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This is week 6 of your "Meditations on the Tarot" (MOTT) book club
The subject for this week is: THE LOVER (pages 123 to 144)
If you haven't read it, you can do it now.

Next Saturday (July the 6th, 2024) the Arcana due is THE LOVER (2nd week)
but you will be, of course, welcome to post any insights, notes, questions regarding the previously read materials.

1. I packed MOTT & books most relevant to it into a convenient 184MB archive
link: https://files.catbox.moe/0ubl85.zip
There is also two auxiliary archives:
2. Holy Texts (Catholic study Bible + Tanakh w/ Hebrew-English parallel text 163MB)
link: https://files.catbox.moe/8j0iyi.zip
3. Tarot related (histoical, occult, and professional investigations 187MB)
link: https://files.catbox.moe/3tjyjx.zip

>Good podcasts related to MOTT:
https://shwep.net/podcast/ (the host at times may manifest anti-Catholicism)
>Good music to listen while reading MOTT:

Additional books are only to be discussed if relevant to the current (or previous) MOTT chapter we are discussing.
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Isn't divination something forbidden by Christian doctrine (both Catholic and Ortodox)? The fundamentalist usually cite Deuteronomy 18:10, First Samuel 15:23, Jeremiah 14:14 and James 1:5 as clear rules that divination is not something a Christian should do.
>Isn't divination something forbidden by Christian doctrine
I thought this too, but an anon had pointed out to me that they had cast lots to pick Judas's replacement. So I am unsure
You don't need to actually try divination with the tarot to appreciate and study it. Many view the Major Arcana as a work of spiritual art, a poem of symbols.
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well, as long as
1. the first line that's written in the OP is "THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT DIVINATION" and 2. this thread appears at fix intervals (such repetition leaves no place for divination)
your question risks being regarded as off-topic

yet if you could phrase it in context of, say
Arcana II
>would it be "divination" if you use the method to decide which card you should meditate on next, given that you aim to go through the whole pack anyways?
or Arcana III
>are there conditions which you could fulfill in order to make divination an act of sacred magic (instead of personal or collective)?
or Arcana IV
>what would the conditions be to practice divination for another person (given that the conditions of the previous Arcana are satisfied)?
etc. that would be more productive

>a Christian
you mean a person who has a Christianity loicense?
isn't tarot literally just some shit some dude invented within the past few centuries to sell his card decks?
Remember everyone, don't let women turn you away from your goal. Remember Genesis and the Story of Adam and Eve
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will this help me learn nen?
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This. It's just a card game sort of like bridge where you bid and take tricks. The pictures on the trump cards are nothing but popular images in early modern Catholic countries where the game developed. BTW the actual nature of the pictures and their ordering varies from country to country, it's just that the Marseilles deck happens to be the one that got seized on by schizos. It's no more sekrit and occult than a novelty deck of cards where all the pictures are baseball players or some shit. Was not viewed as occult until hundreds of years after it was invented. People still play Tarot to this day in Europe, though the Marseilles deck in particular has fallen out of fashion (was still used into the 1970s). Pic related is the first trump from the Minchiate deck used in Florence which is called Papa Uno or Ganellino, not the magician.
>the woman's "penis" is not attached to her body, but is a talking snake
plausible although leaving space for doubt
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I have no idea but there is a high chance that there are Japanese businessmen reading this thread, one of which will be inspired to finance a manga that will transform into a successful working class anime series which will birth Meditations on the Tarot ARCADE MACHINES... and those will manufacture virtuous but playful Christians on a conveyor belt
>2. Holy Texts (Catholic study Bible + Tanakh w/ Hebrew-English parallel text 163MB)
>link: https://files.catbox.moe/8j0iyi.zip

Is this link down OP?
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The Sola Busca deck proves otherwise.
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it should work now
the Sola Busca doesn't have much to do with the tarot anon
it's like taking McRibs as the defining meal served at McDonalds
same goes for the Rider-Waite tarot as it's a Golden Dawn instrument (just like the Thoth tarot)
Does it matter? Many symbolic and allegedly magical things have mundane origins. It doesn't really undermine the meaning we ascribe to it, I don't think.

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