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Just finished the first 4 ender's Game books. Ender's Game, Speaker For The Dead, Xenocide and Cildren Of The Mind.

I Liked Ender's Game, I really liked Speaker for the Dead, liked maybe half of Xenocide and pretty much hated Children of the Mind. I've come to realise that it's probably to do with the characters getting worse and worse in the third and fourth books. Like I don't think there was a character that I even liked at the end of CotM. It was mostly fine in Xenocide except for the forced family drama where too many of them are literally acting to the detriment of fucking everyone just to spite their family, fuck Grego and Quara.

I think what I hated most of book 3 and 4 were the looks into other colonised planets, namely Path and Pacifica, AKA the china planet and the Moana planet, but they also go to the Japan planet and mention the Indian and aboriginal Australian planet and honestly I fucking hated all of that so much. Like how the fuck are you starting the series with space ships and FTL communications and then move three thousand fucking years into the future and have all the new planets be basically exactly as they were basically when the book was written and fucking drown in mysticism to the point of nausea. The only thing scifi about those places were the mentions of computers, everything else might as well have been fucking modern day with the china people being mentally broken rice field working servants. This ain't what I want to read for fuck sake, what happened.

It's like he decided the subconciously shift from a scifi story to a fantasy story without realising it and I fucking hated it.

The forced romance between characters that have known eachother for like a month is also terrible, especially when majority of their conversations are arguments and spite. The part where one character is basically told to kill herself is funny though, because of hoiw bad it is obviously.

Novinha might be the worst character of all time???

What do other people think of the first 4 books and should I bother reading any more of the series? Best parts were the aliens desu. Only redeeming parts of CotM.
Nah Children of the Mind was way better than Xenocide because it brought back Peter and wasn't constantly shifting the pov between characters and planets. Path isn't just china in space it's a colony of genetically engineered autists who solve problems for starways congress. Other than that, I agree. Card's character writing is awful.
>What do other people think of the first 4 books and should I bother reading any more of the series?
Ender's Shadow is the only one other than speaker for the dead and ender's game that's really good. Shadows in Flight is also good, but you have to slog through the other, really boring shadow books to read it and it ends on something of a cliffhanger. I also liked the prequel books, but they suffer from card's usual bizarre writing choices. To put things into perspective the first one starts with a debate on if incest is ok or not.
>Mind was way better than Xenocide because it brought back Peter
At first I thought that whole thing was going to be really interesting but then it almost immidiately turned into Val and Peter being sad and overly dramatic for me to be able to stand them. 'Oh woe is me, I'm not even real, I'm just an idea, I can't do anything, I should die' like oh my god shut the fuck up this is the worst thing you could have done. Like when they go to Neo-Japan peter talks to the guy and then realises he has no fucking idea how to actually manipulate anyone ajnd has to just let his chinese slave do it all for him. I wanted fucking nightmare hitler tulpa spawn to actually start hoing full on emperor of mankind on the universe but he just falls so flat. I honestly was so close to just dropping CotM with how self indulgent and whiny everyones fucking inner monologue was. I just wnated more piggies. Planter was a king, rest in power.

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