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>“In Oriental Tibet BHON MONKS are radical; and this is why H.P.B. (Helena Petronila Blavatsky) thought that they were Black Magicians. All of us have repeated that mistake and we feel the need to rectify it. I am not saying that the DUGPAS are some Saints, or some kind of gentle sheep, they are BLACK MAGICIANS they teach Black Tantrism; but the Bhons (although they use a red cap), are not Black, as Blavatsky mistakenly supposed. What they are is Radical.
>If someone, for example, among the Bhons, does not want Self-Realization, but does want liberation for a time (to come back, for example, in the future Sixth Root Race), or better, they never want Self-Realization, but EMANCIPATION WITHOUT SELF-REALIZATION, then, they succeed. How?
>First of all, they take the neophyte to a remote place; they invoke all those inhuman elements that the neophyte possesses (through procedures of High Magic they will be drawn out of the Astral World into the physical world), and in that remote place in the mountain those inhuman elements become visible, tangible and everything. They try to devour the neophyte, but if the neophyte remains calm, there is no more to do: he has emerged triumphant.
>He knows then that he has to eliminate the Ego, reduce it to ashes and also that he has to work. And the ordeal requires the maximum amount of effort in the Physical World. This work consists of pronouncing those MANTRAMS OF DISINCARNATION; which are two words, and one becomes disincarnated instantly.
>It is frightful to see the Bhon Priests (dressed with their white apron, full of skulls and dead bones; a red turban on their head, a miter and carrying a dagger in their right hand) at the time that the neophyte then pronounces the two mantrams of fatality. His body instantly falls dead.
>But, it is then that the neophyte is subjected to great ordeals in the Internal Worlds; he has to face the TERRORS OF DEATH; he has to withstand the HURRICANE OF KARMA; he has to emerge victorious in the ordeal that the Father-Mother puts you though; you should know how to CLOSE THE WOMB, etc., in the end to be able to enter, or be reborn (we could say) in the super-human form, in any of those KINGDOMS OF THE DEVAS: Already in the Kingdom “of the Great Concentration,” or “of the Long Hair”, or in the Kingdom of “Amitabha-Buddha”, or “of Maitreya”, or in the Kingdom “of Supreme Happiness”, etc., and it is in these regions where he is going to finish in order to prepare for LIBERATION.
>The Divine Mother Kundalini assists in eliminating his inhuman elements, and in the end he is finally able to IMMERSE HIMSELF IN THE MIDST OF THE GREAT REALITY, not as a Self-Realized Master, but AS AN ELEMENTAL BUDDHA. There he submerges, in that state, in order to return in the future Sixth Root Race, with the purpose of Self-Realization.
>Others simply do not want Mastery, but emancipation and remain forever converted into Elemental Buddhic Ones and nothing more, but they are happy. Whereas those who seek liberation, THOSE WHO really, we can say, NEED SELF-REALIZATION, those who really want to become Mahatmas or Hierophants, are different: THEY WILL HAVE TO UNDERGO TANTRIC INITIATION, and then, they will have to WORK IN THE NINTH SPHERE.
>But in general, they will teach you all about Tantrism: How to awaken the Serpent and how to elevate it through the spinal column; how to open those chakras, discs or magical wheels. Thus, what happens is that the Bhons are radical: someone either will Self-Realize, or they will not Self-Realize; either they are going to be released without Self-Realization, or claim they are liberating themselves and that they are Self-Realizing.
>Before them is something which defines: a “Yes” or a “No”. In them everything is violent; this is why Helena Petronila Blavatsky judged them, considering them as “Black Magicians”. But when one studies the Tantrism of the Bhons, one realizes that it is White, not Black but White (transmutation of the Seed into Energy in order to achieve in depth Self-Realization)…”
-Paraphrase from ‘THE GNOSTIC MYSTERY OF LUCIFER’ Lecture #96 by Samael Aun Weor, available in
Ch. 12 of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
Then also with a quote of Eliphas Levi
>The astral light has a direct action upon the nerves, which are its conductors in the animal economy of our physical organism, and which carry them to the brain; thus, in a state of somnambulism, one can see the nerves (even without the radiant light, since the astral fluid is a latent light, similar to how physics has recognized the existence of a latent heat). The astral light (being the instrument of life) is naturally fixed to all living centers. It attaches itself to the nucleus of planets just as it does to the heart of man (and by the heart we understand, in magic, the grand sympathetic nervous system), but it identifies itself with the life itself of the being which it animates, and it is through this quality of sympathetic assimilation that it divides itself without confusion. Thus it is terrestrial in its affinity with the sphere of the earth, and exclusively human in its affinity with men.
>It is important to distinguish the human light from the astral light, and animal magnetism from universal magnetism. The astral light, subordinated to a blind mechanism and proceeding from centers which tend towards self-service, is a dead light and operates mathematically according to given impulses or according to fatal laws. The human light, on the contrary, is only fatal in the ignorant, who randomly make attempts to work with it. In the seer, human light is subject to intelligent understanding, submitted to the imagination and dependent upon the will.
>This human light is ceaselessly projected by our willpower, thereby forming what has been called ‘personal atmospheres’. The body absorbs what surrounds it and continuously radiates by projecting its miasmas (unhealthy or poisonous vapors/germs) and its invisible molecules. The spirit also absorbs and radiates what is around it in such a way that this phenomenon (named by some mystics respiration) really has the influence (both physically and morally) which is attributed to it. Thus, it is really contagious to breathe the same air as sick people, and to find oneself in the circle of attraction and expansion of the wicked.
>When the magnetic atmosphere of two people is so equilibrated that the attractiveness of one absorbs the expansiveness of the other, then this produces an attraction which is named ‘sympathy’. Then the imagination evokes in it all the rays or all the reflections analogous to that which it experiences, making a poem of the desires which captivate the will. If the persons are of different sexes, then it produces in them (or more often in the weaker of the two) a complete intoxication of their astral light, which is properly named passion or love.
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>Love is one of the great instruments of magical power, but it is formally forbidden to the magus (at least as an intoxication or as passion). Sexual love is always an illusion because it is the result of an imaginary mirage or reflection. The astral light is the universal seducer and is symbolized by the serpent of Genesis. This subtle agent is always active, always luxurious in its sap, always flowering with seductive dreams and sweet images. This force is blind in itself and subordinate to every will, whether for good, or for evil. It is an ever renewing circle of unbridled life, and gives vertigo to the imprudent. This corporeal spirit, this fiery body, this impalpable and ever-present ether, this immense seduction of nature, how to define it completely and how to qualify its action? Indifferent to some extent in itself, it lends itself to good as well as to evil; it carries the light and propagates the darkness; it can equally be called Lucifer and Lucifuge: it is a serpent, but it is also a halo; it is a fire, but it can also belong to the torments of hell which offers the promised incense to heaven.
>To seize it in oneself, one must (just like the predestined woman, the allegorical VIRGIN WHO MUST CRUSH THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT) put one’s foot upon its head. Kabbalistically, the woman corresponds (in the elementary world) to the element water, and the serpent corresponds to the element fire. Thus, as we have said: To subdue the serpent (to dominate the circle of the astral light) one must place oneself outside of its currents, that is to say: one must isolate oneself…
– From the writings of Eliphas Levi

By the way Pic related, is clearly a transposition of Fabre d'Olivets ternary of Providence, Will and Destiny, Guenon in The great triad already shows how this is has compatibility with the Traditional daoist triad of Heaven (God), Man and Earth

>On one side, absolute liberty; upon the other, necessity or invincible fatality; in the middle REASON, the kabbalistic absolute which creates universal equilibrium.
>This admirable magical summary by Paracelsus can serve as a key to the obscure works of the kabbalist Wronski, a remarkable scholar who has been led (more than once) away from his ABSOLUTE REASON by the mysticism of his nation and by the shameful financial speculations of a very distinguished thinker.
>Every time, we render him the honor and glory of having discovered, before us, the secret of the trident of Paracelsus.
>Thus Paracelsus represents the passive with the crab [], the active with the lion [], and intelligence or equilibrated reason with Jupiter [] or the king-man who dominates the serpent; then he equilibrates the forces by giving the fecundity of the active figure to the passive with the sun [ ], and by giving the space and the night to the active in order to be conquered, and to be illuminated under the symbol of the cross [ + or X ].
>He says to the passive: “Obey the impulse of the active, and walk with it through equilibrium even with resistance.” He says to the active: “Resist the immobility of the obstacle; persist and advance.”
>Then he explains these alternating forces with the great central ternary: LIBERTY (Providence), NECESSITY (Destiny), REASON (Will). REASON in the center; LIBERTY AND NECESSITY as counter-weights.
>Here is the strength/force of the trident: within it is the shank and the base; this is the universal law of nature; this is the essence itself of the verb, realized and demonstrated by the ternary of human life, the archeus or spirit, the ‘od’ [ וד ] or the plastic mediator, and the salt or visible matter.
>We have wanted to give something outside of just the explanation of this figure, because it is of the highest importance, and gives the measure of the highest genius to the occult sciences.
>One must comprehend after this explanation why, in the flow of our work, we have always inclined ourselves, with traditional veneration for the true adepts, before the divine Paracelsus.”
– From Ritual of High Magic (1856) by Eliphas Levi
Guenon in the Great triad:

>The reader will recall our earlier remarks about the double spiral as a 'schema of
the ambience'. Fundamentally the Hermetic Mercury and Paracelsus' 'astral light' are
one and the same, and both can be equated with what more recent writers such as
Eliphas Levi have (not altogether inappropriately) termed the 'great magical agent'. We must add however that in the traditional sciences the role of the Hermetic Mercury is by no means confined to the inferior sphere of magic (understanding 'magic' in the
strict sense of the word); on the contrary, it has a far larger sphere of application, as our
earlier discussion of the Hermetic 'solution' and 'coagulation' should have made clear.
For some further comments on the distinction between Hermetism and magic, we
refer the reader to Perspectives on Initiation, chapter 41 .

and also on pg. 143
>Fabre d'Olivet also writes that 'providential law is the law of the divine man. He lives a life primarily of the intellect, which is governed by that law'. We are not told explicitly what he means here by 'divine man'; presumably it could be either 'transcendent man' or just 'true man', as the case may be. According to Pythagorean teaching, followed on this as on so many other points by Plato, 'the Will hard won by faith [this shows that it is related to Providence] is capable of enslaving Necessity itself, controlling Nature and producing miracles'

In a footnote on pg. 42 Guenon again mentions the astral light and the double mercury (yang and yin):
>It is strange, to say the least, that Leon Daudet should have chosen the symbol
of the double spiral as a 'schema of the ambience' (Courriers des Pays-Bas: see also the diagram in Les Ho"eurs de Ia Guerre and his remarks on the 'ambience' in Melancholia).
He views one of the two poles as a 'point of departure', the other as a 'point of arrival'.
This means that to travel from one end of the spiral to the other would involve a
centrifugal movement on one side and a centripetal movement on the other, which
accurately corresponds to the two phases of 'evolution' and 'involution'. As to what he
calls 'ambience', it is basically nothing other than the 'astral light' of Paracelsus, which
consists precisely of the sum of the two opposing currents of cosmic force that we are
considering here.
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on pg. 84 of the great triad:
>Be this as it may, we must be careful here to avoid locating Mercury in the corporeal realm. Its rightful place is in the subtle or animic domain, and its outward nature entitles us to view it as representing the ' ambience', by which we mean the totality of the currents of the dual cosmic force that we spoke of earlier. The
dual nature or dual aspect of this force is an inherent characteristic of everything belonging to the 'intermediary world', and this is why Mercury- although primarily a principle of humidity as we mentioned above -is sometimes described as an 'igneous water' or sometimes even as a 'liquid fire'. These paradoxical expressions are chiefly used to describe Mercury when it is being subjected to the influence of Sulphur, which ' elicits' this dual nature by causing it to pass from potency to act.

Guenon also makes a note in reference to the mention of "fluidity"
>The currents of subtle force can actually create this impression when perceived.
Here we have one very possible cause of the illusion of 'fluidity' so often associated with them; but this is not to exclude reasons of a different kind which have also played a part in giving rise to this illusion or perpetuating it. See further The Reign of Quantity and the Signs ofthe Times, chapter 18 The currents of subtle force can actually create this impression when perceived. Here we have one very possible cause of the illusion of 'fluidity' so often associated with them; but this is not to exclude reasons of a different kind which have also played a part in giving rise to this illusion or perpetuating it. See further The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, chapter 18

The active aspect of Mercury is what is used according to Evola in the hermetic tradition, in operations of "reddening" and is a preparation used specifically in the greater mysteries which is the Dry path:

in pic. related

and this quote from pg. 113 of the hermetic tradition
>In his Liber singularis de alchimia Barchusen says, among other things, that the dry path is characterized by the direct action of the naked "Fire" and by an absence of the "black," which expresses mortification. This is also associated with the method that employs the so-called double Mercury, which is androgynous or counterbalanced. "Some," says Salmon, "use a simple Mercury [wet path]; others, like Bernard of Treviso, a more active double Mercury, obtained by stimulation, adding a vivifying Spirit to it, a Gold artificially prepared."

in a footnote:
>Introduction to BPC, cxi. Cf. Pernety, Dictionnaire, 34; equivalent to the double Mercury, the hassem of the Arabs, symbolic alloy of Gold and Silver, which is where we are directed to begin.
from the theosophy wiki on the astral light it is also clarified:

>Éliphas Lévi says that

>"there exists in nature a force infinitely exceeding that of steam, a force that would enable the man capable of seizing and directing it to change the face of the world. The ancients knew this force: it consists in a universal agent whose supreme law is equilibrium and whose direction is directly related to the great arcanum of transcendental magic. Through the use of this agent one can change the very order of the seasons, produce the phenomenon of day in the middle of the night, enter instantaneously into contacts with the farthest ends of the earth, see events on the other side of the world, as Apollonius of Tyana did, heal or attack at a distance, and confer on one’s speech universal success and influence. This agent, barely glimpsed by the groping disciples of Mesmer, is nothing other than the first matter of the great work of the medieval adepts"

>Éliphas Lévi wrote that the astral light was created when God uttered the words: “Let there be light”. It is a surrounding fluid that penetrates all things. It is “indifferent in itself” and can be used for good or evil. He further notes that the astral light performs another important function: it is a kind of universal record keeper that registers all of our desires, intentions and, acts.

>Éliphas Lévi believed in the connection between Heaven and Earth and never questioned the Hermetic principle “As above, so below”. But he used a new terminology for his theories and ensured the spread of the new term “astral light”.
>The Astral Light is originally a pure reflection of the higher planes. However, since it also absorbs the emanations (thoughts and emotions) produced on our plane, in the course of human evolution it becomes "polluted". This pollution is reflected on earth and becomes a source of moral and physical suffering to humanity:

>As the Esoteric Philosophy teaches us, the Astral Light is simply the dregs of Akâsa or the Universal Ideation in its metaphysical sense. Though invisible, it is yet, so to speak, the phosphorescent radiation of the latter, and is the medium between it and man’s thought-faculties. It is these which pollute the Astral Light, and make it what it is—the storehouse of all human and especially psychic iniquities. In its primordial genesis, the astral light as a radiation is quite pure, though the lower it descends approaching our terrestrial sphere, the more it differentiates, and becomes as a result impure in its very constitution. But man helps considerably in this pollution, and gives it back its essence far worse than when he received it.[10]

>Eliphas Levi calls it the great Serpent and the Dragon from which radiates on Humanity every evil influence. This is so; but why not add that the Astral Light gives out nothing but what it has received; that it is the great terrestrial crucible, in which the vile emanations of the earth (moral and physical) upon which the Astral Light is fed, are all converted into their subtlest essence, and radiated back intensified, thus becoming epidemics--moral, psychic and physical.[11]

>Read and study what Éliphas Lévi says of the Astral Light, which he calls Satan and the Great Serpent. The Astral Light has been taken too literally to mean some sort of a second blue sky. This imaginary space, however, on which are impressed the countless images of all that ever was, is, and will be, is but a too sad reality. It becomes in, and for, man—if at all psychic—and who is not?—a tempting Demon, his “evil angel,” and the inspirer of all our worst deeds. It acts on the will of even the sleeping man, through visions impressed upon his slumbering brain (which visions must not be confused, with the “dreams”), and these germs bear their fruit when he awakes

It is clear and Guenon corroborates in the Great Triad that the "Astral Light" via Paracelsus and Levi (which got filtered down into theosophy) to the Primary Matter or the Hermetic Mercury, which has a double aspect serving as the basis of "whitening" and "reddening" which are accordingly the "lesser" and "greater" mysteries

according to green dragon anon:
>The Lower Astral Light of Theosophy or their Mathamas is associated with the lower shells, the "magic" used by ventriloquist, necromancers; the special “fire” of black magic whence Obi, Obeah are derived from. These are the Qliphoth
continuing from that post:

We also see in the trident of Paracelsus
OBITO meaning the side of Destiny, Earth, Fate or Necessity
Its already been established Plato, 'the Will hard won by faith [this shows that it is related to Providence] is capable of enslaving Necessity itself, controlling Nature and producing miracles'

>In Isis Unveiled Blavatsky writes that the Astral light is related to some occult and psychic phenomena:

>The same as the sidereal light of Paracelsus and other Hermetic philosophers. Physically, it is the ether of modern science. Metaphysically, and in its spiritual, or occult sense, ether is a great deal more than is often imagined. In occult physics, and alchemy, it is well demonstrated to enclose within its shoreless waves not only Mr. Tyndall’s “promise and potency of every quality of life,” but also the realization of the potency of every quality of spirit. Alchemists and Hermetists believe that their astral, or sidereal ether, besides the above properties of sulphur, and white and red magnesia, or magnes, is the anima mundi, the workshop of Nature and of all the cosmos, spiritually, as well as physically. The “grand magisterium” asserts itself in the phenomenon of mesmerism, in the “levitation” of human and inert objects; and may be called the ether from its spiritual aspect

>Eliphas Lévi called it the “grand Agent Magique” (great Magic agent) although Mme. Blavatsky says this is so "only so far as Black Magic is concerned".
(Is blavatskys point of "only so far as Balck magic is concerned) not the exact point made by Guenon here in terms of Eliphas Levis use of the term "the Great Magical Agent"
>Eliphas Levi have (not altogether inappropriately) termed the 'great magical agent'. We must add however that in the traditional sciences the role of the Hermetic Mercury is by no means confined to the inferior sphere of magic (understanding 'magic' in the
strict sense of the word)

Guenon on pg. 142 of the great triad
>There is another point that deserves special mention. In uniting itself to Providence and consciously collaborating with it, the human Will can become a counter-balance to destiny and finally neutralise it.
>This was expressed by the Rosicrucians in the formula Sapiens dominabitur astris, ' the wise man will rule the stars'. As we said earlier, 'astral influences' refers to the sum total of all those influences that emanate from the cosmic environment and act upon the individual in such a way as to determine him from outside.

GD anon in a thread:
> Ultimately these persons are reduced to some Leadbeaterian vessels devoid of any divinity, but empty corposes to inhabitated by Solar Rays, like some Prism, and how well they can reflect those Stellar influences around them. Does "Man Rule Stars" or "Stars Rule Men"? (Sapiens Dominabitur Astris)

As far as the profane condition is concerned people are passive and ruled by the stars already
The notion that there is some "lower astral light" which is the exclusive domain of "counter-initiation" is simply just saying counter-initiation IS just mediumship or according to Levi only Obsession and a redirection of the will power, in other words only a "confusion between the psychic and the spiritual"
this would only be the result of a misdirection of the double mercury, the astral light, which the person aims to isolate and then engage in the "whitening" and "reddening" phases, which it seems "is the standard condition" of the typical profane person who is absorbed in the worldly condition.

>Our acts modify our magnetic respiration (or magnetic radiation) in such a way that a seer can say, when approaching a person for the first time, if that person is innocent or guilty, and what their virtues or their crimes are.

>Those who renounce the empire of reason and who enjoy misdirecting their willpower towards the pursuit of the reflections of the astral light are subject to the alternations of rage and depression which have originated all the marvels of demonic possession. It is true that impure spirits can act upon such souls through these reflections, making use of them like docile instruments and can even habitually torment their organism, within which they come to reside by obsession, or by embryonation.
>Those who renounce the empire of reason and who enjoy misdirecting their willpower towards the pursuit of the reflections of the astral light are subject to the alternations of rage and depression which have originated all the marvels of demonic possession. It is true that impure spirits can act upon such souls through these reflections, making use of them like docile instruments and can even habitually torment their organism, within which they come to reside by obsession, or by embryonation.
Is it not the case that the majority of people in are subject to some obsessions and instabilities?

>There is another point that deserves special mention. In uniting itself to Providence and consciously collaborating with it, the human Will can become a counter-balance to destiny and finally neutralise it.

Schuon elaborates on the collaborative action of the "Free Will" (Providence) and Destiny in "the spiritual virtues:"

>There is one great certainty in life, and this is death; whoever really understands this certainty is already dead in this life. Man is hardly at all preoccupied with his past sufferings if his present state is happy; what is past in life, whatever its importance, no longer exists. Now everything will one day be past; this is what a man understands at the moment of death; thus the future is already part of the past. To know this is to be dead; it is to rest in peace.
>But there is yet another certainty in life—whether we can have this certainty depends only on ourselves—and it is the certainty of living in the divine will; this certainty compensates for that of death and conquers it. To put it another way: when we have the certainty of being in conformity with the divine will, the certainty of death is full of sweetness. Thus the meaning of our life on earth can be reduced to two certainties: the ineluctability of our destiny and the meaning or value of our will. We cannot avoid the meaning of life any more than we can avoid death; this great departure, which cannot have a shadow of doubt for us, proves to us that we are not free to act no matter how, that from this present moment we ought to conform to a will stronger than our own.
>So, a person needs two things in the world: one is to obtain nourishment for his soul to protect it from the causes of destruction; and the other is to obtain nourishment for his body to protect it from the Destroyers. The nourishment of the soul is the spiritual knowledge and love of God Most High. The nourishment of every thing is according to its nature, for that is its natural disposition. It has previously been made clear that this is the natural disposition of a human being. The reason for the destruction of a human being is his becoming absorbed in something other than God Most High.
- al-Ghazali - Kimiya al-Sa'adat
>the FIRST example: The first sorcery of the world is that it shows itself to thee so that thou suppose that the world is itself unmoving) and is settled down firmly with thee, yet it is continuously fleeing from thee! However, it moves gradually, and bit by bit. It is like a shadow: when thou lookest at it, it appears still; but it is always moving. It is obvious that thy life is doing the same, always passing. Gradually,
moment by moment, it is growing less. That is the world that is fleeing from thee and bidding thee farewell; but thou art unaware! ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Its spell is that it feigns friendship in order to make of thee its lover. Moreover, it pretends to thee to have come to a living arrangement with thee and will not go to another. Then, suddenly, it becomes thine enemy! It is like a depraved, worthless woman who tricks men into becoming her lovers. Then she takes them home and kills them. Jesus218 (A), in his own revelations, saw the world in the shape of an old woman. He asked her: “How many husbands hast thou had?” She replied: “Too many to count. ” He said: “Did they die or divorce thee?” She said: “Neither; I slew them all. ” Jesus said: “How strange it is that those other fools who saw what thou hadst done to the others, nevertheless desired thee and did not learn the lesson.”
- al-Ghazali, same source

>To enjoy before possessing is the instinct of man; to possess before enjoying is the instinct of woman.
~ Fabre d’Olivet
>The man pursues, the woman flees; he offers her his gifts, she accepts; he enjoys, she possesses.
>The notion that there is some "lower astral light" which is the exclusive domain of "counter-initiation" is simply just saying counter-initiation IS just mediumship or according to Levi only Obsession and a redirection of the will power, in other words only a "confusion between the psychic and the spiritual"

You are again trying to reduce counter-initiation to some sort of neo-spiritist or theosophist notion of "astral fluid" and some séances.

Obviously this matter is much more obscure and more multi-layered form many other perspectives. These threads do not help either exactly to "unlock" any mystery behind. Perhaps the Brazilian anon on /pol/ who sometimes posts about Green Dragon might have some interesting to share in terms of Bhons, Bonpos, Dugpas and Red Caps:


In the Zoroastrian/Zurvanist religion, the planets were created by Ahriman (Their Satan) just as in Gnosticism the Archons are identified as the Planets.

>'Every good and the reverse which happen to mankind, and also the other creatures, happen through the seven planets and the twelve constellations. And those twelve constellations are such as in revelation are the twelve chieftains who are on the side of Ohrmazd, and those seven planets are called the seven chieftains who are on the side of Ahriman. Those seven planets pervert every creature and creation, and deliver them up to death and every evil. And, as it were, those twelve constellations and seven planets are organizing and managing the world
>You are again trying to reduce counter-initiation to some sort of neo-spiritist or theosophist notion of "astral fluid" and some séances.
Is it not?
>the threads do not help unlock
Honestly the thread served its use for me to collect together and review a bunch of info I was processing

>Zoroastrian stuff
>Satan and the Planets

Have you not seen the explicit mention of Satan as the Mercury of the alchemists, according to the occultists, the planets so on also have their analogy. This use of mercury is tracable to traditional conceptions, so that can't be counter initiatic in itself. Afterall mercury (Lucifer/satan) is the basis of the great work, and the result is not "man dominated by the stars" but "man who dominates the stars," a man who enslaves necessity and can work miracles. That's what it seems the conclusion is, even the Bonpo religion, etc. Is perfectly traditional except just "radical" nondual tantrism.

If I'm being completely honest I think the "counter-initiation," is not even in any of these groups but is part of our modern society as in the structure of the government and cabal, the banks etc.

Even the "fire of obeah" when we look into it voodoo is sorcery yes (a degenerate but intrinsically traditional activity) and not counter-initiatic since it coexists side by side with tradition, counter-initiation seems to only be the "one world religion" schlock which formed side by side with the anti-traditional global revolution and is almost like their cult.

The other stuff about theosophists seeing the 4th dimension etc. Is just mental illness and hallucinatory derangement, what's really sinister is the social system which facilitated such derangement.
You still are confusing pseudo-initiatio pseudo-traditions and mystifications (like Theosophy) and how they differ from counter-initiaton and initiation.

Counter-Initiation, according to Guénon, is to be distinguished from things such as Theosophy and "Spiritists" movements, that are pseudo-initiatic in nature:

>'counter-initiation' [...] cannot be regarded as a purely human invention, such as would be in no way distinguishable by its nature from plain 'pseudo-initiation'; in fact it is much more than that, and, in order that it may really be so, it must in a certain sense, so far as its actual origin is concerned, proceed from the unique source to which all initiation is attached, the very source from which, speaking more generally, anything in our world that manifests a 'non-human' element proceeds; but the 'counter-initiation' proceeds from that source by a degeneration carried to its extreme limits, and that limit is represented by the 'inversion' that constitutes 'satanism' properly so-called.

Like Guénon above mentions, counter-initiation cannot be detached from initiation, or source, that is: Primordial Tradition. For historically they share the same Origin, in terms of our current cycle. As Guénon says:

>About the historical origin of counter-initiation, he carries on writing: however obscure the question of its origin may be, there is some plausibility in the idea that it may be connected with the perversion of one of the ancient civilizations belonging to one or another of the continents that have disappeared in cataclysms occurring in the course of the present Manvantara. while making the precision in a note: "The sixth chapter of Genesis might perhaps provide, in a symbolical form, some indications relating to the distant origins of the 'counter-initiation'". In order that the imitation by inverted reflection may be as complete as possible, centers are likely to be established to which the organizations appertaining to the 'counter-initiation' will be attached. Guénon writing: "of course purely 'psychic', like the influences they use and transmit, and in no sense spiritual, like the centers of initiation and of true tradition, but they will be able [...] to assume up to a point the outward appearance of spiritual centers, thus producing the illusion

In the 'counter-tradition', the role to be played by the 'counter-initiation' is referred to by Guénon in the following terms: >"after having worked in the shadows to inspire and direct invisibly all modern movements, it will in the end contrive to 'exteriorize', if that is the right word, something that will be as it were the counterpart of a true tradition, at least as completely and as exactly as it can be so within the limitations necessarily inherent in all possible

The externalisation of the Hierarchy of awliyâ esh-Shaytân.
>after having worked in the shadows to inspire and direct invisibly all modern movements, it will in the end contrive to 'exteriorize', if that is the right word, something that will be as it were the counterpart of a true tradition
Can this not be interpreted as a modernist turned christian occultist?
At to that a nietzchean occultist with an obsession about power and authority beig the object of his practice
These are the 6 points of counter initiation according to Uptons vectors book

As is clear you mentioned the cataclysm of the previous cycle
That links it up to the kshatriya revolt (I think that's what guenon intended) and feeds into the character seeking Temporal power through spiritual means

>something that will be as it were the counterpart of a true tradition
Is it not true that guenon also describes tantra as a counterpart to a tradition? Or a "support" that also gives the link to kshatriyas

It seems simple and straightforward then that the "counter-initiation" is somehow related to the "royal initiation" somehow it is inverted, but such inversion is viewed as relative, in tantrism they talk about the perfection of powers but they don't divorce it from self-realization

When it comes down to it, that type of spirituality is merely still under the "sorcery tab" which can't be viewed as mere "pseudo-esoterism"
>but the 'counter-initiation' proceeds from that source by a degeneration carried to its extreme limits, and that limit is represented by the 'inversion' that constitutes 'satanism' properly so-called.
So antinomianism? That's what he means by Satanism is it not?
So what fits the bill more than a Tantric Adept turned degenerate antinomian sorcerer or magician?
> somehow it is inverted
It'd be inverted to strike at "traditional religion," whose most near enemy is universalism but we can't view it as mere "pseudo-esoterism" in their case, it'd be a more conscious antinomianism used to undermine the traditional religions, it could be like performing a black mass inverting symbols, etc. To gain power, that is not mere pseudo-tradition
>Guénon writing: "of course purely 'psychic', like the influences they use and transmit, and in no sense spiritual, like the centers of initiation and of true tradition, but they will be able [...] to assume up to a point the outward appearance of spiritual centers, thus producing the illusion
You see how he emphasized "Pure psychic" so we are dealing with then the same domain of sorcery or deviated tantrism
>it'd be a more conscious antinomianism used to undermine the traditional religions, it could be like performing a black mass inverting symbols
And just to add, it'd be a legitimate ordained priest/Freemason conducting the mass
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>Counter-initiation is tantra!
>Counter-initiation is the native Bön religion!
>Counter-initiation is Indian tantric adepts working with very low energies

>is merely still under the "sorcery tab" which can't be viewed as mere "pseudo-esoterism"

You seem to lump some native folk sorcerers of primitive countries as perfect symbols for counter-initiation, while even Crowley makes the point between "black magicians", "sorcerers" and the so-called "Brothers of the Left-Hand Path:
>Mark well this first distinction: the “Black Magician” or Sorcerer is hardly even a distant cousin of the “Black Brother.” The difference between a sneak-thief and a Hitler is not too bad an analogy.

Obviously one of the point here is the Scale here which is being talked about: some native sorcerer hexing a suspected neighbor who stole chicken eggs vs. using subtle psychotronic mind control techniques, symbols, propaganda to usurpate whole nations under your political and military control. Please don't understand this analogy in a sense that "Hitler was a Black Brother".

Some traditionalists/perennialists here seem to have this idea weird idea that counter-initiaton is somehow powerless force concerned with the "psychic domain" disconnected from real world and history and is now exemplified by some witch doctors residing in Sudan, while Guénon quite actively gave the "counter-initiation" label to real, flesh and blood people like Basil Zaharoff who were quite actively funding/involved in the advents of World War I and the like.

Obviously the greatest error of Guénon was to undermine the audience he was dictating to these theories: they think the "Seven Towers of Shaytan Map" actually show some actual locations where Leopard Men sorcerers hiding the Uranium Mines are actively controlling world geopolitics, while the point is that these locations are approximations as Vestiges of Traditions of the transference of the sapta-riksha from the Great Bear to the Pleiades and can be traced to modern day similarily how Vodou reached New World via slave-trade and evolved there mingled with the beliefs of the Caribbean etc.
Why would anybody want counter-initiation if it's clearly bad? Over time, wouldn't we all eventually choose proper initiation into the primordial tradition?
>it could be like performing a black mass inverting symbols, etc. To gain power, that is not mere pseudo-tradition

One interesting point of analogy between Guénon and Crowley is Guénons notion of "counter-initiaton" and Crowley's "Black Brothers"

Both of these men attributed the influence of these "negative" adepts to 'Tower' symbolism, Crowley writing of the Black Brothers:

> And this is the meaning of the Supper of the Passover, the spilling of the blood of the Lamb being a ritual of the Dark Brothers, for they have sealed up the Pylon with blood, lest the Angel of Death should enter therein. Thus do they shut themselves off from the company of the saints. Thus do they keep themselves from compassion and from understanding. Accursed are they, for they shut up their blood in their heart.

>They keep themselves from the kisses of my Mother Babylon, and in their lonely fortresses they pray to the false moon. And they bind themselves together with an oath, and with a great curse. And of their malice they conspire together, and they have power, and mastery, and in their cauldrons do they brew the harsh wine of delusion, mingled with the poison of their selfishness.

>Thus they make war upon the Holy one, sending forth their delusion upon men, and upon everything that liveth. So that their false compassion is called compassion, and their false understanding is called understanding, for this is their most potent spell.

>Yet of their own poison do they perish, and in their lonely fortresses shall they be eaten up by Time that hath cheated them to serve him, and by the mighty devil Choronzon, their master, whose name is the second Death, for the blood that they have sprinkled on their Pylon, that is a bar against the Angel Death, is the key by which he entereth in.

Crowley describing these 'Fortresses' as 'Lonely Towers' of the Black Brothers:
>Thou knowest how great is the Fame of Witch-Women (old and without Man) to cause Events, although hey create nothing. It is this Straitness of the Channel which giveth Force to the Stream. Beware, o my Son, lest thou cling overmuch to this Mode of Magick; for it is lesser than hat Other, and if thou neglect That Other, then is thy Danger fearful and imminent, for it is the Edge of the Abyss of Choronzon, where are the lonely Towers of the Black Brothers.
>It is even said that in certain circumstances it is possible to fall altogether from the Tree of Life, and to attain the Towers of the Black Brothers.
>Obviously one of the point here is the Scale here which is being talked about: some native sorcerer hexing a suspected neighbor who stole chicken eggs vs. using subtle psychotronic mind control techniques, symbols, propaganda to usurpate whole nations under your political and military control. Please don't understand this analogy in a sense that "Hitler was a Black Brother".
Thats kind of my point isnt that absurd? However if the black magician is a low level black brother (and he applied that term to coomaraswamy) cant we still trace the two to be two different types of the same sort of thing
>somehow powerless force concerned with the "psychic domain" disconnected from real world and history and is now exemplified by some witch doctors residing in Sudan,
Thats not my point which is why I mentioned would they not be like the "esoterism" of the modern global government? in other words powerful people, whilst their power is concerned with the psychic domain as guenon puts it "purely psychic" so it could be looked at like a deviation of the lesser mysteries which is the royal initiation (why I mentioned tantra and so on) but I think that the stuff about them being related to the fire of obeah, obeahmen, sorcerors or lycanthropy in some special way is not useful speculation.

Obviously the greatest error of Guénon was to undermine the audience he was dictating to these theories: they think the "Seven Towers of Shaytan Map" actually show some actual locations where Leopard Men sorcerers hiding the Uranium Mines are actively controlling world geopolitics,
I think that is quite imaginative and silly

>the transference of the sapta-riksha from the Great Bear to the Pleiades and can be traced to modern day similarily how Vodou reached New World via slave-trade and evolved there mingled with the beliefs of the Caribbean etc.
This transfer coincided only with the transfer from the polar to solar didnt it? or pretty much with the changing of the pole star

>One interesting point of analogy between Guénon and Crowley is Guénons notion of "counter-initiaton" and Crowley's "Black Brothers"
I noticed this myself personally, and corroborated the two, I traced this notion to what is known as the vijnanakala, it pretty much also coincides with the observations by you about Daath
But the thing is, these seven perceivers everyone is capable of moving up and down through them at some stages of their life

not exactly related but this was an interesting group of ascetics which emerged from the christian/anchorite tradition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon_Stylites

Im not that anon, but the reason is as I see it simply the temptation of power/safety/security that comes with failing the "crossing of the void" as its put by crowley
>related to the fire of obeah, obeahmen, sorcerors or lycanthropy in some special way is not useful speculation.
why? because then it is hard to distinguish them from sorcerers, by the way it would make sense for them to be involved in history and the deviation of modernity
>Counter-initiation is tantra!
>Counter-initiation is the native Bön religion!
>Counter-initiation is Indian tantric adepts working with very low energies
I dont think it is at all these things, but the symbolic connections implying these things by the main pusher of counter-initiation here GD anon, was that Counter-initiation was somehow related to Kalachakra tantra for example
ok bros real talk drop those stinkers and go read 'The Hidden Tradition in Europe' by Yuri Stoyanov. have a chance to make your return to Castle Wolfenstein, so to speak.

Pic related is what they really fear: the trve masters of Mem. The Eldritch scrolls told of their return. Their defeat were merely a delay.. but when the truth finally dawns, it dawns in Splendour.
>Counter-initiation was somehow related to Kalachakra tantra for example

Obviously such speculation is related to considerations here:


>Another trend has originated from German authors, in whose books the idealized image of Tibet is being turned into its dark, but equally distorted, mirror image. Here the alleged connections to National Socialism and neo-Fascism are linked to a literal interpretation of the final victory of the armies of Shambhala, with Tibetan Tantric Buddhism being seen as a tool for world dominance by the Tibetans. In describing the most strident proponents of such claims, Martin Brauen writes:

>Like Ipares, Strunk, Ludendorff, Wilhelmy and Rosenberg some sixty years earlier, the Röttgens construct a conspiracy theory according to which the Dalai Lama is a world ruler and wants to establish a global ‘Buddhocracy’ by infiltrating the West with his omnipotent lamas … and in sublime way making Western people … part of his world-wide Kalachakra project.

I've never treated the 'Green Dragon' novel(s) as some historical truth. Not even Grönhagen's novel (The Secret Society of Himmler from 1948) where Green Dragon is also mentioned.
>>Another trend has originated from German authors, in whose books the idealized image of Tibet is being turned into its dark, but equally distorted, mirror image. Here the alleged connections to National Socialism and neo-Fascism are linked to a literal interpretation of the final victory of the armies of Shambhala, with Tibetan Tantric Buddhism being seen as a tool for world dominance by the Tibetans. In describing the most strident proponents of such claims, Martin Brauen writes:
Isnt that just the mental projection of the germans? Ie. thinking "Magic" will assist in world domination? Pretty much on the level of european occultism, there is also a whole side of Aryan occultist vs. Kabbalist somehow being the occult war which transpires

>Another trend has originated from German authors, in whose books the idealized image of Tibet is being turned into its dark, but equally distorted, mirror image.
There is literature for example The Shadow of the Dalai Lama all of it does come from a german source on trimondi.de
There is also another source which iirc. was called extibetanbuddhist where they documented lots of different abuses of lamas and so on in the west
>to establish a global ‘Buddhocracy’ by infiltrating the West with his omnipotent lamas
that would actually be pretty interesting to see, if it were really as straightforward as that
>Green Dragon, novels, etc.
Apart from the fact that alot of these novels have the so called "satanic parody" or "aping" character, there is honestly imo nothing exceptionally "sinister" even about writings like those from gustav meyrink, even evola considered it worth studying from a traditional pov, I think that has been exaggerated here too much.
>Apart from the fact that alot of these novels have the so called "satanic parody" or "aping" character, there is honestly imo nothing exceptionally "sinister" even about writings like those from gustav meyrink, even evola considered it worth studying from a traditional pov, I think that has been exaggerated here too much.

First of all, the implications are Sinister from a sense that the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" may be considered sinister documentary. Obviously, it is a "forgery", but like even Evola explores in the his book "Men Among the Ruins" and the subtitle "The Secret Causes of History & The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"

When you disregard the obviously antisemitic narrative of the book that uses World-Jewry as a "scapegoat", or as a rather simplification of the whole matter, to hide perhaps the true occult intentions of the document in question. Same could be said of the Green Dragon novel, like the Protocols, both heavily involved with the Tsarist considerations.

I remember trad author Seraphim Rose also having a whole chapter dedicated to Protocols.
>First of all, the implications are Sinister from a sense that the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" may be considered sinister documentary. Obviously, it is a "forgery", but like even Evola explores in the his book "Men Among the Ruins" and the subtitle "The Secret Causes of History & The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"
Are you talking about "three aspects of the jewish problem" by evola?

I definitely agree somewhat if we say the so called "universalizing tendency" of the jews does infact have some semblance of the tendency of "Unity-in-Diversity" in the purely horizontal sense, which we see at the root of all the different movements.

Also when you get down to it:
>This attitude can be defined in the abstract and can be identified even where, in a civilisation, there is no clear and direct ethnic connection with Semitic races and Jews. Wherever the virile, heroic, triumphant assumption of the Divine vanishes, to give way to the exaltation of the pathos of a slavish, depersonalising, turbidly mystical and Messianic attitude towards spirit,
then the original force of Semitism and anti-Aryanity comes back. The sense of ‘sin’, as well as the senses of ‘expiation’ and ‘self-humiliation’, are Semitic. The resentment of ‘God’s slaves’ who do not tolerate any leader and want to become an omnipotent community (Nietzsche) ― with all the consequences proceeding from such an anti-hierarchic idea, up to its modern materialisation as Marxism and Communism, is Semitic. Finally, that subterranean spirit of obscure, incessant agitation, of deep contamination and sudden revolt, is Semitic. This is why, according to the Ancients, the mythical serpent Typhon-Seth, the enemy of the solar Egyptian God, would have been the father of the Jews, and Jerome and the
Gnostics considered the Jewish god as, precisely, a ‘Typhonian’ creature.

The symbolism of Typhon-Seth reemerges

I also find Evolas points perfectly valid:
>The Aryan enjoys independence and difference, and dislikes submergence in a heterogeneous mass, which does not prevent him, however, from obeying in a virile way, acknowledging a leader and being proud to serve him according to a bond that is freely established, his nature being warlike and irreducible to any interest that can be bought and sold or in general expressed in terms of money.

>In any case, it seems to us that the main justification of a practical aversion to Judaism lies in seeing in the Jewish element one of the main causes of the increasing depersonalisation and pragmatisation of social life, of the advent of faceless migrant capital, of the monetarisation of economic life, that is to say speculation on values created by others and of which only the least profit remains to others, through interest, limited companies, and
loans, no longer between persons but between strangers, all this culminating in a monstrous omnipotent apparatus that sweeps away peoples and conditions destinies.
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Obviously the idea of "Zion" as in the "Wise-men of Zion" should be considered from a certain universalist perspective: not actual geopolitical Zionism or Orthodox Jews themselves and their religion.

Guénon says in Reign of Quantity:

>10. Before leaving the subject of the Great Pyramid, attention should be drawn to another modern fantasy connected with it: some people attach much importance to the fact that it was never finished; the summit is in fact missing, but all that can be said for certain about it is that the most ancient authors whose evidence is available, but who are nevertheless relatively recent, all describe it as truncated, as it is today; but it is a long step from this to the claim, as expressed word for word by an occultist, that 'the hidden symbolism of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures is directly related to events that took place in the course of the building of the Great Pyramid'; indeed, this is another assertion that seems singularly lacking in plausibility on all counts! It is a strange fact that the official seal of the United States bears the truncated pyramid, and over it is a triangle with rays, separated and isolated from it by a surrounding circle of clouds, but apparently intended to replace the summit. There are other decidedly strange details in this seal as well, and the 'pseudo-initiatic' organizations rampant in America try to make good use of them by interpreting them in conformity with their own 'doctrines'; they certainly seem to indicate an intervention by suspicious influences: thus, the number of the courses of the Pyramid is thirteen (this number reappearing somewhat insistently in other features, notably that of the letters of which the motto E pluribus unum is composed) and is alleged to correspond to th.e number of the tribes of Israel (the two half-tribes of the sons of Joseph being counted separately), and no doubt this has some connection with the real origin of the 'prophecies of the Great Pyramid', which, as we have seen, tend to treat the Pyramid as a sort of 'Judeo-Christian' monument, for reasons that are somewhat obscure

This is a footnote from the Chapter 37.

>‘… the cleverest and most dangerous subversion is…the one that deforms the meaning of symbols or reverses their import while making no change in their outward appearance. But the most diabolical trick of all is perhaps that which consists in attributing to the orthodox symbolism itself, as it exists in truly traditional organizations and more especially in initiatic organizations…the inverted interpretation that is specifically characteristic of the “counter-initiation”.
What do you make of the "God of the jews is typhon-set" which in the other thread was correlated to the two-seths etc. Or the "materia" used in alchemical operations, With there being plenty of references to things like the "staff of moses?"

With evola saying
>The sense of ‘sin’, as well as the senses of ‘expiation’ and ‘self-humiliation’, are Semitic.
Is it not established that the debasement of the ego is somewhat related to the said principle? How does evola right about this in a negative light except then talk about the hermetic double mercury and kundalini-shakti in his book on tantra, if we are to see that egyptians treated Apep like this in those texts like the "overthrowing of apep" ?

How does it line up with the Jewish "horizontal" universalizing messianic tendency also? The Jews have long been associated with sorcery too.
>>The Aryan enjoys independence and difference, and dislikes submergence in a heterogeneous mass, which does not prevent him, however, from obeying in a virile way, acknowledging a leader and being proud to serve him according to a bond that is freely established, his nature being warlike and irreducible to any interest that can be bought and sold or in general expressed in terms of money.
>>In any case, it seems to us that the main justification of a practical aversion to Judaism lies in seeing in the Jewish element one of the main causes of the increasing depersonalisation and pragmatisation of social life, of the advent of faceless migrant capital, of the monetarisation of economic life, that is to say speculation on values created by others and of which only the least profit remains to others, through interest, limited companies, and
Evola is not talking about the "chud" do you realize the /pol/ chud is technically a Semite and is not the person being addressed by evola as the metaphysical Aryan?

Afterall did you miss, it quite funny but all the /pol/ guys who praise kek BAP, "will to power" in conjunction with biological materialism, evolutionism, nietzchean pagan cults of "life," etc. All these people are Semites to the core.

>The resentment of ‘God’s slaves’ who do not tolerate any leader and want to become an omnipotent community (Nietzsche) ― with all the consequences proceeding from such an anti-hierarchic idea, up to its modern materialisation as Marxism and Communism, is Semitic.

>Just as the Jew Karl Marx (whose original family name was Mardochai), along the same lines, undertook to show that money and economic determinism is the only reality and destiny of civilisation, any ideality and spirituality remaining only as an empty ‘superstructure’ (a gospel culminating in the Soviet ideology born of the Bolshevik revolution, whose main leaders, save the Mongol Lenin, were also Jews), a similar action of the intelligence in a sense of materialistic degradation, of reduction of the superior to the inferior or of tumultuous revolt of the latter against the former, can be discerned as a common feature in the most diverse manifestations of the Semitic spirit in modern culture. Heine and Börne, as a matter of fact, with their corrosive irony, were Jewish. Freud and along with him the main representatives of his ‘psychoanalytic’ school, all of whom asserted the primacy of obscure forces of the libido and of the psychic unconscious over everything that is conscious life and self-responsibility, and who reduced any spiritual form to ‘sublimation’ or ‘transpositions’ of sexual instincts, are Jewish. Bergson, who, along the same lines, launched an attack upon the intellect and the validity of its explanatory principles in the name of the ‘religion of life’ and of irrationalism, is Jewish. Nordau, who aimed at reducing civilisation to a convention and a lie, is Jewish, just as Lombroso, who had undertaken to establish sinister equations between genius, epilepsy and criminality, is Jewish. The promoters of those modern ‘sociological’, ‘naturalistic’ and ‘ancestral’ interpretations of religions, which contaminate and obscure progressively more and more of their higher, metaphysical and transcendent content, are Jewish in most cases ― to start with Reinach and Durkheim.

>Einstein, who, after he had dissolved, with the principle of general relativity, any certainty in previous physics, let only the ‘invariance’ of a despiritualised mathematical world, deprived of any sensory intuition and of any concrete point of reference, is Jewish. Zamenhof, the inventor of the ‘international language’, Esperanto, an attempt to level the very plane of linguistic traditions, is Jewish. Although Richard Wagner had already denounced in 1850 the Jewish peril in music, the Jewish spirit plays a large part in the development of the ironic style of light opera (from the Jews Offenbach and Sullivan), then of the atonal (the Jew Schönberg) and rhythmic-orgiastic music (the Jew Stravinsky), and, finally, of Negro-American syncopated music, which, to many anti-Semitic theorists, seeks to introduce a disintegrating barbaric element into the modern soul, not to mention the fact that the main jazz composers and the musicians themselves are often also Jewish. Then again, it is to a large extent Jewish elements that are responsible for that modern literature and that modern theatre in which sensation is the predominant factor; in which the obsession with eros and its various complications and, in general, everything that is concealed within the depths of the human being, such as intolerance of customs, morbidity, and instinctuality, becomes the central core, combined with tendentious attacks against so-called social injustices, aimed at corroding traditional ethical certainties (Wassermann, Döblin). What is more, anti-Semites think they can discover notable Jewish influences in the development of neo-naturism and in the deviations of sports into purely materialistic forms; in a medical profession that is also of a materialistic nature and especially highly developed in the sexual domain; in works that, while pretending to address science and technology, always focus on the lower aspects of history and customs; finally, in the suffocating banality and the standardisation imposed upon the world by the American cinema, almost entirely dominated by Jews (such Jewish control seems to extend to the companies Paramount, Metro-Goldwyn, United Artists, Universal Pictures, Fox Film). Assuming this to be the case, it is obvious that we must conclude precisely that the development of world culture in recent times, if it is not purely and simply a Jewish phenomenon, is still something that cannot be conceived of without recognising a Jewish influence that is far more important at the present time than in past centuries.
>That is why, in conclusion, we would say that in the cultural field we do not think that anti-Semitism could be purely and simply synonymous with a traditional defence of our civilisation, whereas this is possible to a larger extent on the spiritual plane, that is to say as regards religion and a general world-outlook. Otherwise, taking the part for the whole, we will lose sight of our objective, not only in the part, but also in the whole. In the arts, in the scientific and speculative disciplines, in ethics, in literature, in theatre, anti-Semitism can be legitimate only as a phase of a broader struggle, so that it is not justified in general, but only on an individual basis, practically, to give to the myth of the omnipotence of the Jew through the two weapons of money and disintegrating intelligence more than the value of what is called a ‘working hypothesis’, which, even if it is not entirely true, is still invaluable to coordinate facts and to find one’s bearings towards the whole. Anti-Semitism will therefore only appear as a moment in a totalising attitude, able to be defined in itself, without unilaterally leaning on the racial framework of reference, dealing when necessary with race and acknowledging in it elements that can facilitate the whole study, but not deriving everything from it. Basically, here, people should pay more attention than they usually do to what racists themselves have come to understand by means of the generalisation of the so-called Mendelian laws (the laws of heredity): such as that, by force of interbreeding, the permanence and the independence of heredities, an anti-Nordic soul may very well be embodied, for example, in a racially Nordic body, and vice-versa. Once again, it is from principles that we must really start: from ideal antitheses, as guides for the definition and integration of any further subordinate antitheses.
>In this respect, it is a question of referring essentially to the ideal of a differentiated civilisation, to be integrated, if it ever will be, in a universal way ― against internationalist dissolution; to the ideal of personality and quality, against mechanising rationalism, secular illuminism and a world-outlook based on numbers and quantity; to the values of the ancient aristocratic and heroic ethos of the ancient Indo-Europeans, to that style that led the ancient Scandinavian leaders to be described as ‘the enemies of gold’, against pragmatic, mercantilist, socialistic values; to the expression of a new firmness in the Olympian element ― namely calm, clarity and self-control from on high, against the contamination of an art, a psychology and a literature that, like the current one, and especially the one that is due specifically to Jewish elements, is so often obsessed with what is related to the erotic, the irrational and the promiscuous, almost to the pathological and the pre-personal in human nature. The real objectives will then be fully accomplished, which go far beyond those that anti-Semitism could ever set out.
>Thus, nowadays, on the spiritual level, the Semitic ferment of decomposition must be recognised both in the essence of the ideologies culminating in the mystique of a slavish collectivised humanity under the sign of the International, the white one as well as the red one, and in the ‘romanticism’ of the modern soul ― in the re-emergence of the Messianic ‘climate’ ―, in its spiritually destructive activism, in its confused content, in its neurotic restlessness saturated with the most impure and sensualistic forms of ‘life religion’ or of pseudo-spiritualist escapism. To be fully anti-Semitic, we must not content ourselves with half-measures or with ideas that are themselves compromised by the evil against which we fight. We need to be radical. Values must be evoked once again, which can be seriously called ‘Aryan’, and not merely on the basis of vague and one-sided concepts suffused with a sort of biological materialism: values of a solar Olympian spirituality, of a classicism of clarity and controlled force, of a new love for difference and free personality, and, at the same time, for hierarchy and universality that a stock newly possessed of a virile ability to rise from ‘life’ to ‘more-than-life’ can create in contrast to a world torn to shreds, without true principles and without peace. Thus, a real point of reference can only be found by referring to an ideal antithesis, free from ethnic prejudice. Semitism, in this respect, ends up by becoming synonymous with that ‘lower’ element that any great civilisation, and even the Jewish one in its most remote royal phase, subjected just as it fulfilled itself as cosmos against chaos. Even leaving aside the problem of the real common pre-historical origin of the formative and driving ‘solar’ spirituality of the group of the Indo-German civilisations, and limiting ourselves to the West only, what we have already mentioned regarding the spirit of the Eastern Mediterranean civilisations, regarding the crisis undergone by the people of Israel themselves, regarding the connection of the forces at work in that crisis with those that previously altered the Egyptian civilisation, as well as the Dorian one and, finally, in a more generalised onslaught, the Roman one, provides enough data to justify the possibility of an ‘anti-Semitism’ free from prejudices and parochialism, identifying more clearly what must be currently fought in the name of brighter traditions from our past and, at the same time, of a better spiritual future.
It seems this guy feel for the counter-initiation meme
I guess counter-initiation has its benefits...
>Jenkins is on death row and awaiting his eventual fate in a prison. However, he seems to have the ability to find admirers even as a convicted quadruple murderer. A woman named Dawn Arguello claimed to have fallen in love with Jenkins while she was volunteering for an inmate advocacy group in the prison that housed Jenkins.
>She even made a request to marry Jenkins and is fully aware of his actions in the past. She believes that Jenkins isn’t the devil that the media makes him out to be and that he has an emotional and highly intelligent side to him, while she is fully aware he is also very manipulative.
>It hasn’t been confirmed if the couple ever did marry, but their love story is indeed public knowledge.
Guenonfag (pbuh).... lives?
Wall of texts
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Obviously your questions here are provoking and I again suspect you are a troll.

What do you mean "Jewish" horizontal universalizing? Do you mean historical, religious Judaism, the Jewish people, Kabbalah? What?

Obviously from Perennialist and Guénon's perspective historical Judaism:
>In the Judaic tradition, the Divine, the Shekinah, dwelt in the Tabernacle of Moses. The ‘Holy Palace’ of Yahweh was thus not a fixed location but moved with the nomadic tribes of Israel. The ‘abode of the Shekinah’, whilst being the spiritual centre, was not manifest in a geographic location but was in a built construct, the tabernacle that was the centre of Zion and the ‘Land of Israel’. Only after Solomon built the first temple on Mount Zion itself was the tabernacle brought to rest. Mount Zion is Jerusalem and Jerusalem is Zion, and a sacred geographic omphalos in the Judaeo- Christian traditions. The first written description of Jerusalem as the centre of the world is in the Book of Jubilees, one of the many Jewish pseudepigrapha, in which it is stated ‘And he (Noah) knew that the Garden of Eden is the holy of holies and the Lord's dwelling place, and Mount Sinai the centre of the desert, and Mount Zion the centre of the navel of the earth: these three were created as holy places facing each other'.

From the viewpoint of Templars, or (old) Judeo-Christan tradition, pic related shows how Jerusalem could be considered the 'Centre of the (known) World' and Jerusalem is located at the centre of the round world. Similar how in the Vedic and Buddhist traditions the Earth is seen as a flat disc at the centre of which is the sacred Mount Meru. Around Mount Meru (or Sumeru, literally su + meru meaning excellent or wonderful Meru) are located on the four cardinal points the four continents.

The problem with historical Judaism is that the Second Temple was literally razed to the ground and we can also see how this Jewish Diaspora gave rise to the 'Wandering Jew' and which in turn gave rise to the negative stigma and even association to Sorcery: Augustine considered Saturn a god of the Jews. Both Jews and witches were subjected to similar court procedures and suffered comparable “cleansings,” tests, and tortures at the hands of the Inquisition. And remember that for the Jews the week starts on Saturday, Shabbat, name that comes from the planet Saturn in Hebrew, Shabbetai. This complex symbolism could be broadened further by considering that Jesus replaces the Temple on Mount Zion and as the 'new temple' could be a link between the three realms, a 'new centre'.

Also consider the idea of "Return to Zion" as a sort of Saturn as the reagent of Golden Age.

Here is a great article from Perennialist perspective how Saturn came to characterize the religion of Yahweh:

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