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/lit/ - Literature

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What piece of literature showcases the indomitable Human spirit at its finest?
Probably objectively something like Job
File: KantianHolyBook.jpg (46 KB, 667x1000)
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>Indifferent cruelty of the universe
This is what "atheists" actually believe
What would you say the universe is then dearest christcuck?
Shouldn't the text be the other way around?
>Butthurt at his perceived opponent
>Immediately projects a Christian identity onto him
Gee golly mister. Should he go back to /pol as well?
This sad fuck spends 24 hour a day on /lit/ making contentless Kant posts and threads.
Misery by Stephen King
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
I'm studying Kant and I have no interest in these threads, in fact it's the reverse. It's like if some naked faggot held up a sign that said "KANT" in front of my house. What am I supposed to do with that?
based, fpbp, checked
And God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good (Genesis 1:31)
those Kant threads are actually good sometimes
The last episode of the latest season of Demon Slayer
You WILL turn into dust and there's nothing you can do about it.
Man, I wish I had a working graphics card to play DS3 again. The fight with Midir was the most dramatic sequence I've ever experienced in a game. Pure drama and adrenaline, knight versus dragon in its most quintessential form. But also deeply melancholic. The brave warrior who fought the abyss in vain before he succumbed to it, and you there to finally bring his soul to rest. The only thing that could follow such a performance is what comes after. The lads at Fromsoft are true artists, that's all I'm trying to say.

I'd say both Way of Kings and Oathbringer showcase the indomitable human spirit better than The Hero of Ages if we have to pick from Sanderson's works.
kantposter is based. his greatest work is in the replies.
what's that
Hrafnkels saga
It's about a very arrogant and powerful man who loves and trusts in the Gods who loses everything, claws his way back up, no longer believing in the Gods and instead trusting in himself and human relations and enacts a stunning revenge on those who ruined him
How can the universe be "cruel"? The universe os not a living being. Unless you are taoist or something.
In case you weren't aware, that was before the fall
Ive played enough fromsoft to know that the little dude always wins

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