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I doubt it would. I have one of those books I’m 42. Bit late to be malleable. I generally support constitutional monarchy and think leftists should strung up by their intestines.
Thanks man, I was looking for some kindling for tonight's bonfire
>Makes you a tranny with power fantasy.
Leftism and rightism are a matter of phenomenological sentiments and emotions, very rarely does anything actually change these sentiments and emotions let alone some pop-history moping slop.
The CIA is based as fuck and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
>but m-muh destabilized communist Chile
>but m-muh assassinated Kennedy
good. shitass overrated president who nearly got us nuked
>but m-muh mind control mkultra
the mentally weak should perish anyway
>but m-muh interference with and destabilization of long list of third world shitholes
good. the only country that matters is America.

Good man, salt of the earth. Please spread your salt over those entrails for me.
That's one badass 42 year old that's indistinguishable from a screaming 17 year old groyper incel
Based anon sending the trannies into a seething shoot
>buzzwords, buzzwords, buzzwords
Please leave this board and never come back
They’re just French Revolution crapola
weird, i wonder why they don't have one of those books for china?
I read the Devil's Chessboard, how is it supposed to turn you into a leftist?
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You rang?
I just started reading Naomi Klein's No Logo and she talks about going to college in the 90s and everything on campus was about gender, sex politics, and, in her words "the culture war". That strain of leftism was definitely fomented by capital interests as a cover and distraction to avoid pressure and focus being put on economic concerns.
>journalists rely on their sources, so the ones that are in the white house and pentagon press pool report on what they say to maintain their access
>they also depend on their sponsors to exist, so won't report negatively about them
This was shocking in the 1980s
He also outlined the fact that media was consolidated into a few mega conglomerates which made it easier to control the national narrative
everyone says this but i think the left shifted to culture war shit because it became obvious that leftist economics are completely bunk
huh? there were like three tv channels for most of the 20th century.
They aren't bunk, literally every capitalist would love to have a captured market, thus, whenever a center of capital reaches sufficient power, they use that power to manipulate the market to their advantage. Hell, even Adam Smith recognized that!
It used to be very common for every town or city to have multiple independently owned and run newspapers.
when communism collapsed in 1991 it exposed the fact that they all had shitty standards of living, and so everyone was like yeah well maybe people in capitalist countries are much much wealthier but what about racism and sexism and stuff?!
And now the highest quality of life is in heavily socialist/market countries. Are you prepared to admit big government is good as long as there exists some degree of a free market?
Like I appreciate the effort to prove it, but it shouldn't be shocking. It'd be like asking why Xi doesn't allow open access to American media. Or why Chinese media can't interview Biden.

I remember seeing a video where Chomsky interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN, and he asked something along the lines of "So you think I manipulate the truth on behalf of the US government?". And Chomsky responds something like "I don't think you're necessarily consciously doing it, but if you reported the news any differently than you do you wouldn't be sitting where you do"
i never argued against government regulation. don't be a dishonest leftist now.
Yes, and the media is only one part of it. Will Wolf Blitzer report on the CIA sabotaging democratic elections in other countries just because the people voted for a lefty government? Not a chance. The entire US foreign policy is about suppressing the sovereignty of other countries in the service of capital interests. You are right, the type of person to become a CNN host goes to all the right parties and knows all the right people and none of them would allow these topics to be brought up, it all gets castigated as "conspiracy theories" and ignored even though it's well documented and ongoing.
Is it just "government regulations" when they have high taxes and huge social well fare programs?
are you really arguing some nato country is actually a vindication of marxism or something? cope.
>When the USSR fails, it shows Capitalism is good
>When Socialist countries are more successful, it means nothing, I'm not coping you're coping
>Socialist countries
You mean China because it's literally just China
China, you mean the most powerful country in the world? Also, Scandinavian countries use the principles of socialism to empower citizens while keeping the good parts of the free market. Take notes, you might learn something.
The Nordic model is not socialism. They are literally free market economics that just offer a lot of welfare that is it. Scandinavian leaders and economists have said themselves that their countries are not socialist in any nature.
I don't care what you call it, big government = better quality of life
Except these days the mainstream media reports on this stuff all the time (maybe things were different in the 80s, but I doubt it).

If I wrote a book about the American media, I'd call it "Manufacturing Dissent."
>Dude it's literally Socialism
>Ok it's not really Socialism ok but that doesn't matter Chud
>And now the highest quality of life is in heavily socialist/market countries.
Ah man I love breathing in the smog when I wake on the morning and then going down to the wet market to gorge upon fried rat while I try to avoid being eaten alive by an escalator. Truly you can only experience such wonders in the far east.
>everything on campus was about gender, sex politics, and, in her words "the culture war"
That bitch has praised Judith Butler countless times. Once again, dismissing compalints as "culture war" means that you tacitly agree with those changes.
If you don't think free university, free healthcare, and free social security does not line up with the principles of socialism you don't know what you're talking about and you seem more intent in labels rather than admitting that the more government the better.
>Socialism is when healthcare
The countries with the highest quality of living are the ones with massive governments that attend to the needs of the citizens and ensure every citizen has access to basic resources.
It's literally called socialized healthcare. You must be an American with this level of retardation.
I'm actually tired of being a right-winger and I want to become a Jacobin.
I thought you fags complained about us thinking free health care would lead to literal Communism. Also please explain to me how Scandinavia is socialist when free market economy with private industries that aren't controlled by the government unlike China and don't based their ideology off of Marxism.
I would willingly be Robespierre
You are putting the cart before the horse. That shit did not bring prosperity, it is a consequence of a country being rich.
Become a NazJac
>big government = better quality of life

How does one get this retarded? Did your mother put you in the microwave when you were a baby?
I would be a leftist if I lived in a country with no minorites. But its pretty fucking stupid to support that shit in america. Welfare boils down to taking money from white people and giving it to shitskins.
Funny how the west is the only existing civilization practicing self-criticism so intensively. The fall of the west will certainly lead to a better world.
>To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is barbarity.
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Chomsky never reported on that though. Given how detailed the analysis in Manufacturing Consent are, you can tell he's a fraud.
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Stupid Direction-Brainer. Your kind brings agony to us all.
>It's another episode of Western nations Le bad because they tried to maintain their sphere of influence and advance their interests like every single country in history
>But it's fine when the the Soviet Union starts like 50 revolutions around the world in the hopes of encircling the West because of colonialism or something
Sorry, my fellow-worker, having nothing to sell but my offer of labour-power made me a leftist already.
Socialized. Healthcare.
Ok and? There's still like a thousand industries that aren't controlled by the government.
Yes, it's a mixed economy, like I said at the beginning, socialist policies while still allowing a free market. Try actually reading my posts.
Yeah, I would say it's his only major flaw. If you can take his critical view of America and try to view other nations with that perspective it's a quick shortcut to understand why they act like they do.
Not an argument, both terms are used interchangeably in any given political science book.
Nobody is convinced by colonial slop. I suspect it even has the opposite effect.
So universal healthcare and free college education aren't socialist? Then there's nothing stopping the US from implementing these policies.
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I'm a third positionist. Socialism only works on an ethnonationalist basis. Leftists are stuck on utopian fantasies about an "internationalist," post-racial order, which is really just a mask for their weird miscegenation fantasies. Any normal person accepts that ethnic groups exist, and that socialism is best accomplished through a high trust society in a homogeneous ethnostate.
That's not a third position. It's just social democracy, which is what the Nazis were.
>The Nazis were actually Social Democrats
At this point ideology means absolutely nothing anymore and you can just claim X was actually Y
The only worthy third position is Distributism. But mankind doesn't deserve it.
You will never feel the warmth of a woman's body
Confirms that ''The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles'' in your path
Neither shitskins nor insects will be able to provide that.
>China, you mean the most powerful country in the world?
In what world is that even true?
>Scandinavian countries use the principles of socialism to empower citizens while keeping the good parts of the free market.
Not for long when they're flooding their countries with third worlders who are adamant at destroying them.
The second one sounds based, might actually give it a try.
And China is literally a capitalist country with commie flavour. It became successful only after its transition from full blown ideological communism to pragmatic capitalism.
Do you think this kind of thing works when it's well-known that most self-proclaimed leftists are literal cock-chopping child-molesting trannies or "kinda bi" fat guys with goatees and bitch tits? You might want to fix your PR problem first.
It's literally just
I'm a leftist and I have had sex, you are a polface chud who will never touch a woman (and you hate women because you never touched them, chud ouroboros)
>can't read a single sentence of untranslated Latin in your path
I read bottom right and I thought it was interesting, but a bit moralistic and dramatic. Also makes a few fake claims, but whatever, it was made for internal consumption.
They all sound like they might make you into a leftist if you are the type predisposed to that sort of thing; that is to say, a sentimental moper.
These kinds of weird euphemisms don't really make sense, just say it, fag.
Christ you faggots sound extremely gay.
Kek this. The people on this board have no self-awareness
>gommies think that manipulating trannies and genetic abnormalities into supporting their dead-end ideology is a win
Try posting it again without your hands shaking and heartrate spiking.
>desperate samefaggotry
I have had the pleasure to partake in the experience of the sensual caress of a member of the female persuasion in the heat of erotic passion after the heavenly shades of twilight have fallen like a curtain upon us.
China is fascism. Fascism was always going to win. Just because it didn’t allow Germany to take on the whole world doesn’t mean it’s not the best way to organize a society. The Chinese even pretty much come out and say it

>socialism with Chinese characteristics
>socialism with national characteristics
>national socialism
Chinese are bugs. Bugs are not capable of fascism. Fascism is a European phenomenon because Europeans are not bugs, Europeans love freedom.
I highly doubt that. No self-respecting man would embarrass himself like this.
Based anon mass triggering rightoids
Is this the so called purple prose?
Sex with trannies doesn't count dude.

Kek. So true. I've slept with chicks with Evola books on my nightstand next to us. Also sex is overrated, NPC normalfags acting like it's some incredible thing that virgins are missing out on are coping.
>still replying to ximself
Kek. Pick one.
>Le triggered
>Coping this hard after getting BTFO
Back to your redditor safe place
>bro I MUST respond to bait because uhhhhhh, I just have to, OKAY?
More than 50% of the economy are State Owned Enterprises but sure it's just "Capitalism", China is Lenin’s NEP on steroids, I guess you would call the USSR from 1922-28 "just capitalism" too? That would be stupid
Seems like almost everything good attributed to capitalism is actually just coming from free enterprise alone.
>makes you antiwhite*
Fixed it up for ya broham.
Why is being against the CIA and US State Department mass murdering people in the Global South being ''anti-white''? If you think that war and genocidal massacres are necessary to maintain western hegemony then why shouldn't someone be ''anti-white''? You are the one who seems to be linking those things to ''being white'', mind you
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Wow you are so badass dude, ''I have slept with ''chicks'' next to Evola books, but sex is overrated guys, trust me'' AHAHAH
It's depressing once you realize how many 40-year-old men with no jobs there are on 4chan. Remember when William Shatner used to go to this site? Now it's just a bunch of sad divorcées with autism.
>Source: trust me bro.
State capitalism is a thing. "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is just a facade.
>Why is being against the CIA and US State Department mass murdering people in the Global South being ''anti-white''?
I'd first like to qualify that you are using misleading wording here. But ultimately, because it's never just about that. There is always more to it. They need to be dispossessed, there needs to be payback, world revolution, etc.
It's also because they peddle a specific narrative that usually strips agency away from local allies and the like, putting the blame entirely on the U.S.
>If you think that war and genocidal massacres are necessary to maintain western hegemony then why shouldn't someone be ''anti-white''?
A suitable couneter-argument would be that western hegemony brings many benefits with it, including things like modern medicine and the green revolution which have caused the thir world to be as populous as it is, and without which an incredible amount of death and destruction would follow much greater than what exists now.
Another one is that periodical wars and genocidal massacres are the normative state of affairs the world over, and thus the maintenance of the current system is by no means any more immoral than anything before or after it. Mind you, sentiment that could be classified as anti-white usually comes from much baser places in the human mind, either practical or through some emotional working.
I look like that.
It's the other way around, it's those people who infiltrate any movement that is willing to give a voice to them. Even in Marx's time there were ''free love types'' in the Internationale who were wasting everyone's time with their inanity and they were thrown off from the movement as they were taking the focus away from class struggle. I think this is the curse of any movement that tries to be inclusive, you attract self-centred weirdos looking for the spotlight to air their bs, you need to be firm like the original communists were and throw them off before your movement becomes a convention of furries who cannot clap because it's ableist or some other bullshit
>There is always more to it. They need to be dispossessed, there needs to be payback, world revolution, etc.
There is always more to, because... there just is, okay???
There is. Replying with memes will nort overturn that fact.
The position will never be "I am against the CIA and US State Department mass murdering people in the Global South". I've never met someone with this position alone.
Memes which, by the way, you stole from the alti-right. These aren't even particularly fresh.
The entirety of you memetic repertoire was what some alti-right guys was
insulting you with back in 2018.
You consider that position on its own to be anti-white anyways. Plus I don't believe you, probably a lie by ommission (because anti-imperialists barely exist, and you don't talk to them).
I don't give a fuck where a meme comes from. I use it when it applies.
The deep state is pathetic in 2024.

>CCP wipes out CIA assets in China in 2019

>deep state does a covid op but it does nothing to stop China growth, causes massive inflation at home

>baits russia into a proxy war and then loses on the ground, NATO looks weak, EU economy dogshit

>issue 'mother of all sanctions' on Russia to zero effect. Their war economy is resilient. Nobody crowing for Putin's deposement

>China tarriffs just route consumer goods through Mexico at a mark-up that gets paid by American wage-earners

>israel let off the chain to do an ethnic cleansing but becomes a pariah state, can't topple hamas

>houthis blowing up multi-million dollar ships with $500 drones, container ships can't swim their waters

>china still growing their GDP faster than USA/EU

absolutely pathetic compared to the 20th c.
fidel castro bombed angolan farmers with nerve gas
>You consider that position on its own to be anti-white anyways.
Who says I did? I am not the guy who made the original post. Someone, by association alone, would recognize the pattern.
>Plus I don't believe you, probably a lie by ommission
It's your right.
> (because anti-imperialists barely exist, and you don't talk to them)
You don't know anything about me, you are just constructing a "probable" person out of patterns you have noticed. Rethoric about reconciliation is usually just that, rhetoric. Look at Israel-Palestine discourse for an example, most of it is Muslims supporting Palestine for ethno-religious reasons but that's most of anti-imperialist discourse anyway.
The position itself is phrased in a very slimy manner, it trie sto push buttons aroused emotion. I can already imagine some hysterical church-shrew type screaming this on a square while I'm trying to have coffee.

>I don't give a fuck where a meme comes from.
It's more an observation you live off the memetic detritus of your ideological enemies.
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>makes you a leftist
I'm not retarded enough for a book to make me a leftist. But maybe this book can help you find God.
I never understood this response as something that could be used by a "leftist". Firstly leftists pride themselves on being morally virtuous yet this is a bigoted response. You are shaming someone and trying to insinuate that they, as an individual don't deserve to have a political opinion because of their social status. I will be admitting here that fringe ideologies like "third position" are often popular with people of a low social status - you can easily see this when you visit /pol/ and see the NEETs and other struggling people fantasizing these sorts of ideologies and economic systems. But what's the problem here exactly? If you were truly interested in social justice, instead of shaming them (for being of a low social status thus unable to attract a mate) you would extend a helping hand and try to understand exactly why and where they are coming from. But you don't do that. isnt this a strange phenomena, where even the social justice obsessed person will oppress and ostracise someone who is already of a low social status, for holding a different view? At that point your motives don't seem to me to be about equality, egalitarianism or freedom at all but just about power.
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I don't want to make a new thread, so I ask here since it's somehow related. Can anyone recommend a few books that tell about killing commies with pride instead of blame and guilt?
Someone's angry. Don't shoot up a school, please.
The films The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence are basically all interviews from remorseless killers that participated in the Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66.
I have never heard of leftists shooting up schools, it's overwhelmingly khhv polface rightoid losers who do it, leaving retarded far right manifestos behind where they blame other races for their chuddiness and loserness
He said, I believe you believe everything you're saying, but if you didn't believe that, you wouldn't be sitting where you're sitting. But the media is like that, they move as a pack, and the role of legacy / institutional media in the U.S. like the NYT, which has a lot of preeminence, is an interesting one because editors for other publications can be wary of publishing a story unless it has already been covered by them. You'd think the editors would want to break stories but it's like if it hasn't already been covered by legacy outlets then it's like it hasn't happened or doesn't exist. I think that partly it comes from not wanting to take risks.

I agree with what you said about CNN, but part of the problem I have with the anti-imperialist left crowd is that they don't know what they're talking about. It's kind of a one-dimensional, folk leftism that sees the CIA behind everything bad that happens in the world, and boils down to the belief that complexity and social contradictions don't exist in much of the world. There were a completely bonkers coup attempt in the DRC recently, and listening to them, you'd think it was a failed CIA plot, but the DRC has a pro-American government which votes with the U.S. against Russia at the United Nations. It's cartoonishly corrupt too and the elections are rigged but the coup plot seemed to be a one-off thing by a kooky Congolese businessman who set himself up as the country's rightful president.

Welfare has a lot of problems but I think the world is moving away from the idea that markets always know best for a greater role of governments in protecting domestic markets and creating new industrial policies to generate employment for people with just a high-school education. Rather than having a bifurcated society shaped like an hourglass in terms of the income distribution, it's better to have more of an olive where there's a fat middle with the ends tapered off so there are relatively fewer very rich and fewer very poor people. I like the idea of a normie "social-ism" but for me it's about dignity and building a peaceful and productive society where people walk upright and with self-respect.
It’s really not, most people who shoot up schools are actually just apolitical nut jobs who have more personal reasons for killing people.
sounds about right
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Pretty sure hating CIA makes you a nazi nowadays.
You guys give the CIA way too much credit. They're bad at their jobs and mostly just stir shit around in countries that are about to have a coup anyway. And when a coup that they don't want begins brewing, they are invariably powerless to stop it.
Pussy ass bitch. You’re just a weak limo wristed leftist bitch and that’s all you will ever be pussy cuckold
I also don't see how any of this is shocking or why it makes you a leftist. If anything, this discourse sounds like baby's first redpill. Like mainstream news media would never report on the effects of racial demographics on rates of violent crime is another example of "manufactured consent" . Is there a chomsky to facist pipeline? I've been trying to get normies into the race war for years.
>Over half the africa shitholes today ended up into poor commie shitholes with massive famines and civil war.
How would this shit make you leftist when the most successful nation is fucking Rwanda today. A nation that killed all communists.
>>issue 'mother of all sanctions' on Russia to zero effect.
This also had an effect, it made the West look weak since Euro countries suffered more than Russia. It's almost like whoever has the means of production (oil) has the power.
Go suck the cock of war profiteering mass murderers on the payroll of weapon companies you worthless maggot, remember this is what being 'white' is all about, if you object to ghouls making bank dropping bombs on innocent civilians you are ''anti-white'', retard
>It's almost like whoever has the means of production (oil) has the power.
now do you get why there is this push to make everyone drive an electric car?
Manufacturing Dissent, more like it.
Not for me, my values are more personal than some 1000 page amplification of a problem affecting Africa
rootless cosmopolitan would be the most apt word for stuff like this if it exists among the left
Like you?

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