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Give me your edgiest nihilistic take
Women should be relegated to slave status, used as birthing vessels.
getting raped isnt a big deal.
There is meaning to life
Pick one of these

aslo, Your money count don't matter because we gonna die
it's gonna be worse after death
>Pick one of these
I already picked nihilism, you edgelord
Even if God existed, morality wouldn't be absolute. Ultimately God's views on morality are worth as much as any human ones.
>b-but he's omniscient and he created the universe
appeal to authority
an "appeal to authority" is valid if it's relevant to the topic at hand and consistent with the truth. if a guy up top created and knew everything, he would know the truth. so "appealing" to him would be the same as appealing to the truth. a euthyphroean argument on God's morality is much more compelling to your case.
"is it moral because God loves it or does God love it because it's moral?"
The person you're responding to is not intelligent enough to understand your post.
>appeal to authority
holy midwit take
That is assuming the "truth" exists at all.
Life gets better when you do messed up things. I never felt freer than the times me and my friend used to sexually harass, drug and sometimes rape people, even when I got in jail for 5 years me and her never felt freer. I was freer than mkst since I no longer cared about rules even if I was behind bars!
Can you be there typing that post and at the same time be in outer space?
if it can be spoken of, it exists.
your quotations belong to the definite article "the", as "the" implies singularity and absoluteness. nobody with half a brain negates the existence of truth, only the static universal superstitions that have belonged to traditional metaphysics.

I've seen retarded ass posts like this all over this site. from what thinker do you derive such pseudiness?
no, but what are you trying to get at?
>nobody with half a brain negates the existence of truth
why not? perhaps some questions do not have a correct answer
>static universal superstitions that have belonged to traditional metaphysics
I don't know what this means
>from what thinker do you derive such pseudiness
I have not read a single thinker in my life
this board is beyond saving.
Baby shit. My jam is being an edgy nihilist, but speaking exclusively in terms of religious morality and condemnation. By carefully adjusting my biases, I can hate for entirely secular reasons what religious people hate because their God wants them to. This means that I get to enjoy myself no matter what is happening, because either people I hate are being brutalized for their disgusting mentally ill faggotry, or Christians are seething that they aren't being taken seriously enough anymore.

This is a feedback loop. It will continue to accelerate until we get public burnings, which is of course what I want. When the traitor's flesh crisps and cracks over the flame, and his entrails spill steaming into the coals as his shit-filled little heart is wrenched to a halt, and he feels the cold hand of death drag his soul down to what is probably not (but maybe could be!) eternal torture in Hell. That's the moment, like cracking open an energy drink. The thirst will finally be satiated.
So ur mad at trump?
>"Christians are seething that they aren being taken seriously"
Atheists still think religion is the main driving force in our society and pretend like it hasnt lost most if not almost all of its influence ever since the 18th century
you have to be 18 to post here
I don't watch politics, I engage in emotional terrorism on a personal level. Complete indifference to politics makes one a more credible moral speaker to the disenfranchised and alienated. The only thing I know about Trump is that he has really funny body language and talks like a soundcloud rapper.
You think about trump every day don't you?
He's the president everyone thinks about him at least once a day. Why would I hate Trump, because he's a goofball?
The world is a place where nothing has ever been any good and nothing of significance done: no art worth a second look, no philosophy of the slightest appositeness, no law but serves the state, no history that gives an inkling of how it had been and what had happened. And no love, only egotism, infatuation and lust.
>trying his hardest to keep his seething to himself
The 'rules of debate' are cucked and cringe. For what reason is "ad hominen" a fallacy? Why should I not use every weapon, up to and including violence, to win an argument?

I don't think there's anything at all fallacious about arguing against eg Cioran by saying he was a Romanian faggot too pussy to kill himself and spent his time whinging and trying to sell books instead. Why should I give a single shit what he happens to think?

It's like those moral nihilist faggots. Why don't we just kill them?
We are born with an unexplained attachment to life, an attachment so deep that we refuse mortality. We invented the heavens, hells, purgatories just to avoid dying. We created gods, worlds and dreams, realities, possibilities, arguments, refutations, and knowledge all to beat life and death. We created logic to justify everything we created, but deep down in our souls there is a void, regardless of faith and belief, we all know we know nothing. All we know is that we have been thrown into an abyss an abyss we are floating through with no explanation, and all of our physics and metaphysics grope at the abyss unable to truly make sense of it, and if grasping the truth is even possible we will become even more nihilistic than we can ever be. Only the void is real, only death is confirmed and everything else is cope. Life is an illusion, we're already dead.

Everyone comes to the exact same one undifferentated end. Where it really counts, and in the final analysis, Jeffery Dahmer and Jesus Christ are equal. Rather than finding the deep comfort in this which they ought properly to do, large numbers of stupid people can't stand the reality, and insist on some differentiation in death, just as there was differentiation in life.
shake your fists at the sky and its slow procession of time between shoving your head in the sand becuase its preferrable to the alternative.

mans purpose is to kill everything it sees then jack off on its corpse.
there isnt enough genocide and murder.
love thy neighbor but if you see buddah in the street you should kill him.
so just kill anyone you can.
as many people as you can.
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The world is an orgy of constant suffering. Organisms devour each other alive. You have to inflict suffering just to survive.

Even we, oh! so enlightened humans choose to ignore what happens in slaughterhouses. The little hells that satisfy our appetite. Out of sight, out of mind right? Or how about love animals?
Homo Sapiens Sapiens (The wise wise faggot) his arrogance believes his appetite is more worthy than an animal's suffering. He believes the suffering of the love animal is justified as long as it saves a cute blonde little girl.

But even if we were to be eradicated, (see how everyone is scared shitless of AGI take over? the same way a sinner is afraid of God) the Earth would continue its untold amounts of suffering. Life is a machine of suffering.
So here is my conclusion: Omnicide! Perhaps even machines that would choose to carry the burden of existence going from world to world and eradicating any kind of life.
If a god exists he is a sadistic bastard!
Once you exist, it's too late; anything can happen to you.
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"love animals". I meant
>lab animals.
Fucking speech2text.
Logical deductions ultimately come down to a series of probabilities, while it’s correct that 4+4=8, we only know this to be true because Math has thus far serviced humanity’s interest in a consistent manner, we’ll never know what objectively constitutes truth or if such a thing exists outside us
There is no point in becoming wealthy and successful
just be homeless and browse the internet via a wifi hotspot 24/7
education is kind of waste of time and energy because your brain will eventually die and all that knowledge you accumulated will be gone
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Also 80 percent of the things read or learn will be forgotten without review
We’re animals with pretensions of being metaphysical. All conversations are transactional bird songs, we exchange sounds for short-term happiness until we no longer can
The moment you are born, the rent is due.
Boomers should be purged, millennials stripped of their citizenship. Western world fixed literally overnight.
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Pffft. Conformist.
Divine command theory is not a form of moral realism. This is well established.
Nietzsche was essentially still a Christian.
i often feel like people are merely waiting for their turn to talk in a conversation.
Worst existential despair I ever had was a day or two of believing in eternal recurrence, and thus eternal suffering, during and after quite a bad mushroom trip. That it was caused by two eternal entities Me and You refracted in trillions of ways, and that it could only be ended if they merged, but they would always refuse to.
Now normal death seems completely fine since it's better than that.
There isn't differentiation in life either. It's an illusion.
More importantly... if morality is absolute then it is impossible to for immoralities to occur. Otherwise it is not absolute. An absolute morality requires that everything is moral.
Language is just wind
so basically cold farts
American capitalism, oh, sorry, I mean Anglo-Incelson economic model. The biggest nihilistic conspiracy to have ever exist.
Is that true?
> low hanging fruit
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Thats too edgy
>edgy is when you worship christ
NTA but what you quoted literally contradicts that your sentence.
Purely economic reasons must've parked those planes in downtown NYC
Anon OP wants edgy nihilism not basic facts of nature.
How's this for a contrast, I long to learn the atheists are right. I wish deeply that there's nothing on the other side as it's the only good outcome. Whether it's heaven, hell or a redo on the other end, it's a nightmare either way, an eternal parade of endless suffering. It's just picking which flavor of horror you'd prefer to stretch out into eternity.

It doesn't get better, I only console myself by hoping it ends.
Only in his proposal of agape love. His obsession with ego and power is completely antithetical to the core of Christianity.
He believed in the concept of the Übermensch aka Jesus
The elites are right about "useless eaters". NPC cattle deserve to be vaxxed, to live in the pod and to eat the bugs.
Women are superior to men and 99% of men don't need to exist
That's just mainstream feminism.
Show me an edgier stance to have on 4chan besides believing that America is the greatest nation on Earth (which is also true)
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If you want to kill yourself, you should not feel bad about the people you leave behind, because the moment the lights go out for you, time will speed up again and the entire universe will die. Your mom won't battle depression for years to come: her bones will instantly turn into dust. Time is relative like that.
Also, you shouldn't feel bad about leaving some unfinished business behind, or about not being able to complete the mission of your life or whatever the fuck, because the moment you die everything dies with you as well. All the empires of the world will collapse, all the things that we know will vanish, and no matter how many more times evil rises up, the end will snuff it all out the moment you close your eyes.
In the world of the living. might makes right and everything else is cope. It is unfair, but that's just how things are.
The world of nature is brutal and uncaring; the world of man is ruled by evil. We will never be freed from it. Not from the evil that exists outside of us nor from the evil that comes from within until our brains stop working.
The most terrible think I can think of is that there might be life after death.
kek wrong Chesterchud quote, I wanted the:
>The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men.
Shorter and edgier version: If you want to kill yourself you shouldn't feel bad about the people you leave behind. If they can't cope with your death they're free to kill themselves as well.
That's cringe.
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Looks like my edginess is ... 2problematic4u
that's just solipsism you dumb fuck
Why does that make me a dumbfuck?
It's a pointless and uninteresting idea that most people should grow past after a few days of thinking about it when they're twelve years old. The philosophical equivalent of ending a story with "it was all a dream"
Being born is fucking horrific. Embodied within this primitive decrepit animal being. Constant bodily needs, food warmth protection are it goes on and on. And the aches. The itches and annoyances. And how undignified to piss and shit and chew and swallow. Some even the corpses of other miserable critters unlucky enough to be embodied on this hellscape crust. But to die? Oh no! The fucking horror! Intellectually sure what a relief. Total quietude. But I'm not a rational mind, a hedonic computer. I'm a primate instinctually horrified at its own end. Death? Me?! Hell no. So we go on struggle and striving and suffering. And the worst of us breed just to make their time a little easier. We should hang them in public spaces. As a warning to the others to not commit such a crime. Heaven is the surface of the moon.
Nihilism doesn't exist.
My nihilistic take is all these words are just bla bla fucking bla. Most of you are just pretentious fucks trying to string some bullshit together to sound smart, get yous, have someone agree or even admire your post. You're scum.

If I want a nihilistic take I go on documentingreality and look at pictures of mangled corpses, murder torture and suicide victims. No need for your faggot words when there's direct evidence of the disvalue of the world.
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>unintersting and pointless
Doesn't make it any less true, does it?
What if the world goes on after you're gone? For all intents and purposes, the lights have gone out everywhere. Have you ever blacked out from drinking too much or gone under surgery? You disappear and time just fucking speeds up. But you always wake up. What happens when you dont?

What happened before you were born? Everything
What happens after you die? Everything

Sure, from the perspective of a narrative this is uninteresting, an "it was all in le head" sort of deal. But we're not talking about gay little stories here, are we? We're talking about edgy nihilistic takes, and when it comes down to it, nothing says "nothing matters at all" quite like showing you how small our time alive is, how minimal, when compared to all the time we weren't and wont be here.
That's not nihilistic, just edgy.
>Doesn't make it any less true, does it?
There's no way to know it's true, everything we experience suggests otherwise, and there's no reason or benefit for believing it. It's the peak of edgy redditor lazy thinking. It seems like you're too retarded to understand the difference between the world ceasing to exist from your perspective and the world ceasing to exist in actuality. Yes, if you kill yourself, your mother will experience grief and misery for years to come, the fact that you won't be there to experience any of it doesn't change that. Are you a sociopath?
It is nihilistic because it shows how brutal, horrific and arbitrary existence is. It also shows how evil and downright demonic humanity can be as well.
Doesn't it leave you feeling empty and hollow inside? You try to turn the page and look at all the wonders of mankind, all the good, all the ideas that seem to give it all some purpose and meaning, but the fact remains that the meat grinder is going on and on. The fact remains that behind all the glow there's this bleak darkness that has been here from time immemorial.
You can't seem to see the greater picture as you take these events at face value in a fatalistic way.
Why are you so fucking triggered? Didn't you read the god damn thread topic?
Did you feel bad when your great great grandma was gang raped at age 16? You didn't because you werent there. Will you feel bad when your great great grandaughter gets gang raped at age 16? No, because you wont be there.
Same deal with your momma. You wont be here. Do you think you existed somehow before your birth? Maybe, but in any meaningful way? I doubt it because you can't fucking remember it.
The reality of it, even if there's an afterlife, is that once you're dead everything you were up to ceases to matter at all. You are your mind, if you die then what does it matter if things go on? They wont go on for you at all. The world has ended.
I'd say that experience suggest that when you become fully unconscious time speeds up, and I'd say that what makes more sense is that when you die everything disappears. Is this idea not imaginative enough to not be reddit? Do I need to throw souls and angels somewhere in there for it to be based?
What's the greater picture? What's the REAL lesson to be learned from liveleak videos and daisy's destruction?
You're just making proclamations about things none of us can know. You don't know what happens after death. And the immorality of subjecting your loved ones to your suicide doesn't change because you won't be there to experience the outcome. Are you actually a sociopath cunt incapable of understanding ethics outside of pure selfishness?
>What's the greater picture?
>all these words are just bla bla fucking bla
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I'm just saying I never asked to be born.
I'm just saying I don't see why I have to suffer for the sake of someone else just because they have chosen to center their entire emotional well being on me.
Thanks for being a good momma and not selling me into prostitution. Does that give her the right to lord over my existence? Might as well let her choose what I should be doing 24/7 unless she gets sad.
What about the immorality of subjecting myself to a life I didn't ask for and I'm not enjoying for the sake of others? How is that not immoral? Because I take into consideration other people's feelings?
Are your ethics based on how much you make people feel bad? If your mom tells you it hurts her that you spend your time on 4chan, will you stop posting forever?
And regardless of what happens after death, the fact remains that you're cut off from this existence for good, forever. Unless you believe in ghosts. Unless you believe that we can't ever know and maybe ghosts are real. Do you?
Hard mode: reply without using reddit as an insult (you won't be able to)
Oh haha gotcha
Harden up lad.
Stop sucking your mom's tits.
Whomst are you quoting?
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This is you
Humanity has no more inherent value over anything in fact humanism is evil. Take the spartans and modern society, spartans had no problem in getting rid of kids who were dysgenic contrary to modern societym in the long run sparta wpuld have only strong species and thus more vital society in contrast moderns who keep alive undesirables but too coward to say a word about it which eventually also contaminate ideas and morals to suit them
The people who would be of the most value are too blind and stupid to be anything but destructive
UG Krishnamurti was the final evolution of what a human being can be, he did the impossible and if all you incel misfits did what he did you wouldn’t be so miserable, miserable still, but life would be much more manageable. He said many ‘edgy’ ‘nihilistic’ things and I have yet to find something he said wrong.

Change "Boomers" to "jews" and "millennials" to "blacks and muslims" and we have a massive improvement on your formulation.
No-Self is True-Self.
But sunsets and icrecream bro
It's true. The existence of liveleak does not in any way invalidate the existence of sunsets and ice cream.
/gif/ is not the absolute truth of the human condition, it is merely a facet of it. It's your problem if you can't see beyond the worst of existence*

*Provided you're not the person getting their face peeled off by cartels
Okay. Child rape is merely facet of existence but it's existence alone is enough to invalidate the world's worth. That's my value judgment. Disagree if you want we both know you're wrong.
>Doesn't it leave you feeling empty and hollow inside?
It's more of a tension than emptiness.
pretty good
Why would I be wrong?
It's your problem that you're hyper fixating on child rape and judging all of existence based on a single facet of the whole. We're you raped? Do you know someone who was raped as a child? Because...
It makes it even more pathetic that despite it being this horribly abominable act that reduces all of existence to hell, you're literally doing nothing at all to stop it or prevent it in any way or form. I'm not even talking about some utopian idea, I'm talking about something as "simple" as hunting down internet pedos.
But despite your bleeding heart bitching, you will not do shit but complain. And you have the gall to say everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. Pathetic no balls faggot.
This οὐροβόρος ouroboros (tail devouring) duo are devouring each other's tails. Does this make them δίδυμος (dídymos) twin tail devouring? Didymos ouroboros.
This is just common sense except for the hangings
>edgiest nihilistic take
The internet is the best thing that could ever happen to humanity.
Social media is a means for people to express their individuality.
That's pessimism.
When one sees a problem, they can aim toward a solution, or they can give up. When one sees a problem that's not receptive to solutions, one can choose to only see the problem, or they can see the world in its fullness. The choice is yours to make.
The solution to child rape, is for no children and no future rapists to ever be born. Anything less is an imperfect solution.
Then just lay down in the fetal position and die dude
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It's.. beautiful..
Good one. Chuckled.
Take that back!
I am happy :)
You must imagine yourself happy
There are no moral facts and this literally means everything is permitted and nothing is any better than anything else. Kill a baby save a kitten neither is better
entangled ουροβόρος;

now that I think about it this would be a more apt description of reality.
Not one tail eater, but countless ones eating each other's tails..
I much prefer the symbol with only one snake.
The Bloody Code was for "people" like you. I believe in love. Of course, love is violence against the wicked haha. Nihilism does NOT exist, just a weak pathetic excuse to hurt the good and the beautiful. Freak.
>you hyperfixate on the negative because it happened to you
>i don't because it hasn't happened to me
Great argument. Sometimes I wish we were privy to the last legible thoughts of murder victims, their death awakenings born of first-hand contact with the negative. They'd be more profound than the drivel you've posted here.
Funny how nihilistic logic just leads to being blatantly evil. Obviously one is better than the other, this does not have to be explained. You should kill yourself asap.
If things keep up this way niggers will overtake the world, outbreed white people and deprive the world of its last beacon of hope and civilization. The world will become a 15 billion nigger infested shithole that constantly breeds more and more and pollutes the world with its filth, the niggers will send us back to the Stone Age and constantly battle one another for resources on the dying planet till the complete annihilation of themselves.
Have some hope lad. The "system" needs you feeling demoralised, DONT. The last thing they want is white men getting uppity haha . The situation is never hopeless.
I genuinely do think things will change, but right now the ‘Right’ leading the way is completely incompetent, too many split factions arguing over semantics while liberal bourgeoisie look on and laugh.
For what its worth. I think liberals have nothing to laugh about. They're going down. Like you say, things will change.
I only hope then that when the tide turns they don’t exacerbate the damage knowing their days are coming to an end.
It's obvious every "mystic" is either lying or exaggerating the so-called importance of his "experiences".
OP here, I was trying to start a cringe thread with my prompt and have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. Never change/lit
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Cringe and bellow my friend.
Shiver from embarrassment & stand in the corner too shy to interact, because that would send waves of cringe upon your being.
This is not a zero sum game. We (the ones who posted what you christened cringe) also enjoyed this thread.
Why not join us in our silly dance? Forget about the cringe. Not embrace it, but dance as if it is not there. It isn't. Only your mind creates it.
Peter Singer is right about everything.
Life's what you make of it
>You're just making proclamations about things none of us can know. You don't know what happens after death
NTA but we, in fact, do know what happens after death: our brains turns into dust, our conscience will be gone. It's the one of the few granted things in our existence and people are still trying to fight against this logical conclusion, pretending that are "other things" waiting for us somewhere.
It's boring, vapid, uninteresting, it reeks of normoid sentimentalism.
Consciousness is the word you're looking for, brainless cunt. The soul and the afterlife are fundamentally unfalsifiable and outside the scope of empirical science. Even double digit IQ atheists on reddit understand this.
Commenting on your own thread is cringe and reddit.
Cioran would be so proud of all of you
The great filter is real, humanity is going to hit it and that's a good thing.
Climate change is supposedly an apocalyptic threat, we're in the midst of a mass extinction event, poison flows into our planets ecosystem at an ever increasing rate, and yet because actually doing something to fix these issues would hinder our desire for comfort and consumption all have are half-assed non-solutions which people still piss themselves and cry over.
How is a species that would happily sacrifice the lives of all their future descendants to avoid a little inconvenience now ever going to have a prosperous and secure future?
I would say most humans behave like parasites but parasites at least have an inclination towards self preservation.
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