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>It's about addiction and depression, since he was addicted and has depression
>contains the most textbook descriptions of borderline personality disorder I've read in my life outside of literal textbooks
If he'd been correctly diagnosed would he still be alive?
There's some schizo dude on youtube making 5 videos per week about Infinite Jest.
Other than him, everyone else is just recommending the book as a meme.
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No, BPD is pretty much incurable. Your brain doesn't develop properly due to early childhood wounds that can't be undone so your ability to regulate emotions is nonexistent. But I feel like DFW was closer to NPD than BPD.
>closer to NPD than BPD
NPD is a given, but doesn't usually have the stark terror of aloneness or the sort of psychotic need to crawl out of one's skin he's misidentifying as depression.
Idk if it necessarily requires trauma vs just being associated with it
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this guy?
Yes, most of his videos are about three authors
>the sort of psychotic need to crawl out of one's skin he's misidentifying as depression.
i have had intense bouts of acute psychotic depression and this is what it feels like to a t
i also do not have BPD and im a normal person with a normal social life
Only one of these can be true sorry
Borderline personality disorder is a meme diagnosis, it's just psychiatrist code for "I hate this patient I think she's a total cunt." Source: used to work on a psych ward.
It being used malignantly in low rent shitholes doesn't affect psychological reality.
It is not about addiction or depression, those are just plot devices.
BPD never actually kill themselves. A therapist once told me "the borderline patient is the one that calls you at 3 in the morning threatening to kill herself and you know she's not gonna do it, but you kind of wish she would."
“My Literary Hero”
-Zadie Smith
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I don't get it
I appreciate the subject matter, but he ties himself and his (uninteresting) life into like maybe all of the videos I've watched, which is fucking annoying, and I have since blocked the channel from my feed.
Big Penis Dick
I've been seeing this dude for a few weeks, why does everything I see get brought up on 4chan somehow. Get the fuck out of my head
I thought BPD was another thing made up by women to excuse their terrible behaviour.
Do men even get borderline?
Probably because he's a literary channel and you're on a literature board??? Duh???
10% of them ultimately die by suicide
there is an aspect of bpd that is interesting, identity disturbance. i have a lot of that. it's funny you mention bpd and dfw, the first time i read IJ, or started reading it, it was like i was reading my own voice. Usually in reading a book, a literal voice will start to present itself, and it's never "like mine". It has its own idiosyncrasies, textures, it's the projected voice of the author (for me, obviously) but DFW just sounded like my own voice, I can see why Bloom said he had no discernible talent, it was that his voice was unerringly mundane, he was projecting a monotonous voice. for me, there are usually puppet voices that are used by the overall voice that associate with characters (if there are any) and not having a panoply of these subtle textures can produce a sort of bland effect.
anyway, identity disturbance sucks, and being caught up in the lives of the tormented in books aint as fun as it sounds when you wake up as the man you've read for the last month, or you wake up and feel you have to start over again entirely.
Yes. Yes I was touched. For me it manifested as hypersexuality, impulsivity, promiscuity. Same for some of the girls I've dated, with one of them being sex-averse. My armchair guess is that females encounter molestation as a child at higher rates, thus creating more monsters. Mindfulness meditation helped mollify most of my most egregious behaviors, but there does persist an underlying fear of abandonment, that though I have the wherewithal to curb as much as possible, so as not to burden whoever I'm dating, I can easily see women not having as much of a need to self-reflect upon.
I know what you mean. Every character is just DFW, or worse, his idea of a certain type of person, but still with the lens of DFW. He is too narcissistic for objectivity. Even little things like thinking any random with no experience could go from nothing to exceptional punter at 18 because he didn't do any research on football and looks down on it, or thinking anyone could ever fail out of college because of English of all subjects. Totally myopic. He did no research at all. He assumes he already knows everything.
Yeah it's 2-3x higher rates for molestation and 2x higher for all forms of child abuse in general.
When corrected for this, women are technically speaking less neurotic than men, congenital. I.e. the current observed neurotic levels are more than explained, statistically, by the higher rates of child abuse.
the part where he has the psych analyze the girl at the mental hospital really got me. it was so divorced from the overworked, underfunded psych hospitals and psychiatrists i've ever witnessed, i can't imagine what elite realm he flowed in, it was impressively divorced from what a psych in those shoes are actually thinking that it forced me straight out of my suspension of disbelief. which is rare, it's just a clumsy move. i think taking him too seriously was my mistake, if i had thought of him as basically a rambunctious follower of pynch and barthelme and gaddis it might have made more sense, but i hadn't had enough exposure at that point. I think DFW himself is more moving than any of his writing has been, though perhaps i need to read more of his journals and essays. he reminds me of a person who would have made for a fantastic blogger. he was a social media creature without a medium. that was the most striking bit, not only was his voice monotonous, it was a millennial voice. which is odd, he was proto millennial. he wasn't gen x. i haven't seen a single gen xer with any real interest in writing anything down.
everyone sort of skipped that offbeat generation entirely.
i think it leaves us to ponder if he was at the very least a genius, somehow a genius, somehow the man that fit into the shoe because of these things, in spite of them, even!
>Probably because he's a literary channel and you're on a literature board??? Duh???
I've been lurking lit for years at this point and he has like 10k subscribers, but within days of me seeing him for the first time, he's brought up
It's a personality disorder, do you even know what that is? Compared to mood like depression?
you know now that you mention it, I remember a movie called Prozac Nation where it showed a girl who had alleged depression but displayed the symptoms more aligning with borderline personality disorder, it's not too uncommon for the two mental disorders to be confused with each other.
BPD necessitates depression; I think it's an error equating them as similar phenomena.
He's making the reddit argument that >"humans hate true randomness because repetition happens more than we appreciate. We like variety. And therefore that didn't happen to you so we can dismiss it."
>"the borderline patient is the one that calls you at 3 in the morning threatening to kill herself and you know she's not gonna do it, but you kind of wish she would."
Sad but also kind of true. A sibling of mine has BPD and she is just a total train wreck. She is in her mid 30s and I dont think she has ever been able to hold down a job for more than 6 months in her entire life, every chance she is given she will ruin it either by being on drugs, stealing, or randomly backstabbing people trying to help her for literally no reason. It is at the point where basically the entire family has cut her off, and honestly if this is still how you act at 35 years old I really dont think you are ever going to change or get better.

I remember one time when we were all kids, she and my other sister were outside, and I saw her pick up a rock, and throw it at the back of my other sister's head as hard as she could, seemingly for no reason at all. and then when my mother herd her crying she clamed that she just fell. Honestly I dont know how fucked in the brain you need to be to do something like that. It is frightening that some people are just seemingly totally empty inside
Bi Polar Disorder or Boarder line Personality Disorder
Wtf that's just being a psychopath not bpd
I honestly feel bad for bpd niggas. I had a taste of it growing up, when they were trying to treat my "adhd" and had me switching medication monthly. Only for the retards to realize it was the drugs making me unstable after I refused to take pills after being in a ward for 7 months. Being psychologically unstable is hell on earth. Not being able to control yourself is a tragedy spearshake couldn't pen.

DFW interview, dude was a great interview participant
how do you tell if you have BPD? i sometimes treat my friends coldly but mostly out of tiredness. i've never blown up on them or tried to hurt them.
write your own novel then retard
Are people still pretending they like Infinite Jest? It's like Ulysses, but more faggy.
Oh god yes, the psych ward passage was the worst in terms of zero research, and extreme narcissism without self-awareness. There is no part of being in a psych ward where a single person is assigned to watch a single patient because of suicide risk, lmfao. Its more like that after school daycare for poor kids combined with a very low security prison. And there is no part of it where the nurses' stressors are from some nebulous psychological burden of staring at some wristcutter crying and gnashing their teeth in bed. It was so divorced from reality in every way. And then the kid going on and on about how they were better than other suicides, not like the other depressives, while again describing BPD, not depression. Awful.
Bro thats ASPD not BPD. My brother has ASPD (formally diagnosed as an adult) and random unprovoked violence is like the #1 thing that distinguishes it from BPD in children.
I am
No, I got tricked into reading it and
Men with BPD are much rarer than women, but kill themselves at a higher rate.
2 of my exes have bpd and both have played the suicide card for attention, but my best friend who also has it just silently drank some pills a few years back without mentioning it to anyone.
Anon, if all of your exes have BPD, it's you.
I said 2, not all. But I definitely used to sort of select them, I'm well aware. I'm still not sure what's wrong with me, I don't think it's bpd but I do have severe abandonment issues(which I've dealt with by isolating myself).
all psychiatric diagnoses are "memes" and "psychiatrist code" for their whims and personal feelings about the patient. you got duped if you thought this was some kind of empirical science, they're just putting people in made-up boxes arbitrarily
There is nothing arbitrary about it, but youre correct that it's not enpirical.
It’s totally empirical, it’s just not rigorous or precise and is often conducted by people who are out of their depth in terms of truly understanding human personality

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