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/lit/ - Literature

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A teenager wrote this. What are your literary achievements till now in comparison?
I personally believe the theory that this was actually authored by Percy Shelley
thats cause you're an incel
She didn't write it. We all know who did. Cut the malarkey, Jack.
>here let me just write a novel that's much more amateurish than my other output
>about female pregnancy anxieties
>in my girlfriend's handwriting
truly a 5d chess move for percy
Sometimes I get a drink ticket when I talk about my dick at a bar.
You never read neither Percy nor Mary any mongoloid can obviously tell the difference
Mary Shelly was a poorly educated teenager and the while thing was a hoax, now go away
>Mary Shelly was a poorly educated teenager
yeah that's why the book is poorly written
>A few articles published in a trade magazine and local news papers/sites
>a few comedic columns published on shitty local websites and radio interviews to discuss them (they went viral locally)
>about 10 shitty short stories that were received with mixed reactions on /lit/, and one rejection from a literary magazine
>a 50k word novel that I wrote during national novel writing month that I look back on and hate. I never rewrote any of it because of how stupid it is, but still cant get myself to delete it
>lots of poems, a few that got good reception on /lit/
>Mary Shelly was a poorly educated teenager and the while thing was a hoax, now go away

This is Shelley's reading list from 1814-1822. How about yours? Did you reread Infinite Jest?


Source is: Paula R. Feldman and Diana Scott-Kilvert (eds), The Journals of Mary Shelley, 1814–1844
>Orlando furioso
I kneel...
What was her daily life like? Reading and getting laid? Must've been nice.
I also wrote stuff as a teenager. But I wasn't having buttsex with the world's most famous poet at the time so it never got published.
She was an aristocrat, if anything she was a spoiled bitch. If she was poorly educated for the time she shouldnt even have been able to write at all desu
Horrible edgelord short stories from when I was kid that are lost to time.
By the way she wasn't a teenager, she was 21, and I'd pissed if my literary career essentially peaked at 21, at least with hindsight.
The only other novel I recall of her is the Last Man, and that's just because of it technically pioneering some sort of genre.

There, wikipedia should be about your intelligence level. Now kneel and apologize. And realize the notion she wrote the book so obviously from Percy's own mind, is wrong. She was only ever a copyist.
At least you wrote something anon :)
her mom was Mary Wollstonecraft so it wouldn't surprise me she got educated
I'd never heard that before. Instead, for years I heard some faggots saying that Odyssey was written by a woman, not by Homero.
>A 2022 stylometric analysis compared Frankenstein to the undisputed novels of Mary and Percy Shelley, and found significant evidence against the claim that Percy Shelley played a large role in the authorship of the novel, and in favour of Mary's overall authorship.
oh ok thanks for refuting yourself
I wonder what's the average dick size of Percy hoax incels. Like 5.5 inches I bet.
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That's perfectly average even a bit more than normal actually
Life must be a real dream when you only acknowledge what agrees with you. I'm sure it's that precise quality, combined with your respledent intellect, to which we can ascribe the rich success you've enjoyed throughout your life.
>when you only acknowledge what agrees with you
that's exactly what you did when you posted a wiki article that argues the exact opposite of your point you unironic retard. did you even look at it at all? like, at least the first paragraph?
I'm indian btw. 10 cms indian bbc.
I think you need to work on your reading comprehension and critical analysis, little girl.

I may as well spoon feed you. Stylometric analysis means. If you do a heckin stylometric analysis (go science!) on Joyce and his various works, you come up with several different authors. This "significant" study amounts to nothing. I suggest you read more than the first paragraph of wikipedia next time, sweetie.
lolno. dicklet chinks and arabs bring down the WORLDWIDE average but if you live in the west the average for men around you is closer to 6 inches and a 5.5 pecker is smallish.
Do you have any non-self-reported facts to back that up?
>just read this article
>NOOOO not that part that part doesn't count
>also not the first paragraph or the last paragraph or the middle paragraphs
>umm hecking sweetie umm my hecking media literacy
you're a dysgenic retard and you write like a troon. stop wasting normal people's time
You could have just read the article instead of hurting your widdle brain typing out that pathetic reply in ten minutes. Can you at least try to be funny or clever going forward? Or would that take up maybe thirty minutes? An hour? Can you write anything original for me?
Anyone who builds big and tall skyscrapers are dicklets.
Americans, russians, asians, arabs.
no. this will be my last reply
Thank god
see, this is a meme. having to get hard in a lab for a nurse is not actually the right circumstance for a good erection. self-reported sizes might be if anything closer to the truth.

but there is also another practical consideration to take into account: men on the lower end of the penis size spectrum effectively don't exist on the sexual market, either because they've given up after their first couple of humiliations and live as incels or because they're lucky enough to have found a partner who doesn't care. so in practical terms it doesn't matter that these small dicks exist out there, lowering the theoretical average, because what the woman (or fag) actually encounters "in the wild" are dicks in the 5-8 range, not 3-8 or whatever. so you have men going "uhhh actually 5 is pretty much average, it says so in this medical journal" but meanwhile a sexually active woman might have never been fucked by anything smaller than 5 inches, so that's not average to her, it's small. women will say "actually a small penis is not a problem" but they're thinking of a 5-5.5 incher when they're saying it, not a REAL small dick. and if they ever actually encounter a 4 incher they can't even feel inside they're going to wipe the experience from their memory in that peculiar way women have of treating unfuckable men like they don't exist, like their minds can't even focus on them, and they're going to keep on saying, "no, small penises are not a problem..."
I support turning this gay Frankenstein authorship thread into a penis size debate
>currently 26 years old
>as a kid and a teen, was regarded as an exceptionally talented writer for my age by teachers and adults growing up
>wrote film reviews that got published in magazines when I was in university
>wrote a bunch of short stories and a play when I was a teenager, but I’ve practically disowned them because I realised that they’re unbearably cringe and pretentious upon reading them back.
>have written lyrics for some comedic parody songs for 4chan that were decently recieved by anons.
>currently in the middle of writing my first novel and am almost halfway through it

How’s that in terms of literary progress? I guess my literary career so far is that I utterly despise my early work, but my output has become of higher quality in the past couple of years.
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Relevant to the thread.
The nigger left his hermitage and walked down the downtrodden path along ramshackle tincan dwellings and destitute fences and wired clothing lines on his way to quench his negro thirst among his fellow negros at the pumping station. Obsidian scion, cursed to wander the earth. 30 silver dollars slapping against his hip, witness of his grand betrayal yet the promise of salvation. The stale air of the river and its floating debris filled his wide negro nostrils. Yesterday they'd found a fresh body in it, how many unknown carcasses its murky waters knew was a secret kept between God Almighty and the crawdads. Nigger children played along the gravel road throwing dead rats at one another by the tails like Belaric slingers, ancient warfare reborn among the shanties of the modern world. A bellicose play repeated ad infinitum by the marching of callus bare feet on the amphitheater of imagination interrupted by the sound of dinner bells and shouting and the smell of cooking to be continued at another time. He kicked a dead cat with his worn boot, toe cap missing for half a year. He adjusted the brim of his new Stetson hat and he spat. From the negro Church he heard antediluvian chants out of place in a civilized age. Flittermice flapped about in their insane chase in the night sky, bringing about pestilence wherever they decided to fall dead. Halfway there. His throat was itching. The old pumphouse not only supplied water but cold beer and company and games of hazard and the tales of old niggers to the discorded negro tunes of jazz. An old generator kept the looted fridge running, the broken piano was found under the expressway. Blocks of ice and sawdust kept the rest of the stock cold in an icebox. They shared this establishment with roaches and rats and mosquitoes and the lice residing along their negro scalps. A structure of the white man appropriated by his charges in their own image. The white man's burden
I've never read Frankstein or Dracula. I own Frankstein, should I really read it?
Of course i believe this image

Not relevant to the thread. How big is your dick?

You dont really need your hardest erection to give an accurate measurement of the size. I can bend it back halfway and still be 95% of my length. You can of course squeeze to your maximum length as well. I generally trust the methodology of these studies. Any quibbles are peanuts compared to men, who are obviously going to give themselves at least another inch, perhaps even out of sincere delusion. None of this is to say anything i girth, which is very important.

Dick size is overemphasized anyway. The erogenous portion of the vaginal canal is only about 4 inches. Women just want to control men, or seprate from sexual satisfaction, want to feel like theyre being pummeled, which is nothing a good donkey punch cant fix, assuming one even cares about his partners pleasure. Most men will end up with some used up cum dumpster they had to settle for anyway, meaning this discussion is rather moot.

I've been reading mayo clinic research that if you wear one of those peyronie's disease style extenders for 9 hours a day, over a year, you can expect about an inch of growth. They cost like $500 though.
sometimes, incels are right.
now it all makes sense
>talking about dick size in an argument
yep, its a roastie alright.
I'm a philosopher that changed the world kind of by accident too. I was just writing what I wanted to write without even thinking consciously about what it would do.

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