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>he hasn't read The Abolition of Man
Still floundering in a sea of subjectivity, I see.
I'm surfing the ocean of objectivity, nigga
I read literally every single Lewis before this book and dozens of other chud tomes on the same subject. I skipped this one because I figured it would be derivative. Still worth a read?
>tfw front crawling between abstraction and reality
It's an easy read, and I don't think it's derivative. It's worth a read.
Morality is still a human construction, no matter how much you seethe about it.
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>y-you can't just rape me! the average person thinks it's bad! we all signed a social contract!!
I have never read a CS Lewis book. Should I start with Narnia or is it too childish?
Skip it, it's really childish. I reread the first one a few years ago and it's very much a children's book.
Narnia is a children's book and really hits you on the head with allegory, it's cozy if you already like Lewis but I wouldn't start with it. Screwtape letters is the best place to start.

I want to recommend Space Trilogy to everyone I meet but it's rough around the edges, just know there's a ~100 page segment of Perelandra that will absolutely bowl you over if you're a fellow chud, I was making the basedface while reading it.
>my opinions are objective facts

Continue seething.
that's the mentality i was criticizing you retard, he's saying morality is derived from mass opinion
You did the same thing you accused him.
>I want to recommend Space Trilogy to everyone I meet but it's rough around the edges, just know there's a ~100 page segment of Perelandra that will absolutely bowl you over if you're a fellow chud, I was making the basedface while reading it.
It's just as heavy an allegory as Narnia but his Mars is genuinely one of the most imaginative works of science fiction in existence.
I agreed with the antagonist in the end though, accepting your extinction like a good cuck is the mosy unaryan sentiment .
The section I'm referring to in Perelandra where God explicitly tells Ransom that it's good to beat your enemies to death if you can't win an argument with them would suggest that Lewis' views are more complicated than "accepting your extinction like a good cuck".
I read this a couple time years ago and it was fun but Lewis just is too english to actually understand or to get to any solution. The image of the "abolition of man" is interesting but fundamentally untrue.
He just has a very shallow understanding of science, technology, morality and the related philosophy to actually articulate a seriously vision.
This is a somewhat correct reaction to something having gone wrong but it fails to actually get to anything foundational or weighty, and he never did in any of his other work either.

Still worth reading though it's pretty short and might be good to wake normies up to some stuff they'd otherwise not think about, but fails to really adequately understand the issues or solutions. (or even attempt to, lewis is the pinnacle of erudite english apathy playing with ideas but ultimately just reducing them to a triviality. Mere Christianity as opposed to Christianity as a bizzarre absurdity that should be feared and reverenced like how Chesterton portrays it, who did not have that issue.)
I'm gonna disagree with the other anons and say you should still read Narnia. As an allegory, it's Lewis's way of conveying his understanding of the gospel/Christianity/the Bible, and it gets across many big ideas that most Christian writers/preachers miss. It's like reading a Bible commentary that skips the minutae and explicates the literary themes.
I'm backflipping over waves of simulacrity
There is nothing, save the subject. God is the only objective subject. Only God is truly free.

Morality is divine in origin. You mistake it for human because we are divine in origin, and, despite our degraded state, cannot rid ourselves the knowledge of it.
are you the guy that was posting about Savitri Devi earlier.
For fiction i'd recommend Till We Have Faces or the Screwtape Letters. His Autobiography Surprised by Joy is also worth a read.
No I made that thread after I saw OP's
I wanted to like Till We Have Faces so badly but I just didn't like it

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