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Seriously guys I need books about failed artists, poets, composers whatever. But not that they failed to get any cultural traction but that they simply hate everything they create and never reach their aesthetic goals, even remotely. Surely there are at least two of these.
My diary desu
This. Novels aren't for finding random characters to commiserate with. Read Brothers Karamazov instead.
Novels are for whatever I want them for.
Come on help me out guise
Mars by Fritz Zorn kind of
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This concept just reminds me of Deido from Souboutei.
How much of the mango revolves around him or art in general?
Theres this book about some guy that posed for Giacometti and be describes how he works and works but then is disappointed with the result every time
He's the main villain and every bad thing that happens is caused by him basically weaponizing HP Lovecraft's Color From Outer Space in his attempts to make "true art".
>art in general
Not much, other than the interactions between Deido and the main character, who is also a failed artist, just much less murderously cynical. They end up having deep philosophical debates on what makes something "art" and how it connects to their backstories. Other than those two, the story is mostly about fighting the eldritch horrors that his paintings have unleashed.
Yeah, that sounds like it would be super bad for my schizophrenia
Books are only written about the winners, not the losers.
Unironically: Suicide is a novel by French writer Édouard Levé, published in 2008. It is considered a long suicide note, as it is a deeply personal and introspective work that explores the author’s own struggles with depression and his eventual decision to take his own life.
The Loser by Thomas Bernhard deals with how people cope with disappointment.
Are you winning ?
Cyril Connoly, Enemies of Promise. You'll like it.
Don't like his music very much, but that quote is the funniest and chaddest shit Schoenberg has ever said
war of art steven pressfield

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