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Admit that you loved this book. Admit it right now.
I'll start: I loved this book.
It's very readable. Which explains its popularity.
i don't read YA books because i am a grownup
I admit it. I liked this book.

I think this doesn't count as YA. Isn't modern YA basically about liberal identity politics to the point an author can be cancelled for writing characters of a different ethnicity? Sanderson books are very non ideological.
ya is about simple unchallenging easily parsable fantasy books for teenagers like this
I’m pretty sure you have to be autistic/emotionally retarded to enjoy Sanderson’s work. All of his fans say the same thing:
>Sure, the characterization, prose, and dialogue all suck but the PLOTTING and MAGIC SYSTEMS are GREAT

who the fuck reads books for plotting and magic systems
I didn't say any of that though
Well, the bad stuff is self evident. So why do you read his books?
It's warm, rich, and cozy.
I think this is not marketed as YA. YA is a marketing/demographics label.
I liked it, alone its pretty good.
The follow ups and plots get progressively weaker and weaker though as is the trend of pretty much every Sanderson series.
keep fooling yourself
you're reading children's books because you never grew up
But this is not marketed as YA. So, it is not YA.
Its pretty fun. Thought I would hate the Shallan chapters based on how derided they are online but found them pretty comfy
I think it's more of a zigzag.

Way of Kings is definitely alright.
Words of Radiance is a bit weaker but it has its moment.
Oathbreaker is pretty great because the flashback is actually interesting in itself, and by that point you're already faimilar enough with the world that there's no need to waste time.
Rhythm of War is ffffffffucking boring, because it goes too deep in the magitek explanation (this is also a trend for all Sanderson books published since then too, he started writing for the kind of people who asks him question at conventions). Despite that the whole thing about Kaladin trying to be peaceful for once and eventually going right back in with guerilla warfare was a plotline I enjoyed very much, but I've seen some people criticize it because PTSD makes Kaladin looks weak.

Overall Shallan is a menace and must be stopped, Adolin should just marry his swordfu instead.
>I can't read fun thing because I need to apear adult

Kek, what a slave mentally
Nah, it was OK. I read "Mistborn" before it, and I read "Words of Radiance", and basically I lost my interest in Sanderson.
enjoying these YA enjoyers who are like "well the marketing doesn't say it's YA so it's totally appropriate for reddit enjoying adult like me!"
>all YA/adult nonsense
That doesn't mean shit when most adults have reading skills of a 7th grader.
Didn't you see the other thread? Most adults read 40 books a year.
>epic fantasy is YA
>Tolkien isn't
who are you quoting?
If you have to posture on a taiwanese guano scraping forum about how mature you are then you're not remotely grown up.
I think he's a relatively nice guy for a fantasy writer and some of his books are okay, but his fans are some of the biggest retards I've ever seen, look on goodreads, they just rate everything he's ever written a 5 without the slightest consideration or in-depth analysis.
Still, they're less psychotic and midwits than George Martin fanboys.
It's slop. I know it, you know it and everyone knows it.
So what? Slop from time to time doesn't kill a person, we all enjoyed good slop here and there, only hard core pseudos goes the "I only read lit books"
I'd rather read Naruto.
I've listened to him talk about his approach to writing and it sounds so formulaic and sterile he has convinced me to never touch one of his books.
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no. fuck you fucking kike. slop is shit and should never be read or watched or listened to by anyone, EVER. you are a faggot and have no taste. FUCK goyslop FUCK your jewish media. FUCK you nigger
I like Hitler AND Sanderson
My condolences.
>who the fuck reads books for plotting and magic systems
Most people that like the fantasy genre?
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Like said here >>23538431 Sanderson isn't the shittiest modern fantasy writer, he may be slop sometimes, but there's way more shit out there.
Sanderson is the Stephen King of the millennial generation, while gen x faggots love Stephen King, they love Sanderson for their commercial fiction.
>Thought I would hate the Shallan chapters
Let me guess, you haven't had sex?
It's alright. It's much better than the following books at least. The father character makes me laugh since he really, truly comes across like he's mentally handicapped.
Kaladin's dad, the pacifist? He's pretty infuriating.
No, the viewpoint character whose autistic fixation is muh honor. Dalinar.
This is a literature. Go to reddit to post your dogshit.
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I liked that book.

I loved this book. It helped me stop being an alcoholic.
>I am a stick

*Normies piss and shit so much, they donate 40 million into Kickstarter*
>you're reading children's books because you never grew up
>not being able to enjoy The Hobbit or the like
What a sad, pathetic life
Only the leddit GRRM fanboys are annoying. True ASOIAF enjoyers (the book, not the shitslop TV show) are pretty chill from my experience.
But what if I think Hitler's cool AND I like basedslop?
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There's a lot of missed potential in the cosmere books.
I'm glad I went through my fantasy phase in high school. I have the first two books of this series and will never read them. Sometimes I am shocked/disappointed that I "wasted" reading thousands of pages of autistic make-believe stories instead of real lore or history, but at the same time it's better than watching tv or probably gayming, since you're training your brain to concentrate and keep track of important information. Most people today won't even have the dedication/focus or mental capacity to read a 1000 page detailed fantasy book.

This triggers the nu-male.

Stick to your principles and eventually you'll get tired of the slop.
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For what purpose would one read a story bereft of any emotional or thematic complexity? If I wanted to see the world through the eyes of an overgrown man child, I need look no further than myself. The best novels inspire gratitude for life, and personally, I would instead read a single great book than many mediocre ones.
First three were pretty gud. Rhythm of war felt like a shitlib explaining racial equality, PTSD and women's rights in some kind of fantasy book sermon. Very shit.
George Martin owes a lot to the fact that his autistic fanboys don't read other things, over almost 20 years I've seen forums focused on ASOIAF where the same idiots read very deeply into his work and come up with the most idiotic theories possible, making his slop become the most profound text ever imagined.
Some of the theories border on fanfic or are a cycle of cannibalism where over the years they have eaten, shat and eaten the shit, while idolizing that fat manlet as the god of literature and knowledge.
>I live in a small village in Ireland where we have this local legend (a thousand mental gymnastics to force it into the work) it's obvious that George put it in the work! He knows everything!
>Omg, you are right!
He will never meet the expectations created by these fans, never, in part he must have given up writing because of this.
Yes I admit. But the rest of the series is a lot worse.
you seem very level-headed and fun to speak to
I haven't read it nor do I intend to.
>Sure, the characterization, prose, and dialogue all suck
They're weak in his early books but have improved over time
I have. Hate may have been too strong a word. It's just anything I had read online severely derided those chapters as full and repetitive, and in a 1200pg book that can be a tad irksome
I gave 1 star to any book written before 2000 on good reads.
I gave 5 stars to all Sanderson books.
Simple as.
I'm not a sex-haver myself I was just a little drunk yesterday and posted that because I thought it was funny
I read about half of it and did not like it at all.
this, i love first book, second was also great, third was ok, but last one. Oh boy, it's the worst pile of shit that i have read from the beginning to the end

Can't wait for the book 5 because that is guaranteed to be yet another steaming turd
I made the mistake of buying The Way of King, brazilian version, where there's plenty of shitty grammar, typos and just overall poor translation.
Other than that, I've read the first era of Mistborn and Elantris from Sanderson, any of his other books are good or not?
>Brazilian version
does everyone have big fat juicy asses in that version?
I have not read this book (yet)
You can feel in the most cringeworthy way how badly he wants movies made of these books by the way he created the whole system of emotional spren being visible. Being able to visually exaggerate emotions with some stupid lore gimmick is exactly the kind of "That storming man!" type of unnecessary world-building shit that actually goes too far and makes it less immersive.
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I remember someone explaining to me that the emotion spren were a good example of "show, don't tell" storytelling.
lmao that's crazy. Even funnier since Sanderson is a strong contender for the most "tell don't show" fantasy writer of all time.
>hurr durr I need goyslop to have fun

braindead cattle like you are the reason everything sucks and is exponentially getting worse
I think he was more commenting on your inability to express yourself without resorting to a litany of slurs and violent rhetoric. It makes you come across as an unhinged and generally low-IQ maniac.
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yeah. reading the very organically made GRRM threads made me aware of that. GRRM also owes alot to the film industry. I find it very coincidental he only aurhors that have millions of turbo fans are the ones with feature length movies and TV series
well guess what I did try being reasonable the last fifty times I brought up the problem with tolerating gotslop trash and no one responded to it. so I have to sink to you mutant's level and scream like a maniac and guess what it actually worked
I don't care about the content of your posts (not that it's legible anyway) but the way you write is obnoxious and you probably stink irl.
>She felt as if she....
Didn't anyone ever tell this guy the rule of show don't tell? You never say what the character feels, ever.
you suck at bait

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