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Besides Bronze-Age Mindset, what books from the new Nietzschean right are worth reading?
Except Homer's poems are meant to show the senselessness of war.
Nietzsche was a Christian. Fuck off direction brained retards. All fields.
hes asian
it's really funny how atheists deeply venerate their new atheist guru
>the first line celebrates the wrath of Achilles
lmao. this is what happens when a Chinese trustfund kiddie tries to become the next Michael Sugre with a higher production value
Jonathan Bowden is the only one in the 21st century and Bronze Age Pervert isn't even worth talking about.
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>Nietzsche was a Christian
tfw you start to believe your own b8
Utterly pleb take founded on nothing but ultra-modern social/moral mores. Conquest was glorious to the ancients.
Wow! And that’s how it ends too right? With Achilles having won the war, no casualties on his side, he sits as king of Troy and enjoys all the spoils, because he’s such a sigma grindset guy?
What do you mean “no”? Oh I get it, this is one of those cucked liberal stories about how gay war is and the hero dies like a bitch because of a woman? Boo! Typical lefty shill book wants to turn me gay and have me vote for Biden.
Did he miss the subtext of the entire war being senseless, or the part in the Bible where God says an eye for an eye? Twitter grifting is an art form.
learn the SEO science and farm engagement by shitting on yourself in public. be as stupid and as edgy as possible.
Heidegger, Spengler, Jünger. That’s it. The rest is completely worthless.
Appealing to the Iliad for your morals is like appealing to the Tao te Ching or Confucianism for your morals. You’re not an ancient Chinese. You’re not an Ancient Greek. You’re Westerner living after the birth of Christ and subsequent domination of the Christian religion. It can never be otherwise. Your choice is Christianity or nothing.
A huge swathe of the internet right really is this stupid.

Bowden was a political loser who never wrote anything original. All he did was talk about writers that were better than he was and that weren’t Nietzscheans (what a coincidence!).
>Jonathan Bi
Don’t give a single fuck about this guy’s opinions on Western culture. Go back to China
Ironically this post just shows how buck broken this guy is by Christianity. He’s appealing to the Iliad like it’s some pagan Bible equivalent with moral precepts you VILL follow.
Many such cases!
Went to this fag’s substack. Holy grifter.
>Appealing to the Iliad for your morals is like appealing to the Tao te Ching or Confucianism for your morals. You’re not an ancient Chinese. You’re not an Ancient Greek. You’re Westerner living after the birth of Christ and subsequent domination of the Christian religion. It can never be otherwise.
This is totally right.
>Your choice is Christianity or nothing.
This is totally wrong.

This is part of what Nietzsche was getting at. Men are not constrained by some inevitable flow of history. You are right, the morals of ancient Greece were for ancient Greeks. So why would I want anything else other than a genuine return (hate that fucking word) to Hellenism? I long for cities to be burned to the ground, for the great masses of useless ugly sacks of flesh to be culled, for wilderness to retake the world and then for the glorious rise of kin/clan/mannerbund/ethnos/nation out of the ashes.
I am still in disbilief about Bronze Age Mindset. I guess its like nuclear reaction. Add up enough chudcels in one community and eventually the repressed homosexuality bursts out.
Μῆνιν ἄειδε, θεά, Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος
οὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί’ Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε’ ἔθηκε,
πολλὰς δ’ ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Ἄϊδι προΐαψεν
ἡρώων, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἑλώρια τεῦχε κύνεσσιν
οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι

Sing o goddess the destroying anger of Achilles which
caused innumerable woes to the Achaens and prematurely sent
many brave souls of heros to Hades, and made them carrion
unto dogs and unto all the birds of prey

This twitter thread was approved by Homer
Bowden always evaluates writers in the context of his own ideas, ideas that are demonstrably unique by the fact that no other individual has ever viewed these writers in such a way, and which he put down on paper at the beginning of his career.
This is the effects of public education in real time.
Jefferson David - Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
George Fitzhugh - Cannibals All!
George Fitzhugh - Sociology for the South
Memoirs of Robert E. Lee
>This is
these are* or effect*
Make sure the subject matches the conjugation of the verb Juanito
I tried looking for "intellectuals" on twitter as I am bored and looking for alternatives to /lit/ to weather the summer but all of them are so god damn insufferable. Are there any contemporaries that don't project their retarded ideas onto classics, or are there any good bots/people that just repost old quotes without altering them?
>t. insecure idiot that buys into "alpha male" influencers and projects that shit onto anything he thinks is cool
Conquest was glorious to Orientals, but the Greeks had no taste for it until after their experience with Persia (hence the Sicilian expedition and Philip & Alexander could happen after the Persian wars). I mean, shit, when some ancients spoke about the Trojan War as a war of conquest, it was as a kind of criticism (Thucydides, and Herodotus implies it wouldn't have been justified if it weren't to take back Helen).
just read the authors from whom they are cherry picking to get e-celeb status through hot takes
>I tried looking for "intellectuals" on twitter
never mind. as you were
>greek glory
as if rampant pederasty was glorious
Jesus Christ was real
achilles is not
>Besides Bronze-Age Mindset, what books from the new Nietzschean right are worth reading?
None, including Bronze Age Mindset.
Christian Europe ruled the world and thought conquest was glorious.
Now let’s look at Europe after cringe christcuckery got defeated...oh it’s half Muslim and ruled by the US. Oops.
I remember in the bible Samson killing motherfuckers by the hundreds and God just absolutely loving it. Then it says turn the other cheek and I didn't know what to think. Didn't make any sense and nobody else seemed to care.
No Christians who ever lived throughout history interpreted ‘turn the other cheek’ as ‘be a life denying cuck’ but clearly they were mistaken about their religion and needed 21st century neo pagans and atheists to show them what Jesus really meant.
What if he meant it like "Oh, did you slap me? I didn't feel it. Try again." and "Oh, you need the shirt off my back? Take it. Have a coat too little poverty nigger. I have plenty."
I think that would make a lot more sense for an old world antisemitic gang leader who's reputed to be the son of literally God.
evola brehs… how do we cope?
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>twitter screencap thread made by a gay-looking asian named "bi"
>recommending bronze age mindset when the author looks like this
Do you take Truvada?
We simply don't care. They hate us because we can still do the salute and the last real german man died 80 years ago.
>celebrates the wrath of Achilles
>Causes the death of untold amount of Greeks
>Indirectly causes the death of Patroclus
>Is always shown in a less honourable light than Hector
Right so.
Johnathan Bi doesn't even look remotely Western. Why is this chinese man coming along lambasting the entirety of the Christian canon, and upholding the Greeks in that manner? This is just engagement farming. Shame on you OP for posting such trite.
This is the kind of shit you’re more likely to find in a 20th century introduction of the Iliad than the Iliad itself.
It’s not a question of a flow of history. It’s a question of the facts of life and authenticity. As a matter of fact, you are constrained. You are bounded by particulars and constrained by particulars. This is the thrown-ness that Heidegger talked about. That you even have any choice at all is ironically a view you only have because you came up in a Christian context. It never would have occurred to a Greek mind that such a choice was ever possible. Will? What will? You’re a play thing of the Gods. Will is for Christians and anti-Christians (resentful Christians). See, you just don’t realize that. But you will never be Hellenic. You will never experience the world the way the Greeks did. You can copy their rituals, mouth their beliefs, but the inner core is gone. And at every moment of everyday, whether you’re directing your attention to the sun and the sky and the air or to your books to your sham of a Greek ritual, you will be doing it from the perspective of a particular person at a particular time at a particular place and all those will be contextualized and influenced by the Christian faith, whether you realize it or not, whether you want it to be so or not.

If you want to obliterate your Nietzscheanism and Grecophilia, I recommend Spengler and Heidegger.
You’re absurdly cringe by the way. For the love of God I hope you’re no older than 24.
You don’t really believe that do you? He had no unique ideas. He stole everything from everyone else. The idea that these writers were never judged in a similar context is absurd. You desperately need to read more.
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Some anon posted this some weeks ago calling it "a nietzschean book". Picked it up and turned out he was right. Nietzsche wished he was as ubermensch as the FEMALE protagonist of this book written by a WOMAN.
Truth is, men rarely know any kind of real pain, and if they do, they are way less capable of withstanding it than women.

Also, the twitter in the OP is completely inaccurate. Christian values are and will forever be one of the biggest revolution in human thought - and I say this as someone who hates religion. Having read the new testament, anyone with a basic knowledge of the classics can see how revolutionary the book is.
>a society where most people are enslaved, can't read, don't have access to any form of education
>they have so little access to culture that contemporary historians can't fucking fathom how everyday life as a Greek farmer was
>they need to literally use Daphni and Chloe to do this
>suddenly a book written by (mostly) poor people appears
>uses a language poor people can understand: agriculture, fishing, bread, slave-master relations
>single handedly enlarges the dimension of human pain by saying that it should be re-framed in a larger (theological) picture (kingdom of heaven)
>it talks about enduring overwhelming pain
>it talks about being kind to others who are suffering (most of these people - in fact most of the people in the ancient world live in overwhelming material misery)
>puts in focus the importance of your inner world and intentions in doing good (you can have inner lives too, slaves and farmers!)
>puts god as separate and above temporal authorites: god is more important then your masters, slaves and farmers!
>tells you to prioritize your relationship with god by an act of inner faith, to look at god INSIDE yourself
>explains all of this in simple stories and sermons even a farmer can understand
It's easy to see why the new testament advanced human civilization into a new era. If you see the creation of books as the beginning of a singularity in the universe, with the human mind as its center trying to become something more than it is (incidentally, a bridge towards "something else", and here Nietzsche was mostly right), it is absolutely undeniable that the New Testament did something incredible to the human psyche.
We want a kind of freedom and connection to the world that it's difficult to express - the New Testament talks about the real possibilities for this. It's a wonderful book and to take the weakest part of Nietzsche's philosophy (i.e. his very badly documented and argued historical critique of stuff) to make an argument against christianity is the mark of the man who doesn't read.
I mean, Evola’s interesting. I read a lot of his stuff when I was an undergraduate. But in the end it all amounts to nothing more than sort of new age delusion, which, yeah, is worthless.
Is it me or is this board just absolutely filled with clueless undergraduates these days? Some of these replies are ridiculously juvenile and reek of someone who barely reads. I keep noticing this in every thread. The quality of discussion has taken a nosedive from where it was just a few years ago. Is it because it’s summer?
it's the summer. They go fuck themselves in their hometowns and have nothing to do so they come here. Once school starts again they'll get away
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I meant to post this book
Yeah but isn't the whole point of the Iliad that being a rabid dog is no good? I don't even mean war itself (to which the poem seems to think of as a natural thing, altough totally painful), but the character of Achilles. At least I understood it as him accepting to let go of his rage and accepting his inevitable fate of dying on the battlefield.
He had a very unique voice. Voice in the literary sense. In the abstract you can easily reduce Bowden to Nietzsche, but that would be an insult to both because of the obvious differences that arise. You can claim it was a purely oratorical talent, but a merely oratorical talent does not mean a philosophically unique explication, and that latter would only be possible with the artillery of his own thoughts. Bowden's parsing of culture and ideas is all his own, and as an oratorical language it becomes a unique philosophy.
Why is this Elliot Rodger looking hapa (who probably didn't even read the Illiad) talking about european master morality?
Idk it's just really hard for me imagine a platform containing hundreds of millions (maybe even +1 billion) of people and not one of them being capable of intelligent thought.
There was definitely a big, sudden nosedive after summer started but nu-/lit/ at its best is still terrible.
Do you know the difference between trite and tripe?
Achilles might be the first example of a "you're missing the point by idolising him" protagonist. Every single other Greek hero and Hector is more respectable than him, only Paris is worse
But the Iliad ends by showing the compassion that Achilles feels for Priam, because it reminds him of his father and so on..
“Senselessness of war” is stretching it. The Iliad is about your temperament and how to regulate your emotions properly so other people don’t suffer for it. War is an inevitability where you have to work with people you don’t hate. Book 23 exists to show that while they are squabbling over the games it is possible for level headed people to work together to reach a consensus rather than going to their ships to pour.
Ayo my nigga gpt is this a celebration or warning of anger?
Achilles was gay and died by being hit in the heel ( physically weak ), therefore the Iliad is WOKE
good poast
Someone who has actually read Thucydides and Herodotus in an ESL twitter troll thread. props.
That's why even outside of cuckchan you Christfags are compared to /leftypol/ from 8chn days, you're a bunch of revisionists and faggots who love to astroturf and infect boards.
>Christian meekness
Holy cope
How ancient is this map?
Imperial Britain at the peak of its power was Christian. Now its an atheist country
If christianity is so based what went wrong? Christkangers can never figure it out they just go ooga booga gothic cathedral beats glass tower, like a broken clock but besides the point.
You'd be a fool to write a book if you wanted philosophical ideas to reach a contemporary audience. I suspect there are some in the arts or other media, probably not as set on being a directionbrain larper as you'd like since that's deeply uncreative>>23544850
Are we really "celebrating" Achilles's wrath? It's his fatal flaw.
why are you taking an asian twitter faggot seriously
Just read Nietzsche and ignore all this shit
Mishima? Hamsun?
What even happened with him? I know everyone says he’s a fag now.
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got outted as a jew using a fake profile picture etc...
The Faustian Culture has produced a long series of granite-men, the Classical never a one. For Pericles and Themistocles were soft natures in tune with Attic KaAoKlI:yalJLa, and Alexander was a Romantic who never woke up, Cresar a shrewd reckoner. Hannibal, the alien, was the
only .. Mann" amongst them all. The men of the early time, as Homer presents them to our judgment - the Odysseuses and Ajaxes - would have cut a queer figure among the chevaliers of the Crusades. Very feminine natures, too, are capable of brutality - a rebound-brutality of their own - and Greek cruelty was of this kind.
And where, on the heights of Faustian morale, from the Crusades to the World War, do we find anything of the .. slave-morale," the meek resignation, the deaconess's Caritas?l Only in pious and honoured words, nowhere else. The type of the very priesthood is Faustian; think of those magnificent bishops of the old German empire who on horseback led their flocks into the wild battle,2 or those Popes who could force submission on a Henry IV and a Frederick II, of the Teutonic Knights in the Ostmark, of Luther's challenge in which the old Northern heathendom rose up against old Roman, of the great Cardinals (Richelieu, Mazarin, Fleury) who shaped France. That is Faustian morale, and one must be blind indeed if one does not see it efficient in the whole field of West-European history
>muh koryos! i...incinerate all that exists!
BAPniggers are so cringe.
RW e-celeb turning out to be a straight white male challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
>because of a woman
Fuck no, he dies because of his dead boyfriend
Like all religions they give ground, just like the Romans did. The problem is when your societal pillars are intertwined with Greco-Roman paganism your state collapses in time, just like we are now.
“Left” and “right” are used interchangeably in most political philosophy. Cope and seethe, if you’d like.
>Brad Pitt Achilles
This has to be bait, right?
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You should be reading orgyofthewill.net if you aren't already.
You should be banned for shilling your stupid blog, if you haven't already
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It's not mine
good point
pisslims were introduced on /his/ an d/lit/ during the lock-downs, and before that the poltards invaded everything
>evolutionary worldview
>time is linear

these idiots always think they're in some meta-position when they speak about Christianity. you are apart of a religion too. every time you go down the line to ask questions about telos and epistemology in their own world, it's incoherent and non-sensical. What is in Christianity is not a story meant to change human psychology, it's meant to make you understand reality. It won't start to make sense until you examine how reality was warped from Kant to Deleuze and how philosophy on the whole is a failed project that shows the limit of human reason to create a coherent system of reality.
homer understood heroism and glory in their purest forms
>Christ Gnosis emailing gay porn stars
Revelations says there will be mass apostasy leading into end times.
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>le Nietzsche buzzword argument
And people wonder why atheists are called fools by God's Word in the Psalms, and why people still call them "fedoras" for repeating the same foolish nonsense "arguments" years later.

Oh, stop LARPing as a right-winger already, cuck.

You compromise with the world and leftists in your positions all the time. You guys call yourselves conservatives but you don't conserve anything, you always compromise because you built your house on sand and half of you are socialists anyway. And the guy you "right-wingers" all love now is pro-sodomite, promoted gun grabbing before due process, and denied the need for repentance; and the guy you "right-wing" socialists loved in the past was a Papist coward, likely a Jesuit, who gave other world powers and communists an excuse to rape Europe before cowering away to Argentina.

All it takes is a little media shaming and you cuckservatives remain silent about something. You guys live in so much fear of other man that you won't even say something for fear of mockery or ridicule or losing your job.

Matthew 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

>If christianity is so based what went wrong?
You wanted to sodomize your neighbor instead of love your neighbor, so you walked away from the faith. Either you or your parents or grandparents. It's an example. Opposing sodomites is seen as "hateful" by you people these days as well as during the degenerate druggie/hippie generation. Opposing bloody murder child sacrifice "abortion" is seen as "oppression" by you people these days. God is clearly cursing the nations for their sins, as he did with his own people B.C. (Before Christ) why would he not A.D. (Anno Domini, or "in the year of the Lord")? And child sacrifice and sodomy are abominations to God.

What moral law do you have as a standard against evil? Or do you even have any absolute morals at all? Or do you morals shift like desert sands in the winds, changing with something as simple as media marketing campaign shaming you for calling things "gay" because it's "homophobic" or offends the sodomites? I remember when everyone stopped calling things "gay" for that reason too, and you'd still see people calling stuff "fake and gay" a lot more if it weren't for that. They'd certainly be calling something "fake and gay" before calling it "fake news" or "(mis/dis)information", but people are cowards who don't want to offend the sodomites, they're slaves to what their peers will think about them and how society or the world will view them, they're afraid even to freely and fully speak their minds out of fear of other man.

The unbelieving scoffers fulfill prophecies every day, like being willingly ignorant of the flood, they tend to get angry when you show them prophecies in the Bible coming true or which they fulfill.
Finally Some Good News - Delicious Tacos
Barking at the Herd - DoonvorCannon
Gothic Violence - Mike Ma
>If christianity is so based what went wrong?
World War 2
Without the light of Christ, Europeans would have continued to be abominations and sexual deviants who spend half their days having sex with animals and their own relatives and the other half killing themselves just for the sake of killing.
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>this picture is from a gay forum
>or so I am told...
Fuck these influencer need to have a harder time for this stupidness.
no way this is actually him kek
Yes it's declined and that's what makes the larping all the more cargo-cult tier, it will not reverse its own demise.
That's the writer coping with being ruled by Rome, even after Jesus came and went.
>You wanted to sodomize your neighbor instead of love your neighbor
Is this all christer apologists think about? I've seen hentai protagonists with less depravity. If your only reason not to ram your dick in another man's ass is God, you are for all intents and purposes a homosexual.
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Troy was found, and Homer wouldn't bore us by cataloguing all the ships if it were a fable. Achilles was real, and he was deified in the story due to his superhuman fighting skills.

jesus was a jewish rebel, and you are a slave to a religion of entropy. All your "prophets" were unwashed peasants (overwhelmingly jewish)>>23545395
wearing potato sacks. Most of the puke you whine about is the logical conclusion of their brainrot.
The smart ones use their intelligence to exploit gullible retards like you. The ones that are smart, honest, and well intentioned never develop substantive followings and probably never effort post on social media. It makes zero sense to shift through millions of shitposts to find one decent opinion when there are already thousands of works of from celebrated authors available.
Homer makes no light of the fact that war is gruesome business, but he's equally as content to honor great heroes for their virtue and courageosness on the battlefields, just the God's are content to do. I would consider it a fundamental misreading to say the Iliad is 'antiwar'
Davis and Lee were a gentleman not a Nietzchean. As for the wonderful and intriguing George Fitzhugh, he praised slavery much too much to be a disciple of Nietzche. Like Paul, he found being a slave of Christ to be so satisfying that being the slave of an honorable master might be too. Nietzche laughed at honor.
>Greek glory floundered in Punjab
>Christian meekness pierced the firmament and touched the Moon
>absolutely garbage post

>incapable of reading past his pre-programmed knee-jerk responses to see the point
You guys are so pathetic.

And your crying that Christian morals are applied to modern issues bothers you so much, you just want Christians to have a theoretical religion like the theologians and the scholars.
He had been... until he wasn't.
Only the cultured gentleman by nature has access to Nietzsche's philosophy. The hedonistic capitalist, violent communist, and workaholic peasant can't grasp him.
read: socialist.
BAP isnt worth reading you dolt
>>Christian meekness pierced the firmament and touched the Moon
The famous Christian meekness that achieved something almost two millenia after it started in a secular society and did it under the name of Roman gods.
Try reading books that are not apologetics, anon
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>if rampant pederasty was glorious
Literally what is happening in the Christian churches
>Jesus Christ was real
No he wasn't and academia is slowly realizing this, historicists act like apologists.
Stop lying, christcuck.
Ragnar Redbeard mogs all modern neetchians and it’s not even close
>if the source is Christian it's all invalid because I'm a rabid faggot atheist who acts like a passive aggressive little effeminate bitch
That's you. That's how all of you act.
Catholicism isn't Christianity. Details in the Bible.

Why do you think they killed millions of Christians, often for owning Bibles? You guys never know what you're talking about and you know no history or theology.
He also has nothing to do with Nietzsche, much like those "modern Nietzscheans"
And this boys is the intellectual level of Christians, their iq and morals.
>you just want Christians to have a theoretical religion like the theologians and the scholars.
is this some esl thing? i don't care if you are some brown nazi catholic, i care that your only reason not to drill man ass is jesus, it means you're a fag and that makes sense given you talk like a fag your shit's all retarded
If anything it showed what absalute control looked like in feudal states.

the pesants did what the fighters commanded. the fighters did as their leaders said. the leaders did as their kinds commanded. all obeyed the gods. even other gods. even zeus was not above his own decree.

There is tragedy there. Everyone of import gets what they want, and it tares states and pantheon and families apart.
Its crazy how many people don't realize this. Just because he had some things to say about the religion doesn't mean he wasn't Christian himself
yes, exactly like feudal states. except when the peasants rebelled against their masters, or the merchant classes contested the lords, or the lords refused their the king, or the king overruled the church, just as zeus overthrew kronos his father.
What's Christian about him?
His religion.
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>ah but you see i am very smart and follow the living god, because if you see a road marking and dismiss it, the road marking still exists and you looked at it, so the road marking owns you, even though you disregarded it, because i said so. my beliefs definitely dont boil down to that annoying kid saying "stop copying me" after copying other kids.
Nietzsche was a literal cuck. Just come to Islam if you want master morality without the cucking.
Which is?
why are online christians so preformative? it's like they're not even christian
Islam literally means submission and Mohammad was a pedophile.
>wrath of achilles

raging about having your girl stolen (cuck morality)
Except none of that is in the book under discussion. Are we to include the centuries of apocrypha in discussing the bible?
I hate Christian larpers
Ok I'm not hearing a problem so far. Submission to The One True God doesn't make it a slave morality. Slave morality is being subservient to humans who are no better than you, you pseud fucktard. You people just parrot reddit shit don't you.
>Nietzschean right
I just call them what they are: right wing nihilists
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me, continuing to turn the other cheek
Achilles, Heracles, were definetly granite men. Antiquity had plenty of them. Think of Julius Cornelius Sulla, who started a massacre against the patricians so only strongmen would be left among them.
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tf a granite man?
>I'm not hearing a problem so far
That's because you're fucked in the head
Post still 100% unrefuted by /lit/.

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