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>Catholicism gets shit for idolatry, or praying to and worshiping some weirdo called "a saint"
>Christianity is also very likely just praying to and worshiping some weirdo who was executed by Greeks for annoying rich local jews
Could use a book or 3 that explains how Christianity is somehow not just a series of rituals dedicated to some guy out in the Middle East who insisted he was the avatar of god.
>who insisted he was the avatar of god.
The Messiah was always going to be the avatar of God. And no saint did what he did, made the claims he did, or rose from the dead. Whether you believe it is your own story. Not his.
>For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
>and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
>and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
>The mighty God,
>The everlasting Father,
>The Prince of Peace.-Isaiah 9:6
>some guy out in the Middle East who insisted he was the avatar of god.
*proved he was the avatar of God. Funny how a poor, humble arab carpenter still makes people seethe 2024 years later.
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Jesus is God in the flesh. Read the gospel according to John in the King James Bible.

Many bibles change "by" to "through" in chapter 1 verse 3 or they'll change the same in Colossians 1:16. Or they'll change "from everlasting" in the messianic prophecy in Micah 5:2. Removing Jesus as God and the only begotten Son of God is a common thing going back to the Alexandrians who created a counterfeit bible since they didn't even believe they had the pure words of God, they thought they had a fallible book they could improve.

And a statue or picture of (what someone thinks) Jesus (looked like) isn't the same as Jesus in the flesh when some would worship him in Scripture. He never rebuked anyone for doing that either, because He is God, yet he rebuked Satan saying to worship and serve the LORD thy God only. But bowing to and kissing and praying to pictures or statues is idolatry, it's worshipping the works of their own hands. You can see examples from the OT with Biblical Israel or what's written in the Psalms about it if you don't believe the King James Bible got the 10 commandments right (it did btw).

Some will take the first part of the second commandment and say that no images at all should be used, not even in tracts or actors in movies or anything, but I think it's fine so long as everyone's aware it's just an image, not God, and it's not to be bowed to or kissed or prayed to since those are acts of worship. God alone should be worshipped, but again Jesus is God manifest in the flesh.

1st. Timothy 3:16
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

All Bibles are not the same, and many of them distort the above verse as well as the others I already mentioned earlier.
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The Arabs were literally a southern group that used Islam to conquer the region. He was Middle Easterner, not an Arab. It's like calling a Dane a Mediterranean.
>Catholicism gets shit for idolatry, or praying to and worshiping some weirdo called "a saint"
This confusion stems from the fact that Protestants believe to pray to someone is to worship them while the small-o orthodox churches believe a prayer is a request. As the latter believe that the righteous dead are in Heaven and form the great cloud of witnesses, they see praying to (making a request to) the dead and asking them to pray on the behalf of the living as perfectly natural, a reflection of the belief that God can work through fallen man and that the prayers of the righteous avail much.
To many American Protestants, prayers can only be made to God, because to them, prayer functions in a more transactional manner wherein one prays in order for a specific result to occur.
Saints aren't worshipped. We pray to them to pray for us. Think of it like asking someone's friend to request something on our behalf.
There were thousands of people executed by the Romans (not "Greeks") for annoying rich local Jews yet only one of them is worshipped all around the world.

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