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One phenomena I find incredibly weird, is the desire for trans people to view trans or non-binary elements in everything. I'm struggling to find what's wrong about it specifically, but analyzing that it's wrong is clear. The thing is, in a liberal society, people should be free to do what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt someone or something. But this awkward mix of vicarious, indoctrination, and fantasy is rarely identified for the weird thing it is. And whenever it is, people say, "let people enjoy things". Let me try to break it down.

Firstly, it is presumptuous because it's making assumptions based around little information to push a belief.

It's indoctrination because it is done to pull the entity in focus, into themselves.

It's fantasy because that assumption they base it around is always false, yet also, because of the way they reflect upon the act itself.
- When done to entities other people like based on objective qualities, they turn it into a revenge fantasy; taking away the "toys" of people they don't like and turning them into their own.
- When done in a vaccum, it's a mix of fantasy of similarity/identification. When done to people in real life, it also is a fantasy of support.

Bringing it back to the revenge fantasy for a second, through this fantasy, they also acknowledge some inherent corruption and forceful nature of the action taking place on the original entity, yet never acknowledge this fact outright.

Bringing it back to the support fantasy though, through this, they do it, partially, to see themselves in that entity of choice, or to see some reflection of themselves in the entity of choice. Almost as if narcissius was cutting people, hoping and faking seeing some reflective surface among the parts, just so he could gleam at his own visage.

A less testy example of this, would be the strategist from "apothecary diaries" where the guy framed as the big bad, is just a guy who deluded himself into thinking the teenage protagonist was his daughter the whole time. In that case, his doting on her is wrong for the same unplacable reason.

So to pull it together, you've got, simply put, a harshly negative and controlling connotation on the word vicarious, deeper with disgust than the word almost ever has jammed into it. Stated another way, it's the possesion of a potentially destructive belief, strongly held despite the negative rammifications. Does english, or any other languages have a word like this?
Human nature. Most everyone looks for bits of themselves in the world and it is part of how we empathize and sympathize.
They're just writing mythology.

Don't know about a word for it but you're basically right.

1] Human instinct for reproduction which is usually logistically impossible for homosexuals and trannies. They're figuratively penetrating the text (and hopefully the receptive minds of the impressionable) with an intricately constructed phallus.
2] Trying to erect scaffolding in the world to validate their self-chosen escapist identity. Your comparison to Narcissus is apt.

That said, many people do things like this, not just fags. It's just more noticeable because the manifestation of their neurosis is more superficially available to see.

Funnily I'm writing a novel about this. It's expressed better in the book than I can do here. I'm not good at writing things on the fly.
Tell me the running book name, and where to find it when you get done.
I don't have a title yet but I'm going to try and get an agent. I'll probably post about it on /lit/ if I can get it published. If I can't then I'll just take everything from the book and put it into a second novel.

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