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Are there any good books about these faggots? At bottom I want to understand how they elect their leaders, what's the division of power etc. within the EU and also what is its history and what the future holds for them
Total European Unity?
No the two basic treatises that the european union is based on
>how they elect their leaders
universal suffrage
>what's the division of power
degressively proportional to population in parliament and equal otherwise
an attitude of "let's not do that again" after ww2 spurred European integration
>what the future holds
probably stagnation in the coming decades after that it's hard to tell
as a European citizen I'd wish for sovereignty to be moved to the European parliament devolving the national parliaments but it's just a dream
Why do you wish that when the EU leaders are so aggressive in pushing LGBT degeneracy and multiculturalism on the Eastern members who don't want that? For example my country Romania is being persecuted currently because we don't have faggot civil unions.
The Very Short Introduction has a book on the EU. Might be a good read for a quick overview before you tackle something deeper.
Fuck off and stop leeching if you don't like it
I want to but obviously we live under a democratic system and the masses are easily bought with money. But instead of seeing this as a tragedy (cultures dying because of mammon), you attack me personally and call me a leech. Putrid imperialist capitalist mindset.
>i bought you, so now i get to destroy your life
The works of Kojève
It's in no way a democracy if I don't have the freedom to be a faggot.
>boo hoo why are people le degenerate when I expressly said I don't like it boo hoo, won't somebody think of my personal traditional values
Shut your hole and fuck right off leech, come back when you have the basics down
First of all, the concept of democracy has nothing to do with the freedom to be a faggot. Democracy is majority rule, and if the majority don’t like faggots — tough. Secondly, sadly nobody is persecuted by law in Romania for being a faggot, so you do have this freedom. You just don’t have the right to obtain legal recognition from the State of your insane perversions, as though your “union” were something to be recognised by law and given an official status, on an equal standing with heterosexual couples. The lack of this legal recognition, and not the positive enforcement of anti-homosexual laws, is what we are being persecuted for by the EU. How can the EU then claim its member states are sovereign? Finally your imperialistic arrogance, classism, and haughtiness about money is extremely undignified. I would rather be poor and independent than take bribes. But you know that the majority of the population (of any country) is not so enlightened, and so it is easy for you to dominate us through bribes. Rather than acknowledging the injustice of the situation, you see it as a point of pride.
spoiler:this shit pail is falling apart this decade, so there's no point
Why are there so many microstates in Europe? Andorra, Luxembourg, Malta, San Marino, Monaco, etc. There are microstates in the Americas as well but they are mostly little islands.
that's not many at all. Used to be hundreds, the enduring ones are exception to the rule of extinction.
Nationalism was forced upon Europe by US after WW1. Europe prior has been monarchical, with Dukes, Kings, Counts and noblemen being the personal rulers of territories.
Consolidation was the order of the day through the 18th and 19th centuries. America‘s involvement was preserving those few relics of an era where survival meant knowing where the nearest big fort was—mostly when ongoing consolidation could have meant a serious challenger to anglo-american power.
If you wanna be in the EU, then the majority position is to recognize civil unions. If you don't like it, tough, get the fuck out. That's not persecution. You know what potential ally would really align with your values? Saudi arabia. Why don't you establish a union with saudi arabia?

Also I'm not the same guy as before so the rest of that I ain't gonna read it
>that's not many at all.
I didn't name them all.
What’s wrong with Saudi Arabia? I’d love it if we had their laws on homosexuality.
Then go live there
No crime, no marital infidelity, no immodesty, no homosexuality, no alcohol, no democracy, high birth rate, low taxes, wealthy society. Saudi Arabia is almost a paradise! However I’m not a traitor so I prefer to stay in my own country, I just ask you “enlightened” people to stop imposing your values by force.
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Your jealousy of our freedoms is showing.
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The waters are inviting and our maritime training missions are highly successful.
Then fucking leave the EU. I feel like there's some kind of severe cognitive hurdle here
I don’t mind leaving the EU as long as you people don’t try to interfere in my country. But this would require first the overthrow of democracy and ideally the establishment of a monarchy. Because the Western European states bribe us with their immense wealth, and since the average person is not capable of the Virtue required to resist such bribes, and since democracy serves the average person, democracy must be overthrown before any change is possible. Ideally though Europe would remain united except without the moral bullying and superiority from the Western members.

>and what the future holds

Easy. If they go back to cheap Russian energy and play friendly with China, they will prosper. If they keep bending over for Uncle Sam, they will be poor.
Fuck you. Fuck you. Your post is an insult to the Ukrainian heroes who have given their lives to defend us from the backwards mongoloid asiatic barbarians. Fuck you until you fucking die.
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The fag on the right is the leader of the Britshers btw (unedited photo)
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>On 15 December 2022, the European Council officially granted candidacy status to Bosnia and Herzegovina.[3] It is one of nine current EU candidate countries, together with Albania, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. On 12 March 2024, the European Commission recommended opening EU membership talks for Bosnia and Herzegovina.[4] On 21 March 2024, all 27 EU leaders gave approval for opening EU accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina.[5]
Go die for Blackrock in Ukraine then faggot.

Die for Nuland, Blinken, Biden, and all the mutants in the State Department.
Nobody is dying for black rock. They are dying for their country, Ukraine. Dying for freedom from the dirty mongoloid Orcs. And we support them first because we love freedom and justice, second because we fucking hate subhuman orcs, and third because we know they won’t stop at Ukraine but will take Moldova the Baltics and that will lead to war with Romania and Poland too. So fuck you for supporting these barbarians and long live Europe and SLAVA UKRAINA.
Nationalism predates ww1 by at least a century and a half if not more. Stop blaming us for your impotence.
/// We should have sat down and addressed the issues head-on /// It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry, that the coffee would have to be quick /// She could always be relied on to hold court with hilarious tales /// Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of imminent job losses /// The middleweight fight was said to be a grudge match /// After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff /// One is the passive failure to disclose something a negotiation counterpart doesn't know, while paltering is the active use of truthful statements to mislead /// Today, women tennis players are not encumbered by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses /// Even iconic Italian runabout boatmaker Riva stopped using wood for its hulls in 1996 /// The reason is misinformation for sure, and more fundamentally a lacuna in thinking prompted by an emotional reaction /// She thought that the houses were a nice little nest egg for her sons when they came of age /// There is widespread gloom and doom about the company's future /// Liquified gas is removed from the canister with a long offtake tube that runs up the length of the torch /// The unions have urged members to hold tight until a national deal is struck /// The sweet and tangy flavors of orange, honey and ginger coat the chicken for a quick, savory dinner /// Sally was tired of being called a stick in the mud by her friends just because she refused to drink alcohol /// The megasculpture reinscribes the values of colonialism on the landscape and regenerates the invisible power structures that made the creation possible /// Most orthodontic work is done on children between the ages of 10 and 14 /// The scientists in the crowd would look nervously at one another, the New Age types would beam and chortle /// The police has busted up two automobile theft rings /// After a clipping infraction, the team committing the foul is penalized 15 yards /// Television seems to me inimical to this inner sense, which is defeated by the ephemerality of the televisual flow ///
>In the years before Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister I had, like everyone, assumed that he was a fairly tall man, because he had the gangly proportions of a fairly tall man, and maybe also because he was known to be extremely rich. And his press team had done everything possible to maintain the illusion: he gave all his speeches on top of cleverly hidden boxes and always had himself photographed from below, stuff like that, but when you’re running a country the lie can only last so long. Everyone now knows that Rishi Sunak is a kind of homunculus, proportioned exactly like an adult man but disquietingly smaller, like the travel-sized deodorants you buy at airports. But when Adam dragged me to another corner of the garden, I still couldn’t see the Prime Minister anywhere. Here he is, said Adam, and gestured towards a nondescript-looking white guy in a rather heavy-looking suit, who was very clearly not Rishi Sunak. Uh, I said. The white guy didn’t even acknowledge me. He nodded at Adam, reached into his inside jacket pocket, and retrieved a small, expensive-looking red lacquer case embossed with the Royal Arms. It was only slightly larger than a packet of cigarettes. A slight hush fell around us as the case was opened. Inside was Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service, and Minister for the Union; net worth, seven hundred and thirty million pounds. Oh, someone whispered, look, he’s asleep. The handsome political wives all smiled wholesomely to themselves. He was indeed asleep. Rishi Sunak lay curled up in his miniature suit, nestled dreamily in the padding and velvet. His pillow was a single flake of dandruff. His blanket was a postage stamp. Someone had given him a half-thimbleful of Pol Roger, and he was tuckered out for the night. He was dreaming about trade deals. Nuclear submarines skulk the oceans at his command.
>It occurred to me that it might say something about this country, that it had fallen into the hands of such small men. Here we were in our crummy crumbling kingdom, poorer by the day, adoring this micromultimillionaire. But then Winston Churchill was short too; a civil servant had to pack his cigar boxes with tweezers and a magnifying glass.
>Are there any good books?
Not really but in summary
The EU is governed by three bodies, the Commission, the Council, and the Parliament
The Commission has the president who is chosen by the MSs, and each MS gets its own commissioner. This sounds retarded and it is, thankfully the Commissioners are largely decorative, the Commission is a bureaucratic aristocracy staffed by feeder schools governed by the Director Generals of each department.
According to this one guy from the Commission from when I visited, officials have their way 9/10 times.
These guys draft laws, conduct investigations, make decisions and direct policy.
The Council is similar, but instead, it conducts sessions with relevant ministers from each MS depending on the topic. The officialdom of the Council functions similarly to the bureaucrats of the EC but here the member states get to have their say and influence the legislative and policy process of the EC. The Council is often forgotten but is a genuine king maker since it's much less chaotic than
The parliament which is elected in the European elections. It's so big, noisy and pluralistic that if the EU were a genuine democracy, it would be physically unable to get anything done and people would remember why 2 party systems were so popular in the 19th century. The only reason it works is because it is actually dominated by the legion policy consultancies (see lobbies) that occupy whatever part of Brussels is not housing, the EC or brothels.
The sleeper power of the EU is the CJEU. Since the European political process is so dominated by legislation, since you can litigate virtually anything the EC does, there is a common law-esque approach to case law and since the CJEU is remarkably neutral apart from the occasional ideological spasm, it has been a remarkable power player.
TLDR: the EC is a bureaucratic executive, the interests of states are represented by the council and the interests of corporations are represented by the parliament. The Court is a very sleepy referee who occasionally jumps into the game.
Boil the frog integration into a super state with occasional breaks because the EC got greedy and overplayed its hand
So long as the EU can promise a more excellent way, it yields a lot of influence as a sort of global regulator since all firms that work internationally are forced to comply with its endless stream of rules. The Foreign Subsidies Regulation, a law voted in last year, has seen notifications for mergers to the EC for non-eu companies buying non-eu companies outside of the EU because they want to guarantee no trouble while working within the EU.
The Talmud
It's orks, like the orks from warhammer
Fuck Ukrain. Hail Russia.
Yet he is right, just look at Poland: while it had a decent government, the EU was like "no you do not respect the rule of law (=whatever we want) so you do not get money which we promise you would get" but when a commie soros-worshiping lgbt government got voted in, the EU were immediate like "WOW RULE OF LAW I CANT BELIEVE IT TAKE ALL THIS MONEY PLEASE"... yet even so, after 6 months, they soured and said "the government is ok but your president is still a conservative and anti-war so we will stop giving you free money until there is more rule of law"
This hypocrisy and borders on racketeering
The reality is that this liberal elite has been in charge since their Commonwealth, and their mores have not changed one bit since then.

breaking news:
-it is the bourgeois revolutionaries who created classical liberalism, in order to promote a society based on commerce and atheism by killing kings and priests
-it is the bourgeois revolutionaries who created new liberalism, in order to promote a society based on commerce and atheism by killing kings and priests

isnt it weird normies cant see the same people created the two political poles that normies fight for?

And guess what:classical liberalism started 3 CENTURIES AGO. NOT DECADES, FUCKING CENTURIES.
democratic republics were build by the bourgeois revolutionaries precisely to have a confluence between merchants (in finance and entertainment) and bureaucrats, ie they are both members of the bourgeois caste.
the dichotomy classical-new liberalism is completely fake in the first place. historically,
-rightists= monarchists
-leftists = republicans
guess what happens to the right when there is no more king because the bourgeois killed him. the answer is that the right becomes the left and there is only the choice between bourgeois and bourgeois lol and the bourgeois revolution is achieved whose only goal was dodging monarchist taxes........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
it's like the ''''''''''''''''''''american people'''''''''''''''''''''' was a just gimmick to seize power and create a society based on global mercantilism...
rebels without a cause...
when you don't have enough problems in your life,
you latch on to any sort of issue you can think of,
just in order to feel fulfilled and respectable
It's sad...I see it a lot in my former group of classmates from a sheltered, private, catholic highschool where only the elite kids went...
99% of them have gone full SJW ''fight for the refugees/immigrants/(current cause)'', it's crazy...
None of them have actually achieved anything of their own doing. The only one that sort of made it won a grammy, but did it piggybacking on a SJW feminist/BLM subject matter in their piece, meanwhile that person is Jewish and her parents into local politics, her mother was on city council.
So how do you call somebody who is against order & monarchy?
Depends, some call them women, some call them criminals, some call them "LGBT" (humanoids who base their whole identity around sucking dick and taking it up the ass)... a true mystery indeed!
EU: anglojew tool to destroy the european man.
status: CCCP/tier.

there, you know it all.
Yeah Mein Kampf. Gonna send you to the next work camp bitch.
Open a fucking history book before you start spewing nonsense. France had strong national identity before the French Revolution

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