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"Summer Heat" edition

Previous: >>23531714

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC
ROYAL ROAD BUSINESS GUIDE https://www.royalroad.com/forums/thread/116847?page=1
HOW TO GIVE CRITIQUE: https://critters.org/c/whathow.ht

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Be warned: some anons do not follow external links.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Harsh criticism tends to get ignored, hence is not constructive.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeuNckmt7h8
What is the youngest I can make my female MC before "people" will complain and cancel me?
how the fuck do you plot out a story? I can come up with new ideas for characters and settings and maybe a random scene but then don't know what the fuck to do with them after that.
Pippi Longstocking was 9.
Uh, as young as you want? As long as you aren't giving off pedo vibes, why would anyone care? Men write YA books with fmcs all the time. Same for children's books
This question pretty much exposed you though. Please stop being a pedo
There are lots of ways to do that. Dan Harmon's "story circle" is one.
Same for me. I have ideas for scenes but there is no connective thread to them. So I put them aside and just keep trying until the pieces fall into place. Helps to start near the end and work backward for me, that way I know what ending I'm aiming for.
The fuck is 'plot'? I'm structuring mine like a grimoire.
Just have the opening scene be cunny rape and then you're free to do whatever you want with the rest of the story unmolested. Heh.
Wrote a short segment for a setting like picrel
>"Alright ladies and gentlemen, please get ready. Men, sit down on one of the chairs. Women will rotate. You get 8 minutes for each person and then you write down if you want to match with them or not"
>Beatrice smiled as she sat down across her first potential date, a tall man with mud colored hair.
>After a short introduction, Beatrice began to ask about his employment when a grey skinned hand set a drink down in front of him.
>An Aniran. Beatrice did her best to hide her displeasure, but she found herself clenching her firsts
>"Excuse me. I thought this was a human only event!" Beatrice hissed as the hostess walked past
>"It is. But we have some Aniran servers."
>"Thank you....Xanica? Is that how you pronounce it?"
>"You're welcome, sir. And yes, you have very good pronunciation" the server bowed a bit and smiled.
>"Um, excuse me waitress. Where's my drink?"
>The Aniran bowed and left to go get one.
>"Do you work with any of...them?" Beatrice inquired.
>"Not really. I work in landscaping and there's only two women, both human. I have a few clients and friends with Aniran girlfriends though."
>"They're the worst! They don't understand the culture, their accents are so hard to understand, and they just don't fit in! Half the interns needed help figuring out how to use the right click!" Beatrice ranted. She took a long sip when her drink arrived, feeling her temper fade a bit.
>Her date seemed to share less of her sentiment. "Well, they have a different computer system, and besides lots of humans have accents-"
>Her anger flared up again, hotter than before. "Oh no, don't tell me you're one of those Aniran fetishists? What, human women not enough?" Beatrice attempted to sound teasing, but her date's face looked uncomfortable.
>"Alright, time is up, ladies move down!" the hostess called out
>"It was great talking to you. I hope we can talk again" Beatrice smiled and offered her hand to shake.
>The man gave a small smile and shook back, but only weakly replied, "Good luck with the event"
Please learn how to format dialogue. It's such an obvious indicator of an amateur that I wince whenever I see it done wrong
got a guide in mind? guessing you're talking about the line after line thing that feels like a sitcom script
is iceberg theory outdated?
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Play around with them until you figure out stuff to do if you find you're weaker at plots try and make your writing more character focused and driven instead that could move the story forward. I like figuring out my character's first before I come up with any sort of story that needs to push them in a direction.

Cohesiveness and connectivity really help the foundations overall and make whatever you're writing stronger try finding something that could link together and buid around that.
I actually meant the missing commas and periods, but in retrospect, I think you just didn't proofread, because regular sentences have that problem too.

>"You're welcome, sir. And yes, you have very good pronunciation" the server bowed a bit and smiled.

should be
>"You're welcome, sir. And yes, you have very good pronunciation." The server bowed a bit and smiled.

You also overuse exclamation points. Let the tags and actions handle emphasis, don't spam "!" everywhere.
You mean "show don't tell"? No, I think that's still current.
sorry should have clarified I'm not anon, I was just wondering if you were able to
1) articulate why I felt his dialogue was off
2) provide any resources for writing better dialogue
I didn't proofread, I typed it on my phone at work. I am the anon from before.
I want to write something completely by the seat of my pants but its not working. My mind keeps formulating plans, and it evolves into a more structured work with time. I guess what I'm trying might just not be possible.
There's nothing wrong with that. There are as many ways to write as there are writers.
>articulate why I felt his dialogue was off
Not to be rude to other anon or anything, but that's just because it's middling writing.

>Men, sit down on one of the chairs
Is just awkward, not how people speak. Should be
>Men, take your seats.

>You get 8 minutes for each person and then you write down if you want to match with them or not
>Rounds are eight minutes. Remember to write down your matches.

Etc etc all the way through
To be fair to him, it was just a shitpost on his phone that he didn't bother to edit. Not worth critiquing further.
Hopefully this thread will be as good as the last one!
Thanks for the critique. I think i was focusing too much on depicting the woman as catty and unpleasant and skipped the details. I'll try to slow down next time.
Writing the hardest thing to write I've yet written. It's complicated as shit in some ways trying to get the exact right tone.
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Was able to finish the writing portion on the third chapter of my short story. Hopefully I'll get around to editing over the weekend.

Here's a 1000 word snippet-- the prologue.

Has there ever been writing where there are no characters in a non fiction novel? Is it possible?
It not only is possible, it has been done.

The narrator is a character however.
>The narrator is a character however.
Elaborate on that
Anon... Read Fight Club. Or watch it, the movie was alright.
My book is shit, nobody wants to read it, and I'm sure it'll be a failure upon the rewrite. But damnit, I need to finish it right?
Not sure if I'm writing genrefic or litfic
Don't worry anon, your book probably isn't shit. It's probably just mediocre
Most books are shit once finished until they're fixed up in editing.
Doesn't matter at this point, other than when trying to sell it to retards. Most litfic now uses genre tropes and structures and the only genre worth reading tries to punch really high and do more than the slop.
Sometimes the best feature is "complete".
That is still character driven I believe. The narrator is unnamed but the story still contains characters, e.g. Tyler Durden,Marla Singer, Robert "Bob" Paulson etc. I get where you are coming from, what I'm asking is akin to having no character's in the story at all, a characterless story line if you will. People who are just not memorable and instead a story that goes around character driven fiction and focuses not on the people in it but rather the environment around the people. Basically a different type of structure where character is concerned. Below link summaries what I'm thinking about.

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Writing up a litfic novel that I really don't know how it's going to turn out. Still shaping up the realy story outline and putting the pieces in. Usually I have the whole thing start to end in my mind when i'm writing, but for this there are portions I'm finding as I write it. Hoping it doesn't come out to be a giant mess that I can't even edit into a good piece. However it is sort of exciting to be writing something and meticulously considering over the opening lines of prose to make the read just right and set the exact right tone, but now that hard part is keeping the entire rest of the novel within that razor sharp specific sort of feeling.
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It's such a cunt the whole way through. I don't even want to think about the revisions right now, I'm just trying to get the fucker out of my head, one scene that has no relation to another at a time.

Seriously, now there's like a wizard tower and shit and it's not a fantasy novel, not a good one anyway.
How do you know if a second draft of a chapter is better than the first?
define 'better'
You are less hesitant to send it to people and be judged.
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weeb here, char is 100 old little vampire girl, full of anime tropes but isn't ecchi... i-i think.. there are no beach chapters nor hot springs ones. Bites werewolves, dragons, giants, dinosaurs and tentacle-men while doing parkour, okay... no tentacle-men. Dresses just like Sister Friede. I learned on male writing females breasts words are better not being written b-but i wouldnt write anyway as it isn't suppose to be ecchi. What other words are considered problematic? [Spoiler]is there a way to make this kind of character cool though?[/Spoiler]
>there are no beach chapters nor hot springs ones
story is dead on arrival
Anime and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Anime is the only thing that gives me the courage to keep living.
Jesus Christ
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Mary sues and wish fulfillment and power fantasies are all peak fiction
Fearful Encounter

I decided to go around Rabbit House today to ask about my gf Cocoa, who's phone has not answered in two days.
After opening the door and letting myself in, I stumbled upon Chino, the barista master. I could only recognize her from the pictures Cocoa had sent me during her shifts, as I had never seen her in person. With a fluffy thing on her head, she greeted me and offered me a sit and a beverage, which I respectfully declined.
"I'm here about Cocoa" I said. Words that to my surprise were followed by an awkward silence. Chino's gaze then shifted momentarily to a maid in the back, a girl dressed in a purple uniform like hers. She met Chino's gaze, and then laid eyes upon me.
I tried asking again. "I'm here about Cocoa, I want to see her!" Chino instinctively took a step back, as if she was scared of me. Before I could utter another word the girl in purple approached and positioned herself next to Chino.
"She's not in business; it's not night time. Go away!" she said with clear grimace of annoyance on her face. I could not understand what was happening or what were they talking about, "was this the right place?" I asked myself.
As I was lost in thought, I noticed them arguing and whispering to each other. "I told you it was a bad idea, letting her do her own thing here... now we deal with this kind of people all the time", the girl in purple said.
I can't believe someone waifu-ized a brain punching rape bug with acid for blood. how does a brain make that leap?
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Wait, this isn't /wwoym/. Sorry.
hello is anyone here I need help with my writing
Yes chatgpt loves you 24/7
should i actually ask chatgpt for advice
If you want the most bland generic ultimately unhelpful "advice" you can get then yes
dang. no one wants to help me. well, it ain’t the first and it wont be the last
Sampling of all the human media engineered by fhe smartest people on earth


4chan random advice
Fer Crissakes, just post your question already.
>smartest people
lol. lmao even
Nuh uh. You guys are poopoo peepee. I’m just going to believe in myself :)
How do I write organic/non-autistic dialogue
kinda hard if you were never a normie
I had an hour and a half session with ChatGPT last night brainstorming ideas for my new story. We got a lot done together.
Here's something short. Sci-fi romance. Aren't we all waiting for a hole?
>finish draft
>it's perfect, literal art
>come back a week later
>oh god this is shit, what am I even doing?
no, learn to write on your own before relying on crutches
>Excellent portrayal of the 4chan geist.
So, 0/10
at what point do idiomatic/commonly understood expressions become cliché? I don't mean obviously corny similes, I mean stuff like
>giving x a wide berth
>out of breath
just avoid totally or is there still a time and place for them?
Turns out the steps involved get worse even past the point of the book being conceived, written and edited. Turns out promoting is even worse. Turns out it's not worth it.

I'd rather my publication fail because people read it and thought it was shit, than zero readers even giving it a chance. I've tried some social media sites, but NOBODY picks it up. Book bloggers haven't replied. Every website that has a "giveaway" feature wants money for it (weird!).
Do I just organize a giveaway on my own? The only way I could imagine people might engage is giving away free stuff.
>>23537587 (me)
on further reflection, I think I would now avoid using these specifically but maybe there are others worth discussing.
to clarify again, I don't mean blatant clichés like "heavy silence" etc. maybe some spatial (?) expressions like
>falling/tumbling/rolling/snaking down the x
>clambering up the x
>sliding/gliding across the x
I wish I could help but the truth is it will be hard to market a book in a world that barely reads. Is there any niche that you can lean into? I think that's your best shot at marketing stuff on the internet, by finding something really specific about your work then marketing that.
These idioms are dead in a sense, and you tend to gloss over them, they have no meaning and don't create an image. Palahninuk recommends burnt tongue expressions that sound similar but are novel, which is supported by better writers doing the same thing. When forming a naive point of view for the narration, it becomes expressed in a naive way and tends to avoid those idioms naturally.

I reserve it for dialogue to give characters a certain color and locality. Usually by fucking them up a little

>>23537614 are a necessary evil at times but mostly benign. Prose advice about word choice and active/passive tense is an important consideration to make, but it exists so that you have a stronger, embodied image that paradoxically, doesn't stand out; no one is paying all that much attention until you run into your fifth "had had" or "spat, glaringly" in 2 pages.
Is interweening a word
I swear it means like "things in between me and the far away thing I am looking at", like "I could see her past the interweening trees"
I know intervening is a word
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Ah yes, the Mary Gentle strategy.
She is a writer that knows politics and human nature
>who knows
>that knows
who's correct?
What’s the best way to make sure your story doesn’t offend anyone?
Drunkpost on reddit without getting banned.
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Learn how2subtext. "Autistic" dialogue usually feels like that because characters are either spelling out exactly how they feel or dumping exposition on the audience. Leave some things implied. Understand that what people say, their intentions in saying it and what they are feeling are usually three different things.
Also understand that dialogue needs to be dramatic, unless you're writing slice of life or a certain kind of literary fiction. Give it some kind of pattern of action and reaction. Lines that don't incite some kind of dramatic reaction, even a tiny one (like characters saying things they already both know and are in full agreement about), are boilerplate. Try to keep them to a minimum. Cut exposition that isn't strictly necessary, or rephrase it into a dramatic line.
Read picrel for more.
I fucking love info dumping and you can't stop me
The elf, Nig’rassamir, pulled his light sword from its scabbard. “Thou shalt die this night, White Beast,” said the elf.
The White Beast hissed at the elf. “No, ‘tis you who shalt die this night,” said the white beast.
The two combatants combatted. The light sword bounced harmlessly off the White Beast’s razor claws, which had been strengthened by a level 12 spell of white power. Although just barely, it was enough to allow the monster to strike Nig’rassamir.
“I am wounded,” the elf said in a shout. He stepped back, clutching his chest. The black power of his blood bled between his fingers. “I shall nog no more.”
Could you have an info dump happen while a character is taking a dump? Like, all this exposition is getting interrupted by graphic descriptions of how stinky the shit is, or the mess as the character wipes it? Would that be considered deep metatextual commentary or just fap material, though?
that would be considered genius
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>is there a way to make this kind of character cool though?
Make her older.
Infodump all you want, but know that you'll bore your reader to tears, and then they'll drop your work. People have a lot of competing options for their spare time.
say that after you read my 10,000 word chapter on the history and culture of the three tailed lizard nymphs
post it, heck, just post the first 2 pages. i doubt i'll get past that
Most of you faggots can barely read a sentence so that doesn’t mean much.
no I can't you will steal it
literally no one is interested in stealing your poorly-written infodumping
>Remind myself that to write is to read
>Commit to one hour of reading at the end of my day (about 10 to 11 PM) instead of just "whenever I feel like it"
>So comfy I just fall asleep half an hour in and calls it quit everytime
I'm having to write my first chapter for like the 5th time. No matter what I do it doesn't seem to capture the essence of the character. The whole rest of the book he's interacting with other people, but to start he's alone in the woods (to symbolize his inner feelings of isolation), so there's no one to talk to to get a sense of his personality.
Reverse it, have him interacting with people first then show how it doesn't do anything for him by having him retreat to the woods.
Does barefoot characters weirds people when written in a book?
it really depends on who writes it, i.e. preferably not a footfag
>burnt tongue
thanks for sharing, I do enjoy Palahniuk's writing and have been meaning to read Consider This for more insights like that
I only have 25% of the writing I'd planned to have saved up for my first web serial at best. I have a lot more written but it's a mess I'd have to be rewriting as I went. What should I do? Delay yet again?
If it's male, yes, keep that shit out. But if it's cute girl feet then I require multiple detailed paragraphs on the subject. In my new story I'm doing I make an explicit point to mention my female MC rushes out of the house barefoot, and how the cold cobblestone feels on her soles. It's very immersive that way.
a footfag would like, detail the feet?
It's good, if you don't get caught in taking all his style advice as gospel, the rest is great. I'd put the whole thing over many other guides because it's actually about writing something that could be literary fiction.
>A burst of hot alarm shot through his chest.

idk guys, how do you describe the sudden sense of "oh fuck" panic you get immediately when you see something major go down?
Not like this, that's for sure.
Panic seared through his chest. Just keep it simple.
Panic pricked his pectorals. Bitches love alliteration, you're welcome.
I'm not sure which line to go with

Context is a childhood friend inadvertently annoys his beloved older friend and she finally tells him off

>"I'm not your friend, I'm not anything with you. I only put up with you because my mother asked me to"
>"Why is it whenever I need some peace, you're always there to ruin it? If I could have one blessing in life it'd be for your absence"
Bottom sounds smarmy and outright like a bitch.
I like bottom one more. Maybe tweak "for your absence", that sounds a little mature, depending on how old this character is it could work though. I picture a 40+ year old saying something like that.

Top works better overall if it's still a kid.
The girl is supposed to be 17 and her friend 14, he also is slower to mature than normal.

Rereading it, the bottom one does sound a bit more heart-wrenching. I think the first one sounds angrier and less thought out, so it feels a little less deliberate.
top is more natural and organic
bottom seems very deliberate
given this additional context, bottom feels less appropriate. top would hit a 14 year old guy harder
Top one hits harder, don't ask me how I know.
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I asked this last thread but couldnt come up with a good answer so im just gonna be a outright faggot and ask again

Im questioning my approach to worldbuilding
Im a sci fi writer and most of my planets' cultures and history tend to be based off the real world in some manner, it even helped me study the history of countries I deemed interesting enough for the plot
Thing is I dont quite know how to get the audience to know the full history of a place without it being expository or random. I like to leave the tiny bits of history around the book so the reader can slowly piece together the full historical picture of said made up cities and landscapes.
My main way of deliviring exposition has been throught describing the scenery, often times the characters pass a statue or find someone's name on a certain street and I proceed to say who that person was, or the specific branding of a electronic device or car and give little moments as to how those things came to be, my story isnt written in english so I cant give any examples right off the bat without translating them first. And of course sometimes the characters deliver expository dialogue but it tends to be a lot more introspective and character driven (life experiences, opinions and even retellings of certain events throught their eyes)
This seems fine but I feel like randomly talking about places and people in short bursts might get a bit tiring for the audience, even if its not an exposition dump I still have to watch myself for how constant it may be or if having those things even adds to the setting that much
What? That's a great way to teach about the history. I cba to walk around and learn all the reasoning for naming the steeets, I pick it up as I go. And with so many steeets, of course I can't get to know everything.
Some notable examples of my indulgence I find to be specially bad, pardon my ESLness:

>There sat a statue [bunch of scene setting dialogue] of the last monarch in this place's history, Arthur the great, brother of Ivan the bloodthirsty who was married to Sylvia the violent duchess and son of Leon the fool, who was son of Alexander the madman. Taking a quick list at this family's history makes one wonder if perhaps the names attributed to these people should be left up not to local historians, but psychoanalysts, given that the only great one just happened to be the last one as well.

>The street was named after Lieutnant Kargo Demarviaz, whom had almost nothing to his nameother than being part of the army and having a case with his superior's wife, he still gets a namesake on at least 4 places in this country due to parttaking at [war that happened 500 years ago in setting]

>[character is talking about the planet's scientific community and afterwards rhe narrator adds] In [minor antagonist's office] one can see a small bust of a rather unassuming old man, that was Frederick Claude, who discovered the 267th element of the galactic periodic table at a prestigious university that's definitly not [planet the story takes place in], he is the moost notable figure in our scientific history for finding Brinkolium which was observed in that laboratoory for 0.0000000000044 seconds, very important stuff I tell you.
Its just that the plot often stops to name something thatt only serves to add to the setting, im worried if I can manage to make these moments engaging so the zooomers dont fall asleep to my scene setting ands expository dialogue.
Both correct, but ‘who’ is probably more natural. Weirdly, the King James Bible prefers ‘which’ to ‘who’, which would be flat-out incorrect in modern English.
>Which of the writers know?
>She is the writer which knows.
It can be correct in certain instances, but yeah it's a little archaic at times.
I need music suggestions. I need it
For what exactly
I listen to music when I write but I can never find the right vibe
Depends on what type of story you are going for, I cant write when I listen to sobgs with lyrics so try instrumentals
I need something with a "Cute" tone.
Like, something that makes you go "I'm gonna make it brah"
I've got like really chill house party with a few friends music.








You've got taste
>a "Cute" tone.
>something that makes you go "I'm gonna make it brah"
Do you have any music that is superficically electronic/techno, but has a serious undercurrent of spritiuality?
Kitaro? Start with the "Astral Voyage" album and work forward.>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdFsJlXyAoE
Gameplan: write a fuckton of flash fiction for open submission pages until something hits
I've spent too much of my life not being published anywhere
I'm a bit lost in my own book, but nailing down the Chapter by Chapter breakdown is helping.
If it doesn't directly relate the plot, is it worth mentioning? I know you are proud of the world you created, but think if the information is important enough for the reader to care. Your goal ultimately is to make them want to care and learn more about the world, so even something as obnoxious as an infodump would be welcomed. Still, don't do that, but the point is sprinkling info tidbits around is fine, but don't have your characters just be walking tour guides, spouting unrelated trivia at random. Find the appropriate place to fit it in. Also, stop caring what zoomers think.




Thanks, I guess finding the sweet spot where it isnt intrusive but not absent may be the ideal way here. I think having the characters say it can come off as inappropriate unless its something they have a estabilished knowledge on. I mostly think that to understand the full context of "why" the setting is a unfunctional shithole id still need to add the historical anectodes, but only in needed moments rather than short bursts of it, also letting some level of personality slip into the narrator -something I do a lot- is the only way I can try to make these more enjoyable.
And yeah I should stop caring what the average joe thinks and focus more on my target audience rather than losing hairs over the masses, its mostmy because I already have a traditional publisher that helped me publish some of my work before and im scared that making it a bit too nerdy or pseudointellectualised would drag down their chances at wanting to publish it, specially when its a series of books rather than just one.
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I have written 12,000 words this week but I won't be able to write today because I am visiting family so let me send my writing energies to everybody in this thread and help you have a productive day.
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Thanks bro. It finally cooled down today so I can actually sit and write. without feeling like I'm melting.
>mfw the energy hits
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My fingers are really killing me when I type so much. Does anyone have any tips or something to get around this? literally every fucking joint hurts.
Try doing exercises or warm ups
there's other videos you can look at so choose whichever exercises help you
yeah, using the phrases "delicate soles" or "supple toes" or some shit. avoid that.
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Better switches for your keyboard, sounds like a laptop problem. You want some travel and strong springs so it doesn't bottom out hard.
Thank you, kings; right now, I'm just taping up the joints to stop myself from bending where it hurts, but it's not sustainable.
why not? works great for me
I type much faster and with fewer mistakes. I don't even give a shit about the "travel" meme or it being quasi-analog or whatever.
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>not having dedicated furniture for your keyboard
Consider purpose. What's the overall message of your story? Why are you writing? Purpose will be the unifying thread.
Read others. Take inspiration. Humans have done this for millenia. There's nothing wrong with it, especially if you change someone else's story in a particular way that suits your purpose.
Also, as >>23536143 says, a series of short stories might still be put together and become a larger story even if there is no direct causal or temporal relation among them.
Also don’t use a mechanical pencil to write. WE CAN’T LET THE MECHANISMS TAKE OVER!
Why? This is the writing general. There’s another board for music, retard.
You will wish you'd listened when you're 40
Guys, I made an Anki deck of classical rhetoric stuff. You know, literary figures, methods of invention (how to come up with stuff), writing styles, etc.
I think it may be useful to you. Are you interested?
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>my web novel keeps getting new followers and good ratings months after I gave up and ceased all work on it
If only you were there when it actually mattered
Is it nicely tagged? I don't really care about literary figures but a deck with all the rhetorical devices (anaphora, litotes, etc.) would be really useful. If I can filter it easily to what I need, would definitely be interested.
It isn't tagged, no... but it shouldn't be hard to do if you look it up.
I also have a deck on the basics of critical thinking, which may also be useful not only for writing but for life in general.
Are you in?
>basics of critical thinking
Meaning what exactly? Like common cognitive biases?
Stop jawboning about it and just post it. It can't be any worse than Johnny McIvor's Creative Writing.
Just go back to it?
>a series of short stories might still be put together and become a larger story even if there is no direct causal or temporal relation among them.
Story cycles and even the novella are terra incognita as far as structure goes. Wispy, half finished vignettes won't get you far but you can do a lot of things that novels and most short stories would fail at. It becomes like a collection of poetry or book of aphorisms. But, and I don't think anon is there yet, you have to have a hell of a vision to set it into motion.
>Spent a month writing a story
>Got bored with it before finishing it
Should I just drop it? If I got bored of it, won't anyone who reads it be bored as well?
You can drop it and pick it up later maybe.
>every chapter is a cliffhanger
Very. There's nothing wrong with pushing the twist or change in action to the end, but it's some hack shit unless you're doing a comedy.
i like it
Apparently ideal for serialized web novels
>Stop jawboning about it and just post it.
The elements of thought and intellectual standards / virtues (from Richard Paul), basics of categorical and predicate logic (from "Introduction to Logic" by Irving Copi), rules for argument (from Anthony Weston), and a few other things.

Critical Thinking:
I honestly recommend them. I think the knowledge in them is pretty useful.
hello fellas I finished a comic I've been working on and I asked mad questions on here on how to make the writing clear
if you wanna read it here it is, it reads right to left like a manga
>page 1 https://litter.catbox.moe/4nn8a4.png
>page 2 https://litter.catbox.moe/h2qna9.png
>page 3 https://litter.catbox.moe/3zhr1e.png
>page 4 https://litter.catbox.moe/73esw6.png
>page 5 https://litter.catbox.moe/9l8m1n.png
be warned that the links expire in a day so if you wanna read it be quick
LOL that was funny
But there's no text? Just illustrations.
The art is really good, and the joke was kind of funny
Reality itself is sexist, anon. Women are objectively inferior, and humans in this jewish society compensate by treating men like trash: these are facts.
I remember looking through a Patterson novel recently (entitled #1 Lawyer or something equally sensational) and last line of every single chapter was a cliffhanger. And the chapters themselves were about a page or two in length. It's almost refreshing how transparently deliberate it is. Here are the last lines of the first few chapters:

>The old man’s not wrong. We see eye to eye on that one.
>I picked up my briefcase and shot a wry grin at my two closest friends. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
>In fact, it was one of the reasons she’d kicked me out of the house five weeks ago.
>And here we were, the next generation, with a Penney again defending a Caro in court. Things never really change in Biloxi.
>After a moment of silence, he repeated, “It’s personal.”
>The case was personal. Aurora Gates, whose body had been found floating in the water near Popp’s Ferry Bridge, was the district attorney’s niece.
>“At the time of her death, Aurora Gates was pregnant.”
Where’s the best place to find an audience for a pulpy detective novel in this day and age?

I get that it’s an oversaturated genre, so I want to put my novel someplace where it will stand out.
Also old film and TV serials, webcomics, serialized novels on magazines...
It's the oldest trick in the book to get the audience to come back next week.
Those novels are read by old people (assuming you mean the mystery kind of pulp and not the harlequin romance kind). So wherever those guys congregate I guess. The internet is probably not the best place.
I installed the Anki Flatpak and it crashed immediately on startup. I guess I'll have to figure out how to build my own. Bleah.
Why not install from the website or from the repo?
Because I would rather have an .rpm I can install and uninstall, not just some blob that I blast into my filesystem. What century is this, anyway?
By “pulpy”, I mean sleazy, vulgar and edgy.

It’s not exactly a buttoned up and well-mannered Agatha Christie despite it a whodunnit. In truth, it’s basically a horror mystery, so the cross between those two audiences makes me wonder if I should market it to the mystery or horror audiences.

Regardless, I suspect that traditional publishing or self-publishing would be the best route to go for it. Although personally, I’m worried that mainstream publishers would find it too provocative and shocking, which would be a shame, because marketing isn’t my strong suit.

I’m kind of at a lost as to what the best approach would be.
it's made for a mute manga contest so that anyone can understand it even non-english speakers
xianxia+cultivation is way more popular nowadays but i just want to write old-fashioned wuxia+(exaggerated) martial arts...
Understandable lol
It looks like I can split install.sh into one piece that creates the filesystem, and one piece that registers components, but it's early on a weekend, and I'm not in the mood. Maybe later.
Sounds like something indie presses would buy up and sell if you find the right one. It's a pretty robust built in market and there are a shitload of horror/thriller presses. You may have figure out a way to spin incel as a sexuality for some of them, but it's not like you have to lie or anything. Queering the manuscript up a little also helps, the less obvious the better.
Horror mystery is honestly a hard sell. Horror is enjoyed by a younger demographic than is mystery. The older demographic isn't interested in the kind of titillation that horror provides. I would lean into the horror and play down the mystery for that reason. Horror thriller could sell to that younger demographic (e.g The Silence of the Lambs). Horror adventure is even better (e.g Dracula).
I was able to install it with pip, using the following instructions:
The decks seem to display.
Nice! Hope you like them and find them useful.
Which genre is more similar to sword and sorcery.
Funny you mention Silence of The Lambs, because that’s exactly the kind of audience that I was thinking would have an interest in it.

Although looking at my novel as it is now, there’s ALOT of detective work and connecting the dots in it with horror stuff not becoming more prominent until further in. I feel I’ve always liked the mystery aspect, and too my own credit, I personally think my novel has a very well constructed mystery. There’s coomerbait scenes until the horror comes to the forefront though, so I’m hoping that’ll hold the audience’s attention until then.
I’m pretty much the same. My first attempt at a novel was three novellas that shared the same world and some of the same characters, wherein some of the characters would flit in and out. They were also all set in mostly different times except for one section in each where the events were occurring simultaneously (I took inspiration from Joyce (black cloud over Dublin) and Woolf (airplane). Like >>23536226 says, build up your characters first, their personalities and backgrounds, and then you’ll have a better idea of what they and you want and need the story to do. For me, I focus on creating a lot of characters of varying importance and detail and having a lot of things happening in the fore- and background. My stuff has also tended to be more character driven, but there’s nothing wrong in treating your characters like pawns to further the plot like in a picaresque novel, only that may end up seeming empty and shallow (o think of that DFW interview where he criticizes his students for not developing their characters, he says “this would be impressive if I have a flaming damn about any of these people”).
I mean you do you. But I can tell you that
>with horror stuff not becoming more prominent until further in.
is skirting with danger. You risk losing both potential audiences. Those who like mystery will be turned off by the sudden shift to horror. Those who like horror will not even pick up the book because it starts with mystery. This kind of bait and switch is a very common amateur mistake btw and only in rare cases can something like this sell. I certainly wouldn't recommend trying to publish this if you're a first-timer.

Look at the first chapter of Silence of the Lambs. Although it starts with Starling talking with Crawford in his office, it immediately leans into its thriller and horror aspects. Crawford is sending her off to interview Hannibal, a man-eating serial killer about another serial killer on the loose. The prospective reader gets exactly what he signed up for from page one.
The opening chapter of my novel is someone being stalked and killed. Kind of like how a slasher movie would open. There’s also parts of different characters being put in perilous situations and some things like necrophilia, characters behaving in creepy ways and rape. All in the first half. It’s just that all that is peppered between the kind of scenes you would expect from a typical whodunnit like interviewing suspects, gathering clues and so on.

I’m don’t think I can avoid having a slower first half overall just due to the investigative nature of the plot, but I’m on the fence about wheter those things I described in the first half is enough of a tease for horror fans to keep reading.
It sounds like a pastiche, which could be interesting or could be total schlock. You have the "dry" mystery and a horror movie playing in the background. My litfic brain wants to look for thematic parallels and how they contrast, but that's a very meta interpretation to take. Mystery fans want the gruesome crime to be resolved and everything to be okay in the end, horror fans want, not the opposite, but something else that has similarities and differences. If you take it that way, it's meta-horror, which makes for good horror. If that was never the intent and nothing like that is there, you may have a problem.
>The opening chapter of my novel is someone being stalked and killed.
Then you're probably good. The point is don't accidentally trick the audience in a way that will lose them. Deliver what you promise them--hopefully beyond their wildest expectations.

Also, the investigation part is fine if it's peppered in the way you say. You can actually use it as a way to release tension in between the horror segments. Even then, you may want to not totally eliminate the horror/thriller element in those scenes. E.g the second chapter of Silence of the Lambs is technically an interview, but it's with a horrifying serial killer. And there are other investigative parts of the book (e.g when Starling finds the car) but those scenes usually turn on some horrific element (the preserved human head in a jar that Starling finds in the driver's seat).
I’m a mix of true and chaotic plantser. I know the characters well enough but I still allow them to do unexpected things, and I have a very rough outline for a novel but I still like to deviate as long as it stays within the bounds of the overall narrative.
My problem is that the majority of my plot happens in a very compressed span of time and in 3-4 locations, so I can’t just have my characters fly off everywhere or do a whole lot in one day. I’ve found that using digressions to provide depth of character and past experiences really works as long as I don’t treat it as exposition.
This sounds really interesting. Can I ask what your inspirations or models have been, if any? Like, any novels, short stories, tv shows or movies?
I kinda have the same thing happening in this long thing I’m working on, where a girl gets murdered in the first 1/3rd of the story and the investigation is a very minor d-plot that only happens in the background (in a scene, the main plots will get furthered and then a character will casually mention being interviewed or a mysterious character moving about).
>Mystery fans want the gruesome crime to be resolved and everything to be okay in the end
Can confirm, one of my friends is a mystery junkie and she always complains if there’s no resolution or closure. Some people can’t handle an open ending.
>Some people can’t handle an open ending.
Back in high school in the 00s, when Palahniuk was a thing and everyone was a pretentious edgelord because it was funny, literary novels dressed up as genre fiction were being passed around and somewhere between hormones, inexperience, and lack of frontal lobe development there was this tendency for books like that to turn someone into a seething wreck for weeks. We were passing around some pretty grim literature, but it was the effect it had that is so memorable to this day.

If I could make out a trend from it, fantasyfags loved that shit compared to people who you would expect to 'get' it. I think they were the most sick of the norm and why GRRM became so popular.
>Can I ask what your inspirations or models have been, if any?

Ever heard of the giallo genre? They’re Italian pulp novels/movies that are basically like halfway points between a detective story and a slasher flick. Well, this novel is basically my take on a giallo.
wuxia. there are even a lot of similar tropes, especially when you're looking at grittier examples of both
I've already moved on with my life, working on other things.
How to depict a large scale war?
Read depictions of large scale wars.

I know, I know, too much effort. So many words, blah blah. Just make up something.
To read is to write is to read is to write
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>Your prose is shi- ACK!
Through soldier boredom, consumption of resources and destruction everywhere.
It's pretty alright, anon.
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>meant to take a two month hiatus to find a job
>it's been 8 fucking months and I'm still unemployed despite my best efforts
>so stressed that I can't write anything worth a fuck because every moment of every day is like watching a clock ticking down to homelessness as my savings deplete
>honestly can't even imagine picking my story back up even if I got a job because the time has given me the urge to rewrite
Moral of this story is: Never write serial fiction. The novel will always be the superior format because you don't have to split everything into tiny chunks and can revise it before release.
I know that feel bro. Though I've kept writing every day even through the despair. Turn the anguish into fuel for the art. That's how greatness is made
That like Suspiria? Sounds familiar but I’m not well versed in the Italian art house stuff besides the usual big names (Fellini, Antonioni). I’ll have to look into it. Got any suggestions or favorite s to recc?
I think I kinda know what you mean. I wrote about this in that thread about perverted books, Choke made me queasy and want to throw up. And there have been a few books that don’t sound like much but the actual reading and feelings you get from them are more memorable than the plot or characters.
Doesn't work when you have to put something out every 3 days, another reason novels are superior. Sometimes you just have weeks of 16 hour days of bullshit with no time to work. I was putting in 6 hours a day on writing for around a year before I stopped, it's just not sustainable without an income.
I swear to god one of these days I'm just going to fake my own death and move to rural South America or something. Fuck the modern first world, it shouldn't be this hard to pay rent.
You ever heard of simple wikipedia? I kinda laughed when people called those emoji classics the end of literacy, but now we have Honor Levy
Did you not have a backlog of chapters or did you just run out?
I'm back from my family visit, how did you guys do?
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Ran out, I was hoping they'd carry me until I had a job again but nope. Basically it went like this
>Lose job just before Christmas 2022 (laid off, technically not my fault)
>Keep writing while on unemployment and looking, no luck
>Cut back writing time around August 2023 to do more serious searching, relying on backlog to sustain
>Run out of backlog after a few months, announce hiatus because I physically cannot keep writing in my current state
>Spend EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS trying absolutely everything I can to get a job literally anywhere, rejected from everything
>Can't even imagine picking back up now
Total unemployment time about ~18 months. If I wasn't such a hermit I'd be homeless already, but instead I'm just burning savings like a motherfucker.
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Cracked open 3000 words. Not the best words, but good enough for a first draft.
Got any suggestions or favorite s to recc?
Start with Deep Red and Don’t Torture A Duckling, and then go from there. That’s what I recommend to newcomers.
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Fuck yes. Well done anon.
For me, it's like the expectations set up by the genre, that the writer is in no way beholden to and never made an express or implied agreement with the reader about, essentially non-expectations, is challenged for the first time and takes something to the logical extreme instead of holding back. It's not like bad shock writing where the author/reader relationship is fucked with, where the reader is made to feel bad for doing what the the story was designed to do. It's complicit and telegraphed.

You get this effect where what has been teased is actually played out in full, "fuck around and find out" would seem to fit. It's mental, all in the reader's head, their own investment. Maybe it makes you less invested in that way; I think that's probably for the best in the grand scheme, makes people aware of the stakes of what they've been taking as pure entertainment.

The open ending is a kind of extension of that which plays with the narrative relationship. You either learn to like it or have already been craving it. Horror lives in this, put this, the structure more than the horror itself, in another novel and people get fucked by it.

>the actual reading and feelings you get from them are more memorable than the plot or characters.
That's exactly it. If you have no frame of reference for it, and even if you know it's going to happen in an abstract way, it still tears you apart when you're in the thing itself.
You're gonna make it. We're all gonna make it.

Damn that's rough. But if you're not making any money from your writing I don't see why you should care about going on hiatus. Or are you making money but it's just not enough to pay your bills?
>Doesn't work when you have to put something out every 3 days
I did that for 6 years, pal. I saved up when I was a wagecuck and turned to writing full time after my contract ended. I wrote multiple web novels and self-published a bunch of books. I couldn't make enough money and ran out of savings eventually, after which I signed up at the local unemployment office, received benefits, lived frugally and saved everything I could. When they started to cook up some "solutions" for me, I closed my registration, reporting I got a job, and went back to writing. Fuck that noise, I live only to write. I will use any means necessary to keep writing. If and when I'm all out of options, I'll just kill myself.
Always love that video.
>But if you're not making any money from your writing I don't see why you should care about going on hiatus. Or are you making money but it's just not enough to pay your bills?
No money, even if I had a patreon it wouldn't have been enough to matter so I never bothered. It just kills me to leave a story that a few hundred people were reading to die like that. I had every intention to keep going until it concluded but life, uh... life finds a way to fuck you in the ass and make that impossible.
I guess I'm just frustrated, mainly because the time away has made it easier for me to see how I fucked myself up in the beginning by trying to change the plot and complexity to better fit the format as well, which really hurt the story as a whole. I tried to keep things way too simple when it's just not in my nature to write simple plots or characters, which ended up making really shallow stuff that had to be fleshed out later on in unsatisfying ways. A rewrite into proper novels could fix it but that would also require time and energy I don't have right now. Shit, the only reason I have time to post here today is because it's a long weekend for my country.
Believe me, I'm considering that option except my version is
>move to cheap country
>write for USA audience, have patreon/kofi
>essentially make low-middle class income for the area
>supplement with english tutoring or other hustle if needed
I have a decent degree but even when I'm employed I fucking hate the work. Too soulless. I'd take that over unemployment right now though, certainly.
I can tell you’ve thought about this a lot. It’s funny, I have this friend who just got into reading and she is totally in it for the plots and for the characters. And so she tells me what she likes and doesn’t like and if the ending is good or bad, and I’m over here thinking I’m glad I’ve never shown her anything I’ve written (not that I would; it’s not very good and I wouldn’t trust her opinion) because it’s all unpleasant characters and no real endings.
It’s funny to me that I’ve been in writer mode for so many years, and that my main inspiration when I started writing were the modernists and postmodernists, so that I just have to deconstruct and analyze every piece of media I consume like if I was approaching the task of writing it. Meanwhile, she thinks the ending to Normal People is sad and that Munro is a bad writer because none of her short stories say anything or go anywhere.
are you saying that you have hundreds of readers?
how many chapters do you have left? how many words per chapter?
Gary stues are great. People love it on webnovel platforms.
guys we've gone over this just write generic litrpg if you need a paycheck so badly
this is a very good post. The benefit of genre writing is you are gifted conventions that the reader will expect and you can play with that. Horror fans want to feel fear, repulsion, adrenaline rush, etc.
to the other anon, if you go and pick up any transgressive fiction you will see that this telegraphing happens in the first chapter or two. Even the most controversial books telegraph it early on, either by something terrible happening or implying that it will happen. It basically works like a setup and payoff.
>are you saying that you have hundreds of readers?
Had* hundreds of followers* on RR but yes.
>how many chapters do you have left? how many words per chapter?
Honestly in chapters it could vary, but in words it's about 150-200k most likely. There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of plot lines that need to be wrapped up and the execution of the final major arcs will either make or break the story as a whole so I can't half-ass them.
This is another reason that I want to rewrite, maybe. There's stuff that was supposed to be foreshadowing very early on that obviously didn't come across right because it was squished into hyper-compressed chapters of around 2k words each, so I'm guessing some reveals will go poorly if I do them. I should have just not tried to format the story for RR's tastes and gone with what worked (since the story never blew up anyway due to not being to their tastes in other ways), but I guess you have to make mistakes to learn lessons like that.
Your chapters are 150-200k each? And you have a release schedule of every 3 days?
>Had* hundreds of followers* on RR but yes.
What happened to them and how long since you released? August 2023?
>format the story for RR's tastes
what do you mean by this? I get adjusting for tastes in overall genre and mood, tone, even pacing etc but at what point is writing to appease tastes in the story itself (development/plot beats etc) even feasible?
>t. an illiterate
>and that my main inspiration when I started writing were the modernists and postmodernists
It sure does fuck with you, I'll tell you that. My current project (which interests me enough to finish) is like 7-10 chapters that could constitute a novella, some short stories that are vaguely related and feature the same character, a few essays, and sundry microfiction and vignettes that approach pure mood. I still remember how to read a book and enjoy it but my goals are larger and far from your average novel.

You basically have to ask the reader to go along for your dumb, crazy ride and make it something meant to be understood, though 'haps not fully. I want to delight and entertain, but my idea of what those things mean is for a very specific audience. Genre convention is one way, playing with it is a sign of what is to come.

I have hope for the plebs because you can show them short films and they start to get it, though they aren't the audience for literature at all.

It's why the literary novel likes to open with weird childhood experiences right from jump, both to imitate life and telegraph exactly what kind of person the book is for. Any genre is similar and most do play with their own tropes and reader expectations, because readers do evolve.
>Honestly in chapters it could vary, but in words it's about 150-200k most likely.
where am I being retarded by thinking that it's 150-200k per chapter?
OH you mean that's how many words you have left kek my bad
No man, what? They were like 2k each and worked up to 5kish over time because I just couldn't do what I wanted to in 2k.
>What happened to them and how long since you released? August 2023?
More like end of October. Haven't even looked, too much anxiety.
>what do you mean by this?
Okay so, Royal Road works best when you release simple, relatively self-contained chapters of about 2k words a piece as often as you can. They also don't like sustained periods of difficult emotional intensity, loss of agency for the protagonist, and a bunch of other stuff. Basically you have to keep the story simple and relatively light, even if it's violent or serious. To that end, I changed a large number of things in the first half of the story to appeal to a wider audience and simplify the themes so that even a person who didn't really care about the story's message and themes could still enjoy it as a sort of popcorn experience, but it ended up resulting in really bad issues that I had to correct later and was still dealing with when I stopped.
>at what point is writing to appease tastes in the story itself (development/plot beats etc) even feasible?
I think the answer to this really is: It's not, at least if you care about your writing.
>to the other anon, if you go and pick up any transgressive fiction you will see that this telegraphing happens in the first chapter or two
I think you mean me? Anyway, it’s funny you say that because a lot of people (okay, maybe 6 or 7) end up dying in this long thing iim writing, but only the one that gets investigated is given any real attention. The others get overshadowed or forgotten. So I’m really getting into setting the atmosphere, the time, the general feeling of dread. The trouble I’m having is that I’m having so much fun setting up all these different threads for how the story will progress that I’m starting to feel like I’m not making much progress.
You are going to have to go back over this thing when you're done because it sounds wild enough to have a lot of shit going on thematically. It comes out in the revisions, so don't bother with it now.
>No man, what? They were like 2k each and worked up to 5kish over time because I just couldn't do what I wanted to in 2k.
I'm with you I was being a retard.
I was going to advise you to take a break and make an announcement to your readers that you're working on it but it will release much less regularly in bigger chunks, but then I read your other reply.
That's a difficult position because I didn't realize RR had so much influence over your story. The writer in me is telling me to say fuck RR and rewrite your entire novel the way you want, and then make sure that the finished product finds its way to your current readers in a respectful way (discounts, early access, something like that), and hopefully find joy in writing again because you're doing it your way.

and fuck job hunting, it sucks, I feel you, just remember the rejections are rarely personal and you WILL find a job. That's not to make you feel better. People will always need help to make money and will be willing to give you money for said help so as long as you're applying for everything (which it sounds like you are) you will eventually find something.
> my goals are larger and far from your average novel
Pretty much this for me too. And I don’t want to come off as being pompous (and I do t mean to accuse you of the same), but I remember being in school and asking my friends what they wrote about and being disappointed that it was all so schlocky and overly sentimental or just bald faced navel-gazing. So when I set out to write something, I try to challenge myself into writing something that I would be impressed by, because I ended up being the only person I wanted to impress and entertain. And that feels like it’s an unhealthy way to go about this.
> You basically have to ask the reader to go along for your dumb, crazy ride and make it something meant to be understood, though 'haps not fully. I want to delight and entertain, but my idea of what those things mean is for a very specific audience
DFW talks about this in one of his interviews (I haven’t read him, but it’s been fun listening to him be verbose and discursive on the act of writing because he had such a quirky idea of what he tried to do with writing) where he has to rip the bandaid of telling his students that normal people, even very well read people, will not give a shit about their writing if they don’t make it at least somewhat entertaining and engaging. So yeah, when I write something, I try to make it somewhat unconventional to the point where I wonder if it’s alienating.
> It's why the literary novel likes to open with weird childhood experiences right from jump, both to imitate life and telegraph exactly what kind of person the book is for
Gaddis taught me that with the Recognitions because that’s the first book I read out of uni that felt vibrant and alive and meaningful to me.
sounds like the average RR readerbase just wants a shonen manga/anime in word form, then...
how did this even happen? long-form written media isn't even conducive to that style of consoooooming, maybe back when cowboy pulp magazines were around but there's so much more easily-accessible/digestible """content"""" now, why are they even reading?
Thank you for that. I first heard it on here a few years ago, and I’ve embraced the “write to write rather than write to get it right” because you only really start to see what you can do when you basically word vomit on the page. I especially liked that quote by some writer I’d never heard of, he says “I wish someone had told me early on, because I didn’t find out until late in my career, that you are going to write a lot of shit before you write anything good. and it’s you’re taste and your talent that are gonna save you and get you there, but do t get disgusted and discouraged by your own bad writing. good writers are good rewriters and editors” or something like that
I don't ever really plan on making money from the RR story or derivatives of it if I'm being frank. I considered it at the start but when it didn't explode to monetizable levels in the first 6 months I knew it would be best not to try it. Money has a way of tainting writing even worse than the way trying to appease RR did, I'm glad I never had to worry about things like "Oh no will people hate this next chapter and drop support on patreon?"
I wanted to wait until I had time to work again before announcing any return but yeah idk, I might just drop the "here is the plot outline for the rest of the story" document if I decide I can't finish it or want to rewrite. It's a cop-out but it's better than nothing. I just wish it didn't turn out like this.
>People will always need help to make money and will be willing to give you money for said help so as long as you're applying for everything (which it sounds like you are) you will eventually find something
Well my country is currently suffering a per-capita GDP decrease and importing more people than we even have apartments for so it might take a while. Worst case scenario, I brush up on Spanish and move on down to somewhere with a better climate that appreciates hard work.
>sounds like the average RR readerbase just wants a shonen manga/anime in word form, then...
Yeah basically, that's what gets the most attention and makes money. I did about 4 months of market research on RR before submitting my story initially, going onto popular new and old releases and reading reviews etc. They want it a bit more meaty than a manga since it's text-only, but not by much.
>how did this even happen? long-form written media isn't even conducive to that style of consoooooming
It's the chapter format I think. Serial stories with bite-sized chapters released multiple times a week can't really reach the same levels of plot and character depth as a proper novel unless the writer is EXTREMELY skilled. 2k words of LitRPG/Xianxia is about as challenging as a chapter of "I Died And Got Transported To Another World But My Cellphone Turned Into A Hot Elf Wife Who Is Very Tsundere But Also Very Smart Because She Knows My Whole Browser History" or whatever. You don't really have to think to be able to enjoy it, it's just escapism and wish fulfillment.
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I'm going to be the best ever. The very best ever. When I'm out I'll come back for you guys.
Struggling with distraction today as I'm doing the nitty gritty chapter by chapter planning of a complicated literary fiction. So here I am shitposting with you guys in between pulling teeth to make this story fall together right.

Remember me, as a coomer...
thanks for sharing your insights, seriously. sounds like you've put a lot of yourself in your work but being tugged both ways and being unable to commit totally to your vision is tough and i can imagine it being such an inspiration-killer. you really hate to see it
>4 months of market research on RR
i'm in the RR market research stage right now and i don't know if it's been sobering, weirdly encouraging/relieving, depressing, or maybe all of the above.
I know pretentious, my first efforts were some personal psychodrama bullshit that was as fucked up as it was wholesome. I'd blame being 13 but one of those stories continued until I was 23. Absolute cringe, but that kind of cringe that you look for late at night. The threat of pretense means nothing to me, it's all I know. Avoid the worst of that thing and it's the best way to go about it, it makes the thing real.

I think that most fiction and even literary novels attempt to be entertaining and not just masturbation. The masturbatory ones know they're doing it, it's a character doing a bit. Does the 'joke' work? Is it a joke? Is it interesting? Sometimes the slog is even part of the point. The thing we get repelled by when reading "boring" or merely less entertaining works is often something in ourselves, or a reaction to an experience. Some times.

What I can see is when someone writes because of the occult sensation of the process but lacks the goal, of the finished product. Or reddit post writing, but that's not as bad as making a story that doesn't do anything anyone who reads is interested in. You can't be weird for the sake of it (look at me guys) and you can't have this floaty, do-nothing thing that doesn't have a known purpose behind it (please look at me and tell me about myself). It has to make those statements intentionally and seek to answer them in a way the reader can fill in based on what was given.

Until you've revised a 'complete' draft, you don't even know what revision means.It's like going through the 4chan archives for a topic and finding a hot post by a whipsmart asshole that nearly answers your question, only to realize you wrote it drunk a few years back. It's like reading something you really want to like that could be better if you fixed absolutely everything about it. So you do.
>but there's so much more easily-accessible/digestible """content"""" now, why are they even reading?
Length and ease of production. That's why web serials are thriving like never before. Sure there's excellent anime, manga, tv shows, comics, etc out there, but as far as plot-per-week on an ongoing series, web serials produce easily 10x-100x the content. Cuz you don't have to draw/record/animate/etc. Just put words on the page. The words don't even have to be good.

Some people (me included desu) just want to follow a cast of characters around for a long time. There's very few animes like One Piece, much less other forms of content, that can match web serials in sheer size.

Plus some ideas just work better in literary form. Much easier to introduce large blocks of introspection or worldbuilding or what have you.

As far as variety goes too, since web serials are so much cheaper to make, there's web novels for just about anything out there. Very much not true for high-production-cost media.
Well my advice is this:
>If you want to make money, write a copy of the most successful story that you don't hate but change one or two things. If it doesn't hit rising stars and take off within two months, drop it and try again until one does.
>If you want to write a good story that's entirely original, either only post it to RR as a secondary platform or just don't use RR at all.
I guess the one you choose depends on if you want to do this as a job or not.
>i'm in the RR market research stage right now and i don't know if it's been sobering, weirdly encouraging/relieving, depressing, or maybe all of the above.
It really is funny to go through RR's rising stars. The titles are something else
To add to this, written form is much easier to digest. You can get away with reading at work in a white collar job, but not really watching anime or netflix (ymmv obviously)
The audiobook audience for like truckers/factory workers/other monotonous jobs is pretty huge too in web serials. They just churn through every title in the litrpg catalog as they go about their job. Its why quality doesn't matter so much. Same reason podcasts are growing in popularity.
Y'know, I've been re-reading Crime and Punishment for the first time in nearly ten years, and it's my first time reading it after writing and publishing myself and looking into the world of people's writing advice. All the cringe-ass writing youtubers would say this book is terrible for its extensive, extensive introduction, dialogue tags, slow moving pace. It pains me to think the new generation of writers are listening to people like this who seem to want to homogenize all works into YA.
I'm still not sure if my spergy neighbors were blasting autistic podcasts or text to speech audiobooks on their phones whenever they took out the trash. I don't know how people listen to that monotonous shit, but I can't go through a sentence without music theory being involved in describing it as that's how one talks right around here.
I don't get why some people create so many hard rules on writing, like those youtubers. Of course you need to know the basics before you can actually bend the rules well, but I see those things as more as general guidelines than objective fact. I'm not good at all at writing though, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
>but I can't go through a sentence without music theory being involved in describing it
As retarded as those youtubers are, most of them say that there are no rules, and the advice they give are just guidelines
Is it possible to make $50-200 a month writing? I'm a poorfag from the third world, so that much money is pretty good to live.
50-200? Very easy if you can actually write coherent English. You'll have to pander to a specific audience though, not just write whatever you want.
Okay I didn't watch that many of them. I only watched a few before I decided that I didn't like them that much.
I thought I had a neutral accent. I went west and was wrong.
>write first page
>write description of my protagonist
>stop writing
>write first page
>write description of my-
>write first page
>What I can see is when someone writes because of the occult sensation of the process but lacks the goal, of the finished product.
I’ve always been afraid of falling into that because a lot of times I think something I’m writing is just dead and going nowhere and so I stop writing and decide to cannibalize the things that do work to use in another work. I used to have reams of unfinished short stories because I couldn’t think of a good ending, or I had an ending in mind but i didn’t have a good beginning or middle. It’s the discouragement that makes it all feel like it’s not worth working on, and so you end up like me in my 20’s writing about characters like they’re in an arthouse movie just wandering and talking and not getting anywhere. And that can be good, like Beckett or early Delillo, but it doesn’t ring true to my taste. A lot of my early characters were really only there to say or do what I wanted them to do, they lacked motivation or even a reason to exist besides to do a thing or say a thing.
I like to think I’ve gotten better, but really it’s only when I finish something and think, “Man I can really make this into something good if i rework it” that I feel the most accomplished. When I can look down at the shit that’s lying in front of me and think I can polish and mold it into something good.
Many, many, many novices in many, many, many fields start out, find something difficult, and then think that the problem is that they're just one secret rule away from being great at the thing.

Reality is that none of the great writers sat around watching "Top 10 Rules Your First Novel MUST Follow" videos on Youtube, they sat around meticulating over words and passages of their own.
writing ze german accent like zis is bad, ja?
>Reality is that none of the great writers sat around watching "Top 10 Rules Your First Novel MUST Follow" videos on Youtube, they sat around meticulating over words and passages of their own.
They would've if they'd lived in the Internet age lol. There's nothing wrong with seeking out advice. You just need to have a functional brain and be able to critically analyze that advice, deciding what you agree with or disagree with. And you have to be writing constantly alongside that so you properly digest and integrate what you've been told/the decisions you come to. imo at least
obviously the retards who only seek out advice and practice like an hour a month are hopeless, no disagreements there
Generally you can either write the accent phonetically, or just say that the character spoke with a thick German accent and the reader will read their lines with that filter.
I've never done this before. When I write, it usually stays until the second draft comes and I rewrite or edit the text until it works well.
>just one secret rule away from being great at the thing
even if they're slightly more realistic and think they're 10 secret rules or 20 little nuggets of actionable wisdom away from success, this is pretty much the underlying psychology being taken advantage of by course gurus (not just writing specific and arguably more egregious in weird vaguely-defined industries like online business, digital marketing, copywriting etc)
Nah, I'm talking about masturbatory writing that feels good to the writer and goes nowhere all around. If you can analyze it, you're doing more than them. Just imagine some genderblob in a workshop, the story is about some vague feel that goes nowhere and people talk in a way that is technically pleasant but you're sitting there looking for the bit of meat that makes sense of it all in her homely face and fading dyejob. It never comes, it's not even about the mood. You press her on mood in short stories, she doesn't know they're about the mood. You quote Poe, she seems to know him but not relate it to what you're talking about. The scene ends without resolution.

That kind of thing, but worse.
>none of the great writers sat around watching "Top 10 Rules Your First Novel MUST Follow" videos on Youtube
Except that they did, with books instead of videos and rules of grammar/rhetoric/logic as well as careful study of great writers that preceded them.
Imitation was an integral part of the education of writers and orators for THOUSANDS of years. It's only recently that the practice got forgotten, and even then many are coming back to tradition, because it works.
Where to publish? Where/how to find the audience? How to set up payments?
Teach me, senpai.
Btw is there an audience for oneshota? I like oneshota.
If I was going to develop a copywork curriculum for myself to improve my writing, who would be worth adding? maybe a range of different styles, right?

as for grammar/rhetoric/logic, could I go with something like An American Rhetoric?
>If you want to make money, write a copy of the most successful story that you don't hate but change one or two things. If it doesn't hit rising stars and take off within two months, drop it and try again until one does.
Surprisingly good advice. I'm actually a bit surprised that the RR top 20 has at least 2 slice-of-life style stories (one of which is currently #2, though in a superhero setting). It gives me some hope that the thing I'm writing can get legs.
cool, i think i doesnt really know what i want to write about, the protagonist is always fox-themed, plot heavily changed like 12 times, one of those i thought it reminded naruto before changing everything again. my friend says i'm on a loop
>masturbatory writing that feels good to the writer and goes nowhere all around
I remember writing stuff like that when I was 16 and thinking I was so cool and smart and that anyone who read it would instantly feel what I felt. Hell, you don’t even get that from music or painting or sculpture or anything creative. I periodically go back and read the things that I wrote 10 years ago because I’m a masochist and because I want to remind myself that I have made progress since then. Just the most turgid, overly purple, high-off-your-own-fumes shit. It still sorta happens when I try to write something technical or concrete (like a scientific concept or something mathematical) and I think I’m spinning all these metaphors and themes and symbols that will carry throughout the rest of the work, and then I go back and reread it and think I must’ve been high or drunk.
Also, I only write privately, not professionally, so I’m unfamiliar with the workshop atmosphere. Would you recommend going to a workshop if only to get other people to read my stuff and comment?
>maybe a range of different styles, right?
Indeed, that is the best way, but it might take a lot of time (writers/orators in the past began their training in childhood or early adolescence until adulthood).
It might be preferable to focus on reknowned authors of your preferred genre or that you like the most.
>as for grammar/rhetoric/logic, could I go with something like An American Rhetoric?
I haven't read that one, so I don't know. I recommend "Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student" by Edward P. J. Corvett for starters. Check my Anki decks as well: >>23541589
is RR ready for some guy and his hag? I'm sniffing a mommy issues obasan trend in the near future, friends
If you're thinking of doing something like Super Supportive, you should know it's also basically a LitRPG (for the purposes of hooking readers at least) and is VERY "lightning in a bottle", it's not the average fare at all. Deserves its spot for sure, but I wouldn't call it replicable.
You shouldn't look at the all time top stories, Rising Stars and Popular This Week are much better indications of what works in the present day.
>Except that they did, with books instead of videos and rules of grammar/rhetoric/logic as well as careful study of great writers that preceded them.
>reading great works of legitimate authors is the same as watching a fat lesbian on youtube tell you about her rules for creating litRPG werewolf romance series that made her some money
Also, I have cannibalized everything I have written into the current project, at least everything since last November. It was somehow once a VN where all the romance options led to the bad ends. I think I'll spin it differently, should anyone ask.

You have to have that singular vision of mood and the theme around which it revolves. I know what I have to do and it could fit into a Godard flick. The characters come from that. They will act on their own, subservient to whatever plot tickles them, just make that plot and see what comes from it. My shit is almost plotless, one guy is trying get something from people and the other guy is trying to get something from the world. They were built from that wandering and talking, that's the point. It does something. laban at firemail dot cc, I think, if you want to talk further. I'm waiting for the other layers to come, because it's a really simple story at heart and what drives everything I keep writing around it.

Yeah, you have to look at the whole thing you want from it as much as the process that makes it. I hate the whole goddamn process fullwidth.

>Would you recommend going to a workshop if only to get other people to read my stuff and comment?
No, you go to see how broken the so-called competition is. Worth it for that alone. There are good writers too, maybe. You're there for fuel. Good writers are nice, I don't care about other writers for the most part unless I do because I personally like it. Some of those assholes are jealous and you may be one of them.

Your early prose isn't the best but you learn from it in a way that the artists and sculptors can't see for years. It's there, now, cringe as fuck. They get better at the details but get lost in making that kind of porn comic thing for mass consumption.
Don't be disingenuous now, faggot. You know what my point was: that they learned from others, and spent a lot of time on it.
Thank you so much for sharing your insights and the deck.
Funnily enough, I actually did copywork for my native language as a kid growing up in the UK. I thought it was useless at the time but I'm still quite eloquent in that language, especially when compared to others with my ethnic background who also grew up overseas. Wish someone made me do it for English too
For now, I'm thinking
>Le Guin

I'm very interested in rhetoric but never looked into it formally, I'll definitely be checking out that recommendation
What's your quare language? I like collecting them.
Then don't be a disingenuous faggot and equivocate learning from great with learning from retards.
>Thank you so much for sharing your insights and the deck.
You're welcome! Hope you find it useful.
>Funnily enough, I actually did copywork for my native language as a kid growing up in the UK.
>Wish someone made me do it for English too
Same haha
>For now, I'm thinking
>>Le Guin
Seems good.
>I'm very interested in rhetoric but never looked into it formally, I'll definitely be checking out that recommendation
Consider "The World's Greatest Speeches" by Lewis Copeland and/or "A Treasury of the World's Greatest Speeches" by Houston Peterson as well.
Also, half the people you listed were journalists or editors, you're in a good line of work.
I'd include LeGuinn only because of her prose in certain situations and poetry everywhere else. I'd include Thomas Burton or Browne and his Urn Burials before her for that kind of nonfictional rambling, only because they are better examples. I met a dude and he told me how the wind sails in LeGuinn's currents, which I couldn't disagree with like the badger I am at the time and only say this now out of respect for a worthwhile perspective.
Thanks so much for talking with me, anon. I’ll keep that in case I want to follow up with some stuff. I’m really excited about this one thing I just finished the first rough draft.
Last thing I read had basically no catharsis at all and it's kind of upsetting to not be able to communicate why. I realized I basically didn't really know the vocabulary on an intuitive level at all, and I don't know how to learn it... I don't want to take an actual course, I just wish there were something mid-length so how to describe pathos and bathos and shit would stick in my mind.

Have you ever read Gene Wolfe, particularly Botns? It's hard to describe the way he does it, but it has a lot to do with theme, allusion, foreshadowing rather than a lot of words... Most stories benefit from smaller casts, but collectives can be a character as well. I would probably cut those examples in half, limit the length of your digressions. Link them through some sort of theme or symbol, beyond that it will flow like you're reading a wiki unless the context is necessary for some sort of plot problem solving. In terms of flow there's kind of structural openings for when and where you can have digressions, but it really depends on what style you're aiming for, most books are written as screenplays these days and people expect a certain tempo.

I've used a vertical mouse and an angled keyboard for a few years, a "cheap" option is kinesis freestyle which is also split, I keep an agenda and other things to write on in the middle as well.
Cantonese Chinese. my parents were paranoid I wouldn't know my mother tongue (common for immigrant kids trying to fit in) so they made me do weird stuff that no other immigrant kid was doing. I don't think I knew any English until I was 8 despite being born in the UK kek
I then got really into reading books and writing my own dumb stories in English at some point

Thanks for those additional recommendations
Modern schooling is so lacking in effective pedagogy now but it's never too late to revisit these time-tested methods and resources

I'll be investigating those too and will heed your advice. thanks!
Dunno wtf that is. Cursory google search shows weird pedo hentai results. if that's what you're actually suggesting you want to write then 1) seek therapy and 2) obviously pedo shit is going to be close to impossible to monetize.
but more importantly please see 1)
You say it ni gua or whatever it's supposed to be, or that restaurant chinese from the south that sound s'like nigguh. Because I don't speak a lick of chinese but I know mm'mah chosong ah' and some things I didn't learn in a restaurant from the cast of kung fu hustle. And I refer to people with nigguh and no one bats an eye, even had to explain to to my urban friends who like fried pork.
>Crazy black nigguh wants some pork, big tip, ghost man fag nigguh explain nice li bao drunk step drunk moon tipsy autumn moon lake feel black nigguh no dhengis kan
I think that was the gist of the last time I was in that situation, I will now learn your language.
wdym oneshota is based
>nooo i dont want hot women to sex mee
Ask the guy who made that cowgirl comic, I forgot his name to be able to look him and the comic up. I think I talked to him on /co/ when he first shilled it. Not into that and wish you the best, the other thing is also good, wish us well too.
Thanks. Wish you guys well<3
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>got my chapter by chapter outline done, plugging in organizing already written parts where they need to be on the timeline

It's taking shape boys, this is how the process goes. Soon I'll be able to just write once this whole foundation is down. We're getting there. I know this will be good, I just need to make it that way.
Based indeed
Fuck you I had to find it myself.
tried my hand at some prose for my short story yesterday, and got around to making some edits to it today.


Good shit anon, what sort of writing are you doing?
Litfic novel I've been writing into between other projects for a couple years. Now I'm getting all that writing organized to be the next thing I publish between bigger books..
Big, small or self pub? I'm of a mind that small press would benefit me but the other options also entice.
Run through Amazon. So far been great. Seen rare instances of people getting locked out of accounts for weird "infractions" but often they seem to say they were manipulating reviews or some shit. I had a small issue and Amazon support was right on it and easy to talk with.
>Father Carol Magnus, Guy de Rosenkreutz entered the room.
How esoteric is this reference?
No, but you're on the right track. It's really out there. One word is part of his many names.
Rosenkreutz is extremely on the nose for anyone who has even an inkling of that sort of stuff.
That's a red herring. It's a living person, a mad poet.
I just know it because it's the name of a game.
This is the opening few paragraphs, am I coming off as a try hard?
Flames poured from the exhaust of Dante Vitone’s cherry red Superveloce as he downshifted and switched lanes, passing a slow moving semi. The leather wrapped steering wheel felt light in his hands, responsive. He would need it, dancing across the lanes of the highway between cars like a fish swimming through a stream at a steady one hundred ten miles per hour.

The targa top was stowed away, which meant that the wind at this speed blew Dante’s shoulder length brown hair all over, tamed only by his Yankees cap pulled down over a set of truck stop Ray Bans. He told people it was worth it for the roar of the Italian V12. Hundreds of horsepower sitting right behind him as it barked and yelped up and down the gears, the cracks and pops of the unrestricted exhaust echoed off of the semi trailers.

The last rays of the sun setting behind him cast heavy shadows over the passing scenery, like long, bony fingers pointing to their destination: Atlantic City. His passenger, Carl Mizlak, clawed at the hand-stitched leather hand straps as Dante weaved between a Subaru Station wagon going under the speed limit in the left lane and a box truck. Carl’s eyes bulged as Dante hit a stretch of open highway and opened the throttle.

A banshee’s wail drowned out Carl’s intended protest as they advanced even faster past cars that he couldn’t pick out at speed. If Dante noticed his passenger’s unease, he paid it no heed, clicking the carbon fiber paddle shifter with a grin. They would make AC in less than an hour at this rate, but the NJSP Highway Patrol had lots of places to crawl out of here, and the car they were currently on the wrong side of one hundred fifty in, didn’t exactly fit the description of “discrete.”
fantasy stories are fucking gaay and useless so even if someone steals it you'll both be forgotten.
Post it man i love oyu
"[upside down mexican exclamation mark]oh fuck!", exclaimed [name] (he never swears)
it takes way more energy to create ideas than it takes to read it
>[upside down mexican exclamation mark
It's just a lowercase i
No, it's a Unicode character, e.g. ¡Caramba!
I want to have my "I" protagonist leave and then come back and discover what happened when he was gone but im having some trouble because I want to describe these events in more detail from a narrator point of view.
Should I just charge ahead and do it or will the narration style change seem awkward? Alternatively would it be better if I go through it from the perspective of the character who experienced it first hand?
I want to avoid a longwinded section where the character tells the protagonist what happened for obvious reasons.
wow, look at this pile of crap: https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip
and these bundles of joy: https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/rpuvnd.pdf

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