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Ok so I decided to look up the winners of the Hugo Award in recent years because I thought it would be mostly genuinely interesting novels like Cixin Liu's Three Body trilogy.

But unfortunately I had to realize that I was completely wrong.
First thing I noticed is that literally around 80% of the award winning authors are females. How the fuck is this possible? I thought science fiction was a manly genre...

Also the most common themes among the awarded novels were things like
>why colonialism is bad
>why gender identity is important
>why women have it so hard in the patriarchy

Or has it always been like this?
It is only going to get worse before it gets better frog, and I am being generous in saying there is a possibility of it getting better. Read as much of the old stuff as you can before they realize no one is bothering with the newly generated thought control stuff and go all in on censoring old stuff.
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>he reads contemporary literature from the anglosphere
Science fiction has always been subversive.
Incel thread!
so write something different. im trying to edge together some short story from the first person perspective about a junkie in a new england town -- as anyone who grew up in new negland in the last 30 years will tell you heroin is an epidemic there. i want to show it as it is, how all the poliices like giving junkies needles doesnt do any good. will there be some hope in there? im not sure yet, you dont hear too much about the ones who kicked it. they usually go down south, warmer weather maybe that helps to avoid the needle i don't know much about it.
First and foremost, you're upset because they're women and that the dominant, male point of view is no longer so. It's shocking; women also exist in the world and they have competing voices and opinions. Some are good, some are not. It's up to you as a reader to determine their quality. Another thing to consider is that awards are simply about optics. It has been true for film and it certainly bears true for literature.
You can, of course, simply ignore these newer entries and stick to your Asimovs and Clarkes and Dicks and Stephensons. Nothing is wrong with this. They have their merits. Have you read any of the entries on the list?
I think this happened around 2013. There was a backlash called "Sad Puppies" but it didn't work out.
I was not really interested in this, since I didn't care about fantasy and sci-fi, but eventually the whole DEI thing dominated all other media.
I think the Oscars and some other awards in the movie/television industry have diversity requirements for the movies and there is a pressure for voters to prioritize the diverse candidates.

No, there was a huge shift in the 2010s and it was noticeable to those who followed it.
the absurdity is that when you read through these women novels you see how cushy their life is. im not much interested in the manufactured competition of the sexes, but the protestant frail old milk cows writing these smut novels to young girls and turn them int osexless castrated mutants is going to be big time reprocussions in 20 years. you wait.
I'm not OP. There are great women authors, indeed. More than half of my personal library is by women authors.

But I very much doubt there are good novels in genre literature focused on identity politics trash, which seems to be what OP is complaining about.
This, stick to writers like Verne who didn't use their work exclusively as a vehicle to push for their middle-aged lesbian politics.
how about i break your fucking jaw with a tire iron?
kek, you can't even lift a tire iron you pussy
Adults are speaking. Hush, child.
well would that really make a god damn difference? you will just prattle on anyway about how we have to sit and listen to some woman complain about things we understood a hundred years ago, and she gets to be put on a pedestal for it because some grandstanding investor corporation wants to make obedient little protestants out of all the good boys and girls and turn them into sexless pornography consumers who sit around edging all day and not thinking about how they can shake things up a little bit or use their minds to paint the world how it really is because ultimately these sea hags of the abyss are just the ugly form of the old greek sirens who sit around shrieking at young men to run them off course and drown them to death. well im not going to sit there and let you tell young guys thats how it gots to be because it doesn't have to be that way. so maybe i will take a tire iron and break your fucking jaw? what of it?
yeah and thats the problem. a bunch of old sexless drone protestant adults talking talking talking and all around them the urban decay spreads out into the romanticized countryside turing that into a festering open sore. you get to see some women walking their dogs talking to them like theyre conscious beings who will grow up to be the sons and daughters they never gave birth to. frankly im sick of the charade.
im a fucking catholic and im not going to edge out to any of this garbage you are gonna trying to paint me into. im just not going to do it. you want to moan about the state of literature pick the pen up! the pen isnt that heavy and you are already blogging about it on 4chan.org/lit/ so why not do something a bit more and blog about it on a word document or some paper and then hand it to somebody on the street and tell them it'll be the most important thing they'll ever read in their life and that at most they'll just throw it on the ground but who knows maybe they'll listen? or write a small story and staple it together like a crude book and walk into any old bookstore and put it on the shelf and list it as "free". someone will read it.
I struggle to follow your argument because it is not coherent and doesn't follow your premise.
i have enough problems in MY life right now that i can't be bothered to keep coming back to try and pull you out of some stupid proverbial ditch you keep tossing yourself into. want to wear a little protestant school mom dress and tell the kids to quiet down? well you know what man im not going to stop you anymore.
take friday night as an illustration because maybe the "adults" need a coloring book after all it seems:
i'm sitting in a cafe with a girl. it's the second date. we're talking about her family, she had a ski accident but enjoys going to ski resorts just to sit and read books in the lounge room. well what of it? she is nervous, but we make some serious eye contact and she's going on about her art and her dreams of being an artist and all that.

now comes the part: "what the fuck are you getting at?"

im getting at the part where the entire time we spent together, walking thorugh the art museum, talking at the cafe, walking around the city close to each other talking about this or that not once did she try to make any kind of physical contact. but these girls today, they'll see any old street dog and go running up to pet it. you understand me now?
Did you try to make physical contact?
Males don't get published anymore. Just ignore the awards and everything written by women.
>There are great women authors
There are exactly two great female authors and they've both been dead for over 80 years. It's extremely unlikely that we'll see another one in our lifetime.
and now you want to ask about how the date went and why i didn't try to make physical contact. well i didn't and the reason for that is i could tell she wasnt ready for that kind of thing. i dont know anything about her but i can get the feeling she probably had a boyfriend or two in the past but i am skeptical she ever had much success in romance. and i think when you zoom the camera out a bit more youre goign to find a lot of sad lonely girls walking around with all these books by all these sea cow protestant mothers telling them to sell their assholes on the internet but never to touch a man and thats what i think about all that. but she wants to meet for a third date so i reckon things are at least going good if you wanted to get personal about it. shes got cat like eyes, yellowish ive never seen anything like them. shes short, thin, ive only ever dated tall girls.
will you read it, anon?
ive got a friend who is terminally failed philosopher. hes been beaten up, arrested for reverse shop lifting if you can believe it, he prints his books and has been threatened for it and goes to stores puts them on the shelf he calls publishers and threatens them if they wont publish his work he has made a bomb threat. ive read his book cover to cover quite a few times and theres explosive things in there but i'll tell yo uiwhat he's wasting it all because he's given it all up he won't pursue it anymore and this is just sad.
We should cultivate a writing (as well as reading, before) culture, collect funds in a smart contract and run democratically elected Awards winning campaigns for anons. It will be objective and fair, since 4chan and crypto are anonymous. I could be the change I want to see in regard to this, but I , as well as we, need collective support— financial and social power of supporters and writers.
a literary magazine is simple to organize but most people here will prefer to talk about how they want to watch porn and look at 2 dimensional cat girls fucking their assholes with a rectum ruiner and then proceed to blog about how [x] author is really just a pseudo intellectual and why [y] author is critically acclaimed while in reality the anon in question has read neither x nor y and will proceed to edge to porn for another 11 hours before drifting off into the worst sleep of their lives, consistently, day in and day out for years.
>Be me
>See African kids kicking rocks around with their bare feet
Soccer is so dead bros...
Which one is the biggest joke nowadays? Nebula or Hugo? They are only giving prizes for black women and asian women, not?
>you get to see some women walking their dogs talking to them like theyre conscious beings who will grow up to be the sons and daughters they never gave birth to
This is true lol. I had a security gig where I had to sit in this plaza 12 hours a day 6 days a week. And there were several such cases that I witnessed. One woman in particular stuck out to me as so incredibly disturbing. It was this lady, probably in her mid 40s and she had these 2 tiny dogs dressed in childrens clothing. She anxiously paced back and forth around the plaza the entire day, cooing and whispering to her little dogs as if they were intants. Sometimes she had one in a stroller and the other swaddled and tied around her chest. It was such an astonishing case of blatant severe mental illness. That lady seemed to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And she did this every single day, almost the entire day. Occasionally she would walk back into her apartment just to come back out with her dog/baby surrogates again 30 - 45 minutes later. I'd arrive to my station at 7am, and she would be out there, just walking back and forth and whispering and cooing at her dogs. I would leave at 7pm, and she would still be out there while the sun was setting.

In saner times she'd be in an asylum or something, but in 2024 no one seemed to even notice what was a clear case of someone in desperate need of psychological help.

There was another character who would proclaim how she was divorced and kept trying to adopt homeless vargrants. Buying them cigarettes and offering them candies and brushing her hands over their hair.

Everyone is aware of the social ills of incels but really it feels like the growing eggcell problem flies entitely under the radar
incredible, but you are right. this is an epidemic that is slowly but surely becoming impossible to not notice. the surrogate motherhood crisis will be a case study for the ages.
Epic fantasy died.
That's a fact. Some menchildren can't accept it, but deal with it. We are now living in the booktok era which shitty milk-warm erotic romances for fat femcels are now the "fantasy". You don't have anymore powerful artefacts, wise old wizards, group friendship and dragons, but instead morbidly obese women getting a prince and teenager romantic triangle like some bad fanfic from the 2000's being published.
Scifi is dead but regarding fantasy you can always read xanxia
>a literary magazine is simple to organize
It isn’t difficult AT ALL to write and push a commit on Github.IO as a static website; it is harder to come up with idea, a thing writers do, and organize with other anons whom prefer nihilism over productiveness— complain and watch porn. Maybe we can connect on TG, send me an email onto rjprbjxh@sharklasers.com .
Hmm, sweetie? We are living the gold age of sci-fi thanks to Christopher Ruocchio, Pierce Brown, Andy Weir and Blake Crouch.

Only because y'all failed as a writer y'all don't need to say "lol sci-fi/fantasy is dead!!!". Is getting rather tiresome.
I looked at both awards for Best Novel.

Since 2010, there have been fifteen winners: ten woman, five men if you count the transgender winner. Of the winners, eleven were white, two were black and two were white.

Since 2010, there have been fourteen winners: eleven women, three men. Of the winners, ten were white, three were black (N. K. Jemisin, three years in a row) and one asian.
So if we account for the past fourteen years, being a white women nets you the biggest chance of being a prize winner. Tell me again how those black and asian women are taking over (your) prize.
>literature is dead
>thread is about genre fiction
well, there's yer prollem
>two were white
A typo for Nebula awards. Two were asian.
>Reading any American/British fiction past 2010
The Akutagawa prize shows the exact same pattern
N. K. Jemisin is one of the shittiest writers I ever read, not kidding.
big shocker that anything with a committee falls to inane corruption in an attempt to satisfy community impulses instead of adhering to standards of an individual's prowess
It's an overcorrection due to many years where these categories of people were not taken as seriously or left to the fringes, when the mainstream culture was more hegemonically white and man centered. It annoys me too.
But, just because of that, it doesn't mean any of those books might not actually be good. Judge them on a case by case basis. Some of them might be unnuanced, politicized crap. But some of them might be artfully done.

Also, I hardly think some awards criteria means "literature is dead." Who cares what they say?
>Andy Weir

>Blake Crouch
I've read some of his works. Some of his ideas were ok but his writing is mediocre at best. Often time his books feel like they are more of a family/relationship drama with few scifi elements rather than actual scifi.
Bobiverse theft of fire junkyard pirate are all print on demand
>we need awards?
The sad puppies were right, I thought they were just being obnoxious back in the day.
>Agreeing with the political positions of multi-billion dollar corporations, global finance, celebrities, the federal governments of almost every western nation, academia, the Federal Reserve, billionaires
name 1 that wasn't purposefully twisted from its original concept e.g., starship troopers. you can't. so drop the act.
>Andy Weir is bad
peak contrarian
Promoting the same that every institution of the West has been promoting since you were a kid is not subversive.
>giving junkies needles
It's needle exchange; they're not handing out syringe needles to just anyone, just those who already have (used) needles and would therefore have no problem abusing drugs anyway. The idea is to reduce incidence of bloodborne diseases, such as HIV, among drug abuser populations.
Just arrest them, lock them up in a camp in the woods, give them a roof over their head, a bed to sleep on and 3 meals a day and make them do hard manual labour the whole day every day for 6 months and boom there you go they are no longer junkies. That's how you lose the problem, not by enabling and cuddling them.
Not anymore. A truly subversive work is one that challenges people's beliefs. Try telling them why slavery is not only optimal but ethical and you might be a true subversive today.
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>we are the resistance
>make sure to subscribe to Disney+ with your LGBTQIA+ Chase Credit card for more content that the heteronormative white CIS patriarchy does NOT want you to see
Star Wars is so empty and vapid of a setting that lesbian space witches are the least they could add.
>lesbian space witches
Great band name, to be fair.
SciFi was thoroughly subverted more than a decade ago. Sad puppies complained about it, but changed nothing. Even before then, I used to follow things like EscapePod and noticed that whenever they highlighted Hugo nominees, they were all complete garbage. Then the garbage overtook everything and I gave up on new fiction. This would have been maybe 2012 or so.
>Correia started the first Sad Puppies campaign in 2013 when he mentioned on his blog that one of his works, Monster Hunter Legion, was eligible for that year's Hugo Award
It's just white men complaining that they didn't get an award, when for the history of awards, white men have dominated. It's all so tiresome. However, I did note this gorgeous opening sentence in the wikipedia entry
>Sad Puppies was an unsuccessful right-wing anti-diversity voting campaign
So much idiocy on both sides. I don't support DEI, an attempt to overcorrect valid minorities' exclusion from awards, but I also don't care if mediocre white men don't win awards. You aren't owed anything and neither are minorites just for being a minority.
>Be white man
>Your ethnicity wins almost every award
>wHy ArE tHeY gIvInG aLl ThE pRiZeS tO bLaCk WoMeN? tHeY aRe OvErRePrEsEnTeD! mUh PeR cApItA!
Woketards are obviously annoying, but white people have as much of a victim complex, and I say this as a white man. It's not some fucking catastrophic event when a person of colors wins an award here and there. Get a grip. White people still win most of the awards. Don't be so self entitled.
>when a person of colors
which thirdworld shithole are you from?
Is this a bait? Why are you writing in the most obnoxious way possible? Vai comer merda.
>White people
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>I say this as a white man
>when a person of colors
Women have literally nothing of worth to say, and I don't think I'm even being mean by saying that. It's just demonstrably true.
As a MEDBVLL, I agree with you. The world would be better off only with men living and having sex with each other, not homo tho.
I think about this everyday and have reserved my juices for such a day.
It’s less that literature is dead and more that institutional literature is dead. Problem is, all literature is institutional now. Print has to get past the suits at the publishers and marketing agencies and big box retail book stores in physical and in digital it just doesn’t compete with the screen.
I know this is hard for you to wrap your head around Juan, but white men care about meritocracy. They don’t care if other white men win awards. They want the best writers to win the awards. It just so happens that when you give awards to the best writers they’re almost all white men. That doesn’t mean that giving awards to white men necessarily means you’re giving awards to the best writers.
They weren’t taken seriously because they can’t write and have nothing interesting to say. If your whole thing is just talking about the experience of not being male or white, you just suck. You didn’t get published because you suck, not because you’re female or black.
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Any recommendations about good literature where a manly guy fucks a nice twink?
>This could be sus.png
Umm exsqueeze me sweety, white men have the privilege to not think about identity all the time. If you've ever taken a class on intersectionality instead of being a bigot you'd understand that. Entering into a white male created genre and writing their fantasies of war, colonization and capitalism you need to introduce new perspectives.
I just recently picked up reading heavily again because I was fed up once and for all with all the women zogslop in literally every other form of media. It is heavily disappointing to see that it has taken over books too, I really thought these people didn't read.
>I really thought these people didn't read
No? A 4channer out of touch?
To be fair looking into what they're actually reading, I don't think it can be qualified as such
>chinese men have the privilege to not think about being chinese males in china
I wonder if this same kind of mental illness can be exported
There you go with your colonial mindset, trying to change the global south instead of looking inward. They have been the single greatest force in ending global poverty and should be celebrated for their ethnic harmony. Mentality like this is the reason why we need more female and BIPOC voices in traditionally white male institutions.
>but white people have as much of a victim complex
Modern White people are the most docile, accommodating race that has ever graced this Earth.
Prove it. Give America back to Indians and reparations to black people.
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By any reasonable metric black people owe us trillions.
Address giving back America to us, coward.
You started a war with us and lost. Deal with it.
Keeping them alive is bad.
You try to make fun, but I'm literally THIS close to going full gay. I'm THIS close, no joke.

Women are just fucking nothing. They're mentally unstimulating. They understand nothing, and they have no desire to understand. They take joy in nothing but causing messes that they then expect men to clean up.
>>why gender identity is important
They only believe this when it comes to women, too. Men can't have a masculine identity since that's "so problematic" or whatever other buzzword they choose to use
>I thought science fiction was a manly genre...
lol, lmao
The silver lining to all of this, is that on a long enough timescale, it's a self righting problem.
As soon as men realise they aren't allowed in institutions and cultural spaces, unless they're willing to tuck their penis between their legs and become woman, those who are at all masculine, are just going to say "fuck it", and go off to form their own thing, and the difference is that that thing will be harder to subvert since it will be explicitly male in it's conception, not just implicitly male the way that science fiction and fantasy fandom were.
And I say "if and when", but this is already happening. I don't want to point anything out, because it paints a target on it, but you see these little chuddy cultural scenes forming all over the net these days.
A guy on twitter, Conan Esq., had a good thread going into it.

Basically after WWII, sci-fi and fantasy got infiltrated by degenerate leftists, Marion Zimmer Bradley being one of the best(worst?) examples, but even Ursula LeGuinn slipping under the radar (wasn't a sex pest, but her entire oevre was steeped in leftist ideology).

Once these guys got entrenched and onto things like the Hugo awards, they gate kept out rightwing authors, and as progressivism worsened, so did the overall published literature.

It wasn't always like this, but you had a similar phenomenon with Robert Louis Stevenson, whose reputation was damaged by people like H G Wells for the moral tine of his work after his death.
The go back meme applies to everyone. Black people back to Africa and Native Americans have to go back to Russia since they technically crossed the Bering sea straight while it was still above water and known as the Bering Sea Bridge. Referring to them as Indians is racist and disrespectful to the peoples of India. White people can all go back to Europe and the Europeans can send all the Muslims back. Global restart is however still something that falls under Nozick's monetary system thought experiment though, so in a century or so everything will be back to normal. If the go back meme fails to apply then hand out reparations just in time for the currency to fail and a new one is introduced. Welfare will still be disbursed as usual and already performs a redistributive function.
If you go back far enough, there is literally no piece of land that was not taken by force from another group of people.
"black people are from Africa, white people are from Europe, and what we now call the native Americans are from America" is already a total simplification.

Why specifically roll history back to before the moment where European Empires started colonising the new world? Why not roll back to the Saxon invasion of Britain? Why not roll back to the Celtic invasion of Britain? Why not roll back to the Arab invasion of India? Why not roll back to the Muslim invasion of Persia? Why not roll back to whatever Africa or America looked like before one tribe bashed another, and took their stuff, which would have happened countless times before white people were there?
You make an excellent point. Very well then, the entirety of the world's population has to return to the ancestral stomping grounds of australopithacus. This seems a suitable solution to this post-modernism debacle, thank you anon.
well no, that's the point. Feminism is good because it destroyed this grotesque male narrative that men are the stronger independent sex. The truth is that women sit at the top of the sex market. Women are sex capitalists. It's women who organize the competition . It's men who compete for women and not women who compete for men. So they are right to be very strict about the rules. And since they are the queens, and 99% of men just live to provide for them, they have the luxury of rebuking any male quest they want and imposing on men various duties.
The even bigger picture is that Men never really managed to tame the female sexual cravings. Women cannot be contained in coats of conventions, the female sexual libido is too strong and too violent for this. A women is pure sexual energy. When she discovers this, when she peels off the phony social layers, she merges with her true whorish self and she will never ever be the same.
This is why all societies are flawed inherently. And it doesn't help that all men are eager to please women sexually and non-sexually. democracy is even worse.
>men are competing for woman's attention while writing science fiction
I can assure you they are not.
don't use award lists.
It's funny you post this because you are just one step down from this.
Only read books from before 1940 unless you are a woman.
You probably read 90s books and think they are okay.
>reason I didn't
The real reason based on these posts is that you are up your own ass and ramble aimlessly through words as if the only point is to hear yourself talk.
Roastie keep seething
This, I lost all respect for these awards when I heard she won thrice in a row, then checked the books out and lasted for about 5-10 pages of that atrocious style. Now Hugo/Nebula are warning labels.
You're right, science fiction used to be subversive (e.g. Starship Troopers). But now it's corporate slop, and the opposite of subversive. Weird.
>In the age of the gods, a secrete, metaphoric, poetic, mute or mythical language is used to travel through reality. In the age of the heroes the language becomes symbolic but maintains a transporting function. In the age of the humans, language becomes flat, rational, ironic. In the third age, democracy ends in corruption, language ends in "barbarism of reflection". Everything ends in chaos, and after a brief chaotic period, the "ricorso" takes place, which today we would call "the great reset", and the age of the gods comes back.
You missed my point entirely. I acknowledged that some of these novels boil down to that sort of tripe, but some of them have more to them, and they should be judged case by case because of that.
Junot Diaz has a book called Drown, and a lot of it has themes of racial seething. Some of that seething is portrayed well, some of it isn't, but there's more to the novel than just that, and if I judged every novel by a person of color that way, I'd have never read Drown, and Drown was great.
>Literature is dead
The demise of literature has been announced many decades, if not centuries, I'm sure our anon has it right this time and isn't braindead himself.
Democratically determined value is precisely how we got into this mess. Appeal to consensus is a literal fallacy especially when you study the fact that a consensus can be arrived at through social engineering and worship of false authority figures.
The best science fiction ever written has been written by white men and jews.
Modern science fiction is absolute trash and the award winners are fucking terrible.
Nah, Liu's trilogy is great
That may be, but the fact that you turn a blind eye to the imbalance isn't any better.
So "Sad Puppies" was the fantasy/sci-fi version of gamergate? Btw, I lol'd at the first Google description that comes up
>Sad Puppies was an unsuccessful right-wing anti-diversity voting campaign run from 2013 to 2017 and intended to influence the outcome of the annual Hugo Awards
It always has to be right wing or bigoted. It couldn't be that the output from these publishing houses are utter dogshit. From what I see Sanderson was also playing both sides of it since it seemed unclear which was the "right" side at the time. Obviously, nowadays that movement would immediately be called nazi incel whining, which shows how much things have changed since then.
Like >>23541108 said.
If you guys read it, I'll pursue writing as more than a hobby. If every anon bought a book published by another anon it would be at least enough to break even. That being said, I don't think what I'm writing currently is good enough to get published but I think I've gotten better
incredibly based schizo rant that I completely agree with.
There's a handful of catholic sci-fi authors, a couple atheist libertarian authors and the rest are atheist liberal/communist authors.
I got some crypto I'm ready to gamble on plus 2 manuscripts sitting on my queue. In a perfect world, I'd go all in on that.
>obedient little protestants
a blown-out roastie typed this.
>but white people have as much of a victim complex
Completely untrue and I'm latino. Sorry fellow anglos but whites are getting cucked hard nowadays. A Fourth Reich is unironically the only way out of this
>be women
>write about le sex
How profound and groundbreaking
This might partly explain why modern publishers and other media types hate relatively harmless sexual content that appeals to normal people while simultaneously pushing much weirder sexual content.
The only good sf award is the Arthur C Clarke award. The Hugo's have some good recent winners though, The Fifth Season is very woke and very angry but it has a good premise and is so edgy it goes back around to being interesting. Among Others is a genuinely good book.
Honestly, there is no one with talent anymore, this is why they are giving prices to these broads.
No one is original. Everyone rehashes the same boring old tales.
Well, /lit/ is dead, look at the state of this board now. Is a GRRM general. 20 threads about Biblical shit. 20 other threads from /leftypol/. What will be next? Light novels about isekai? Asian-female authors being highly praised as genius?
I read Dark Matter by Blake Crouch during COVID and it was pretty interesting. Like you said, his writing is meh but it kept me entertained so I guess that's a positive.
As much as I love women('s tits and asses), I can't imagine a better place than getting married to a bro forever and ever.
Some people are saying he is the modern Michael Crichton. I didn't read anything by him yet, wanted to give a chance and try out Dark Matter which is supposedly his best, but I think there are so many other sci-fi I'd like to read first.
>anyone who points out the truth is an incel
Hello, fellow 304
I'm not even that big into sci-fi and I can assure you that there is indeed much better works out there. But Dark Matter is pretty cool so do as you please
>oh great! A brand new heckin thread on Pynchon! (the last one was an hour ago)
>What's this? The six gorillionth thread on Ulysses?! Don't mind if I do!
>Another "any work of fiction is slop" thread? There goes my lunch break!
This is what you want, btw
People are unironically praising Stephen King now.
>Not an Ulysses enjoyer
That says all I need
Yep. There are still some decent anons here but there is little reason to spend much time in a place like this if you started coming here for its intended purpose. Board is slop so less good effortposts, less good effortposts so more slop. On and on. It’s a juvenile and resentful place honestly
bait of the week
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thats ixactly what i am saying if someone scrambles me by 40%
hades is legit good af tho ok so it's not a book but yeah it's also not science fiction hmmm
The institution of literature is dead
Literature is not dead
I used to religiously buy "Year's Best Sci-Fi xx" because I dig the short SF genre.
>9/11 happens
>next year half the stories have muslim protagonists who are the hero or who help the hero succeed
>about 5 years later
>every other story has a tranny or some kind of gender-switching technology
>"Here's the captain of the starship battle cruiser flying out in space to defeat the aliens. Also he's a fag" for no reason at all other than to make the character gay and adds nothing to the story
I gave up on it.
Peter F. Hamilton is still publishing some good stuff. He does politics but he does both sides.
Also I just read some John Birmingham sci-fi and it was good stuff - hard sci fi like the old days. A little bit of woke but you just squint and move on
>hey gate kept out rightwing authors,
this is what leftists do: the infiltrate everything to push their ideology. Literally everything is political with them
>Literature is dead
>mentions fantasy awards
Sounds like a problem of your own making
the stupid part is all of those people remove themselves from the genepool anyway

so you're essentially reading their suicide note every time you pick up that garbage and guess what it's primarily used as a tool to segregate white males, to make a social life illegal, questioning illegal, comparisons illegal, jus neo marxist bullshit so they can sniff their own farts all day, those people need to be removed unironically
>these sea hags of the abyss are just the ugly form of the old greek sirens who sit around shrieking at young men to run them off course and drown them to death

spot on

was litterally gang stalked by these misrable cunts and their constant kvetching, didn't care about people showing up to work drunk the day bodies were found, just that a white person had friends in high places

there was a time when authors would non-chalantly say the n-word and they were still better writers than 90% of writers today
Sun Eater is by Far the best sci-fi saga ever released. Your lost
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Asian women ruined literature together with boomers (Moorcock, GRRM, Stephen King, Haruki Murakami)
>I thought it would be mostly genuinely interesting novels like Cixin Liu's Three Body trilogy.
Read Watts. First his meme book, then its sequel, then go back and read the Rifters trilogy, then read the Sunflower Cycle.
Read Baxter. Read the Manifold series.
Read Egan. Read any Egan.

This is for what you are looking for for.
One of my favorite fantasy authors is Ursula Le Guin.
I liked Tales From Earthsea.
>why gender identity is important
But that's based?
>frogposting faggot
>retarded, repetitve spam/bait/incel ragebait thread
Many such cases!
if frogfaggots would get rangebans the quality of the site would drastically improve within hours
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I mean I can't really say any modern lit I have been reading besides history books. I see it pop up on my feed for good reads or shilled in ads and it just looks like slop. Covers are that same type of artwork (either ai or very coonsumer tik tok ey), and its read by mainly women. I think its mainly because thats the main audience now and where the money is. Fantasy/Romance slop because of the market. In the past it was more "high minded" and niche to a degree. But times change and now its coonsumer slop like most things in our media. Game of Thrones is the only "modern" book I have any interest in actually reading. Even that I just listened to audio book and watched the show.
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Literature wrote by failed sinners is worthless
I think that’s something I would read. I’m from MA—my cousin lost a huge percentage of his class to opioids (Class of ‘07)
The Gay state
Yeah that's why authoritarians coopting it for their weird antisocial globalism and race-sex hierarchies is so tragic.
I understood this somehow and agree
If you’re the same anon post it when you’re finished. I’d read it
It's been that way for 15-20 years now. Feminists have bullied their way into winning all the awards for shitting out bad books with the same tropes over and over again. a lot of the male writers like china mieville are to be avoided as well. here's my non-pozzed SF/fantacy reading list off the top of my head
>r scott bakker
>joe abercrombie
>malazan series
hard/futuristic SF is really hard to find in good quality these days. it's all unitednationslop like 3 body problem. i think the last new sf book i remember reading that was any good was the altered carbon series
literature dies when its zombified as a vehicle to promote nothing but identity politics
lmao get laid incel
Everyone complains about literature but nobody writes, edits, publishes, markets, etc.
I agree, and its necessary and good. We can just have more Vonneguts and and Cheevers and Didions and Wallaces and Updikes and Auster and McCarthy and all that other critically-acclaimed slop, etc, etc. Rather than indulging in this dull and desperate and bourgeois and at the end of the day rather weak aestheticism, why don't you actually try to solve the world's problems, why don't you create a new religion?
Art is meaningless unless it has a meaningful goal. As for "lit", I say good riddance
How many times a day do you take it up the ass? I'm guessing at least once, and sometimes a lot more. Am I right? I think I am.
get a life you goddamn prevaricating faggot
>why colonialism is bad
Colonialism is bad because it spread European people around the world and now is used as justification to be a hypocrite about equaility and anti racism. Were the positives of colonialism for Europe worth it in the long run. I say no. That's a perspective you won't see.

There are now quotas for certain types of authors. People gaslight about them not publishing European (i reject the term White) males and they always act like everyone who brings this up is crying about oppression. I just want honesty. And just admit that it's entirely possible that we become a minority and are treated like shit in the future. Slave morality is bullshit. Everyone is capable of racism and being an asshole. Leftist Europeans hate themselves and their race and make things worse. They want us to be more of a minority than we already are globally. I just want honesty. Instead every gets snarky about it.
>What's the matter, are minorities treated badly or something
That attitude implies that they don't care if we are. The way they talk about Europeans shows they just don't care. I just want people to be honest and say that if we become a minoirity and are treated like shit, then they won't care. Or they want it to happen. I don't like people being coy and gaslighting as though their actions don't imply they want European people to suffer for what some of our ancestors may or may not have done. It's cowardly behavior and ridiculous that they think being leftist and European or jsut not European somehow makes them morally superior. If racism is bad then why do generalize every European. Generalizing us is allegedly less harmful. It's just all lies. They're just hateful people who want to take out all their anger on an acceptable target. It's textbook pussy behavior.
Universe 25
They already control education. Also, eugenics is not only right wing. Everyone thinks Nazis, but tons of socialists were eugenicists.
I blame women, Christianfags, zoomers and niggers
another 1783th life sucks thread for you fatfucks? you are the very problems you are bitching about. i'm out
>you want to moan about the state of literature pick the pen up! the pen isnt that heavy and you are already blogging about it on 4chan.org/
This stupid fucking argument will be the death of the west. Just because I think something's undeserving of the praise doesn't mean I have to be able to do better. There are people out there who *can* do better but are not being recognized due to political and corporate reasons.
No comment on awards because I don't follow them but recent publishing offerings are whitebread bland, follow trends for cheap cashgrabs, formulaic, and unambitious. Maybe it's always been this way to an extent but it's gotten to be 100% of the market.
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They are making fun of us, cuckchan sisters...

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