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Which scifi book should i start reading, as a beginner
That's a weird cover. Haunting, even.
The killing star.
Science fiction fans are people who have a passing interest in technology but are too lazy to learn about actual scientific subjects.
that is a much better cover than the garbage paperback i bought. Androids dream of electric sheep is a very short, pleasant read.
I'll recommend you some relatively accessible stuff.
>MMAcevedo by qntm
An epistolary story about an uploaded mind. Cold, clinical sci-fi horror. Honorable mention should go to the SCP Wiki which has a lot of entries that are competent sci-fi horror although they tend to be a mixed bad and lurch more in the direction of fantasy horror.
>The Last Question by Isaac Asimov
It's a classic sci-fi short story for good reason. It's a bit cheesy but for a lot of people it's their first intro to Asimov and midcentury speculative fiction in general. It's about entropy, otherwise just read it for yourself.
>The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Roger Williams
It's not by Asimov but runs using Asimov's technoethics. By contemporary standards, this focus on Asimov's Laws of Robotics makes it seem dated and clunky especially since there's been a lot of other "post-Singularity" work that delves deeper. Nonetheless, if you've got a strong stomach for violence (sexual and otherwise) and moral ambiguity this is a good short story. There are other stories by Williams that take place in this universe.
>Twig by Wildbow
Web serial about a world where Dr. Frankenstein-style biotechnology is mainstream and used to create a New British Empire. It focuses on children who're created to be the superhuman slaves of this regime, keeping renegade researchers in check. Wildbow in general has only improved greatly as a writer since Worm.
seconding. if you like it go on to rendezvous with rama.
I read it this weekend. PKD has a unique style that is oddly endearing after you get used to it.
Tiger Tiger / The Stars My Destination
Great suggestion. A ridiculously fun book that's also packed with cool ideas.
You can actually do both, read sci-fi and learn cool science. Don't be a faggot
Stranger in a Strange Land
That one
Its my fav
Many decent scientists have pointed to sci fi as how they got to where they were.
ender's game
Hyperion is great
I remember being a teenager and going through all sorts of webfiction and public domain sci fi. You brought back good memories, Anon.
It really is a touching memory, also develops better taste than reverting to the mean through paypigging or piracy.
This. It is kinda long though. Ghost by Piers Anthony is nice and fairly short.
Really depends on where you're coming and what you're looking for. I can recommend some Hard Sci-Fi:

> Solaris (Stanislaw Lem)
> Starfish (Peter Watts)
> Culture Series (Ian M. Banks)
name two
>The Last Question by Isaac Asimov
Just read it thanks to this post. Great story. I feel like I may have read it ages ago and didn't remember, something about it seemed familiar, but regardless, so much meat to it in so few pages.
the robot books my asimov
I, Robot (collection of short stories), caves of steel, the naked sun

starship troopers, stranger in a strange land, the moon is a harsh mistress
>Hyperion is great
Eh. It's 5 ok short stories. Epic in scale, well written for the most part.
>Solaris (Stanislaw Lem)
After bouncing hard off the boring movie adaptions, I was surprised how tense and interesting this was.
I didn't know if Something Wicked This Way Comes counts but it's a really good book
>>MMAcevedo by qntm
oh, I saw his work on Amazon. Are his collections and other stories worth picking up? I know they'll be print on demand, but I like reading paper.
Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. Nice writing, short stories, some fun, some sad. Bradbury's always worth a read.
As a beginner, you should try something more easy and yet funny.

Starship Troopers
A Fall of Moondust
Project Hail Mary
Leviathan Wakes
Philip K Dick shorty stories.

This is a bait, right? The best sci-fi books out there aren't even about technology.
the one you posted and this. after that you can move on from the genre as nothing comes close to topping these two
The greatest scientists found their inspiration in actual literature and scripture, not adolescent genre fiction
They enjoy literature and idea more than boring practical logistical work. If a reader likes science then he'll read textbooks you dope.
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>Source: my putrid asshole
Ghost is terrific, and I've never heard it mentioned by anyone. You have patrician taste, anon.
I started with 2001 by Arthur C. Clarke when I was fourteen. Food for thought.
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Dick is great, but if you're starting out you should read the two gentlemen he regarded as mentors. The great A. E. Van Vogt (Slan, Null-A) and Clifford D. Simak (Way Station, City),

Simak: "Overall, I have written in a quiet manner; there is little violence in my work. My focus has been on people, not on events. More often than not I have struck a hopeful note ... I have, on occasions, tried to speak out for decency and compassion, for understanding, not only in the human, but in the cosmic sense. I have tried at times to place humans in perspective against the vastness of universal time and space. I have been concerned where we, as a race, may be going, and what may be our purpose in the universal scheme – if we have a purpose. In general, I believe we do, and perhaps an important one."
These are bad recommendations for someone who isn't used to sci-fi and wants to get started in the genre. The books are good, but it's the same as if someone asked "I want to start with fantasy, what should I read?" and someone recommended Earthsea and The Book of The New Sun.
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If you want really simple, then start with Heinlein's juveniles. But your observation is off. There isn't anyone not used to sci-fi after decades of being saturated by decades of Star Trek, Doctor Who and capeshit. Hell, we're living in a sci-fi dystopia right now.
I doubt anyone who isn't used to actually read heavy physiological texts, only comics or young fantasy can handle Solaris. Or any weird PKD or dry and hard sci-fi.
Even Neuromancer makes lots of readers very confused and frustrated.
Book of the New Sun I get, but what's wrong with Earthsea for a new fantasy reader? For what it's worth I've only read (and only intend to read) A Wizard of Earthsea.
So if I’ve read Stein, Joyce, Lima, and Gass I’ll struggle with Solaris?
Give it a shot, anon, but it also depends on whether you like lengthy descriptions of strange geometric shapes mixed with a lot of nihilism.
Yes, at least in my opinion they are.
Star Maker

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