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/lit/ - Literature

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is this true /lit/?
I'm going to kill myself.
>cut and pasting trolls from reddit
now that's what i call low effort
Cmon, who hasn't seen Shallow Hal?
/lit/ - femcel reddit reposts
Why is she boycotting grapes?
In Beauty and the Beast, the MC was looking for a beautiful prince. She thought the beast was hiding him and it's been some time since I've seen Phantom of the Opera, but didn't the princess run away with Raoul, not the abusive Phantom?
redditer that dogmatically lacks reading comprehension skills #1014
4 the environment
It could be true, but this is mostly due to females, there are enough males that will fuck anything that the notion of it being some sort of moral problem is far-fetched for a male audience. Females on the other hand are their own worst enemy on this.
she's a real foxy girl
Shallow Hall?
Also, is it just me or are people getting increasingly more ignorant?
Back when I was younger, I was known as a very superficial person. An aesthete, even. Between a good girl and some messy, evil woman with BPD but who happened to be very beautiful... ... I would go for the beautiful one.
But I was aware I was a superficial idiot and my best friend made sure to remind me that I was a superficial idiot.
What happened that suddenly people think that thinking like my idiotic younger self is actually the right way to think?
How did our culture get so poor, how did we lose so much practical wisdom?
Sub should be called TwoXtraChromosomes
(Most of the """women""" who post there are trannies btw)
even if u don't believe in any religious shit, it's clear in scenarios like that that the actions of man are affected by karmic laws
Kys /pol/ chud, I'm tired of y'all fucking with this board.
>social media screencap thread
the absolute state...
>implying 4chan isn't social media and that screencaps of previous threads don't constitute the same thing
State of anons. Sort yourself out lad
Hans Christian Andersen had a story where the prince marries a hag and she turns beautiful.
On the other hand, Andersen was a renowned pillowbiter who has basically casting himself as the princess in those stories. "Little Mermaid" was just the most obvious.
Renowned pillowbiter is a wonderful euphemism.
>any story where the gender is flipped and the man's moral character is tested by whether or not he falls in love with [marries] an ugly woman
Wife of Bath's Tale, to give a /lit/ example. That tale is the most famous example of the "loathly lady" archetype which is common among medieval literature (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loathly_lady). "Animal as bridegroom" stories are more common in folklore than in literature and are harder to date, it's difficult to say which of these stories came first, but interpretations of them are also more varied than OP pic is suggesting.
Rich handsome men are also asked to go for the plainer, poorer but more moral girl as opposed to the rich, pretty, vain superficial one in lots of Victorian romance novels (eg. The Eustace Diamonds).
make bait believable again
That’s actually an older medieval tale. Check the Wife of Bath’s tale in Canterbury Tales.
I have been groomed to serve a society which hate me and use me as a tool since childhood.
There are so many stories about men who goes out to kill a dragon or a monster or something. Always, it's the man who has to fight for his life...
/lit/ is for literature
Smooth, soft hands typed this post.
Do you just keep grooming me?
NTA but that‘s kinda the point. I realized in my early twenties that my whole upbringing had been trying to push me into a weak office-dweller lifestyle and have since tried in whatever way I could to get out of that. It‘s still depressing ten years later that that certain internalized habits and weaknesses refuse to die and I‘m basically at the self-dependency level of a middling teenager compared with previous eras.
TBF that thread is full of people mentioning old stories that counter what OP is saying.
Good one
What the fuck are you on about? Avoiding a BPDemonness is a sign of maturity. Although I don't regret my adventures with them, I would never repeat them.
Fuck how do I misread a single sentence that badly. You're right, but I don't think it was all beauty, we select fucked up people when we haven't dealt with our own fuck ups yet and avoid healthy ones.
I recently read Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra
The story is short, you can read it here
It involves a woman who used to be a princess whose step-mother transforms her into an ugly troll
Every night her step-sisters will come and fight her and chop her up and then she will be resurrected
The curse will only be lifted when she meets a man who isn't afraid of her threatening him with a sword
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They only believe that because theyve been groomed harder by ugly=evil media than they have ugly=not evil media.
(Options field)
it's quite crass, just old-timey and you're barely literate
>t. had to buy a new pillow this morning
Women being drawn to "incels" is a trope that long pre-dates inceldom, even the digital realm. You could say it's a tale as old as time.
only because incels have always been writing shit tier self-insert stories
Pedos and male feminists are incels then, because most of writers that really love to create self-insert are both of them. See George Martin and Stephen King.
>Pedos ... are incels
Yes we've all seen /tv/

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