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/lit/ - Literature

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You can't be a good philosopher, thinker or writer when you have to work 8 hours a day, for 5 days, and only living 4 hours per day to do you stuff, what the fuck? Any books to deal with that realization????
Epitectus was quite literally a slave
you very clearly agree with this idea
given that you no longer need a book for that, i reccomend you read Mechanica, by leonhart euler, because you should always start with mathematics
They weren't NEETs, they were rich, or had rich patrons.
Huysmans wasn't a NEET
>You can't be a good philosopher, thinker or writer when you have to work 8 hours a day, for 5 days, and only living 4 hours per day to do you stuff, what the fuck? Any books to deal with that realization????
Marx, K (1867) Das Kapital
What dk you mean "cope" with it?
It’s impossible to be a good writer today no matter what.
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>Mechanica, by leonhart euler, because you should always start with mathematics
not OP but I am a 35yo idiot who was always "not into" math. that was a mistake! I veer between "must ropemaxx now" and "fuck it, plant the tree today"
so yeah I should learn some basic math, for spiritual reasons. uhhh is Euler's work for beginners? they said I was high IQ as a kid. midwit at best now, I've just been rotting between smoking weed and /pol/. why am I even on /lit/ I don't read
>Marx, K (1867) Das Kapital
He thought you could though
Why do you think this?
>Don't work
>Don't work and do art
>Work and do art

All flf the above fall into one of the following categories
>I need to prove my superiority to others
>I need to demonstrate the inferiority of the other
>I need to prove myself worthy
>Prove others unworthy

You're just coping if you really cared youd go hidin innawoods
The audience that exists is extremely critical and self serving. The audience that doesn't exist believe in framework worldviews without good stories, do not take interest, or are too busy themselves to sit down and read. I'm sure there are a million reasons which could be applied for such a belief.
That's why he coped with it in his novels
>be me
>high school
>always had an interest in humanities, history, languages, philosophy and so on
>absolutely prudish idiots called me a "left leaning weed smoking faggot" inspite me never being neither of those things and say my areas of study "arent real ones"
>Working at a high paying public job noq
>Find out one of them did engineering but didnt get anywhere and is now working as a uber

Maths has become either a purely theoretical field, or a field that works only to help other ones, most math related work is being done by computers nowadays so one may as well go into programming, me never being into math didnt really change much in any of my career choices as long as I studied hard for it when I needed to pass tests
anon engineers understand math like a painter understands the chemical composition of his paints
meaning almost not at all

stem was an acronym made up by tech bros to try to co opt mathmatics into their retard fields
>career choices
OP said,
>why am I even on /lit/ I don't read
Come now, you're right at home. Barely anyone here reads and this place is full of depressed philosophy students; former, current.
If you can't see or imagine yourself as a neet, then you have already failed on two fronts, one that you have little imagination and therefore can't think or philosophize well enough and two, that you are too tied down to the materialistic world to think about anything long enough for any original insights.
You can't. Plato and Aristotle both say that you need schodra or leisure to practice philosophy, laborers can't do it. Plato does talk in the Republic about laborers pretending to be philosophers but he refers to them as "cranks" who bring philosophy into disrepute. If you don't own at least 30 or 40 slaves, stick to anime.

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