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What do you think he’d have to say about the world today?

I can't help but think his jaw would drop to the floor seeing how things have panned out since his death in 2008.

Everything he thought was problematic about society (which I believe he thought he was at the tail end of) became exponentially worse.

A couple of examples that come to mind is with his interview with ZDF. Where he made a comment about not owning a television because he felt the need to channel surf and as if he was missing out on something better on another channel. Could you imagine if he saw social media and short-form content today?

Another is the use of irony, which he thought was corrosive even back in 2003. I couldn’t help but think how he’d react to its use today. With a shallow example being something like Rick and Morty.
On the one hand yes, on the other hand peer pressure would probably break him and he'd just direct his anger at Trump.
>other hand peer pressure would probably break him and he'd just direct his anger at Trump
I don’t think he’d be as shallow as “Trump bad” but I think he’d probably disapprove of Trump not controlling his rhetoric.

But then, I think he’d also disapprove of the blatant bias against him in media and popular culture.

I mean, he put a great deal of emphasis on the importance of citizenry and civil society and thought it was declining even in 2003. He’d probably be frustrated with the state of politics now.

I think he talked about attending church service because he felt it was obligated to, even though he wasn’t particularly religious
I think he could somewhat see the direction the internet was going in and with his predictions in IJ (subsidized time, addiction with drugs, entertainment etc) I don't think he would be that shocked about the current world, more just disappointed and disgusted. The falling of everything into the post-modern irony post-ironized whatever the fuck shtick of today can be seen as just a furthered evolution of the irony and irreverence that he was critiquing in the 90s.
Sad that we never saw his takes on the modern world though
I don’t think the 2010s would have broken Wallace like I’m sure it would have broken hitchens but I think he would have spent the whole period deeply conflicted and anxiety about whatever he was working on
Probably would have ended up a Robert eggers type with the media ignoring him as they wouldn’t know what to make of him
I’d HOPE tho that hed end with zero chill pissing off everyone
>which I believe he thought he was at the tail end of
why do you think he killed himself if he believed that the revolution against totally immersive entertainment technology was right around the corner?
> i think he would just agree with me on everything
why don't you join him and give him that overdue blowjob?
Seeing zoomers instantly pick up their phone when a commercials start playing or a movie reaches a slow part is so blackpilling.
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>The periphery of our peripheral vision
I mute commercials to not get brainwashed.
He would have been canceled, so it doesn't matter. It was probably inevitable that he would kill himself. It was only a matter of when.
I love DFW, but it is absolutely nuts that you fuckers don't use the catalog
I watched The End Of The Tour today. Good film.
>What do you think he’d have to say about the world today?
Whatever he'd say he'd end it with "did any of that make sense?" and make this weird twitch that is either a result of trying to look pitiful or a genuine reaction to coming down from coke.
I love dfw.
>He would have been canceled
>Implying that the rest of his bibliography, had he lived, wouldn't have steered the western cultural consciousness to a completely different direction, where such athing as cancel culture wouldn't even exist.
I'm under the suspicious that /lit/ posters do check the catalog but are unable to have creative thoughts. They are unable to have something pop in their heads unless they see it in the catalog. Last week there were about 10 pynchon threads at the same time. I highly doubt 10 people just coincidentally and independently had pynchon pop into their head at the same time. These people posting threads are narcissistic, self-important, and retarded freaks who are unable to have original thoughts and think they should react with a new thread as opposed to a post.
I sort of liked it when I watched it in my late teens but I doubt it holds up that well. Even at the time it came off as somewhat sanitized and idolizing.
I thought he was Daniel Jackson for a long time.
Sounds like DFW to me
>no footnotes
He'd have been outed as a student-fucking stalker in a few years and then it would have ruined his legacy enough that I didn't have to read his awful "book".
0/10 for not including the word "geological"
He'd also be part of the world too though. Isn't it funny the limits you put on yourself now though. Like if someone on TV says 'fag' your reaction isn't to laugh, more to think, oh they could be cancelled, or shouldn't have said that. I think there's way less irony now than there was in the 90s. Take a movie like Reality Bites which is the most gen X movie ever. The characters entertain themselves a lot of the time by mocking TV and ads of the day. Everyone knows what they're referencing.

What's insane about DFW is his last book The Pale King couldn't be further away from where culture has ended up. Its a book about how to be in empty space, how to cope with boredom, raw dogging it. I doubt anyone nowadays really has to face up to nothingness and boredom because there's so many dog videos on facebook every day. The Pale King, unfinished, was about coping with an average life. But he himself couldn't do it, the medication he'd been on for two decades wasn't working anymore and nothing else worked either. Would it have got better if he'd waited it out? He'd have considered it and landed on 'no.'
He'd kill himself.
him killing himself reified him as a tragic prophet in culture, whether that was his intention or not (from what all of his friends and wife had said, this was absolutely not his intention and his suicide was 100% the consequence of his mental illness resurfacing with a preternatural vengeance)

if he was alive today he would be doomscrolling twitter and making gay retarded posts about bullshit and getting into arguments with slavoj zizek and camille paglia or whoever about whatever retarded bullshit popped into their semicongruent bijective feeds that day
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>Another is the use of irony, which he thought was corrosive even back in 2003. I couldn’t help but think how he’d react to its use today. With a shallow example being something like Rick and Morty.
Could someone explain me the whole irony thing and why its bad?
If have not yet read DFW but everytime I read something about him, irony is always mentioned.
Could you give me more meanigful example of irony having a negative effect on society. What did he dislike about it? Rick and morty is reddit for sure but other than that idk.
irony being everywhere is bad and thats what DFW was fighting against

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