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Explain in simple terms what Heidegger's concept of the Turn means.

bumping. Are you all intellectual wimps unable to mentally lift a boulder heavier than you ?

Such disappoint
instead of looking at the existential analytic of Dasein as the answer to the question of being, he turned to language, culture, and thought to provide insight to Being. he realized that he had fell victim to the very metaphysics he critiqued, and did his best to mitigate its effects within his philosophy. Dasein became a historical choice, and the language of the latinate-scientific metaphysics of presence gave way to the poetical.

hey bud, why don't you just read heidegger?
also, the turn isn't a "concept" heidegger came up with, its a description of his shift in perspective/methodology. the degree of severity that this turn actually constitutes is debated among heideggarian scholarship.
It is very much a concept:

>hey bud, why don't you just read heidegger?

"The essence of positionality is the danger. As danger, being turns away from its essence into the forgetfulness of this essence and thus at the same time turns itself against the truth of its essence. This self-turning that has not yet been considered reigns in the danger. In the essence of danger there is concealed the possibility of a turn in which the forgetting of the essence of being so turns that through this turn the truth of the essence of beyng properly enters into beings."

From 'The Turn' in the 1949 Bremen Lectures.

If you think this is merely "a description of his shift in perspective/methodology" and not ~a moment in the history of being~ (my words) you've probably read Heidegger with Sartres' divergent strabismus and whenever you read "dasein" you understood "the human condition".
Heidegger's concept of the Turd is a significant shift in his philosophical thinking. It's important to understand his early work, particularly his magnum opus "Being and Time," to grasp the Turd's significance.

In "Being and Time," Heidegger focused on the question of Being through the lens of human existence, or Dasein. He explored themes like temporality, anxiety, and inauthenticity. Dasein's Being is fundamentally "Being-in-the-world," meaning our existence is interwoven with our engagement with the world around us.

However, the Turd represents a move away from this anthropocentric focus. Heidegger began to critique the emphasis on the subject (Dasein) and argued that Western philosophy had been on the wrong track for centuries. This "wrong track" involved prioritizing the knowing subject and representing objects as things to be known.

The Turd emphasizes a new way of thinking about Being itself, not just human existence in relation to Being. Heidegger turned towards a more poetic and meditative approach, focusing on language and our experience of the world. He explored concepts like dwelling, appropriation, and the "Fourfold" (Earth, Sky, Gods, and Mortals) to understand our place in the cosmos.

This shift wasn't a complete rejection of his earlier work. Instead, it aimed to reorient philosophy towards a more fundamental understanding of Being that precedes the subject-object split. The Turd remains a complex and debated aspect of Heidegger's thought, but it undoubtedly marks a turning point in his exploration of the question of Being.
Nice 328 tokens faggot
This is just a bland text devoid of any real content that only talks about what the turd is (alright, I'll give you that and take this) in relation to the rest of Heideggers' writings. See what I said above to chuddegger.

But there is actual content to be discussed in fact:

>When the turn takes place in the danger, this can only occur without mediation. For beyng has nothing similar to itself next to it. It is not effected by another, nor does it take effect. Beyng never runs through a causal network of effects. As beyng, the way that beyng sends itself neither precedes anything effected, nor follows upon anything causative. Abruptly from out of its own essence of concealment, beyng takes place in its epoch. Thus we must take note: The turn of the danger takes place suddenly.

My take is that nobody (expect myself to my knowledge) understands this concept precisely for the reason described above. Obviously one should link that to Being and Time section 42. "Confirmation of the Existential Interpretation of Dasein as Care in terms of Dasein's Pre-ontological Way of Interpreting Itself", in particular §200.

The same idea is iterated in The Turn

Continuing where I left off:

>In the turn there suddenly lights up the illuminated clearing of the essence of beyng. This sudden self-lighting is the lightning flash. It brings itself into the brightness proper to it, a brightness it brought in with it- self. In the turn of the danger, when the truth of beyng flashes, the essence of beyng lights up; the truth of the essence of beyng enters. In taking place, toward what does the entrance [Einkehr] turn? Toward nothing other than beyng itself, es- sencing as yet in the forgetfulness of its truth
>“To flash” [blitzen], according to the word and the issue at stake, is to glance [blicken]. In the glance [im Blick] and as the glance, what is essencing enters into its own illumination. Through the element of its illumination, the glance shelters back in the glancing whatever it catches sight of; at the same time, glancing likewise guards in illumination the hidden darkness of its provenance as what is unilluminated. [...] We thought the truth of beyng in the worlding of world as the mirror-play of the fourfold of sky and earth, mortals and divinities.

It should follow that when the Turns happens (and it is happening), we will be able to assign extraordinary foresight to this text in the wake of its occurrence, for the Turn is sudden, unmediated and non-causal. Being reveals itself.

>One golden glance of what should be
>It's a kind of magic
>One shaft of light that shows the way
>No mortal man can win this day
You're right, I was being intellectually lazy.

As for your sartrean accusations, I think nothing of the sort. sartre is at bottom a descartes-affirmimg misinterpreter of the first half of being and time.

It cant be negated that heidegger engaged in a deeper shift in perspective/methodology with his kehre, although you are right in saying my assertion does not capture the breadth of his work.
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>OP Providing text-driven argument about the concept of Kehre.
>"Damn, he's making a good point"
>"You're right I was being intellectually lazy" – dodges argument like a judoka – "it was the damn lazynessino, I swear !"
>Leans against own's academic achievements
>"I shall not discuss with the pleb, I'm worth more than that"
>Refuses to elaborate


>Weights philosophers like a grocer
>Trader of all Jacks, master of none

I'm reading Martin Heideger, Key Concepts.
The chapter dedicated to the Turn by Thomas Sheehan starts with the following:

>The term die Kehre – “the turn” – has an over-determined and complex history in Heidegger’s work and has led to major misunderstandings of his project. As Heidegger clearly says in Contributions to Philosophy (GA 65 = CP), the turn is simply the bond between Dasein and Sein. Therefore, the turn in its basic and proper sense is the central topic of Heidegger’s thought. It is not, as many think, the 1930s shift in Heidegger’s approach to his central topic. The Kehre in its basic and proper sense never “took place”, least of all in Heidegger’s thinking.

However I disagree with this, a few pages further:
>But whatever it might turn out to be, the meaning-giving source is operative only in and with human being.

It's not limited to humans, but anything that communicates using concepts, including of non-human origin.

>meaning-giving source that enables the meaning of things.

Is spot on though. If one wanted to look for the Kehre as it is happening now, one should look into the current developments of science in this direction, although of course this won't guarantee the "flashing glance" revelation of being to itself. As soon as I establish this link, I setup a causal/rational link between these two domain, the Turn in philosophy and the Turn in science, which demote it to the rank of a mere being. It is not a matter of representation but of incarnation, just like it isn't a matter of having the blink but being the blink. You'd need to experience it coincidentally, for it to be authentic, and I believe the the very goal of these scientific developments is to enable just that.
Nta but I've read Heidegger himself say the turn was about coming to the same thing in Being and Time just from the other side; or something like that but more complex.
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The turn/being is coming from itself.

Come back coward ! Come back and fight !
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>The essence of positionality is the danger. As danger, being turns away from its essence into the forgetfulness of this essence and thus at the same time turns itself against the truth of its essence. This self-turning that has not yet been considered reigns in the danger. In the essence of danger there is concealed the possibility of a turn in which the forgetting of the essence of being so turns that through this turn the truth of the essence of beyng properly enters into beings
No fucking way this means anything. Calling bullshit on it right now.
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The great anglo move of calling bullshit. How deep.

>Anything I can't lay my hands on, it's not because I can't even process it, it's because it is too dirty for my sublime pristine hands ! Let's be pragmatic folks, let's speak of things that give themselves away into objectification easily ! This way we'll be able to manipulate them, reproduce them, put these concepts to use on some grand mechanized assembly line and as a grandiose result we'll be able to commoditize everything including ourselves and be absorbed like fat blobs of grease to lubricate the mighty gears of the mind control machine that doesn't loom over us ! Nah ! Bullshit ! I'm a free spirit, I'm not subject to propaganda such a thing doesn't even exist, we're living in an open society, land of the free ! No need to censor anything but ourselves ! We've put our greasy hands on everything that is graspable ! How come could we be grasped by something we haven't ! BUUUULLSHIIIIIT !

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