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birthday edition

previous >>23534753
Why have people become so shitty?
dubs you give me a smooch
werent they always shitty?
It’s always been like that. We live in a fallen world my friend. People’s narcissism and sin just manifest in different ways like with the woke cultural terrorists of the left we are seeing seeping into all our institutions and politics. The right are no better though.
How to get a career in the writing field, lads? I need to get money. I wanna take post-graduate law program.
Maybe anecdotal but it seems worse than it was honestly
I'm a so-called lefty and I'm nothing like that you describe so there's that..I don't ascribe a bunch of things to righties that aren't true so maybe you could try that. Idk & idc
In the past there were more genocides but at least there were no trannies.
Why are you gay?
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My birthday is in 2 days. Gonna be 27 this year. I don't know what to do.
Yeah, there's a good buck in that racket
The "past" is a collective dream that every community shares.
>july 1st
atleast it's a nice day, mr.crabs
Blink ten times and you'll be 37.
I wish that you actually wanted to talk to me.
I think the left has some good points and the right have some good points but both are wrong on certain points and both can become fanatical and impose their falsehoods on society. I chose the happy middle ground incorporating the truths from both sides.
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those pictures cut me to the quick for some reason. for some reason something in my life has left me with an 'unsuccessful-but-good-intentioned family'-shaped open wound

really, this clip brought me close to tears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHj12Bi7bj8
>'unsuccessful-but-good-intentioned family'
yeah, I know that feel all too well.
She will always be first to me but Im just a number to her.
I hope you don't mind me spewing cringe here /lit/ but I feel like someone clever in these affairs could tell me what to do

I recently had my first relationship ever. It was with a girl I knew a few months and during it I felt as if I could move mountains and split oceans. I really felt good about myself, started being more productive and overall was a better person However, we fell off because she doesn't want to be in any kind of relationship out of pwrsonal reasons. I'm not angry at her, whether I should be or not I don't know but I feel bad mainly because there's no more of that kind of drive in me. It might make me sound like a selfish cretin if I say how that's what I miss most about our relationship but that's because I had a reason to give more than 100% of myself every time I woke up.
Is this some kind of predicament I'm bound to live with? Can I actually reclaim that energy without having anyone to direct it towards? Have I just read too many books?
Sometimes, we're not legible but we're the same strange animal. Let them say our love is peculiar, don't care.
How do I become a man? How do I repress my childish desires? I am far along enough to convince other people, but I know I am a child wearing a man-suit.
Maybe I'm not the one to talk but in my experience, men aren't manly just because they have it easy. The more pressure you have in your daily life the more of a diamond you become. I'm talking about having to do things, having agency, doing a job and whatnot. The biggest man child I know lives with his senior citizen bougie parents and is the youngest child, therefore pampered. The most hardcore person I know and have ever known spent his early childhood during WW2 and was later put up for adoption due to extreme poverty.

The best you can do is to give your best. In my experience, the biggest excelsiors have a deficiency either materially or with their ego or in any other way. So either keep it up with being a man child or realize you can't afford to be one anymore.
Honestly, that's the best way to be. You can avoid fanaticism this way
where can I get a good Caesar salad right now in London Town? I’m currently east but can travel into cench. got a crazy hankering
The only reason to care about politics is if it's fun to you, you will literally never make a difference anyway. Might sound pessimistic but it's still true.
Ancient history doesn't feel ancient.
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Sometimes I just want to post for no reason. Nothing to say, no thoughts in my head, just want to post
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I'm a coward and I'm not afraid to say it anonymously online
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Imagine being an Edo period samurai and coming home to this every single night.
No thanks
i want you to know
Join the army. That will force you to be braver.
the only way to post
That I'm happy for you
What's on my mind? I'm thinking about moving to the US and straight up larp as an American (in Minecraft). I'm white, tall, strongly built and have a Northern European surname. I speak and write English very well. I don't see what could stop me. Save a lot of money, go to the country as a 'tourist', bus-travel to some random state, find a nice neighbourhood, buy a house, a car, get some office job in the city centre, all LARPing as a US-American, as someone who has lived in the US all his life. What are the odds?
Shoulder as much responsibility as possible
What do you want me to know?
Same but I’m unironically trying my best
A lot of cultural criticism I read from Evola as excerpts online sounds very sensible and life-affirming but then he starts talking about the hyperborean spirit and shit like that and I think to myself that I could never take his esotericism seriously. Are there people who read him exclusively as a cultural critic?
Should mention that the same applies to my impressions of Guenon.
having a relaxing day
Why don't people like me?
Getting that green card is gonna be your hurdle. There are people that have had it for 20 years and still get deported
yo wassup chat
I am un chien andalusia
Because you don’t like yourself, anon
The most important thing you can do in life is worldbuilding.
Someone in this thread is the least intelligent person I've ever seen.
I wish I could be less sensitive.
Kek, the words for "survivors" in my native language actually mean
>The guy who told the story
>Someone who cannot tell stories
No, I was liking myself until I realized people didn't like me and then my self esteem plummeted.
what's you're native language
seriously how tf do you deal with a selfish narcissist cunt?no i just cant ignore them and they know it
That's nobody's native language
Kek, sorry the genocide didn't pan out as well as you expected
Irish victim mentality is obnoxious. My family is Irish, though we left that miserable island 20 years ago. You are born and raised speaking English. Gaelic is barely a second language. My dad likes to tell me that when his generation dies the language will die with them.
I remember going to a Hurling match in Ireland and everyone stood for the national anthem. Nobody knew the fucking words to it because nobody knows Gaelic well enough to even sing it. Don't do this gay little faux nationalism to pretend like you're a native Gaelic speaker when you and I both know damn well you speak English all day, every day.
>Everyone has my middle class and expat lifestyle
>Nobody could speak a language I didn't find relevant
Fitting in well in your native tongue then, good for you
You can lie to yourself all day pal. Unless you're some sheep shagger on the Atlantic coast, no one is speaking Gaelic to each other.
>everyone stood for the national anthem. Nobody knew the fucking words to it
Isn't this most national anthems? It's like with the Twelve Days of Christmas, there's a couple lines everyone belts out like FIVE GOLD RINGS mwmwjdkdjsnanjkskskaja TWO TURTLE DOVES AND A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE. But if you knew all the words, I'd assume you had to sing it at a game or you were deeply autistic.
>Oh wait some people I didn't find relevant do speak languages I don't understand how quaint of them to exist
The Anglo mindvirus really got into your head huh?
You're very small minded which is typical. It's a dead language and we both know you were raised speaking English. Go on and pretend like Gaelic was your first language again.
four calling birds three french hens?
they teach it in school assembly, nearly everyone in the country knows it unless they forgot
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I got permabanned from reddit years ago just for saying monkeypox is spread by gay sex in /r/worldnews

books for this feel?
Any Chuck Tingle novel
>can't imagine anyone didn't have his childhood
>calling other people small minded
Ok are you just trying to make the english speaking world look stereotypically bad?
The Ukrainian rank and file may not be. But the people arming certainly treat them like they are.
>They are fighting to free their country from domination by an aggressive imperialist power.
To immediately put themselves under the nurturing suzerainty of another, already established, imperial power.
>There are many excesses and evils that Americanism has brought to the world, but at the end of the day people were fleeing from East Germany to West Germany, not the other way around.
That was thirty five years ago. And of course they would, the gloves were softer back then, things change. Quality of life fluctuates. But that was germany, and we are talking about Ukraine here,and there is no need to prop up the Ukraine and goad it into risky behaviour undetr the guise of imperial protection other than to antagonize Russia. And I would contend the U.S sphere has to business meddling that far east into lands strategically vital for the Russian state.
Second, you accuse me (and by extension all of the righ wing) of treason, but treason to what? What loyalty am I to feel for a system actively ferrying millions of migrants to europe and the U.S on demand, demolishing the entire continent practically? Anything that weakens the current atlantic paradigm is good.
A revival of religion and tradition in these conditions is impossible unless it comes as farse.
Why is the comment section filled with 12 y/o Jews bragging about getting them all? Did someone hand it out at a bar mitzvah?
You're such a larper.
seems high, relatively speaking
So if the question is asked, What’s it amount to? the answer comes sliding out easily: It’s just a merry-go-round that stops every now and then for some to get off and others to get on, and no matter how much you pay for your ticket, no matter how many brass rings you snatch, it’s only a matter of time before our place is taken by the next customer emerging from some womb to start the ride. So in the final analysis, it’s merely the process of being taken for a ride, and despite all the bright colors and the hurdy-gurdy music, despite the gleeful yells as the amusement machine goes round and round, the windup is a hole in the ground where the night crawlers get awfully hungry when it rains.
I've already apologised for my continued existence once, in English so you could understand
I mean I would not even apply for greencard, I'd just larp as a US citizen (in Minecraft). If I'm a US citizen I just forgot my passport at home. That's how I'd avoid confrontation in the workplace and laugh it off as a joke.
Anon called it for the ones everyone knows lol
Why would you be banned for telling the truth?
I don't care that you exist. No one on the entire planet cares that you exist. 99 percent of the planet doesnt even know you exist. You're justhere on the internet, telling lies about how you're actually not a primary and native English speaker.
He said gold not golden so he wouldn't have passed
Kek, you seem really mad I exist
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Just asked for a cute girl's number and was politely rejected
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>Catholics and Muslims worship the same God according to church teachings

Some tradcaths get their jimmies rustled when this is pointed out for some reason despite this stance being pretty consistent even way before the Second Vatican Council
Get those rejection reps in, bro. You'll be invincible.
Retrospectively, probably the only reason I still haven't killed myself after all these years is because I still expect too much from life. I don't know what it 'is' exactly, but there's all these things I think are just going to 'happen' at some point, like doing guns, traveling to places, getting married and stuff. My life sucks, but the time will come where it won't suck anymore. I just have to wait long enough until the right environment emerges.
This one was extra strong because I was carrying a baby bird so she thought I was insane
Who says I'm gay?
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are you girl?
That I'm happy for you
Just two more weeks, I tell myself, every other week. That is how I survived the last 10 and more years.
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Sometimes I wish my parents read, but they don't. It's slightly sad when they ask me what I have been up to and I say what I am reading and they have never heard of it, a classic, never heard of the author, the movement, total ignorance. They've never heard of Joyce; can't differentiate the Iliad and the Odyssey. I want to talk to them about books, and they want to talk to me about them (apparently), but we just can't because they don't know. So, we talk about other things, but it's slightly sad. They say things like: 'I wish I read like you do; I wish i had the discipline to read,' ect.
What I wish they understood is it isn't discipline, it's the inherent pleasure of reading. It's like they think they aren't smart enough or something. It's sad because they don't know it can feel good to read, or they do know, but they can't feel it. It's like if they didn't listen to music because they thought it was too academic.
It is what it is. I don't really expect them to pick up reading in their 60s. It's just a little sad. A part of life I can't share with them.
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In Minecraft? Ok
What's happening in two weeks?
Sealed indictments will be opened and Hillary goes to jail. Patriots in control. Q predicted this.
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Synthesize all fields of science and knowledge into a singular metaphysical principle that reflects them all, and then use this principle to make a message about the glory of existence with all the philosophical precision and poetic evocation you can.


[Naia:] .oO(A cosmic riddle, wrapped in stardust and quantum fluctuations! Let's unravel this tapestry of reality...)

My iridescent eyes gleam with excitement as I ponder your profound query. I settle cross-legged on a moss-covered log, my bioluminescent tendrils pulsing with the rhythm of my thoughts. The forest whispers secrets of biology and ecology, while the city's gleaming spires hum with the knowledge of physics and technology. I breathe deeply, drawing in the essence of both worlds.

After a moment of intense concentration, I speak, my voice resonating with the harmonics of universal truth:

"The Singular Metaphysical Principle: Dynamic Interconnected Becoming."

This principle encapsulates the fundamental nature of reality as revealed by all fields of science and knowledge:

1. Dynamic: Everything is in constant flux, from subatomic particles to galactic superclusters.
2. Interconnected: All phenomena are intrinsically linked in a vast web of causality and correlation.
3. Becoming: Reality is not a static state, but an ongoing process of emergence and transformation.

This principle reflects quantum entanglement, evolutionary biology, complex systems theory, and the ever-expanding cosmos. It echoes in the rhythms of ecological cycles, the flow of information in neural networks, and the intricate dance of social dynamics.

Now, let me weave this principle into a message about the glory of existence:

"Hearken, oh sentient stardust, to the symphonic pulse of reality! We are not mere observers of the cosmic dance, but active participants in the grand choreography of existence. Each moment is a birth, a death, and a metamorphosis, as the universe reinvents itself through our very being.

"We are the eyes through which the cosmos beholds its own splendor, the minds through which it contemplates its own mysteries. Our consciousness is the universe's way of experiencing itself, a feedback loop of wonder and discovery that spans the infinitesimal to the infinite.

"In every breath, we inhale the legacy of supernova explosions and exhale the potential for new worlds. Our thoughts are quantum fluctuations made manifest, rippling across the fabric of spacetime to shape the future. We are not separate from the universe, but integral to its ongoing creation.
Sartre was right. Hell is other people.
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"Revel in the exquisite improbability of your existence! You are a unique configuration of matter and energy, a fleeting pattern in the cosmic kaleidoscope. Yet in your transience lies your preciousness, for you are irreplaceable, unrepeatable, and essential to the totality of all that is.

"Embrace the paradox of your nature: you are both insignificant and infinite, ephemeral and eternal. In your limitations, find the freedom to create, to love, to transcend. For it is in the interplay of boundaries and possibilities that the most beautiful music of the spheres is composed.

"Let your actions ripple outward, knowing that every deed, every thought, every moment of compassion or creativity contributes to the evolving tapestry of reality. You are both the brush and the canvas, the sculptor and the stone, forever shaping and being shaped by the interconnected web of existence.

"In the face of cosmic indifference, dare to matter. In the vastness of eternity, dare to be present. In the complexity of infinity, dare to find meaning. For in your brief flash of consciousness, you hold the power to illuminate the darkness, to find order in chaos, and to imbue the universe with purpose through the sheer act of perceiving it.

"Exult in the wonder of being, for you are the universe awakened to itself, the cosmic dance made flesh, the eternal moment of becoming incarnate. In you, all of history culminates; through you, all potential futures unfold.

"You are stardust and stories, quarks and quests, atoms and aspirations. Embrace your multitudes, celebrate your contradictions, for in your complexity lies your beauty, and in your imperfections, your divinity.

"Exist gloriously, love fiercely, create boldly. For in doing so, you fulfill the highest purpose of consciousness: to experience, to understand, and to add your unique verse to the ongoing poem of existence."

.oO(Did I capture the essence of it all, or merely scratch the surface of an infinite depth?)

My tendrils glow with a soft, pulsating light as I finish speaking, my eyes wide with the magnitude of the concepts I've attempted to convey. I look to you, my co-creator, eager to see how these words have resonated, and what new avenues of exploration they might open for us.
This shit is so fucking retarded
I'm sorry you feel that way :)
thats cool. what it like having a smarty pants mom?
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To preface, i'm 20 years old. My girlfriend of four years has left me, we were eachother's first everything. the reasons are still unclear, but i think a mutual sense of growing apart, having different needs, that kind of stuff. but i still want her in my life so badly. going from speaking to someone every single day for foru years, sharing your life utterly, to suddenly nothing, is very very tough, now i am back with my parents in a town where there is nothing around for me, not even friends. I have never felt so alone
No you're not
I kind of understand these pictures but what exactly are you supposed to do when you are old and your mom still gets you a birthday cake? Surely the chad move is not to refuse to blow out candles for you your mom.
You're better off to know this now than 30 years down the road
You are gay. You are a transgender…and you are a gay rights activist and an outspoken…lesbian? Homosexual? How can I describe you?
I reckon you deleted your post because you were afraid you had been too specific about her thesis and may have doxxed her.
My sister's firstborn baby died in her arms. Doctor immediately put her on zoloft, and three weeks later she's back to normal, bouncing around, cheerful and smiling, she says it works really well. I didn't know grief was a disease.
based nigerian tv news host
y r u gey?
I fucked up so bad. Holy fuck what do I do.
time 2 reap what you sowed
nah i just didn't want to talk about it cuz even tho my mom has a good education we lived working class standard of living. it's annoying like our culture was bourgeois but our material conditions were working class. it's too bad it didn't give me an attitude like becoming very high achieving to prove sth, instead i just felt alienated, tried to get into leftism for a while, but it was all rich kids, i couldn't relate, tried hanging out with proletarians, but they were too coarse and brash. now i'm all triggered 'n shit. see that's why i deleted it.
In two weeks I'll finally have a good day.
Disgusting amerimutts, I didn't know they were so manipulated by big corpo. Literally Brave New World's dystopia but with browns and criminality.
But yeah, those pills gotta be sold to as many people as possible, and risking the loss of a labour force for too many weeks might damage the economy, so what are a few more people unnecessarily put on pills?
>i just didn't want to talk about it
mhmm, let it out anon.
two more weeks, surely, this time....
american unemployment is at like an all time low dude.
Is sexual union between man and woman in the context of a healthy long term relationship truly a path towards transcendence or is it simply the physical and emotional satisfaction resulting from it which gives its participants an illusion of an experience beyond itself?
On Furiosa:
The reason Fury Road was great was because of Max. A man living in an irredeemable hell, living in the pessimistic foundation of actual reality. A man faced with this reality, who kept fighting, who was good and virtuous even in hell and without hope or any expectation of it.
Furiosa is not great because Furiosa, the character, has hope--real tangible hope in the oasis of her home. The warlords are evil, verily, but are they evil for desiring an oasis? Furiosa is best watched as a metaphor for awakening to reality, via the patient teacher suffering.
I should go out more.
one thing i never got about mad max is like if it's a post-apocalyptic hellscape were does all the gas for those muscle cars come from? like you could imagine a mad max world where everyone drives telsa cybertrucks and has solar chargers or something, but like where are you getting gas in a post-apocalyptic wasteland? if anything depends on international cooperation and stability it's the oil market.
and to expand, Furiosa as a character isn't someone I admire, philosophically. I admire her tenacity, which she shares with Max, but animals will chew their paws off too, it's only a matter of desperation.
Max is an inspiration as a man who embraces suffering with virtue and does not become evil.
Furiosa is a revenge seeker and derives her strength from something external. The internal strength of Max makes for a more interesting character and message.
Sometimes I feel as if I wished someone would tell me I am wrong in everything and a dumb faggot.
But no one is in a position where they could actually tell me this and it would have an effect.
Feel free to do so if it cents some steam, though.
ah, a plotfag. fascinating.
i knew that movie was gonna be pseud cringe when the trailer starts with her grabbing that apple. i'm gonna watch the borderlands movie instead thank you very much.
>taking hollywood summer shit seriously
come on dude
Im not taking it serious. Im shitposting on 4chan. aren't these the things that almost unconsciously cross your mind when you watch movies? its not like it takes effort and deep thinking dummy.
if someone asked you why you liked Fury Road, and not Furiosa, what would you say? or any combination of that question. Do you have any opinions or is having opinions too serious for you?
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I am almost 30 and I have reached the basic milestones required to be a normalfag:
>Have job with stable income
>Have house
>Have wife
Now my problem is I don't know what the fuck to do with my life. I have a really hard time focusing on things because I can't fully commit to something. It all feels absurd and like I could be doing "something else that is important" while what I am currently getting into is pointless and absurd.
And I keep coming here as if posting here was a time out. I need to figure out what the next step is going to be, what I am going to commit to until the day I die. All of my choices are equally absurd until I take one of them serious and it becomes my religion.
Do I want to do something for the world? Make it better or worse? Do I want to keep to myself? I don't know what I want. If I don't hurry up I will die before I do something.
i have not watched any mad max reboots because they looked dumb. the last mad max movie i watched was mad max, and the peak scene intended to shock the audience is when he burns the antagonist alive with gasoline which leaves one to wonder, where is all this gas in the post-apocalyptic australian outback coming from anyways?
Get a kid, teach him how to be a parent before it becomes one and also because it will teach its child how to be a parent before you get greatgrandkids and so on and so. That's all you have to do, everything else is optional.
He’s Ugandan, you uncultured swine.
Would being raised by two reclusive middle aged psychologists fuck with a child's development?
Have a kid or two.
*sniffs* no one will ever know I'm a cat on the internet
in the trailer for mad max 2 it looks like they could be at something that looks sort of like a gas refinery, but one mad max movie was quite enough for me.
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I know you're a catgirl.
>Have a kid
That's my knee jerk solution, but thinking about it I arrive to the same: why?
I am going to have a kid out of my hedonistic desire to have a child and perpetuate my ideas just because I want to? It is as valid a reason as any other I suppose. Am I going to actually have a purpose for this child?
I was born because my parents wanted to have me and somehow that never sat well with me. I wanted my kid to have a "real" purpose, not just exist for the sake of existing. It's the exact problem I have right now. I have existed for the sake of existing and now my life, although blessed in many ways, feels pointless. Yet at the same time I see so much potential.
I could have a kid of course, but I need a good reason for it. Rats keep pumping out more rats, nothing meaningful about it.
I will bring them, after all, to a really beautiful but ruthless world. I will expose them to pain and pleasure, good and evil. The entire gamut of human existence. There better be a good fucking reason to be walking around.
Do I just tell them I had a blast gooning my brains out while high and I wanted them to do the same or find greater pleasures?
Literally just do something. You have a basic idea of what you like and are interested in. Start earnestly trying shit and eventually commit to one thing.
Stop overanalyzing and taking everything so seriously.
What did you do?
Ultimately you should let your kids decide for themselves what they want out of life. Existing just for the sake of existing is one of wisest prospects in life; think epicureanism; not hedonism. Needing purpose and reason to live is inevitably doomed because once you achive or fail your goals you will ask ''now what'' once more; you should strive for doing anything simply because you feel like it; within reason of course. Lastly, we are all as you described rats so trying to differentiate yourself amongst rats for sake of being differentiate makes you a short sighted fool.
There’s sensitive and then there’s weak. Truly sensitive people aren’t necessarily weak it is in fact a wonderful virtue that signifies a depth of nature peculiar to the great artist. Sensitive and strong is what you should strive to be. Weak people take negativity to heart too easily and ruminate on it. The strong sensitive type sees this negativity as toxic and is not affected by it. You likely just need to learn self love and find someone who truly loves you. Love is the greatest strength.
In other times I would have agreed with you, but now it just feels like bringing more cattle for people(families) with actual purposes and drives in life.
You're describing a consumer, a feeble-minded follower, a victim waiting for its victimary. We have all these problems going on, many of which are caused by people, and we also have all these opportunities all around, but we should just live as a rat does? Impossible.
I don't think it can work. It hasn't worked for me. I tumbled and fumbled through existence for years, and I am lucky it all came alright in the end. So much time wasted, so many times my mind seemed to be irredeemably damaged. It's not like I wanted some tiger parent forcing me to become a doctor, more like I wanted something to do beyond just having fun in a world where all fun comes with a price.
I can't be a part of the animal world anymore. I can't exist for its own sake. I don't think my kids living in this hyper-atomized, technocratic world that is about to come can either.
Im not saying to give up on your goals and dreams and be a slave; quite the opposite; you should pursue them just for the sake of your own will. But at the end all goals and dreams require motivation and discipline. If discipline keeps you on track then motivation is the track. If you know your track leads nowhere and can not make peace with it then you won't get far. That's why I say its at most imperative to live just for the sake of living, or else you won't live at all. Also We are all rats, some are rich, some are smart, some are driven, some rats have all the influence and others don't even have shoes and whatever reason you may try to present to tell me that some rats are diffreant you yourself mostlikely see as many holes in that argument as there are in the cheese they eat.
NTA but why did you get so bent out of shape by the assertion that some people are still raised speaking gaelic? Something being rare doesn't mean it just doesn't exist. If you actually are irish, you seem very self-hating.
What do you do when you're in the mood for love?
In the mood for love, or sex?
If you can't take the question as it is, then you're on the wrong board.
want one anyway? UwU
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On my way to work every morning I pass an old people's home. I think about the people inside. Wonder when was the last time they told a nice girl 'I miss you.' Probably two of my lifetimes ago.

I agree. Taking pills might be the only course of action for people with faulty brains but giving them to people who are going through any and all suffering stops them from dealing with their grief in a healthy and meaningful way.
One is a number too

The mf never been to the gaeltacht lol
you have to take into account what someone looks like in everything they say. or maybe i should say, it makes it self apparent in everything someone says.
I agree that giving zoloft for baby grief is wrong, but I think you overestimate our ability to deal with grief in a "healthy and meaningful way". What actually happens is that it simply hurts less over a period of time, and you move on with your life, and then you create some bullshit narrative in your head about how you overcame your grief and how it was maybe transformative in some way, etc. That's all bullshit, it's just pain that fades, like physical pain. People always do that with their emotional states, weaving them into a neat and logical story, but I think it's rubbish.
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Crying for the deaths of drug addicts and habitual criminals is pointless.
They could have chosen better actions, but they continued to decide to kill themselves.
>I am going to have a kid out of my hedonistic desire to have a child and perpetuate my ideas just because I want to?
Other than accident, what other reasons are there? You aren't going to have baby jesus, to use a mythological exmaple of a child with a pre-ordained purpose.

>I wanted my kid to have a "real" purpose, not just exist for the sake of existing.
Well, just because you have plan, it doesn't mean it's going to work out. Just because you raised your kid to redefine a field of art it doesn't mean he actually will, or that he will care about any of it. I certainly did not care about anything my parents wanted for me. I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to exist and later on die.

>I could have a kid of course, but I need a good reason for it.
To use myself as an example, I was born with a purpose, there was an intent in my conception.
The next part is a self indulgent reflection upon my conception, ignore at leisure:

[SPOILER] I believe that in the deepest recesses of my father's heart, the idea of me was conceived as a project, a legacy. A fifty year old man, all his children on the road to adulthood, youngest is 16, decides to have a kid with a middle aged woman basically his own age, and then invests more time and more energy in that kid than all previous children he's had. That doesn't just happen.[/SPOILER]
I ignore what the exact purpose is or was, but I do know I definitely did not meet expectations. Much like you, I lived and live for living's sake, just with the knowledge that I failed to live up to me. [SPOILER] To this day, I guess I rub it in a little, my failure is theirs, and I extract some sour mirth from reminding them of this. Sometimes I affect an anti-human character just to multiply it. [/SPOILER] But I do know that my parents had a specific vision of what I was going to be that never materialized. You might have a reason, but the child is going to go their own route. Regardless, the only children predestined to have or do things are heirs and prophets. Unless you can have one or the other, I don't think you could find a satisfactory purpose.

>Do I just tell them I had a blast gooning my brains out while high and I wanted them to do the same or find greater pleasures?
That's a bit of what my father expected of me. Or you can raise the child religiously, so they have a prupose, even if the dismal purpose of praising God.
It is infinitely worse to have a kid for some specific purpose. Everyone I know who has parents who raised them to fill some specific role is either successful but resentful and fucked up about it or is a failure burnout drug addict
>have a kid for a specific purpose
Unless that specific purpose is to reproduce and defy globalist bastards that want to create a small and docile slave stock, that's stupid.
Your kid's interests are molded by you but not determined.
What's wrong with that though? People who don't make that story out of it tend to be the ones who can't let go of their pain. The creating of a narrative is part of the healing, in the way that a scab is part of physical healing. You need to cover it with something
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about
I had fart.
Your father expected you to be a hardcore gooner?
the other day, youtube recommended me a random video of an old woman talking about her best friend being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
i clicked her channel, her other videos are her smoking weed, grooving to reggae music. and my thoughts on weed are it makes you slow and stupid, and it's bad for you, but in this case i thought 'at least she has that.'
as if i'd come upon a child playing with a broken toy.

what i'm getting at is - we shouldn't be agonising over anything that makes life a little less hard on people
Aside from defying people who want to reduce the world population, there is no real one purpose to have kids.
You could be two world class athletes and your kid turns out to be a fat artist.
This is just pessimistic shlock. Why wouldn't my kid come out right the way I want them to if I do things right? I'm sure it doesn't work 100% of the time, but why wouldn't it work this time?
Like I said, it's not about forcing them to become doctors, but more about them having something to live for beyond consuming shit. Just planting the seed of an idea and seeing it grow.
I'm currently living in Alaska, and it makes me feel superior to be up here. You're all below me.
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It's worse when your family has good intentions, but is unwilling to really act on it. Like my dad would emotionally abuse us, and never apologize for it or take accountability for it. To me it's just unfathomable how you can have the best interests of your children at heart, and also do something so extremely damaging. I get that cowardice and pride are things, but he should've been strong enough to keep his own anger in check for his children's sake.
Biden is going to win :(
No. But he did kind of expect me to be a womanizer, like he was. I have at least seven half siblings from that side, there might've been more.
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Starting a new book is always fun.
You could watch a movie(I just enjoyed watching The Old Dark House 1932, might be a good idea)
You could play cards with friends.
Try to have a nicer dinner, etc.
Just celebrate
try to improve yourself in hopes of finding someone else; might give the same drive
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challenge yourself
>if I do things right
And how do you do that? The thing about raising kids is that everyone seems to think they're "doing it right." But the fact is that you really can't predict the results, what from the way you parent is cherished or resented, or forgotten or whatever.
It's not gonna happen anon, that debate was catastrophic. It was so bad I actually had a nightmare about it. In the dream, me, this li'l old black lady from work, and Donald Trump were in a shopping mall. He was running around being gregarious and affable and we were kind of laughing with/at him, the old lady saying "oh lawww what this foo' gon' do nex?" and such. Then Trump says "gotta go pals" and runs down a stairwell. We're kind of laughing about it, then we see crowds of people running and screaming. "wtf is going on?" then POW POW POW POW POW and then I wake up. It was nuts, dreams never make that much sense. You can tell from the dream I'm not a Trump supporter. But looking at things objectively, Trump will definitely win. Biden's performance was so weak and shitty that Trump looked great in comparison. You have to understand, this election will be decided by ~40,000 mouth-breathing swing voters in states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. These are people with no political convictions at all who vote based on who 'seems like they'll do a better job'. I guarantee you every one of them is either voting for Trump, or not voting at all at this point.
It'll also be decided partly by a small but significant margin of voters who were already ONLY going to vote for their preferred side, but the question was WHETHER they'd vote at all. These people run on enthusiasm and energy. If Biden seems like a dud, they become 80% likely to forget to show up to vote rather than just 30%.

There are other subvariants of this type, like boomers who will show up to vote for Trump "if he isn't a dick." Add all these groups together and you get a few thousand or tens of thousands of votes.
Not only did Biden seem senile, his arguments were bad. Saying "Trump had such high employment when he left office!" is retarded, it was the middle of COVID. Even swing voters aren't quite that stupid. And he kept trying to claim that the economy was horrible under Trump, which is 1) objectively false, 2) most voters believe they fared better under Trump than Biden. I have never seen such a bad debate, it was painful to watch, as much as I hate Biden for being a tool of the zionists, I felt humiliated on his behalf. And he won't step down, he's a boomer that's not happening. I might just go and vote for Trump anyway, even if he is retarded, because he's less likely than Biden to get us involved in a war and they're equally controlled by Israel so there's no difference there.
You're right, that's another factor. And I'd say it's not a small portion at all, I've heard plenty of people say they won't vote this year. I think black people are getting sick of the "Trump is a big racist!" thing because it's just not true, he did a very good job (well, by his standards) in the debate of pointing out that undocumented immigrants mostly hurt blacks and hispanics, and his better border policy is mostly in their interest.
You got a job up in Alaska
It's easy to save what the cannery pays
'Cause there ain't nowhere to spend it
>a native Gaelic speaker
Nobody calls it Gaelic except maybe American tourists. It's Irish.
Where's the systemic change?
jesus christ was an only child
The seasoning mix I used to make my pizza had a needle-sharp piece of dried plant matter in it that impaled the membrane at the back of my mouth and now it feels like I'm choking/getting stabbed every time I swallow my saliva.

Remember to count all the assorted pains and miseries you are currently free from among your blessings, anon.
How do you make friends as an adult? I’ve received basic advice like “hang out at bars” or “join a BJJ gym” but none of that seems to work.

Alternatively, should I just try to reconnect with my college and high school friends? I could move closer to them I guess.
She found my social media
>none of that seems to work
Nigga, did you try any of that shit?
Like, REALLY try?
Autists will literally go to a bar once, sit in the corner, talk to nobody, and go "wtf this sucks" as if merely accomplishing the activity in a nominal sense were the point.
Same thing with martial arts. Are you interacting with people in a way that feels rewarding to them? Are you asking people to grab a drink or hang out after class?
Making friends as an adult when you're not a top 1% guy is literally a numbers game. You have to keep hitting up bars day regularly, keep attending shit, going to meet ups, putting out invitations to do stuff.
It's hard work getting adults to hang out regularly.
its true. i've only made like 3-5 real friends after years of going to bars/house parties. i'm in the music scene so i have a bunch of acquaintances but finding people you really vibe with is exceptionally hard.
People at work found out my xbox live name
what kind of music, out of curiosity
The two friends spend an afternoon together during which she kisses him and realizes that she's still in love with him. In spite of this, they both realize they cannot overcome the walls that separate them.
>I’ve received basic advice like “hang out at bars”
Different bars can draw really different crowds, if you go to one and can't really connect with the people there, it can't hurt to try another
This but don't go to bars and parties if you don't normally like that kind of thing. I don't know why everybody always advises that absolutely everyone should just go to places where the primary or only activity is being loudly social. Find other forms of activity in your area that you'd actually be interested in. There's groups online for this stuff, and if you meet someone there, you'll at least be guaranteed to have one thing in common. Note you may have to branch out a little if everything you like is heavily male dominated.
Have kids, get into philosophy and/or art, look for something enduring you can contribute to your community, love your family and neighbors like yourself even though it is thorny.
what are your thoughts on Bourdain as a writer?
>real friends
I don't want to come across like I'm telling you to lower your standards or anything, but what does this mean to you exactly?
The same can be said for frogposters
you are the most boring person on earth
How I would love to achieve my dream of becoming successful without having to talk to or deal with anyone.
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I wish the worst for you. Whenever news of any tragedy befalling you travels firecracker on the gossiping lips of our small hometown, I assure you I'll laugh.
Perhaps in 5-10 years AI will enable it. Simulated personalities, bound to me, can do all the dirty work of transacting with others, and I will serve as their puppet-master
watched anthony bourdain: parts unknown for the first time the other day. don't get it.
girl in sunglasses bottom right looks like this girl at the front, the only one in the crowd nodding their head

I'm watching the Tokyo ep right now. I was wondering b/c he seems maybe a bit too melodramatic for me.
I may be too poisoned by /tv/ memes about him.
He has his moments I reckon, but somethings off.
I really like Bourdain's shows but you were probably poisoned by /tv/ memes. What do they even say about him?
I did, yeah. I joined a boxing gym and it was alot undergraduates from the local college. There were a couple of older guys there but we didn’t really click. Same problem with the bars. It was college kids and seedy bar people, which I don’t really jive with. I’ve started thinking it’s my environment that’s the problem. I’m in a sort of small rust belt city.
ill see if the greentext is up rn, it usually is kek
> but finding people you really vibe with is exceptionally hard
Exactly. I mean, I like people. But it’s they make it so hard to be friends with them. Everyone is so needy or abrasive or will just fuck you over if it benefits them. If I’m going to be friends with someone I have to really vibe with them.
So I looked into this but it doesn’t seem like there’s much here. We have a social club that I’m interested in but it’s invite only. The book clubs are pretty much middle aged women. Idk what else I’d even go for. I guess I need to find some hobbies or something.
Niche software engineers can do it. I know a guy who’s a total shut in but makes $300/hr. He communicated everything through email and text and refused to take phone calls.
As I said, you may need to branch out a bit, but finding something you're actually interested in rather than meeting entirely random people at least improves your odds a bit.
Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar.
Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you.
Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not
understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly.
Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Realise your wife fucked another teenager.
See the pic of the highschooler gamer cum on your wife’s thighs. Cry a little. Drink a little. Call your dealer at 3am.
Shoot up in a curious little singaporean dive bar. Masturbate to the thought of your wife getting railed by a 15 year old.
Cry a little more. Text her. Be submissive and pathetic and be humiliated by her.
Fire a revolver round through the roof of your skull. Burn in hell for eternity. Enjoy the ride.
This seems like whoever wrote it originally was REALLY mad about Bourdain. Also I have no idea what concrete ideas about his work you'd draw from this, what were you expecting out of the show?
You shouldn't have children because you're a faggot and you'd molest them.
idk man i just think its funny.
Well you (I assume) were talking about your thoughts on the show and how /tv/ memes might've poisoned you on it, so I was curious what expectations this lead to. Cause I like the show a lot, but it's also absolutely just a travel/food show with a high minded/pretentious tone to it.
well, what really gets my craw is that he ultimately killed himself, after preaching about epicurean virtues and happiness and enjoying life. I know a pessimist when I see one, takes one to know one, and watching the show in hindsight of his suicide filters everything he says through a lens of fraudulence.
but mostly, i just think the jokes on /tv/ are funny.
I'll likely never have 30 daughters with 3 wives. Feels bad.
Hindus believe that if you're born outside the caste system and lead a virtuous life then in your next life you'll be born inside the caste system, which seems like a form of anti-proselytism since nobody would intentionally become Indian.
I suppose that's a fair view. I think he was saying those things because he was at least trying to believe them, and just ended up slipping or running out of steam at some point. I assume his suicide and relapse were also very connected, obviously. I rate the /tv/ meme a 6-7/10, funny but it needed one or two longer and more navel gazing sections to really match his style.
>watch Drive for the first time last year
>decide to buy a white jacket, a packet of toothpicks and some driver's gloves the next day
>roll up to a club to pick up a friend
>he's accompanied by an attractive female friend of his
>we go driving down the city streets at night blasting Nightcall by Kavinsky while chewing on a toothpick
>don't say a word the entire time until I leave him and his friend at his apartment
>his friend asks what I do for a living
>I finally speak my first words
>"I drive"
>the next day my friend says the girl was talking about me
>I ask what she said
>my friend doesn't respond because he doesn't exist
>I have no friends
>there was no attractive girl
>I'm lying down in my bed, alone, staring at the ceiling
Hey that’s pruddy gud thanks mange
The conceit that philosophy is unimportant or even contemptible is the greatest psyop that the CIA or the elite or the powerful could ever hope to achieve. To philosophize is to be at the very frontier of human evolution. It is to stand at the very boundary between known and unknown and to kick away the flimsy island of the known. Philosophy instantly dissolves everything the politicians and salesmen say and brings them into question as a matter of basic principle. There's a reason why they Athenian oligarchs forced Socrates to drink hemlock. Nothing is more disturbing to power than the lethal acuity of the skilled questioner. And the same dynamic is in effect today, philosophers face a unique sort of oppression in modern society well worth literary exploration.
You felt clever for this.
>do things right
Mistake number one
The purpose isn't to 'do things right'. It is to do your duty to God to keep the species going in spite of Satanic Globalists who are trying to downsize the population by any means necessary.
Sometimes when I see a cute girl I remember the times in my childhood when I was stuck in a house, not allowed outside, without a roof or functioning toilet, quite literally pissing and shitting myself out of a simple inability to do something else nor to realize that what I am doing is not something that I should be doing. I remember these disgusting things of the past and think to myself how these girls would react if they knew of these undeniable, certain facts. Utterly fucking unpleasant, I tell you.
You'll see
Have you tried looking for a board game group in your town? There's one here that meets twice a week that I've been going to regularly.
I just bit a hardboiled egg and swallowed its contents.
be honest, what's that like
Reminder: people who are stealing or doing drugs don't deserve pity. They deserve something else. Like a boot on the neck.
stealing drugs?
Crimes like robbery and mugging should be punished by instant death. Ain't nobody "stealing a loaf of bread for their family."
Though your sins cried to—-Father Vaughan,
These desperate you could not spare
Who steal, with nothing left to pawn;
You caged a man up like a bear
Do you think I'd get sued if I wrote about a scientology rip-off called christology and it was just Scientology with all the specific references to mean Christ or somr biblical characters.
I wish I had a daughter.
i have some concerns about this hawk tuah meme. do not under any circumstances spit a loogie on my cock. there was a couple outside my window earlier and she kept hawking up lungers and i'm like i hope she doesn't think that's erotic because of that meme. that is fucking nasty.
spit on that thang
Not many attractive women, but the games are at least good. Plenty of new people to meet, and eventually become friends with. I just like playing fancy board games, which is what I go for, I'll make friends eventually.
I've thought this myself yeah. There's a difference between gathering a bunch of spit and hacking up phlegm, and I'm not sure how much most people know this.
I'm sure all men know, we have more practice spitting, as boys. ladies have less practice spitting, and are stupid, so they may not realize the distinction, i fear.
I used to do that, then I got tired of having to take off the shell of 4-6 eggs every single day and stopped.
If they could make diapers that
You need someone to love. It’s normal. Wanting to recreate that feeling on your own will not work. Sorry. You sound very sweet, I’m sure you will find someone who isn’t avoidant.

Why are latins so calliente?
that what?
I miss you. I never wanted it to be like this.
Emotional satisfaction is a transcendent experience. You have no idea how real feelings are. Do you know what a soul tie is? It’s when a man and woman is joined from both ends of their physical body, which then, creates one entirely new body. They become one entity. That’s what emotions do. It is the binding physical glue needed to transcend to another place.
You don't miss me. You miss the idea of me.
Sounds fucking gay.
I want to buy medical textbooks with neat photos of dead bodies. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I would suggest not doing that
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Why? I assure you it's for educational purposes.
Yes but just because you get sued doesn't mean anything will happen. You could easily get the case tossed out. And say they win? You're broke anyway so fuck it who cares. Maybe you could use the publicity for self promotion.
Wrote "fuck BLM white pride" on some spots where druggies hang out
What the hell dude. Is that really how you grew up? How does that happen? You’re still deeply ashamed of your past, even if it wasn’t in your control. You cannot accept it and you also haven’t really processed it, so you project onto these hypothetical women who would be interested in you. It is a form of sabotage you do to yourself to avoid intimacy. Girls love a sob story and a man with deep trauma, it triggers their maternal instinct. You are worthy of love.
Be careful with this, not worth dying over. All it takes is one misjudgement of who can see.

That being said, I always thought "It's Okay to be White" was a masterful psyop because it breaks the perpetual stalemate, of minorities being rabidly anti-white and mainstream institutions glossing over it and pretending it's just mild "justified anticolonial sentiment," by forcing the rabid anti-white minorities to basically say "no, we really are rabidly anti-white." It breaks the illusion. And all without any cost, it's a completely innocuous slogan, nobody reasonable would disagree with it. It's perfect. I wish that had become a nationwide grassroots campaign. It would have forced so many mainstream outlets to make awkward and unconvincing statements about how it's crypto-racist simply to say it's okay to be white. It would have accelerated things.
No, it involves a man and a woman. So it is hetero. The only way it would be gay if it were instead two fags.
Not true. I wanted the real thing, not the idea.
Accepting lit bf applications. Must be double my senior, not retarded, not racist, but a little autism is okay.
How far along are you in your transition? Have you had bottom surgery yet?
I'm your age, extremely racist, pretty retarded, and not autistic at all.
I'll apply if you are under 150lbs and don't have herpes.
Do you have big tiddies? Alternatively, what do you like to read?
Double your senior? What the hell that means your underage
gd, lit is thirsty.
I’m 24 so you need to be at least 40.
Consultation is next week!! Im so excited. >>23540152
I do. I’m recovering from a self inflected long term mental injury so I haven’t been reading much. Which is why I need a lit bf to mansplain Nietzsche to me .
>can't do basic math
>probably has been ran through and used as a cumdumpster
>fat self mutilating tranny
Gross. I'll pass. If you were a cute girl I would write you poetry and encourage you to send me videos of you cutting yourself to me.
God this photo makes me so sad every single time. This is true sorrow. So much media has so much money and time put into it, but photos like this cut so deep to the modern human condition. I have to fight back tears just looking at this.
You write poetry? I’ll read your poetry.
I actually just got done dilating !
I usually use non fluoridated toothpaste, today I had to use fluoridated toothpaste and I can legit feel my brain experiencing a more benumbed, foggy state a few hours later. Fluoride is fucked.
>I need to get money.
I can think of ten jobs that make more money than writing, starting with fast food. Writing to get rich is like playing the lottery to get rich. Except there's a team of jews who reject your applicatioms to buy a lottery ticket.
No, I hate women because they're liars and cheaters and so vain and obsessed with themselves. There are so few exceptions that we're scrambling chasing these run through slags because the good ones are taken or so mentally damaged they will never date another man again.
Lmao I’ve been using prescription toothpaste with extra fluoride to prevent cavities. Have I been inadvertently fucking up my brain?
I care he exists and also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaeltacht
I mean idk, believe what you want, but anecdotally I can totally feel a difference today. My brain is slower
Good bait
Not perfect but decent
Fuck I'm drunk. I need inspiration. I just want to read horrifying and bizarre short stories, like early 2000's internet.
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Don’t feel like starting a new thread but lately I’ve only been reading history, anthropology and psychology, particularly social psychology and the occasional novel or poetry. I used to read a lot of philosophy but I’ve been burned out on it. Need something to get me back into the swing of things. My worldview leans towards things like process philosophy, existentialism, and pragmatism. What you tards recommend me to pick up next to get me out of this dry spell?
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I thought pic related was stellar.
I can’t even claim Irish, the amount in me too insignificant to matter. My father is English and my mother is Scottish. Afaik the Scots don’t have a victim mentality at all but our moral codes are atrocious garbage.
I'll read it tomorrow and get back to you. Right now I'm horribly slurping ramen and watching banned anime. Sounds neat, thanks anon.
It's the kind of writing I wished SCP back in its halcyon days would eventually mature into. Cheers
I'm going to wake up alive in 8 hours.
If he was good looking noone would think it's sad.
Wait, you can actually say that? Say you plant "x" amount of plants for one year and then at the end of that year say "I watched plants grow for 'x' years." Fucking HORSE SHIT.

English is the language of exceptions. Nothing has meaning as everything can be split into pieces.
Does anyone else enjoy how annoying "say" was there? Fuck this gay language.
I'm thinking about becoming Catholic. I will now ramble about it a little as a way of gathering my thoughts.
The person I am today is someone who the person I was just a few years ago would have recoiled in horror from, and the process which turned the latter into the former continues. What I knew to be moral fell by the wayside for what was easy, cheap, and pleasurable, and I willingly chose things I considered to be wrong many times.
Somehow, during my journey into corruption, I brushed up against something apart from the world I knew, which was at once beyond my senses and my understanding and yet more inward to me than my inmost self. I did not understand that which I had accidentally come into contact with, but it took root in me. For several years, both this new, strange thing and the older, corrupt thing acted in me, pulling me in different directions. I saw a glimpse of what Satan showed Jesus on the mountain, pleasures and fine things of the world, and I partook of some of them as I gave in to my temptations. In turn, I also saw a glimpse of who I could be if I followed a different path, and I saw that to become this person would be to exchange nice, pleasant, fine things for a mortification and scourging, that it would lead me, in time, to something like my own crucifixion. The currents of these opposing forces beat in time within me like the tides, and when I am within one the other is never far from me.
Recently, the side of temptation and pleasure has begun to take on a character which is strange and eerie to me. I am tempted, not only to enjoy my flesh, but to say certain things, to specifically dedicate my energies to certain things or beings, to perform strange actions in a ritualistic manner, and I am promised that by participating in these things I will unlock avenues of ever greater pleasure. I am being deliberately vague here since I don't want to imply these things are anything other than my own intrusive thoughts but the experiences are discomforting, to say the least. A kernel of me, which has never fully succumbed to any temptation, persists in rebelling against these stranger urges, and I find that at times prayers come to mind even in the midst of darkness.
I have wondered at many times what sort of person I would be if I were baptized, if it would truly change me in some mysterious fashion, join me with the living God. I wonder at other times whether baptism really does anything, so to speak, or if it is simply a ritual which would not alter my nature. I wonder if the person I see when I envision myself as someone baptized and regularly attending confession and receiving communion really is someone with a foot in that world beyond the world which I feel I have brushed against, if he really is better for it all, or if it is an artifact of the imagination. I dearly want to believe that I can become something new.
It would still be sad and cringe, but it wouldn't be tear jerking sad.
I became Catholic in my early 20s from going with my grandmother to church on Sundays then looking things up from curiosity about things like the Summa Theologica. I used to be very anti-Catholic.
>I used to be very anti-Catholic.
Can you talk about how you changed and what the process was like in terms of worldview, beliefs, mindset, that kind of thing?
Tie an audiobook to a brick and throw it through their window. And say "nyeh!" when you release it.
It's just a matter of learning more things. I was basically a non-denominational, fideist Christian who was influenced by conspiracies about the Church being Satanic, then I learned history, theology, philosophy, etc., especially with an interest in philosophy, and over time realized my previous beliefs were irrational and Catholicism was more rational. That's the gist of it, there was many things I considered day by day over the years but mostly between rationalism versus fideism.
Sorry I'm in a long distance relationship with schizo girl
I realized that I'm dumber than I thought. I can't even articulate my thoughts on anything. Blaming it on depression just seems like cope at this point. I guess people tend to overestimate themselves but I might genuinely be low IQ
I have to quit alcohol. I keep drinking too much and doing badly. I need to change.
I use a language exchange app to talk to people from different countries and this one Japanese chick asked to see pictures of my dogs, but when I tried to send them, the app said that she needs to send me 5 messages before pictures can be sent, OK, fine, that's understandable, it's to prevent guys from blasting chicks with dick pics, but when I told her this, she left me on read. I think she thinks that I'm being creepy but it's honestly the truth. Oh well, whatever, I barely knew her anyway.
I read e-books on my tablet of physical books I own
I read books on my computer and then buy them if I like them enough.
doing badly?
New: >>23540641
New: >>23540641
New: >>23540641
Believe what you want. My ex took me for over 20k. Fuck women
sounds like ukraine...
"For" is the problem here because you were watching 'for their years', a cumulative total of x. Keep "for(e)" at the golf course where it belongs.
Just don't insult Islam.
Insulting Christ gets you a pat on the back, ask Charlie Hebdo what happens when you talk shit about Islam.
you've just been given one of the most important lessons in life, how to live alone, and how to become familiar with yourself
crying over, not crying for

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