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What do you think about this book? I personally like it a lot, Rand's ideas are very close to my own views on human condition. Do you know other books like this, beside obviously other works of Ayn Rand?

I liked Howard Roak character. He is just like me (sigma male on his grindset). I don't understand the whole Dominique plot, maybe because I have never touched women in my life.
/// Boyd qualified his opinion, noting that the evidence could be interpreted in other ways /// There is usually a period of shakedown with new technology /// Sit down and have some lunch, then go round and do the glad-handing afterwards /// If you need help, just call on Mike. He can come at the drop of a hat /// That rinky-dink shelf is likely to collapse if you fill it with books /// James Addison Baker was the consummate master at actually getting things done in Washington /// I could hear the champagne fizz as he poured it into my glass /// In all human affairs, there is virtue in a successor's not being a precise simulacrum of the predecessor whom he or she follows /// The country's criminal and civil courts were creaking at the seams in spite of efforts to shore them up /// The boat was hit by a squall north of the island /// This is a draft manuscript waiting for an editor to impose coherence and to smooth over mangled grammar, malapropisms and political oversimplifications /// Children who expect a supportive response to their emotional displays are more likely to express emotion, whereas children who expect a negative interpersonal response report dissembling emotional expression /// People left so much food on their plates and crumpled a few dollar bills down, as though it were an offering, expiation for the wasted food /// The most erudite people in medical research attended the conference /// In issue two, Chang wanders around gibbering like a raw-meat lunatic /// Hope you got enough poontang to last you till next time /// Companies blame the economy for the lay offs, while workers chalk it up to bad management /// He was reeling a little. He must be very drunk /// Two new natural-gas plants should help slake the country's demand for power /// Roses climbed the trellises /// In 37 years with British Rail, I saw how station staff always bore the brunt of public anger over fare rises /// He's constantly switching up his cadence and his delivery /// I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog /// We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room /// What you've got to do is to pal up with the fellows; then they'll stick to you /// You should do the math for your project rather than accept someone else's fuzzy accounting /// Next in line would be his surviving siblings, and the progeny of any deceased siblings /// Muttering under my breath, I chose a pair of russet trousers, a cream poloneck angora and lambswool jumper and a tweedy jacket /// The chits are drawn sequentially to determine the current order of play /// He was battered unconscious /// Docks are like open parking lots, whereas a slip is equal to a dedicated space /// It really bummed me out that she could have helped and didn't /// Local hospital closures are deeply emotive /// After the last election, the Republican Party tried to bring former conservatives back into the fold ////
Ayn Rand is a retard. Her ideology is corrosive to a society, not enabling. When you destroy solidarity in a culture of animals that require altruism and support in order to experience fulfillment and meaning you set that culture up to fail. Rand requires weird and stupid definitions of "selfish" to define simple human behaviors she can't explain, justify or appreciate, and it caused her no small number of hypocrisies and personal failures in life, and the acceptance of her ideas in neoliberal culture has been a disaster for humans.
Nostromo by Joseph Conrad
Black August by Dennis Wheatley
Ayn Rand sucks and you should feel bad
You sound like collectivist
Is impossible to have any conversation about her books nowadays without getting some fat midwits marxists from reddit and trannies nazbols jumping in and just acting butthurt.
You know what destroys solidarity? Force. If it ain't voluntary, it ain't solidarity.
I'm a skinny fat trans who never worked, I don't know that you mean by force, so just end yourself incel
No I just don't like shitty authors :)
>Rand requires weird and stupid definitions of "selfish"
Her definition is dead simple. The colloquial use of "selfish" causes all sorts of confusion, since it covers contradictory meanings.
Ayn Rand made me realise that R*dditors and Christians are essentially the same, they use the same tactics and arguments and they are the only two groups who seethe endlessly about Ayn Rand.
Seething about Atlas Shrugged online was the favorite pastime of the 90s/00s parasitic classes.
I find it ironic that the people that seethe the most about the elites are also the same ones that read Atlas Shrugged and go "Ah yes, a society ran entirely by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, obviously that's the way to do things!". I mean it's not really ironic, because anybody who reads Atlas Shrugged and likes it is either a literal retard, or a child.
Her definition is simple, the problem is that it immediately leads to paradoxes of behavior that she can't explain under an interview without sounding like a sophist retard
Never read a philosophy book by woman. Everytime I go to a used bookstore the author most available is Ayn Rand. So why should I give this bitch a shot?
>paradoxes of behavior
like what?
The most functional societies are homogeneous. The strength of group cohesion reinforces the individual's efforts and enables natural cooperation and effort. Rand's objectivism is at best a cope for living in a society that lacks homogeneity. At worst it's a subversion of any effort at forming homogeneous societies because group cohesion is supposed to be replaced with the forced anti-social anti-human idea of selfish interest. Human beings have been forming tribes of like minded individuals for a very long time. This is how societies and cultures developed and strengthened. True progress is made when the individual feels there is a greater whole they are a part of. Something worth putting in an effort in. With the twisted theories of her books, everyone is atomized and alone and only come together because there is something to gain for themselves and ultimately everything is done for the self. This works well in the overly drawn out novels that masturbate to this philosophy but doesn't translate well to human life or human nature.
I read about half of The Fountainhead before getting bored and dropping it. Rand isn't a very good fiction authour and I wasn't sold on Objectivism, it's a good way to explain WHY people do things but doesn't explain what they ought to do which makes the philosophy feel incomplete.
>everyone is atomized and alone
Can someone explain why this is always said? I don't get how individualism leads to "atomization", except by word association.
It preaches the self must come above all else in this autistic hierarchical pseudo reality. This reality believes people are not born hardwired to associate with others like themselves based on primitive characteristics. Instead they are absorbed in themselves so completely and are obsessed with their profession. The only time they can associate with others is when they are furthering their self obsessed reality thus atomized.
Roark is textbook autistic. Not that I think it's a real disease anyway but that's another topic.
Jewish mind vĂ­rus

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