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Books that let you peer into the psychology of a woman? Like how women think when it comes to relationships, sex, etc. I’m fascinated with the female brain, and want to read books that allow me to understand it. Thanks
>All my life I have had to tell people truths that were difficult to swallow. Now that I am old, I certainly do not want to fool them.

>We assume that human instincts are of two kinds: those that conserve and unify, which we call “erotic” (in the meaning Plato gives to Eros in his Symposium), or else “sexual” (explicitly extending the popular connotation of “sex”); and, secondly, the instincts to destroy and kill, which we assimilate as the aggressive or destructive instincts. These are, as you perceive, the well known opposites, Love and Hate, transformed into theoretical entities; they are, perhaps, another aspect of those eternal polarities, attraction and repulsion, which fall within your province. But we must be weary of passing overhastily to the notions of good and evil. Each of these instincts is every whit as indispensable as its opposite, and all the phenomena of life derive from their activity, whether they work in concert or in opposition. It seems that an instinct of either category can operate but rarely in isolation; it is always blended (“alloyed,” as we say) with a certain dosage of its opposite, which modifies its aim or even, in certain circumstances, is a prime condition of its attainment. Thus the instinct of self-preservation is certainly of an erotic nature, but to gain its end this very instinct necessitates aggressive action. In the same way the love instinct, when directed to a specific object, calls for an admixture of the acquisitive instinct if it is to enter into effective possession of that object. It is the difficulty of isolating the two kinds of instinct in their manifestations that has so long prevented us from recognizing them.

>Only exceptionally does an action follow on the stimulus of a single instinct, which is per se a blend of Eros and destructiveness. As a rule several motives of similar composition concur to bring about the act.
>The dumbest animals on the planet understand violence.
>Think about how many intelligent females you have encountered.
>The answer will avail itself, or you can read Freud to see if anything I said has merit.
le second sex
gilmore girls and whatever soap opera is popular. In 1 season you know everything there's to know

women are not hard to understand, because they dont evolve past the age of 15. It is when they discover first hand that no matter how bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.
This thread enlightened me and I'm ready to go on a rampage in a women's locker room.
Sex and character by otto weininger
Freud is only two letters away from pseud

Charls said it best
>you're reading a book by some guy...he's on cocaine, he says you want to have sex with your mother. Excuse me?
DH Lawrence
listen to redpill stuff on women’s behavior and their incentives, cut out all the prescriptive macho stuff, and realize most of what they’re saying is backed up by evolutionary psychology, so you can read up more on that.
Also read The Idiot by Dosto. You won’t understand the female brain, but you’ll understand how it works. It’s a subtle difference. Like you know what buttons to press on a computer to access the internet but you don’t know exactly all the stuff behind the scenes and WHY it works, you simply know that it does work and what it looks like when it works.
Females are like that. You as a man, ie not a woman, are never going to understand them. You just have to understand what they do and when. If you want the why, then redpill and evopsych are the way
>I’m fascinated with the female brain
But why?
Definitely read redpill stuff if you want to learn how to interact with them, but it sounds more like he wants to be them.
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Pic related .
Nancy Fridays books, she has written more than The Secret Garden
Why Women have Sex by Cindy Meston & David Buss
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Wagner's dramas.

>At lunch we touched on the subject of Countess Pourtales, R.s former friend, who completely ignored his presence in Berlin. I tell R. I find it incomprehensible that such a woman should allow so mean-looking a man as Joachim to gain an influence over her. "Oh," says R., "such women know that it is only through deeds that they can mean anything to us, whereas people like Joachim fasten themselves to the individuals whose influence is important to them, and these they flatter. Besides, women are slaves to the will, which dominates them. ‘Have you eyes?’ asks Hamlet, but this is not a matter of eyes, it is something darker. It is the energy of the will, not intelligence, not beauty, which fascinates a woman. Perhaps Nature thinks this offers more protection for her and her brood. The man of intelligence is irresponsible, etc."
This already solved the woman problem more than a century ago but men are still getting cucked, exploited and divorce raped instead of acknowledging the truth. Bonus recs: The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar and Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia.
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Possibly the most constructive way to approach this topic would be talking to women and developing your own opinions.
Damn Freud writes such pleasurable prose. I disagree with everything he says but he's so comfy to read.
What if his goal isn't to hate women and plan for their subjugation?
That shit really is a mic drop in the most polite way possible.
>Sex and character by otto weininger
This book shits all over anything the manosphere has ever put out. It's the Mein Kampf of misogyny.
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It is a well-known fact of criminal statistics and of daily life that there are very few female criminals. The apologists of the morality of women always point to this fact.

But in deciding the question as to the morality of women we have to consider not if a particular person has objectively sinned against the idea, but if the person has or has not a subjective centre of being that can enter into a relation with the idea, a relation the value of which is lowered when a sin is committed. No doubt the male criminal inherits his criminal instincts, but none the less he is conscious — in spite of theories of " moral insanity " — that by his action he has lowered the value of his claim on life. All criminals are cowardly in this matter, and there is none of them that thinks he has raised his value and his self-consciousness by his crime, or that would try to justify it to himself.

The male criminal has from birth a relation to the idea of value just like any other man, but the criminal impulse, when it succeeds in dominating him, destroys this almost completely. Woman, on the contrary, often believes herself to have acted justly when, as a matter of fact, she has just done the greatest possible act of meanness ; whilst the true criminal remains mute before reproach, a woman can at once give indignant expression to her astonishment and anger that any one should question her perfect right to act in this or that way. Women are convinced of their own integrity without ever having sat in judgment on it.
>Women are convinced of their own integrity without ever having sat in judgment on it.
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>Although this might be bait I will bite and effortpost.

First of all remove any notion of good or bad morally speaking. This is a prerequisite. What you should care is whether something works or not. Most redpillers today are massive fags who sell you macho feel good crap. However there are some of them that have produced tremendous books which most (if not all) (may god have mercy on me for using such a phrase) *redpill influencers* copy everything from, dumming it down to a degree that it’s pure entertainment at the end.

What you should read are the 4Rs of the red pill. Rollo Tomassi, Roissy (Heartiste), RooshV and Rian Stone. The first 3 were bloggers which owned significant traffic blogs in the 2000s.

Let’s start by Rollo Tomassi. He bases everything on evopsych (all of them kinda do but he will actually use statistics).He is the author of the series The Rational Male. There are 4 books in the series. The first one is called The Rational Male (same as the series) and is often jokingly referred as *the redpill bible*. The book is a revelation for basedboys like I was and probably for every man to a degree. The other 3 books are The Rational Male-Preventive Medicine, The Rational Male-Positive Masculinity (sounds like a cuck book but it’s not) and The Rational Male- Religion. You can check their respective descriptions on Amazon for each. The most important book is the first though by a country mile. There is a new hardcover version that is due in August which I will buy x5 for brothers and cousins. This book changed my life significantly. Thank god I found it when I was 17. If you are to do one thing, buy this.

Then there is Roissy or Heartiste as he is called. There are 2 compendiums of his blogposts. Heartiste on game and Heartiste in game vol 2. His methods are extreme in today’s environment but prob worked in the 2000s. He is more practical that Tomassi and his first book is worth a read. The books are like his best of posts on the blog. Get first book, ditch second.

RooshV is an oddball. He actually wrote many books but out of nowhere he boomed and became a hardcore orthodox Christian and stopped selling most of his work. You can pirate everything tho on annasarchive or whatever site you use. His 2 masterwork are “Game” and “Day Bang”. He is a very fun read in general though. You can search him up for more stuff but one of the funniest shit he wrote was the guides on countries, where he would give you tips on the specifics for each one he travelled. He did a lot of travel in South America especially. Overall, read Day Bang and MAYBE game.
How to turn virgin foreign girls into ruined roasties: The Guide
A woman does not value herself by the constancy and freedom of her personality; but this is the only possible method for every creature possessing an ego. But if a real woman, and this is certainly the case, can only value herself at the rate of the man who has fixed his choice on her ; if it is only through her husband or lover that she can attain to a value not only in social and material things, but also in her innermost nature, it follows that she possesses no personal value, she is devoid of man's sense of the value of his own personality for itself. And so women always get their sense of value from something outside themselves, from their money or estates, the number and richness of their garments, the position of their box at the opera, their children, and, above all, their husbands or lovers. When a woman is quarrelling with another woman, her final weapon, and the weapon she finds most effective and discomfiting, is to proclaim her superior social position, her wealth or title, and, above all, her youthfulness and the devotion of her husband or lover ; whereas a man in similar case would lay himself open to contempt if he relied on anything except his own personal individuality.
Did they just curb most of it from this Sex and Character book?

Here comes Rian Stone. A modern addition to the previously 3Rs. He has 3 amazing books which all are worth the read. The first book “Fuccfiles” is gold, full of insight and straight to the point. He was in the navy and you can see it in his first book. Highly recommend. His 2 other books are essential one long one. Praxeology vol 1 and vol 2. The full title of the first one is Praxeology vol 1, Frame: On the Actualisation of the Modern Man and is oriented towards the I have no idea guy as also to the guy that wants to go deeper (for example mental models and relationship types) really good first book. The second one, Praxeology vol 2 Dread is oriented towards a guy that already has a relationship. All 3 are gems.

The big difference these 4 have with all the rest is that they don’t moralfag or give you directions on what’s right or not. They give you the tools you need to achieve whatever you want in this aspect of your life. No larping allowed. Want to find a wife ? Wanna be a girl to just fuck? Wanna have a harem for fuck shake? Real redpill doesnt give a fuck. Do these strategies we propose work? Now we are talking.

Anecdotally, I was an aimless 18 yo which after reading some philosophy and some of the above books turned my life around. I am finishing medschool a d have a happy relationship. We might not last after I graduate but that’s ok. First of all be ok with yourself and put yourself first. You are the only one who wipes your ass. Maybe you should respect the guy more.

>What should I read Anon?

AT LEAST The Rational Male. Then Everything Rian stone and Rest of series of the rational male. Then sprinkle day bang and vol 1 of Heartiste. These people actually ch abed my life. Still sounds like I suck on them too much, but it’s true. Now go read TRP.
Moralfag detected.
They arrive through different methods to somewhat same conclusions.
If women are like children, then let us treat them as children and protect them from all corruption.
"The mother is in complete relation with the continuity of the race ; the prostitute is completely outside it. ^The mother is the sole advocate and priestess of the race^ The will of the race to live is embodied in her, whilst the existence of the prostitute shows that Schopenhauer was pushing a generalisation too far when he declared that all sexuality had relation only to the future generation. That the mother cares only for the life of her own race is plain from the absence of consideration for animals shown by the best of mothers. A good mother, with the greatest peace of mind and content, will slaughter fowl after fowl for her family. The mother of children is a cruel step-mother to all other living things."
This quote explains why the majority of the users on this website suffer in their daily lives, their moms were weak (probably their fathers too) and didn't love them (properly). Something to ruminate on this afternoon.
that would be antisemitic
Tolstoy was the best psychologist, read him if you want to see realistic characterizations and analyses of both women and men's minds
>Love of a woman is possible only when it does not consider her real qualities, and so is able to replace the actual psychical reality by a different and quite imaginary reality.
Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, p. 249.
This man has singularly changed my opinions about faggots, jews, and g*rmans.
How could one gay jew be so incredibly based?
>It is quite wrong to say that women lie. That would imply that sometimes they speak the truth.
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Could marrying a cute tomboy have saved him?
No, genius or death. You don't write that sort of book living in gray areas. You cannot thrive in society bathed in deceit when you are driven to truth.
You’re not dead, so you must be a genius
I am almost finished with Sex and Character, I feel a great sadness: the west lacks the thinkers required to drive real change. One could don the tinfoil hat of the conspiracy theorist and posit that popular media is designed to program the "normalfag" to find and stamp out this sort of thinking. It's a dangerous book, as it obviously influenced other German people at the time, even National Socialist writers.
I am spiritually dead, not a genius. The author blew his brains out at 23.
Something weird:
>This study evaluated the rape fantasies of female undergraduates (N = 355) using a fantasy checklist that reflected the legal definition of rape and a sexual fantasy log that included systematic prompts and self-ratings. Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates.
>The genius is the complete man ; the manhood that is latent in all men is in him fully developed.
Page 173
Much of what Otto said is true.
But Otto wanted women to be manly (to suit his homosexual tendencies) and was disappointed that they were not. It’s like wanting a cube to be a sphere.

Hating women is like hating children.
Paternalism is the only answer.
Chuck is a good man, but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about here
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Kind of the tragic comedy that is life, right? There are men out there who want women to love them in a way that women are biologically incapable of doing. I wonder if it's always for homosexual reasons or because of childhood trauma. Homosexuality stems from childhood trauma.
not liking women (enough) stems from childhood. homosexuality strikes me as a biological (a hormone imbalance)
Damb. Saved
wasn't this all expressed with more brevity by lord byron 200 years ago.
>Man's love is of man's life a part; it is a woman's whole existence.
lots of people figured it out to a point and wrote about it, after all it is natural truth and most people get it instinctively
its just that otto did it in the most autistic way possible describing every single little detail, which makes his book the definitive read if you want to know every little detail
he's come upon an important & essential truth, but got the wrong slant
read books authored by flaming homos who love to have huge dicks pounding their asses.
Romanticism sold this idea to the masses of men. Hollyjewed always shows "true love" in every flick possible. No need to get molested to get a wrong idea about a woman's love, when all the examples of that are poetic creations made by men
*sigh* mein kampf it is
this headcannon makes you the gay one.
Nobody in /lit/ has ever felt the touch of a woman.

I suggest you ask your librarian for a book about the differences in psychology between the sexes/genders.
The idiot, all of its female characters are interwoven to give a pretty complex look at women and their intentions
Women like to see boners and sneakers. Fire too, and a cool hand. Stimulation incarnate, when it’s become apparent: All collected in a deal that managed to pull itself together before the right place—at the right time
>want women to love them in a way that women are biologically incapable of doing
What way is that? Have not read otto yet.
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Can you last the whole way

it's funny how chuds keep the propaganda alive that women were pure back then.

Women really have an easy life thanks to those crappy men desperate to pass women as saints and only perverted due to ''the society''....

We all the know the truth is that women are inherently sexual perverts. Men don't like sex, men like the competition before and during sex and to see a girl orgasming due to their dicks, and for the atheists due to their tongues. Ie men love the competition and having a direct influence on the world. men dont love sex at all . It's only women who are hedonistic and sex cravings machines coasting thru life thanks to their orbiters
>t. repressed
and nowadays every psych is dishing out synthetic drugs derived from cocaine. you're clueless
Being capable of love.
The only truth about the "redpill" comes from the viewpoint of the evolutionary psychology. As far as I'm informed, it's currently the only popular movement which takes the models of evolutionary psychology serious.

If you want to get some information about the psychology of women and thinks the redpillers have something, then ignor the redpillers and just go into the libery and read about evolutionary psychology.

The redpillers put their own ideology into the insights of the evolutionary psychology. For instances, ill-souding value judgments like "men's wishes are more important than women's wishes" or that like.
Their advise for dating is basically snake oil.
Is it? Post your tits.
Except as soon as they started receiving their own wages they stopped giving a shit about men entirely, except those that can improve their material status further.
>atheists due to their tongues
Song of Solomon describes cunning linguistics though (in flowery language)
The less you bother with female psychology and focus exclusively and genuinely on what you want, the more they start to make sense.
one of these days i feel like why there are so many chuds around thanks to these vile w*men/g*rl/r*asties who are emotionally manipulative by nature.
i've realized i can't outdo them at all in this game,they've learnt it by birth but i cant even exit the game(the obvious choice) since they show interest in me and so we go in circle round n round.
i sometimes hate wom*n so much its unreal but from afar,they are such joyous simple creatures.
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Platitudes (Level 1)
These posters are what many women use as bathroom decoration
They are vain, delicate and desire social reinforcers and validations
BUT they don't need it

Even Otto believed they can evolve beyond their base instinct...!
Because, since they're vessels (holes), holes can be filled with a virtuous soul...!
The first step is to reject comforting platitudes like "Live Laugh Love" and pic related, that lull them into a sense of complacency, such as "You Are Enough"
If women are fertile soil, a manly soul can be grown inside them. This is what Otto believed.
Virtue and virago have the same etymology.

This means abandoning chick lit and other such slop, rejecting women's compliments and accepting only wise men's words as true.
They have to reject the fake compliments that simps give them. Dante's Beatrice wasn't the real Beatrice, and neither was Kinzo's.

I'll also post Level 2 (Otto's middle of book) and Level 3 (Otto's last chapter of book)
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Level 2
Otto's Platonic Woman

No woman, even a redpilled plate or tradwife, has pic related in her house.

Why is that?
Because it demoralises them, and it's offputting, and it's not cute.
Men wouldn't like to see such a poster.
Pets should be happy and content, that's why Level 1 is popular, husbands and fathers smile when they see that their precious daughter is happy and quietly confident.
If a father sees pro-ana or pro-mia posters, he would get worried about his daughter becoming anorexic or bulimic.
If he sees pic related, he'll be confused because it's never been done before. Maybe he'll worry that she's becoming FTM.

Redpill women have posters of happy moms cuddling babies and how wonderful it is to be a mother, not posters about how stupid foids are.
Women like positive reinforcement, that is why Level 1 is popular.

Pets are stupid, but we love them because they're cute.
If a dog or cat started feeling upset that it was born a dog or cat, it would be unseemly, and defeat the purpose of a pet.

It's better if women don't read Sex & Character, because it makes them sad and breaks their innocence. Children shouldn't read it either.
It's lovely for women to read children's books (YA is for 12-year-old children).
But Otto doesn't want that, he wants manly women instead of cute pets.

If a woman should become manly like Otto wants, she should read Sex & Character cover-to-cover, and then read the final chapter which leads to Level 3.
Level 2 is the painful bridge she would cross before getting to Level 3, the self-actualization he desires for them (even though he is just projecting his tomboy fetish on them, just like the great simps like Dante).
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Level 3
Otto's Evolved Woman

Here is Otto's dream.
He describes it in the final chapter of Sex & Character.

He hoped that some women could develop into something close to his ideal gifted Virago.
And maybe, for a few, it is possible.

Unfortunately, Otto lost hope.
Otto shot himself inside Beethoven's house at 23 years old.
Let's not do that, let's have hope and live for a long time.
those librarians deal with the same 10 self help books and/or your top 10 famous sci-fi harry potter slop and whatever their surrounding university professors mandate to read for their students (which is increasingly less and less), they dont actually know books nor read them
the classical idea of a library is long dead
Yes women are identical now to what they were before. The difference to now and in the past is that men had tools to keep women in check so if you wanted to do it, you had the tools for it. Today you have nothing and a woman can do whatever she pleases to and you have to hope she magically won't be a whore (she won't). Most women WERE pure back then because men kept them in check.
To get into the mind of intelligent, politically-minded young women, read Normal People by Sally Rooney.
It’s really an unpopular girls fantasy in many ways, so blatant I wondered at first how intentional it was.
I’ve heard of this guy but this is a well written synopsis of my experiences being friends with, hooking up with, and dating in college.
This is not only profoundly based but, as any good philosophy should be, is applicable to the man’s life. This will help you in your relationships with women if you understand it
Exactly, human behavior is derived from the interaction with the framework provided by evolutionary development with the structures of modern society. To begin to understand women you have to understand what evolutionary pressures led to the development of the female brain.
When you're a woman, you are awash in sexuality. Sexuality composes the main aspect of your being when you're a woman as it is your avenue to power and influence. In order to gain power, a woman needn't struggle against nature because all she needs to do is juxtapose herself to men, and through this sexual juxtaposition, use the common man as a ladder to raise herself up to an idealized life, while simultaneously criticizing and chastising men for not making her life better. In this way, men are manipulated to give up their body and soul to women.

When you're a woman, you are empowered via your sexuality/sentimentality and your capacity to interact with others.
When you're a man, you are empowered via your toughness/strength and your capacity to interact with nature.
>turbo jews are giving future mass shooters brainrot meds so that means freud was right
Lol, lmao
I'm sorry, but if you base reality on romantic comedies, I think there's something wrong with you. You should base reality on reality. Your own two eyes are I think superior to whatever there appears through a square screen.
fucking habit and morality keeps them in check, that's the whole point of the fucking feminist critical theory. Its structural, not psychological only.
wait. on the way to women, isn't interacting with women the way?
How's that working out?
That only buttresses my point, cornholio
/// We could hear the puppy yipping playfully in its kennel /// Prolonged use of alcohol also leads to cross-tolerance to other drugs, for example the barbiturates, so that the effectiveness of these compounds is reduced /// I came home laden with cardboard boxes /// However, as anyone who has experienced the bad egg smell will know, the unpleasant, putrid odour can make people feel sick, to the extent, sometimes, that they become sick /// I am not endeavouring to be difficult or in any way obstreperous /// Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis /// Ability and hard work cinched her success /// The cybercriminals are wily, and every time one internet portal closes, another opens /// But still he did not remain indifferent to a sincere feeling of love and respect and always distinguished it from idle and fulsome tittle-tattle /// All that bile, all the exaggeration, all the stuff that was not grounded in fact just kind of bubbled up, started surfacing /// Results were obtained for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc /// I am not keen about pylons, but that is neither here nor there //// I love shuffling through the fallen leaves /// An attempt has been made to ring-fence pensions from creditors if a company goes bankrupt /// At midday, with sporadic rain, many residents and visitors interviewed were somewhat blase about the danger /// I had difficulty getting any details. He wasn't very forthcoming /// The psychiatrist offered him an escape hatch from his feelings of guilt /// He dismissed what had happened as a mere peccadillo /// There are lots of people who like the sound of the bugle, to be near the canteen, and to live in a military atmosphere /// What possessed her to flag down a passing truck and climb in? /// Though they are old, they often participate in the kids' capers /// You'd have to be a casuist of rare skill to argue that this album differs dramatically from the last one /// It was the last decision of a tottering government ///
Tinder and and prostitution and porn speak the truth.
Porn has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power''

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Pierre Woodman. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''rings her bell''

Women don't give a shit about long-term relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad and free of charge.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be degraded, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans and kings who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw for free by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk the day after.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn and tinder is the truth about women. And that's why you hate it.
Holy shit I had no idea he killed himself at 23 after writing this. That actually fucks over so much of the value of the book. It's not that it's necessarily wrong by virtue of being written by such a man, but if all your experience is limited to 23 years and you're trying to write some kind of definitive book on this stuff from that experience, then you end up shooting yourself, then that really says a lot.

Like, I don't even disagree with the premise of it, even the most ambitious women I've met don't strive to stamp the world the way men do, and are close to universally committed to a kind of womanly moral purpose that doesn't strive to be pioneering in a manly individual way.
>Man has the penis, but the vagina has Woman
impossible to refute
I disagree that his message was dampened because it was refined by the Germans who came after and because like >>23540932 said, there are immutable truths about women that will never change.
He was into troons. If you liked his work check out Andrea Long Chu.
But like I said, I'm not agreeing with the fundamental premise or the accurate nature of the observations, it's just that, I'd expect something like this, if done so earnestly and thoroughly, to be written by the kind of man who'd be experienced enough to have fathered and successfully raised children with a woman. To see that this was written shortly after obtaining an undergraduate degree, not that that is an inherent mark against it, is at least surprising, as it's the kind of work I'd expect from a man who'd lived to greater maturity.
Dude really lived his vision. Genius or death.
>Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider

Who said that? Sounds like you masturbate to your own posts like you masturbate to those male porn stars. Being a cooming clerk doesn't make you the "alpha"
Yeah so what if i do. Try and stop me bud

Okay so now with this insider knowledge of women.... how do i actually fuck them tho? Just hit on enough of them until one of them let me take their pants off?
>men dont love sex at al
If your worldview leads to such implausible conclusions there is probably something wrong with it.
Every creature is sad after copulation, except a rooster and a woman
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I think dandy, but I think your comment implies that we do not share a similar worldview.

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