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Why is Horror Literature centered around Lovecraft?
Probably the last horror author who had an original idea other than ghost stories so now everyone's copying him until the new thing comes about.
Same with horror movies. Ever since Get Out every modern horror film has to have some kind of woke and has to have a secret message about societal trauma.
Because people without creativity of their own loves to steal his hard work or try to subvert.
I'm not a horror fan, but I genuinely enjoy Lovecraft's work.
Let me guess, you either old or racist.
Lovecraft's appeal extends beyond the mere genre of horror. It is not merely scary, it genuinely makes you reconsider our place in the universe. In a way you almost think yourself into being afraid of these cosmic monstrosities, unlike normal horror which merely presents the spooky monster to scare you through normal fear.
Is it though?
horror is too broad a term. Modern supernatural horror is usually just pulp trash that leans on tropes around violence, gore and demonic possession. Classic supernatural horror (in more religious times) leans into the mysterious and often leaves your mind to fill in the gaps which is much more creepy. Modern horror requires no thought which I guess is why it sells
Lovecraftian horror is
>every modern horror film has to have some kind of woke and has to have a secret message about societal trauma.
Isn't that almost all horror movies?

Jaws is about our place in the world and ar what cost do we stake our claim (both unknown of the deep, but also breaking social rules by fucking another man's wife).

The Exorcist was about a single mother wrestling with not knowing what's going on with her child, trying to find help in a male dominated word.

Poltergeist/Deliverance/Southern Conform are about respecting the cultures of others.

Horror movies are scary because they challenge the norm.

Some more woke than others, but if you don't like putting yourself in a minority role at odds with an environment that rejects them, you don't like horror.

Trying to think of any that wouldn't be considered woke by privileged intellectual children if they came out today.
>Jaws is about our place in the world and ar what cost do we stake our claim (both unknown of the deep, but also breaking social rules by fucking another man's wife).
No it's not, it's about a big shark.
>The Exorcist was about a single mother wrestling with not knowing what's going on with her child, trying to find help in a male dominated word.
No it's not, it's about a demon possessing a teenager. Although it's also addresses one man's faith in God, but that's not psycological subtext it's simply a driving force in the narrative.
>Poltergeist/Deliverance/Southern Conform are about respecting the cultures of others
Houses being built upon Indian burial grounds or other such things is just a plot gimmick, holds nothing of value.

A24 and film essays on YouTube have really buckbroken you mentally. It doesn't help that you picked the dumbest examples. Of course having underlying emotional and psycological narratives is essential to any good story, but this idea that all horror is essentially an allegory is straight up retarded.
>No it's not, it's about a big shark.
>No it's not, it's about a demon possessing a teenager
You didn't read the books? Where do you think you are?

>the dumbest examples
Child confirmed.
Maybe go doom scrolling without WiFi, that'll scare the shit out of you.
Because everything is dead and all doors for Outsiders are closed. Horror is a cash cow and publishers are lizard people. There's nothing there and online anons write like the looser 0hp. It's bleak. All the good guys (Yes, it's all men, only men) remain silent because they are playing or writing video games that suck the life out of everyone involved.
No, he's right. You just read too deeply into things out of a sense of self-importance. Sometimes things are just what they are.

Don't shoot up a school over it.
correct. every artwork is content-ifed thus needs a reason thus a lesson like He-Man cartoons from the 80s.
>You just read too deeply into things
Imagine the audacity to do that on /lit/, samefag.
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How comes when two anons disagree with your stupid takes the first thing you do is accuse them of samefagging? Have you ever just considered that you're a raging retard?
Yeah, two people dumping on classic horror movies and haven't read the books.

There can't possible be two idiots like that.

So we have two retards who don't know why someone on /lit/ might actually read more than the basic prose like only a child would.
>thinks reading deeply into airport fiction and pulp horror proves his superior intellect
Please, sire, tell us more of your intellectual pursuits.
Clearly more than you. You read airport fiction and got the blurb out of it. How stupid do you have to be got get such a terrible roi?

Maybe go back to those big books your proud of reading, but won't mention.
I think that’s just here
Outside of you terminally online weirdos, most normal people think Stephen King shite when they think of horror
It’s a shame Lovecraft never wrote horror stories about mixed-race abominations
>The organic things—Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid—inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguley moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnameabilities.
Btw I'm an incel If that matters

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