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Try to remember when this closeted gay single handedly saved the literary world and brought in millions of young male readers. How things have changed. On a recent episode of the anti-semitic podcast the Daily Shoah one of the hosts alleged the faggot Palahniuk hosted a workshop where he stole content from aspiring young writers who believed they were getting an opportunity to work with the famous author when he was at the height of his fame. Allegedly he had run out of ideas, which makes sense if one is familiar with his career and sees the massive decline in quality and originality after Haunted (2005), arguably hitting its nadir with the massive failure of Tell-All (2010) among his fans, a pointless novel obsessed with obscure early Hollywood and so transparently homosexual that Palahniuk, by now an aged queen ensconced in success, could not help but indulge in. Research revealed this workshop indeed existed at this time and the result was his next novel, Damned (2013) which was a major departure in style and structure which does lend credence to the allegations, and a compilation of short stories by the students called Burnt Tongues (2014) edited by some guy named Richard Thomas who appears to churn out schlock. Later Palahniuk was robbed of his fortune through embezzlement, and since has not been able to place a novel with a major publisher although Adjustment Day (2018) garnered some positive responses due to the nominally empathetic portrayal of right wing content. Was he really stealing from his fans? Who were they? Why is this not a more widespread scandal?
He admitted to getting his ideas for Adjustment Day of the Daily Stormer forum on Rogan.
The only way he could write anything is via plagarism. Guy is a joke of a writer whose gimmick as Bret Easton Ellis' edgy younger brother got real old real fast when it became clear that everything of his was lifted from somewhere else.
I stared following a guy on goodreads who was posting edgy reviews about anti-white books who was an author Burnt Tongues. He seems to dislike Chuck now. I bet he knows.
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I love fight club (the movie).
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who up invisibling they monster
>hosted a workshop where he stole content from aspiring young writers who believed they were getting an opportunity to work with the famous author
Thats a pretty funny thing to do
Its sad there's a sequel to Fight Club no one knows about.

The major deceit was him pretending he was straight for a very long time. Fight Club changes when its written by a gay man, there's a sado maschoism sexual dimension there. When everyone thought he was straight he joked he wanted the characters to meet on a beach but didn't want it to seem too gay,
I'd say the sexual/masochistic dimension is there regardless
Yes and no. It's only relevant in retrospect when you find out he's a sodomite. Otherwise the relationship is one most men have either been on one side of or witnessed during adolescence when one guy matures faster than the other and has to find a way to decouple from his now dorky friend so he can ascend into the higher caste of kids who have also begun to resemble adults and shifted their interests to more adult things. Anyone who was on the losing side of that situation never forget it. They're scarred by it for life, even when they mature and come to understand it from an analytical and adult perspective. So for guys it's easy to overlook the gay part and relate to it from that painful moment in adolescence.
Been on both sides of that and the gay thing, they're remarkably similar up to a point. Male relationships, real ones with any depth, are romantic and even erotic, though not sexual. It's part of why so many young men fail with women, they seek women in the way they seek the attention of other men. More to the point, I think the story plays with that similarity and divergence.

Or, to phrase it differently, the whole situation and experience is hella gay, regardless of any homosexual or sadomasochistic undertones. I was talking to a dude a few days ago and he brought up how Fight Club and American History X are figure-ground relationships where, I think this is the appropriate time to use the word CHUDs, get the opposite meaning from it than what is clearly there. The gay interpretation has a subtextual angle that is similar.
I think the entire thing is laid out in one line, "Why does a weaker person need to latch onto a strong person?" This negates all of the homoerotic suspicions for me. And I do not agree that male relationships are romantic and erotic.

As far as Palahniuk being a plagiarist, I think it has merit. I was an absolute fanboy after I saw Fight Club in the theatre opening week and dug into everything he did from that moment forward. There is a major departure in not only style, but in cogency in Damned. And the lore so far seems to indicate Damned is the book he cribbed from student work. Tell-All indeed was terrible, but so was Diary, and Snuff sucked as well. Around this time Chuck was talking a lot about Ira Levin (Rosemary's Baby, the Boys from Brazil, the Stepford Wives) and I saw Diary as a failed attempt to ape Levin. Tell-All just reused the game engine from Diary. But Damned was just a mess of themes that go nowhere, characters that seem to be embedded with metaphorical promise and designed to pay off that never do, and a major departure in style. It DOES feel stitched together from disparate sources using a thread of "minimalist devices" familiar in his other books.

Ask him. I read that book. I bet I know who it is. At least I have 2 strong suspicions.
It's somewhat shocking that anyone takes Palahniuk that seriously now so long after his great successes, he's moderately effective as a provocateur but his righting just isn't THAT good
which episode was it?
OP did say "try to remember." I don't think they were inferring Palahniuk was relevant anymore. But OP is correct insofar his early books got a lot of guys reading and Ellis owes him some thanks for bringing another generation around to his stuff. I'm sure he enjoyed a major sales bump around the time Choke was released. The jazz certainly died down after Haunted. That was a big deal release with an absolute fuckton of media pumping it that just didn't deliver.
>Ask him. I read that book. I bet I know who it is. At least I have 2 strong suspicions.

I read it last year. Was meh. There were a couple of standouts who did a good Chuck impression yet had style and substance. A few others that were good on their own merit but not in theme with the rest. And a lot of forgettable filler. And one you never forget.
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He's just a less talented version of Super Ramon
The samey Dangerous Minimalism he took from Spanbauer's workshops started becoming as stale as an open world Ubisoft game. It's neat the first time and when you haven't read one in years, but gets repetitive before you're done with it. I'll credit him for getting me into contemporary fiction as a teenager but I jumped ship after Haunted.
Seems to be the trend, everyone I know dropped off by Pygmy and Rant. The only one I know who still has serious interest is a bit of a failure to launch, I think everyone else got the message and hung up the phone.
I discovered Donald Ray Pollock through him and liked his stories. Also Craig Clevenger who had a TDS meltdown and outed as a blithering shitlib. Both had not great movie adaptations but Clevenger’s was worse.

Did any of you fags read his book on writing? Was that obviously all bullshit or what? Yeah, that train stopped in the middle of nowhere and yeah the audience started throwing dead rats at you. Does he really expect us to believe this?
>Male relationships, real ones with any depth,

These are so rare it's not even worth bothering to talk about
Anglin was the funniest person alive back then and Palahniuk still managed to churn out flops? Then he's not a very good plagiarist.
>And I do not agree that male relationships are romantic and erotic.
Always have been. See Gilgamesh, Homer, etc.
Late '17/early '18 is exactly when his quality went into a tailspin and he got revealed as nothing more than a seething, lying manlet. That seems related somehow.
It's also when he/Weev gave the feds my BBS info and I got a knock at the door. And yes, I know for a fact it was them.

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