "citizenship".
Yes, touch grass.
>After society falls Marxism will be implemented
Gamble for Actually insane people
The line should be drawn at 1965, the year of the Hart-Celler Immigration Act. There is a hierarchy in which Mayflower Americans (the first big migration) have greater prestige than Ellis Islanders (the second big migration). The third big migration is post-'65 and not really having to do with the historical American nation.

I trace my lineage back to a signer of the Declaration. All of my parents and grandparents, and most of my great-grandparents, are white, and were born in the lower 48. A family legend has it that an ancestor was the first white child to be born in a certain rural county. The most recent arrivals, one set of great grandparents, were a mix of north Irish and Norwegian.

Irish jokes aside, I have never known a single member of my extended family to date, marry, or have sex with a nonwhite person. And one branch is very liberal and active in democrat politics. But when it comes to their personal lives even they don't screw around.
>And one branch is very liberal and active in democrat politics. But when it comes to their personal lives even they don't screw around.
It's only a matter of time.
I'm me. You are you. We are us.

I rather be me.
a PhD student in physics from Somalia (an actual one, not the meme ones that Euros get) is more deserving of living in America than a "white" Appalachian whose only achievement is that his hillbilly ancestors have lived in the same town for 300 years. the Founding Fathers were proto-Nietzscheans who intended America to become a refuge for their intellectual equals from all over the world, they didn't intend it to become home for midwit white niggers
Because history is defined by individuals more than groups of people
>Who caused this war?
>This man
>Who made this world changing invention?
>This man
>Who made the bomb?
>This man
>Who is making this cure?
>This man
You cant actually think that
>be competent effective man
>group takes more than it gives
>Oh shit here comes modern liberalism
>apparently I should be glad to be enslaved to the retards in the group, their incompetence makes them noble and my competence makes me evil
Gee, I wonder...
is your reading comprehension really this shit?

>most of my great-grandparents, are white

my mans a complete mutt through and through
Kek sounds exactly like my family but Canadian. Mostly Scottish, Irish, and Englishmen coming over in the early 1800s. Became extremely wealthy and influence, owning newspaper empires, becoming senators, etc. My entire family is ultra-liberal and will talk to no end about the need for diversity and inclusion yet literally non of them have married or even dated a non-white. Fun fact: my grandmother is friends with Justin Trudeau's mother.
ah yes, all those Somali doctors flooding the southern border. This is the issue that is facing America.
>Are the Muslims just settlers of Germany now?
If they're successful

This was intended as an in-joke about the irish, you seem not to have picked up on that.


One cousin is divorced and I think he's dating again. I suppose it's possible he might go for an asian woman on take two for the obvious (and frankly, valid) reasons but it's very high and outside.
Because it’s wrong
>Indigenous Americans
Oh, so you're retarded. Muslims collecting welfare in a fully developed country isn't the same as building the first permanent structures next to redmen shitting in the woods.
No the founding generation intended America to be for themselves and their posterity, as they explicitly stated in the founding documents. Foreign professionals do more harm than good when admitted in large numbers, because they destroy social trust, vote against the interests of real Americans, build hostile ethnic enclaves and nrpotism fiefdoms, and crowd the job market. This isn't the 2000s anymore, nobody is still buying that Somalian doctors crap.
did you ask a focus group whether or not you should post this? no. you decided as an individual to post this. dumbass lol
The Founding Fathers would not have sympathized with Nietzsche's vision of a global empire. Washington's farewell address might as well be an isolationist manifesto.
>first permanent structure
You know you can do a simple search before looking like a retard
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I love Calhoun. Margaret L Coit's biography of him is truly amazing.
Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, Taos Pueblo, Tikal. The list of still standing structures built by redskins before Europeans had arrived goes on.
Also more intelligent, more cultured, more virtuous men than you have been able to find appreciation for the "non-permanent" wigwam.

The bastards here have recently done everything in their power to erase "Lake Calhoun" from the historical memory, down to the official renaming of the lake itself, the surrounding streets, and the local neighborhoods.
dude for real i am BEGGING, leave this site (and Reddit too if you use that) and don't return until you are at least 20.
>Once upon a time "American" was an ethnic group... Now it's just another "citizenship".
Is this the current meme going around on /pol/ or something?
Define and explain the differences between ethnicity, nationality and race without looking it up so I can laugh at how retarded you are.
More virtuous, intelligent and cultured men have also killed those savages by the score. pretentious faggot
>more virtuous men
Another retarded fake "trad-piller" who claims to be "Christian" for the "aesthetic". (yaaawn). Come back when you're 18.
>can't distinguish between kill and murder
Stay behind whatever wall you've been behind your whole life. Hope it lasts
Just admit to being an atheist, satanist, antinatalist or communist ideologue that hates life and stop LARPing as christian. It's weird.
You still haven't cited a source that defines "American" in the way you described, or defined and explained the differences between "Nationality" "Race" and "Ethnicity" without looking those terms up.
Who mentioned religion? Pretty desperate tactic. Just admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you have the ethical understanding of a television children's show puppet
>Just admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Refer to >>23530356
Ive cited so many sources in my arguments and you've cited zero. All you have to say for yourself is "killing? actually it's virtuous and based!" You're a brainrotten child.
have a look at who controls american media
think about what they are trying to do
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immigration naturalization act of 1790
you're off in your own world, bud. just go ahead and finish this conversation yourself, why don't ya.
>Once upon a time "American" was an ethnic group... Now it's just another "citizenship".
The source:
>It limited access to U.S. citizenship
Nice disproving yourself you dumbfuck.
>your low IQ ilk. >>>/pol/
>jew brings up /pol/
kosher clockwork
>I have nothing to cite and nothing to say so I'll posture and pretend I won this conversation.
Refer to >>23530356 and we can continue the conversation. I've disproved your initial statements providing my sources and providing what I asked for in >>23530356 is the only way you can proceed.
>a PhD student in physics from Somalia (an actual one, not the meme ones that Euros get) is more deserving of living in America than a "white" Appalachian whose only achievement is that his hillbilly ancestors have lived in the same town for 300 years
Are you a jew or have you just absorbed judaism over the course of your life?
Nice projection.
Regarding the wigwam, you might enjoy the "Book of Tea" which talks very highly of the impermanent, simply constructed teahouse. As far as any kind of new world identity is concerned, it can only be as mixed race for the vast majority of people. José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia was right, Juan Facundo Quiroga did nothing wrong. Trad larping /pol/ edgelords don't even know their own history.
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>you might enjoy the "Book of Tea" which talks very highly of the impermanent, simply constructed teahouse.
Ill check it out.

Yes. The same way Mexican to this day refers to a specific makeup of people (despite Mexican technicallly being just a nationality that anyone can be). Everyone knows what you're talking about when you're "racist against Mexicans". Why is that?
because it disregards liberalism which American culture and politics are based on
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because of what america does to everything it touches.
American website, Chang
>/pol/ tourist pretends to love communists, Mexicans and Africans for five seconds just to bash Americans and then forgets about this
>illuminati control
this is why people can so easily dismiss cultural marxism as a conspiracy theory
this isn't /pol/.
Continuum fallacy. It's a social construct in the sense that it's constructed by a group of people, pointing to an underlying physical property connected to genetics, as well as the property of people (you know, the people creating the social constructs) to self-identification into groups.
>/pol/ tourist
Almost. so close
Americans pretend to dislike this idea but in reality they have worse groupthink than most
Few places on Earth is it more clear who the ingroup and outgroup is than in a place like America
Many such cases
wtf when did you zoomers discover internet browsers?
Who's the cutie?
How can anyone disagree with this?
>until 20
you are infantilized and don't have a realistic scope of how other people interact
I'm not a member of a group, I'm it's subject. I owe you nothing just because we happen to be human at the same time. Least of all any kind of feeling of kinship or fellowship.
I know you're trolling but it's a beautiful encapsulation of the 21st century's mood
Calhoun's speech to the senate on the reception of abolition petitions, 1837
>this isn't /pol/.
I'm well aware. Do you think that global rules aren't enforced outside pol? Actually ig they aren't lol
fuck off commie scum
>NO, not where settlements were first built! 2000 miles that way. Of course they built them. I just know.
Most of the sites I mentioned are in North America. Even if I mentioned sites from Central or South America it would be fair. You people group "white people" as one and cite all their accomplishments over the course of millenia as one. I can do the same for redskins.
Ofcourse the evil cultural Marxism boogeyman, le daddy Stalin ordering his french cucks to disparage Marxism thoroughly because that would be beneficial to Marxism for some reason
>why is this idea so repugnant to americans
Because those Americans are aware of how groups are easily misled and manipulated into carrying out senseless violence and forcing unnecessary limitations on human creativity. While a sense of belonging is vital to sound mental health, it doesn't mean the government should provide any particular group with an advantage over any other group. Unfortunately, America is starting to forget about this.
North America is 5000 miles wide, my dude.
Yeah and your brain must be 1cm wide.
>you are sharing this board with literal pubescent children

Everything makes sense now.

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