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Woman in the sky
Men on the earth
Nigger in the earth
Jew in the bank
Jewess in the shank
Nigress in the barth
Now change in with how
Natalie stumbled down the uncharacteristically deserted New York street, her unsteady gait betraying her copious alcohol intake. Her faithless office-mates were nowhere to be found; jealous, all of them, she seethed. Just because she was the prettiest girl in the department, and had the attention of all the handsome, young, up-and-coming businessmen, didn't mean the other women should hold it against her. If they wanted attention from men, they could try eating less and exercising, like she did.
A chill washed over her. Was someone lurking in the dark, watching her? The quiet streets and the moonless night betrayed no secrets. Suddenly feeling very vulnerable, she looked for somewhere, anywhere to hide. Perhaps she just needed to sleep this off in a quiet lobby, watched over by a friendly old doorman.
A bright light suddenly flooded around her. She tried to find its location, but could only squint. She felt some sort of rough cloth fall around her, restraining her movement. Her worst fear was being realized; it was an abduction of some kind! She screamed, but it was to no avail; there was no one to help her.
Her disorientation grew noticeably; she wondered if someone had put something in her drinks. Because she could swear she was being drawn upwards, into the sky. The relentless light finally dimmed, and she opened her eyes to find she was, indeed, far above the city at this point, wrapped clumsily in a roughly-woven hemp net, the distance between her and some sort of spaceship quickly closing. She tried to scream, but there was very little air at this altitude. Terror flooded through her as she helplessly watched a portal in the bottom of the spaceship grow larger, until it threatened to engulf her completely.
"Natalie Luftkopf!" a voice boomed as she stopped suddenly, suspended below the ship. "We have been watching you this evening!"
"Where am I?" she blubbered. "What do you want from me?"
"We are very impressed with the way you drink like a fish," the voice continued. "We have selected you for a very special destiny!"
She brightened up. "Really?" She looked slyly to the side. "This'll impress all those witches in the office." She looked around for the source of the voice. "What do you offer me?"
The bright light returned, but she was able to partially shield her eyes from it. She felt something happening to her skin; dazzling shells stuck to her forehead, running down her neck and onto her chest. "Stop!" she screamed, trying futilely to block the onslaught. But it proceeded to cover her body, until she looked something like a kindergartner's impression of a mermaid.
The light dimmed and then ceased. "What have you weirdos done to me?" she cried.
"You are now the mermaid queen!" the voice thundered. "You will lead your subjects to victory over their oppressors!"
She smiled. "That sounds a lot better than my dead-end day job. Bring on my epic destiny!"
Plummeting downwards, she saw the city reappear as she hurled toward Manhattan, the darkness obscuring her eventual destination. She felt herself slow, then descend gently. She smiled as she waited to land.
The cold water instantly sent shivers through her. Finding herself below the surface, she was able to see the inhabitants of the lake clearly. Two massive armies of fish faced off, ready to attack at a moment's notice. She found herself surrounded by the warriors of one side.
"Ugh," she spat. "Is this that big slimy lake in the middle of Central Park?"
The nearby fish seemed to curtsy. "Our queen!" one proclaimed. "You were foretold to lead us to victory over the invasive species that squander our limited resources and make our lives a daily horror! You will strike a blow for native species!" This was followed by a roaring acclimation that seemed to go on forever.
She winced and moaned derisively. "I really need to cut down on my drinking."
Really? A whole board full of lit types, and I'm the only one that can improv a story? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
give me some time and I'll try my hand. bumping, thereforbeit
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A voice croaked. A hallow, abysmal voice unprovoked. A jagged, vile voice from somewhere too dark to see. Her skin slithered over her like a swarm of hideous prophecies.

"All things that are, are not
All beings now seen are caught
Dismal Heaven's lapsed cacophony
praising god in contorted agony
Death's horse hair strings
you know They no longer sing"

The narrow, crooked street erupted in a seething rage. She ran as far as she could to get away. The street lights dimming around her as she fled. The voice she heard still seething in her head. The voice she heard still seething in her head.

The street was slick from pitch black rain. Her foot steps sloshed like her deadening brain. A hand broke forth from a crack in the road. Downwards into the depths of nothing she was towed.

An abyss, paler than the rider, forever she floats. A starlight sickness bedazzles her face and throat. Eyes prostrate towards Heaven, agony ablaze. Seething now in a great darkness, forever for the rest of her days. Forever, for the rest of her days.

Her voice croaked.
Oh well...I guess that's all we're getting. Just want to say my "fish queen" story slaps.
>All things that are, are not
>All beings now seen are caught
>Dismal Heaven's lapsed cacophony
>praising god in contorted agony
>Death's horse hair strings
>you know They no longer sing"
Sounds like a metal song.
I like reading, not writing.

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