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/lit/ - Literature

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Book recommendations for someone like me? Pic related.
Revolt is a bit hard of a read desu so please recommended something a bit easier to digest.
Thanks anons.
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Read some comfy PG Wodehouse and get your mind out of the gutter that it's currently squatting in rent free.

Nothing good to be found in nonsense like Evola. This life is short, we should spend it being kind to one another, and not wasting it by reading some aristocratic fascist magician with a grudge against the world.

Also, stop being silly and take that gun off the table. Nobody thinks it's cool.

All the best.
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my glock is bigger. 8.82 inches.
I am an aristocratic fascist magician with a grudge against the world. I am kind. The gun is cool.
>No dust on the surfaces
>No pockmarks on the furniture
>No vermin living in the shadows
>Not even one personal motto carved into the wall
I bet neither of you don't even live in that 'living space'.
Adam's Return by Richard Rohr
I suspect you may be searching for a way to meaningfully actualize your masculinity, OP.
What is exactly is telling a guy that his life doesn't matter and he's not to control it supposed to actualize?
Sad if serious
You're sad but it has nothing to do with me.
The revolt of the angels by Anatole France
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google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose
evola gets bad rep nowadays because midwit faggot larpers like yourself are buying his books, cant/wont read them, but always pretend as if they do and cant shut up about it
case in point
St John Damascene Barlaam and Ioasaph
Weren't you systematically felted in the last thread?
>someone like me?
Someone who reads books for aesthetics? Someone who builds their personality around a tradcath /pol/ aesthetic, who believes that they actually believe in this stuff, but in reality just needs something to latch on, something to believe in to find a purpose in life and it doesn't matter if it's true, what matters is only that he finds it somewhat cool looking and finds comfort in a group of like minded individuals who have fallen into the exact same aesthetic trap?
i did carve some latin into my other desk, keep that in mind.

Drop the immature posturing and le right wing meme books (spooky rightoid philosophy has its time and place but don't make it your whole personality). You should get into actual literature instead; novels, poetry and plays. I recommend James Joyce, Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Samuel Beckett, Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gogol, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Paul Auster, C.S. Lewis, J.G. Ballard, Pär Lagerkvist, Peter Handke, Yukio Mishima, Flannery O'Connor, Don Delillo and Virginia Woolf. If you want to start somewhere accessible I would go with one of Kazuo Ishiguro's novels, though. Remains of the Day is really good, for example, but all of them are pretty much excellent.
That's not what the book is about.
Solid but embarrassing argument. Even if someone was larping as me they'd still be twice the man as someone who can't even conceptualize the idea that I'm real.
hello chazanon, glad to see yo have found christ
Don't listen to him, he will lead you away from the path of truth. You need to graduate to Aleister Crowley, I think you're ready.
First understand people and the world by the medium of art most suited for that aka literature, build up a taste for it, then go to your political memebooks
Politics should always be at the end of one's ideological development after they have already developed a solid worldview with non-political concepts, afterwards they apply it to the way a government should function, not vice versa as modern times pushes politics on us and makes apolitical ideas of race and gender into talking points considered "politics"
Either way just learn to enjoy literature in of itself, its worth it and will make your life way more fulfilling and beautiful
Right wing meme books are more entertaining than drivel from leftists grifters when it comes to political theatre. Left can't meme.
I second Wodehouse. Read Code of the Woosters because all of you are like Roderick Spode clones.
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Jesus christ, he didn't even really give you a left wing reading list. The right can't read.
Your vanity is staggering. How many photos did you take trying to place your faggotries just so?
I just see right leaning centrists on that list.
why is the first post ALWAYS the best post?
You are an insult to Ali.
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C'mon now, are kiwifarms troons really using this term even on /lit/?
Why are trannies always interested in super masculine fields like tech and philosophy?
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Those are the AGP ones who are failed man wanting to get attention and easy sex. The true trans only want to cook, clean, be good women and have a good relationship with a manly hairy guy.
There was a time when programmers were mostly women. It involved a lot of sitting and typing so it was considered secretary-work, low, and effeminate. Philosophy/religion can easily appeal to feminine thoughts and feelings. In the case of trans women oftentimes they study "serene" things that allow them some hope of escaping/modifying the bodies which cause them such dysphoria.
Nothing. I recommend nothing to you.
I'm a redditor spending my mother money with onlyfans if that matters btw.
Wait, isn't that basically the type of life that Evola advocates for?
There's something really funny about OP staging a photo so that he could look cool on the internet and then everyone in the thread shitting on him for it. I can only imagine his thoughts while doing so.
>Oh yeah, let me put this gun right here and my coffee that's getting colder by the second... They're gonna think I'm really cool intelligent manly man with an elegant aesthetic sensibility.
Maybe if you posted this on /fa/, /pol/, /r9k/ or really any other board you would have gotten the responses you were looking for. But paired with the title, lol, you were just looking for it. Try instagram next time, they eat this kind of shit up and you don't have to worry about being illiterate because they have zero standards and pander to dregs like you with their anti-elitism.
I'm sure he expected a generous amount of soi.

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