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/lit/ - Literature

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>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

>Work in progress FAQ
https://rentry dot co/n8nrko

Remember to keep on track. Discuss Greek or Latin.
Note to janitor/mods: this is the official general as it has been going for months as one can check in the archives, if you have to, delete the other one made by the local troll.This is the sole legitimate /clg/ thread. Future postings are to be counted as spam, since this one came first and upholds /clg/'s Rule 1. In case of spam, please delete other /clg/ threads posted while this one is still active.

ὁ κακουργοπίθηκος οὔτ' Ἑλληνιστὶ οὔτε Ῥωμαϊστὶ δύναται διαλέγεσθαι καὶ εἰ σεαυτὸν προσποιούμενος ὡς φύλακα τῶν παλαιῶν γλοττῶν

First rule of /clg/:
This is a space dedicated to the discussion and learning of the languages studied for a Classical Philology degree in the US, UK, and its Commonwealth. Kindly keep comments on-topic and about Greek and Latin only. If you would like to discuss other languages with significant to literary traditions, you are free to do so in your own thread.
Does anyone ever actually use "in" to mean "about" or is that just a weird edge case?
any CC anons still lurking? what did you guys use to learn?
I think there are some Cicero Classics enthusiasts around here!
Get crucified you repulsive spic
>Dicis formonsam, dicis te, Bassa, puellam:
>istud quae non est dicere, Bassa, solet.
Why is Martial using "te" instead of "se" in the first line, shouldn't that be a reflexive pronoun? It would scan just the same as well.
>This is a space dedicated to the discussion and learning of the languages studied for a Classical Philology degree in the US, UK, and its Commonwealth
You know what, first give a coherent defense of this "rule" before you go on. I would like to read your retarded babbling
We don't have to give a defense. You do. Classics means Greek and Latin since thousands of years. The hindoos and death worshippers have only been read for a few hundred. You argue against tradition.
Ito, tibi hortor, Textkit, ne te eripiant in mediocritatem fasciculumes, omnino qui expertes sunt illius caloris quam tam cupide cupimus humanitatis, tantum sibi studentes se pedicari ut decet fasciculumes, los eorum totos.
Ego seriosamente spero quod tu me escuchabas, ne el pessimus de los fasciculumes fias.
>means Greek and Latin since thousands of years
You can't even write english without mentally translating Spanish. Anyways, then why not add Hebrew given the popularity of Kabbalists and Rosicrucians among intellectuals, both of which employ Hebrew?
Posted it again award LOL
Blew your cover kike
Incontinentia Buttocks
not the general LLPSisters... anything butt the general...
Not a yid, and that's not an answer. Since you're clearly a subhuman bydlo mestizo spic, please also explain why you feel you possess any authority to make decisive statements
Fodere tu
No racism on 4chan!
You literally just called him a kike
I usually hide his posts, sorry about today but I'm in a shitposting mood. I'm also actually annoyed with him to an extent because he might have actually annoyed some eastern language posters to the point of leaving given the current thread quality
Stop giving him credit, it feeds his nature.
What the other anon said. You genuinely may be the stupidest troll I've seen in years. Please explain what disliking jews has to do with classical study
Sorry again, I blame work
Non vado a explicarete nihil. Tu non id merentur
Vade fodere tu mater fasciculum
lol that took you a while to write spic. Go back to eating bananas, you're in the wrong place
And you're still a fasciculum LOL
Go back to pedicaboing men
So you admit to being a troll with no actual argument who just wants to ruin the thread for the pleasure of your spic mind?
Yep, just call him a spic and he regresses to an infantile state
Dixit quod ego non iba a explicarete nihil. Non pone vocabulum in mi bocca. Ego sum et sempre sere melior quod tu, fasciculum
Wetback wetback wetback wetback wetback
You're not worth any post more serious than this
Occidere tu
Sum blancus purum
It's funny to envision him seething and desperately trying to string together a coherent sentence to reply to my posts. Anyways I'll stop shitting up the thread now, I hope we can have some actual discussion about many classical languages once again
>Ook ook AAK
How strange, another funny post
*Dixi me nihil expositurum. Noli ponere vocabula in os meum. Neque hominis nec bestiae quidem dignus sum nomine.
Dear god shut up
You will always be too stupid to learn another language unlike /clg/chads.
t. इच्छन्तिक
To other posters, use this decent thread instead: >>23536600
Anyway, this is our fault for using his thread. Anon made another one if you guys want to start over:
This one can be used for shitposting I guess
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>among intellectuals
numquam femina eris
It is reflexive, with dicis
You're more a troll than he is. Stop trying to shoehorn in off-topic languages. Scram, you cancer.
So rude!

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