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post em
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>OP's post

>a faggot

>a faggot
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Dandelion Wine is probably the most pretentious and useless book I have ever read. The entire book is just Bradbury's self insert having a mental breakdown due to how "beautiful" summer scenery is.
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What a fucking disappointment. 3/5 stars. Sun Dog was shit too.
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You wouldn't have a NOTW one would you?
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film is so bad & so gay it hurts.
Apolcalypse Now, may be?
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Missing the JFK chapter
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i wonder if it would be fair to compare paintings like the one in the middle to telegraphs, done sparingly and only with an eye towards conveying information, with the more fleshed out paintings we see from other periods being more like literature
That's an illustration in a manuscript. It's hardly a painting. I would assume most were done by the monks writing down the text.
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OC coming through
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Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia.
I guess it's okay.
Holly filtered.
do you mean that hannah is describing the way they control the people and the countries? great hannah! hosannah! gloria aleluia! is it? should i read it?
Kek only a jew could get away with being so anti-Semitic. I thought she might end The Banality of Evil with a seig heil
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happy leaf day
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i laughed aloud when marilla said she didn't want italians in the house and anne said it was alright because the man in question was only a jew.
I read it and felt nostalgic like you wouldn't belive. I was born 60 years and half a world away from this books setting, and my childhood still seemed to include half the shit in this book.

Jesus anon, sorry for you. Did you even go outside as a kid?
yep the first part of the book is basically a description of (((their))) integration in western societies and, by extension, (((their))) influence in politics and finance and media
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You expected cyberpunk in a book about life after an apocalypse?
That sounds so good though?
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Peake was taken from us far too soon.
Why were tripods so common back then? Is there some esoteric meaning beyond their convenient form factor?
If you retards can't do it in three images then don't do it at all. Good fucking lord there's something especially galling about the book board being unable to succinctly convey an idea.
Btw I'm a manlet mexican if that matters.
What you don’t want a panel of every scene or passage in the book? For real though I always thought the idea was to convey a feel in a single pic or an inside joke of sorts that only someone who read the book would get
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We have this argument literally every other thread can we skip to the part where we all realize we don't actually care and just go back to posting?
He was so great. Also, Fuchsia is definitely a tsundere.
As much of worm as Steerpike was, I couldn't help but feel for the skewbald schemer when Fuchsia was half-ready to dump him over one rude statement after being ever-accommodating to her.
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stop noticing things!
I don't get it
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This made me want to read these books
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see: >>23551164
I like it with more than three images, go neck yourself faggot you don't get to police the thread.
do I need to spell it out for you?
I expected a historical description of various forms of totalitarianism
I got a history of jewish influence in the western world
anyone have wuthering heights one
>goes to some island
>gets bitches
>sacrifice to zeus
genuinely fun to read though
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Really? I heard about her in the context of Becker and got a pretty insipid impression of her
I kek'd out loud at this, good job you bastard
It was about life before, and after, a cyberpunk-driven apocalypse. I certainly didn't expect Oryx going on and on about being sold into sexual slavery as a young child, especially given that it was written by a woman.
I tried to read Peake, but couldn't bare to. I think he bored himself to death.
Oh yeah I know she's open about getting shoved in the troubled teen industry (kid concentration camps)
Asimov is not good. Foundation is already being forgotten
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Its ok. Peake filters alot of people.
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You convinced me not to read the book.
Most fucking accurate this thread. Go figure the one author whos a 1/4th Black writes a self insert power fantasy about how he gets rich kills everyone he doesnt like and fucks White women while acting like Batman if he was retarded.
This book is about a Grandma battling Satan? Picked up if true.
lmao accurate
It is an entertaining read at least until he breaks out of prison, but it is indeed absolute slop that reads like fanfiction
I still found it enjoyable for what it's worth. The Count is just such a proto-anime character. Like to reveal his true identity in a dramatic confrontation he quickly scoots out a doorway and CHANGES CLOTHES. It's hilarious.
True. Anyone who praises Wittgenstein is a guaranteed midwit.
Not literally but it's antagonist is a personification of evil and has a confrontation with a granny, not a physical battle.
Christian imagery and tidbits of theology sprinkled in the ending.
I'm not good with this meme format.
hearty kek
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fuck you
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you may be an dumb macaco. or may be not. i'm hesitating.
I read the first 3 chapters of Gormenghast. What was I supposed to get out of it? There was an old guy that curates a collection of trinkets that literally no one looks at. There was a really drunken chef berating one of his inferiors. None of it was interesting.
Check out His Name was Death if you want the expected pic
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Not sure what book you were reading.
true. people treat the template a review.
I couldn't care less about the integrity of a stupid meme format
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I guess I'll send it back to Amazon
Wet Ass Pussy
You didn’t read the books then
Good for him, Asimov is trash.
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>all /trv/ ever reads is SF now
Wharba shame that the editors made him ruin the third book. I think the second one is the most solid of all.
Don't let this thread die I wanna make one for minima moralia

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