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Reminder he didn't win the Nobel because he called out the communist regime. Same as Milan Kundera. What to read by Kadare? The General of the Dead Army and The Palace of Dreams are good starting places.

>0 replies
The absolute state of this board.
literally who
Where would you start with his work OP? Some of his stuff is available in English and Spanish.
Very good writer
I mentioned that in the OP. Those two books are available in both languages.
First I've heard of him, I'll check him out
>Marxism is the opium of ivy tower intellectuals
>he didn't win the Nobel because he called out
OR.....maybe he just wrote slop
>he didn't win the Nobel because he called out the communist regime
>the same prize that showered praise upon Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn
Kadare is a good writer. Dylan won it and he isn't even known for writing literature but for pop music. Ishiguro won it and he writes novels for menopausal housewives. etc
it's an open secret, I am correct.
F. This thread deserves more posts like he deserved that Nobel. In addition to the Palace of Dreams I also really like Twilight of the Eastern God's and Traitor's Niche.
Such an underrated author. Will miss him.

Great author, and great poet, too. His original poems in Albanian are sublime. Rest in peace.
Hit me op
I love Kundera but the commie experience stuff doesn't really excite me, I read Kundera for literally everything else
Does Kadare have stuff to offer besides the communist experience?
This is not to demean such literature, it can be very competently written and be of value, I'm just tired of it
Read Broken April. It's about a blood feud in the Albanian highlands.
The commie experience is either symbolic, not present, or secondary. Kadare's work has way more than that.
Only tangentially by proxy of communism and the balkans but do you think The Bridge on the Drina by Andric is more successful than the Mountain Wreath because the former is a fundamentally lefty explanation of the phenomenon of the balkans, therefore palatable to liberals, while the Mountain Wreath is not despite arguable embodying the spirit of the balkans in a more truthful manner?
The Balkan spirit is rat poison to the effete liberal "spirit", so yes.

t. Balkan
He's one of the few writers who genuinely deserves the appellation 'Kafkaesque'. Try The Palace of Dreams, which uses an Ottoman historical setting to tell a story of a middling bureaucrat whose job it is to interpret and catalog peoples' dreams for the state.
I didn't necessarily mean to talk shit about liberals, it's just that the historical image the Bridge on the Drina offers to the reader is basically the exact image libs want to think about the region's past - that everyone lived happily together in a mildly less idyllic balkanic equivalent of the pre-reconquista moorish convivencia until nationalism appeared for absolutely no reason at all and destroyed this happy multicultural utopia.
He's not a writer you read for "the commie experience" lol
This stuff sounds very interesting, I'll give him a shot
retarded mutt faggot
>Ismail Kadare was born on 28 January 1936, in the Kingdom of Albania during the reign of King Zog I.
Zog is an killer name for a king. Now you have my interest; must peep.
NTA but yeah. Bridge on the Drina is heavily biased because the writer was a Panslav Croat who declared himself a Serbian. Absolute shame he didn’t live long enough to see Yugoslavia dismembered by his Serbian countrymen.
I admit, I didn't get The General of the Dead Army. It's been a while since I read it, but I remember thinking there probably was some symbolism I missed. I didn't really understand the function of the priest's character or his relationship with the widow.

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