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Why are guys like Marx, Sartre, Foucault, Frankfurt school, etc blamed for the state of the modern world. Barely anyone with power even knows who the fuck those guys were. These are the real writers responsible for our modern world and who the people with power and capital look up to for guidance. You're welcome.
Because these guys can't be put down as Jews and pedos—
oh wait
Because we're taught that ideas make people act. Consequence of anti-communist doctrine, i.e., stalin killed many people because he read too much Marx, etc, the CIA invented the idea of brainwashing to pretend like political ideology is just a consequence of bad education or bad reading. So when chuds think Sartre or Marcuse are ideological "essence" behind the modern world they are literally repeating CIA brainlet propaganda, anyways,
They are complementary. Popper is for great men like Soros who want to steer the world as a man steers a horse. Marx is the bit in the mouth for those who are easily steered.
Kosher dialectics, fpbp
if the modern world uses Austrian economics as its ideological foundation and not Jewish international socialism then why was Milei's election met with so much screeching?

>oh no screeeeeching ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

Was he physically stopped? No.

We're supposed to believe the Bilderberg Group has a portrait of Karl Marx and Michel Foucault in their secret meeting room when more likely it's these 6 men. (Who preached the exact opposite message).
Milie was installed by the CIA idiot. All the media reporting on him is just a way of promoting their western puppet leader as a "dark horse" canidate. Same with Macri. Peronism isn't socialism either, more like fascism with leftists characteristics, so these "based" "right wing" politicians aren't owning the libs, they're legalizing abortions while selling off public property to parasitic rootless cosmopolitans for pennies on the dollar.
Here’s the problem with that line of thinking, what makes it different from KGB propaganda or EU propaganda? The very fact you’re attributing one over the other, you haven’t begun to view the world without ideological blinders. That’s your first mistake.
I doubt that philosopbers really had that much influence in general.
>Barely anyone with power even knows who the fuck those guys were.
Go look up who funded the publication of One Dimensional Man, Adorno's research in Germany, and all the American leftist publications during the 60's.
Rawls should be blamed. ALL the libtards in the DNC and in NGOs have read him.
Because the United States is the most powerful empire on earth. The CIA has helped overthrow about 50 governments in their 100 years of existence. They spent time and resources to get pomo thought into all the leftist school halls to get people to stop thinking like marxists. Literally had conventions and shit and pushed publishers to do it.
No shit, sherlock. But what does have to do with the price of tea in China? Would you think the world would be a better place had the Soviet Union had won the Cold War? The biggest issue is assuming that any government or leader is here to solve the problems of the world and not be just be self interested in advancing their own personal agenda.
Yes. Soviet Union was as much of a bourgeois state as the European nations and the United States, although they had their own brand of bourgeois ideology that pretended to be communist.
Fact is, at least amongst online discourse, theres an endless sea of uneducated retards, much like >>23538285, who have somehow gotten it into their heads that neoliberal globalist capitalists are somehow neo-marxist leninists coming to steal your toothbrush and make you an incel. In reality, the neoliberal revolution was the speartip of a global revolution that allowed a cabal of capitalism plutocrats to disarm western states regulations of their economies, and now for example the American economy is entirely conglomerated/oligopolized top to bottom, with the plutocrats at the top with immense influence over the political system. Neoliberalism greatest sin was the conflation of capitalism with free markets, which are completely opposed to each other, and this inversion has rotted the brains of so many people as a result as well to where "free market" libertarians suck up for monopolistic billionaires who have curbed their respective industry-markets. All of this has been buttressed by the McCarthy spawned anti-communism, which has furthered neutered peoples ability to think in economic and class terms. "Crony" capitalism is a massive cope to deal with all the contradictions that come from all this.

And as others have said, the other pillar of all this is that the American national security state overthrew numerous lefty/nationalist governments who didn't want globalist corporations privatizing their resources. Pinochet was literally put in place with the help of the CIA, and consequently started implementing Chicagoan neoliberal policies with the grace and support of Hayek. Same happened in Iran and it completely destroyed its democracy.
>it wasn’t real communism
So tiresome…
This is the correct answer
>pretended to be communist
Commies need a helicopter ride
>Why are guys like Marx, Sartre, Foucault, Frankfurt school, etc blamed for the state of the modern world. Barely anyone with power even knows who the fuck those guys were.
>Barely anyone with power even knows who the fuck those guys were.
Yeah I'm sure barely anyone knows who Marx is, you know, just one of the most important thinkers of the past two centuries, whose thought spurned countless revolutions and conflicts that split the world in half. Sartre and Foucault were also huge public intellectuals in France with massive political involvement. Idk much about the Frankfurt school but their influence on academia is a huge part of what's fueling anti-intellectualism in American conservatism. Just say you're talking about America, not "the modern world", as yes, there are many nameless thinkers associated with neo-conservatism/liberalism that may have had more impact on American policy, but they're more associated with the fields of polisci/economics/ir than philosophy.
They‘ve got their boot on your neck pretty good, 2015 memes aside.
Foucault is highly regarded. All that stuff which critiques knowledge as an emanation from power, or questions the meaning of terms like "crime" and "madness", comes from his work.
He's not even restricted to the Left. The Right also has had cause to question the use of "phobia" in terms like "islamophobia" or "homophobia".
yeah i was gonna say next time u see an insane homeless guy covered in piss screaming at the wall next to port authority, it might be possible to trace his predicament back to foucault, though reagan and geraldo are intermediaries between the insane homeless and foucault. i love foucault's critiques of knowledge/power aka The Science, but some people are actually insane and shouldn't be left on the street on their own.
>The Right also has had cause to question the use of "phobia" in terms like "islamophobia" or "homophobia".
This sounds pretty interesting. I've read a bit of Foucault so I'm fairly familiar w/ the savoir-pouvoir stuff and whatnot, but I haven't read anything that examines the usage/construction of phobias. Is there any particular work you're referring to?
The book which questions how we've been handling the "insane" is Folie et Déraison, although Surveiller et punir (updating the famous Panopticon) also touches on that.
For a Right take on Foucault, Sohrab Ahmari:
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What about this guy?
If it wasn't, then how did he get elected in the first place?
People screech about anything and everything, retard-kun.
I mean you retards can screech about Austrian economics all you want and dumbfucks like >>23538584 can winge about capitalism but both Keynes, AND Hayek AND Friedman have all had outsized, relevant impact on the world while all being quite distinct from one another.

>started implementing Chicagoan neoliberal policies with the grace and support of Hayek

tell me you don't know anything about Hayek without... you know the meme.
>Folie et Déraison, although Surveiller et punir
I know. I've read both of those. And nothing in that article is expressly right wing, it's just a general overview of his work. I was asking specifically about works that applied Foucault to phobias from a right wing context.
people uised to living entirely off of the parasitic buereaucratic state for multiple generations are seething their parasitic livelihood is under threat. Also, the woke seethe because he opposes their discourse. The constitutionalists seethe because he doesn't respect the rotten corpse of the country's constitutional principles.
Ah. I understand your question better now.
I only just heard about Foucault being taken seriously by actual scholars (Michael Brown in fact) like two weeks ago so, I haven't actually started reading him yet. I'm looking into what others might report and stumbled onto Ahmari.
Then I recalled, hey, look at all those people who medicalise difference-of-opinion by calling them 'phobes and I started thinking about the Soviets who used to put people into institutions if they didn't believe what they were being told.
I'd thought Foucault might have had something to say about what the Soviets were doing. But you're telling me he didn't?
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You are an idiot.
You're welcome.
You have sluggishly progressing schizophrenia.
The Frankfurt School seems more straight forwardly nefarious in that they were a politically active group.
But Marx, Sartre, Foucault...clearly, someone in power has an interest in keeping people ignorant regarding these subjects and that's the only reason why.
Jordan Petersons commentary on these authors is borderline deranged. Lol. He sounds like he's about to have a heart attack when he talks about Derrida and Foucault, and he demonstrates very poor knowledge regarding anything they said.
He had a guy on his podcast a few weeks ago where they speculated that Marx was literally a Satanist or commuted with Satanic forces because he wrote some speculative poetry in his youth about how the Devil was a cool literary figure, you know, like all rebellious Christian teens do for all time.
And someone is paying and promoting Peterson, so that agenda is the reason why.
Underrated post
>look at all those people who medicalise difference-of-opinion by calling them 'phobes
Calling someone a homophobe or whatever isn't really medicalizing anything—it's not something that any medical professional would or has ever diagnosed as far I know. Foucault is certainly interested in the pathologization of unreason in M&C, but only the context of actual, historical, institutional instances. Such as mania and hypochondria. Now, in the sense that a "homophobe" can be charged with a more intense crime as a "hate crime," that would be something Foucault would be interested in, as the creation of a new subject based on his aberrant thoughts yields to an exclusionary, disparate treatment of individuals constructed from personal knowledge about them.
>I'd thought Foucault might have had something to say about what the Soviets were doing. But you're telling me he didn't?
I haven't read anything of his that touches on that in particular. M&C and D&P both look into socio-political reasons for confinement and the creation of discipline, which has to do with moral-political reasons like "idleness," so it could certainly be analyzed through that lens.
>These are the real writers responsible for our modern world and who the people with power and capital look up to for guidance
>Doesn't include Keynes
You don't know what you're talking about. The Austrian school of economics is nowhere near as influential as Keynesian thought, and it's only remembered because of Friedman.
are you being daft? these people were influential in the kind of self-destruction that the world is spiraling towards. all of these jews were obessed with the idea of destroying humanity and were also profound zionists
>I'd thought Foucault might have had something to say about what the Soviets were doing. But you're telling me he didn't?
Idk about any of his works where he does this, he tended to shy away from direct political commentary in his books. But I do know that in his regular life he was highly critical of Marxist movements and communist states later in his life. He was critical of all modern states really
I think the bigger retards are the guys who think "neoliberalism" is a real thing that exists and that the ghost of Thatcher is still influencing modern day brotish politics.
Protip: David Harvey, thr guy eho coined the term, said that prople like George fucking Soros are an alternative to neoliberalism.

Also, this goes eithout saying, but communists don't actually care about economics or who owns what. What they really care about is culture and their god-given right to kill their enemies without obstacle. Not being allowed to kill those stupid fucking rich opulent burgie assholes who have the audacity to host parties while I am sitting here doing nothing with my life is neoliberalism, after all.
It seems that ideology is the real infrastructure. All ramblings about economics is predicated on trying to reach some change in the ideological foundation.
Jesus christ this phone fucking sucks.
>Also, this goes eithout saying, but communists don't actually care about economics or who owns what. What they really care about is culture and their god-given right to kill their enemies without obstacle. Not being allowed to kill those stupid fucking rich opulent burgie assholes who have the audacity to host parties while I am sitting here doing nothing with my life is neoliberalism, after all.
Jordan Peterson-tier insight
Cool. That still does not make neoliberalism a real thing.
ai-generated responses

You seriously believe the CEOs and boards of directors of all the Fortune 500 companies secretly have murals to Karl Marx and Michel Foucault at all their offices?
Fuck off, Chang.
It is though, read Rawls. That’s the real bad guy.
ai-generated response to callout post of ai-generated responses
Fun fact, Rawls explicitly said that a truly tolerant society must tolerate the intolerant. You now have 10 minutes to fumble around trying to explain how our modern society still fits this description. Hell, you can also try to explain how our society is in any meaningful way "liberal"
>Go look up who funded the publication of One Dimensional Man, Adorno's research in Germany, and all the American leftist publications during the 60's.
Marcuse works for the OSS, the predecessor to the CIA, during the war writing analysis of Nazi ideology, and some of his work for that apparently influenced a book he wrote in the 50s called "Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis." One Dimensional Man came later and describes what Marcuse saw similar forms of repressive systems emerging in the U.S. and the USSR in which the logic of industrial mass production was creating "one-dimensional men" who were losing the ability to think critically, their thoughts were not their own thoughts but shaped in a hypnotic way by the logic of mass production like Brave New World.

What's interesting about this is you get some people who have right-wing politics who don't like the Frankfurt School for creating the woke mind virus, but there are also tankies who still seem to want to defend the Soviet Union for whatever reason who don't like him because he was critical of the USSR. Marcuse's view of Soviet Marxism though is that it became a narrowly rigid dogma that only allowed single "proper" interpretations (some of them plainly false) that mainly served to justify the repressive functions of the Soviet state. This was basically the result of trying to do socialism with a vanguard party in an isolated, backwards country after the German left was destroyed and its revolution failed (Western countries also intervened in the Russian civil war which soured the Soviets basically forever on Western liberalism).

As a consequence, Soviet Marxism insisted that the USSR had to play catch-up, which required authoritarian disciplining of workers, increasing productivity and enforcing a long working day along with educating a lot of engineers and managers. Total industrialization, progressive collectivization, a gradual rise in overall living standards, propagandistic morale-building, and survival of the state took precedence. Along with this was continued strengthening of the police and military instead of consumer goods. Whether this was justifiable or not is debatable given the circumstances, but this was contradictory, because it contributed to the deadlock of the Cold War, so all of those things above became ends-unto-themselves and ideologized as uncontestable dogma even while the USSR was failing to actually meet the needs of its citizens. In his conception, "the rise of the level of material and intellectual culture is not the mere by-product but the goal of the social effort," and the deadlock could only be broken by transforming Soviet society so that it would demonstrate cultural and material superiority over capitalism. (Instead, eventually, years after "Soviet Marxism" was written, the Soviet Union imploded.)
>Hell, you can also try to explain how our society is in any meaningful way "liberal"
Alright then
1) we still believe that human beings are autonomous rational actors; these are what they mean by individuals
2) we believe autonomous rational actors deserve rights
3) we believe rights should be guaranteed by the state
4) we believe the state should be a democratic republic
Basic stuff liberals believe in and want for their societies. Do we not have these now?
I feel like most of the people here are ill equipped to deal with the arguments put forth by liberals because liberalism has become an amorphous ideology that is more like the air we breathe than a system of philosophy. Witness how liberals arguments seem to morph depending on who they’re arguing with, and how liberals seem to not even know that they are liberals to begin with.
I’m beginning to think liberalism is a pseudo-science rather than an ideology.
This is the definition of dominant ideology. It is the fish that asks, “what the hell is water?”
It's important to remember the capitalist does not like capitalism they wish for nothing more than to become entrenched oligarchs and left wing politics is a good way to achieve that end
The remnants of "Red Scare" ideology plus the prominence of lolbertarians has made it so the Frankfurt School/New Left types become the scapegoat for everything in the modern world. That's not to say that the aforementioned group doesn't suck, because they do, but they aren't the ones responsible for the Shock Doctrine. Austrian/Chicago School types are masters of hypocrisy as well. They love bringing up the college student argument of "Real Socialism has never been tried!" and debunking it but then go right on saying "Real Austrian Policies have never been tried!" or "It would've worked if the policies had been fully implemented!".
>Le Joo

Some people never grow up
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Friedrich Hayek literally said that he wanted a one world government.
Liberalism and communism are both tools of the globalist elites to achieve the New World Order. People who take one side or the other and fervently argue for it are brainwashed puppets of the globalists.
What they did do was smuggle Marxist language that was popular in German and Russian speaking world into the French and English academy. Foucault is the single most cited academic in the American academy by a mile. So it’s not just their ideas (which are complete lefty poison and yes, have informed everything from anti-racist judiciaries to woke non-profits) but also for the language they brought in. The liberal-progressive-Marxist hydra that the left is now gets its language from these guys to a huge degree. Denying this is just a flat out lie.
this desu
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This is an interesting thing, one of the popularizers (although not the only one) of folk theories about the Frankfurt School was Lyndon LaRouche and his organization in the 1980s. You see the influence in this thread about "puppets of globalists" and so on. LaRouche was also a weird case because he had been on the far left and involved in Trotskyist stuff before moving to the conspiracy-pilled right. He was hostile to the Austrian/Chicago school types as well and believed in a kind of 19th-century protectionist industrial capitalist dictatorship combined with (fairly intense) social conservatism. Some of his ideas (including third worldism and fondness for various crooked dictatorships like Manuel Noriega) and his ex-Marxist background always made him suspect to the right though, and he was a paranoid cult leader with apocalyptic ideas about imminent catastrophe who exploited his followers. But a lot of this stuff about the Frankfurt School trying to destroy Western culture and classical Western civilization and make everything ugly apparently originated in their pamphlets.
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Trotsky was a globalist and feminist and he also supported homossxual rights.
Also his real name was Lev Bronstein.
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>He had a guy on his podcast a few weeks ago where they speculated that Marx was literally a Satanist or commuted with Satanic forces because he wrote some speculative poetry in his youth about how the Devil was a cool literary figure, you know, like all rebellious Christian teens do for all time.
Yeah there's a spirit of rebellion in Satan as a literary figure. You know, Marx's favorite deity from classical Western religion was Prometheus, the Titan who stole fire from the gods (fire = enlightenment) and was then chained to a rock by Zeus as punishment. Satan in Milton's "Paradise Lost" has some differences from Prometheus but also resembles him in some ways, like Satan encouraging man to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. The Prometheus/Satan figure, by empowering man to be more than his brute animal self, is an initiator and benefactor who gives humanity the power to ascend from his base origins at the expense of "innocence." I read one of Marx's poems that get cited by these conservative Christian writers who go on Jordan Peterson's show and it seemed to recall those tropes. Also, instead of getting revenge against God by corrupting Adam and Eve through the apple, Marx's mischief was to corrupt man by teaching them about the dialectic.
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Yeah he is right about that.
I am not really a fan of Jordan Peterson because I think he is boring and he shilled for the "vaccines" but it is true that Karl Marx was a Satanist. Other communists also were Satanists too. Lenin and Trotsky both were members of the French Masonic Lodge. Some of the Bolsheviks performed Satanic rituals to desecrate churches. Some people in the KGB had seances and contacted demonic spirits (the CIA did that too).
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good analysis of the Satanic spirit behind Marxism, and Jay isn't a liberal capitalist either so don't misunderstand where is coming from

>2 hour stream from an ortholarper mutt
I'll pass
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He is much smarter than Jordan Peterson (just a fact, I'm not being mean to Jordan).
A lot of brainwashed leftists like you think that the height of right wing intellectuals is Jordan Peterson and you use him as a strawman but Jay Dyer is way smarter and he does a better analysis.
Also Jay is more redpilled and he was always against the "vaccine" and he doesn't shill for Israel either.
Why are far-leftists so obsessed about these cringe Austrians from whom the West moved away from decades ago? In reality, the average bean counter will rephrase to you Marx's value theory and (correctly) state that its just Adam Smith's theories modernized and then do the "Ha h- wait, you serious?" reaction when a leftie starts another strawmen about Austrian boogeymen.
We're so fucked desu.
This shit mixed with the analytics of AI means that the govt and corporations can hand tailor the propaganda to be the most effective against you as an individual.
>Inb4 not me, only you
No one is immune to propaganda.
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Karl Popper was also a globalist and he trained George Soros.
Friedrich Hayek was too.
They are the false "opposition" (but actually allies) to the Marxists, Trotskyists, etc.
Israel is good because its an economic and geopolitical crowbar to the middle east. Any sane man wants strong America, and Israel is a tool to a stronger America. Here, I said the quiet part loud, now go ahead and have a meltie about how "idz da jooooz". And the fact that you didn't take the vax just marks you as a retard, but lemme guess, 2 more weeks and the mass die-off kicks in, yeah?
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>blah blah blah blah
You are blind to the spiritual realities behind these things and I am not interested in your boring bluepill materialist opinions which are wrong.
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Why am I not surprised?
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Show me where the Bible mentions a "Star of David" (you can't).
Israel is categorically a terrible ally. They (jews) habe entrenched themselves incredibly well in our institutions. Don't believe me? Look at Bidens cabinet, or better yet, look at how much influence AIPAC has or even moreso, look at how many justices are jewish.
This whole thing is kayfabe. Watered down Marxism won the superstructure and watered down Austrian bullshit won the base.
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Aww shit another thinly disguised /pol/ thread devolving into blatant schizo-paranoid jewish conspiracy like clockwork
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Like in Plato's cave, the truth sounds crazy to those who are brainwashed by lies.
That doesn’t mean all of his ideas are garbage
With pleasure. Blacks, troons and feminists are some of the most intolerant people around, yet it’s a crime to oppose them in any meaningful way
LaRouche should've been president.
He wasn't capable of it and seemed to prefer to live large off his followers who worked in boiler rooms scamming confused elderly people out of their money to stop an imminent Soviet takeover of the world in league with the Trilateral Commission.
I’d oppose him on third worldist grounds. I own some of his writings but we differ in many ways
Yep, that's my president. Keep seething DNC
Was Lyndon Larouche kind of like the American version of Alexander Dugin
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go outside you nut
huh? democracy is working as intended, but the weird thing is that it relies on the propaganda there should be ''change'' to feel like when they took power during their revolutions. Of course there will never be a revolution on a society which already has suffered from a revolution.

So you guys have to accept that:
1/ all societies decay
2/ the democratic republics by the bourgeois civil servants and the bourgeois businessmen will not be exempted from decay
3/ the new society will not have the bourgeois at the top, ie it will not be a republic
4/ if the new model of society is so obvious, the bourgeois will nip it in the bud, in order to keep their republics alive
5/ the new society will NEVER EVER be created by any civil servant or businessman

=>The solution will never come from any media products like the coomer Zemmour in France, nor from a business product like the coomer Trump in the USA, nor from an academic product like Milei (in democracy, academia is part of the entertainment industry), let alone a self-made intellectual like Dugin, nor from a woman because, in democracy, women are products of bureaucracies and marketing.
The solution will come from somebody who is not part of the republic. Only an external element and/or an external event to the republic will destroy the republic and the fake dichotomy bureaucrats-businessmen for good.
The point is that it will be so strange that westerners won't see it coming.
Nta anon, but I am a father and a hard worker and kikes have a bunch of power. It's not even hidden. Two common tropes are jews run banks/finance/Wall Street and control Hollywood/media.
It's all right under your nose.
Democracy/republics die when they become ineffective and inefficient in addressing the problems of the nation. A strongman offers solutions to these problems by sweeping away these institutions thar have become bloated and corrupt.and instead dictating policy.
This is often done by a military man of renown. I imagine we will see this in the late 2020s or early 2030s after much bloodshed.
That's a geopolitical view stuck in the 20th century. Israel is by all metrics a liability these days.
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Libertarians and capitalists can make valid critiques of Marxist economics, but you can't truly understand how evil Marxism really is without knowing the roots of Marxism in Heraclitus and gnostic alchemy.
Marxism is not a thing
Marxism-Leninism is a bourgeois ideology

doesn't mention the names of all the months either yet we somehow have them. it's almost like the oral torah was...real. it's almost like not every little thing was written down and some shit was just given. nahhhhh!!!
Funny how all that bitching in the Open Society didn’t amount to much in terms of commitments.
>Liberalism and communism are both tools of the globalist elites to achieve the New World Order. People who take one side or the other and fervently argue for it are brainwashed puppets of the globalists.

No! There must be some secretive grand Zionist globalist takeover or a Satanic New World Order! I refuse to believe that those in power are merely misguided, well-intentioned fools who also bear the impermanence of flesh!
Postmodern Neomarxism and Neoliberal Capitalism are both evil and lack soul. The only option is to Retvrn.
>I refuse to believe that those in power are merely misguided, well-intentioned fools who also bear the impermanence of flesh!
>Hey guys we should all be gullible idiots and believe the people with the ability to control others at the point of a gun always have good intentions.
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There is some overlap among their followers now (on account of them being pro-Russia, although LaRouche had been very anti-Soviet in the 1980s) but their beliefs were drawn from very different sources. I'm probably doing a disservice to them but Dugin is very anti-Enlightenment and anti-modern in his overall medievalist outlook, while LaRouche was not. LaRouche was like the Enlightenment gone crazy or something but probably would've fit in very well in the late 19th century in Bismarck's Germany. Dugin thinks cities are the source of moral pollution while LaRouche was a maximum-production guy with massive infrastructure projects to solve world problems (reminds me Snowpiercer) for whom there are no limits to growth. Like, why doesn't the world have a trillion people? Need to build a canal? Drop nuclear bombs!

I think the Western countries are not holding Israel as back as much as they used to because Israel has more support in the UAE and Saudi Arabia even if it's not made totally obvious. In the past, the U.S. and other countries tried to balance Israel a bit more because they didn't want to completely alienate the Arabs and drive them into the Soviet camp. The UAE and Israel normalized relations, and MBS wants it badly too because he's afraid of Iran, but there are some hangups, some of them political but also technical. The Saudis want a defense agreement with the U.S. which would act as a center for a regional system (and also an air-defense system which the U.S. would coordinate), and it would involve normalization of relations with Israel, but they want it done through a treaty because they don't find U.S. agreements that don't come with a treaty -- that's signed on the dotted line and notarized -- to be as reliable these days. They want to be able to stick future presidents to a treaty. And that involves ratifying a treaty in the U.S. Senate and various politicking to get it done.
mental illness
Jews were seen as inherently greedy and malicious, often wealthy, manipulating financial markets, favoring family and fellow Jews, and engaging in fraudulent practices. The perception dates back to medieval Europe. The three main Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—consider usury to be sinful, especially to fellow members of the faith. However, Judaism is the only such religion that doesn't have an explicit prohibition on lending to outsiders. Jews then faced restrictions and persecution, often working in money-related professions due to bans on land ownership and guild membership. So most of them had to work jobs those of faith (which was omnipresent at the time) such as rent and tax collect, trading, peddling and banking. his stereotype intensified with nationalist sentiments in the 19th century and was exploited by Nazi Germany to justify a discrimination campaign and eventual genocide. After World War II, the view became widely discredited due to its association with Nazi propaganda and the Holocaust.
People like Hayek and Mises have zero influence on the Western ruling class.
The "neoliberal revolution" is a myth. No such thing ever happened.
NO! your wrong! all of civilization is propped up by goodwill and altruism! not greed and power.
>nooooo stop noticing

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