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This shit gets worse the further you read
Everyone will say "prose is shit but le ideas are good". To that I ask, why not just read a Wikipedia synopsis?
I had this same thought yesterday. Plot books or whatever you might call them are just long wikipedia articles.
I've read all of them and I don't know why this series is so well loved. The writing is not enjoyable and the plot is fine
i think that's why so many people love it. it's not literature, you don't have to have a degree to understand it. it would get torn apart by academics and pseuds. yet, it's seemingly timeless and continues to inspire generation after generation of readers, including myself. Maybe /lit/ can at least agree it's better than the film adaptations?
>This shit gets better the further you read
It's true. By the end I was basically skimming through the story.
Its true. It starts out great and trails off. Then it gets great again in books 2, 3 and 4
The same can be said about the Bible or any Marx book, and yet nu/lit/ won't shut up about this jewish slop.
Fuck, we now have unironically George Martin and Stephen King fanboys in this board.
I read the first 70% easily enough, but am really struggling to finish. Too much "worldbuilding" I'm not really interested in.
You're supposed to read it in one sitting
It’s such a fucking slog bro. Hardest to finish book I ever read. I hardly even remember what happens, I just remember the pain of reading it
Just listen to the Audible. It's kino.
I'd say the KJV does have some literary value
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>don't read books, get the Cliff's Notes
English major detected.
I remember reading this book and as I got further to the end, it felt like it was building up to something big, and then it just sort of fell flat. But that happens with many books for me
Probably because it's incomplete. The ending is Dune Messiah. For some bizarre reason it was published separately.
>Maybe /lit/ can at least agree it's better than the film adaptations?

You are not setting a very high bar...
Thats becauase the author is a hack who thought his little time skip bit was a good idea. Thank fuck the movie skipped the most retaded aspects of the plot.
The movie skipped pretty much everything, to the point where it wasn't really Dune anymore.
It's not a plot book, it's an ideas book, just in the form of genre fiction.
why can't it be both? Sounds like shit.
If you want prose, you don't read sci-fi. If you want well-constructed characters, you don't read sci-fi either.
Manga and fantasy have always been superior as art and more mature than the entire science fiction genre.
It's Dun nao
Dune only makes sense if you read the first 3 books as a trilogy. Otherwise, it's incomplete.
God Emperor and the books after it are basically spin-offs, but God Emperor is good because it provides an interesting perspective into how a space wizard could come across as a god.

Synopses can't really capture the ideas in the books, because many of the abstract ideas are already heavily summarized and distilled. Without the plot of the text, those ideas and the exploration of their consequences get completely lost.
Why the fuck is Duncan such an absolute cunt in God Emperor? I get the whole 3500 years out of time and all that, but he doesn't even fucking try to be anything but a stuck up, hypocritical asshole.
He isn't a cunt, put yourself in his place and you will figure out why he was butthurt with their awful future and his lack of actual power in that circumstances
That doesn't excuse cucking Leto for no reason other than he wanted to and "Leto is a weird worm with a dick and I don't like him"
It's okay for you to admit that Dune is too smart for you.
It was love at first sight. She also loved him at first sight. It was unexpectedly for everyone involved. That Duncan appeared at perhaps the worst possible time where a lot was happening and Leto It was getting more and more unstable.
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>Good ideas
Duncan felt trapped in the far future as an interior copy with no purpose but to serve as a breeding stud. Hwi was the one person he was told not to touch, who was for the emperor alone. Cucking the emperor was an act of defiance, which showed that he was an autonomous person rather than a pawn of the Emperor.
Yeah, I get that. Still makes him seem like a gigantic raging cunt.
No, it makes him a strong Chad. Something you obviously know little about.
Nobody here thinks marx has any good ideas. Because most people here actually work for a living.
Leto was a cunt. There was no one there who was truly perfect and flawless. That IS one of the points of the God Emperor.
I couldn't wait to finish it. If only he'd spent more time on the politicking and less on the desert tribe quasireligious cult bullshittery. The Fremen were interesting until they encounter Paul.
the time skip still happens though, there's a shot where he suddenly has blue eyes after eating the spice laced food for a while.
Yeah, God Emperor is really the story of a near-divine figure's existential boredom.

>The Fremen were interesting until they encounter Paul.
That's unironically the point of the story. Paul is a false Messiah, and Liet probably was one, too.
Frank Herbert said Liet was based in himself. The problem is Frank started to become some chud in the 80's reading Evola and other crap, so he started with that crap about "easy times make weak man" and that fuck up with the entire Fremen original plan.
Herbert being such a schizo is one of the more interesting parts of Dune. I don't think the series would be as good if he weren't one, but it also fell apart as it went because he was one.
I read as far as God Emperor of Dune and haven't moved on to this day, even though I have Heretics and Chapter House.
I spent much longer on God Emperaror than I did reading Dune and Messiah. And I think Children of Dune was my favorite.
>I spent much longer on God Emperaror than I did reading Dune and Messiah
For me, the reading time went Children > God Emperor > Dune > Messiah
>I think Children of Dune was my favorite.
Same for me. It's really the culmination of the series, since Leto II becomes what Paul couldn't.
Children of Dune it was a strange experience. I would say that I feel like he tried the most to do something to appeal to the masses and at the same time was the most dense without being boring, although I've seen some people say that the book is slow and boring.
God Emperor has its moments, but now I understand why there are so many who hate the book. It also took me longer to read it, not because it was dense, but because on some days I just didn't feel motivated to pick up the book and read.
Children of Dune was dense because it had multiple threads going at the same time. Farad'n, Alia, and Leto are all in very complex plots. It can be slow because it takes time to develop, and Leto's story especially feels meandering.
God Emperor is best understood as an insight into the costs Leto pays to follow the Golden Path. It puts you in his head, and that fills it with an element of ennui which makes it harder to read. It doesn't help that Hwi is a very boring character and yet is so central to the story.
I tried to read the Duna books but the prose and characters are just awful, booboo. And each chapter started with those weird and long texts that are just boring and annoying to read.
I've read 5 of the 6 originals, and I'm about to start Chapterhouse. The pseudo psychology and philosophy gets kinda old, and makes books CoD and GEoD a bit of a slog. In HoD most of pseud shit is gone, but Herbert starts fancying himself as eroticist but he sucks at writing sex scenes.
Sun Eater IS far superior to Dune
The ending is good. The scenic descriptions of the desert, also good. The worldbuilding and imagery, good. The prose, bad. The long, drawn out interlocutions, bad. The long, drawn out thought monologues, bad. The pacing, rather bad. It's all worth it for Dune Messiah however.
I haven't read the fifth and sixth books yet.
I even consider whether I should read them or not, as God Emperor was a reasonable ending if you're imaginative.
And Frank had already appealed to eroticism in some of his works previously . He wrote one where an alien race incapable of understanding pain were being used as sex slaves for a human dominatrix.
I read Dune and Messiah on audio. I liked Dune and loved Messiah. Then I started reading Children but I sputtered out on it after a few chapters. I didn't think it was as bad as other people say, I moreso dnf'd it cause I got distracted by other books and was burnt out on Dune. This was a few months ago. I've got a lot of books on my plate so I'm not sure when I'm gonna restart it, but I'm looking forwards to it as well as God Emperor.
The interlocutions are the best parts in the books for me. And I also think Messiah is a good book.
I wouldn't call the books pseudo-philosophical.
So much standing/sitting around and talking. It's so tedious. The action scenes were cool tho. Frank knew how to write compellingly when the plot called for it.
The stoneburner scene and the throne room scene were like the best parts of Dune Messiah. The titanic opulence of post-jihad Arrakeen is so cool.
Very true unfortunately
I liked the first half but when he runs off with mommy after the evil men killed daddy, I got more and more annoyed. I hated the sand niggers, I wished so hard they'd all be killed cause they sounded so pretentious like "the wise men of the desert" ... fucking morons, deep thought teen alert. Fuck this book.
it's a ghastly disgusting book written by a child abuser
But enough of the Qaran and Karl Marx
>follows anti hero-

dropped. tumblr tier highschool fanfic.
Col. 3
Lol who would actually read this shit? That's like reading Star Wars.
Ok, Sci-Fi is often weak, but I don't know if you know what you're claiming when you bring up manga. Manga is mostly seriously trash compared to Anime (which has a much larger variety of actually good works) and even Euro comics.

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