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>The year is 2200.
>The price of oil just hit $10000 per barrel.
>The price of natural gas is $500 MMBtu and climbing.
>The transportation industry worldwide has collapsed.
>Countless companies get bailouts or become nationalized.
>Global debt is measured in scientific notation because it is so high.
>The price of everything has skyrocketed, and people are forced to buy nothing but rice and beans.
>Of the 10 billion people on Earth, over 99% are malnourished and half are starving.
>Blackouts are frequent and there are even water shortages.
>People go back to chopping wood by hand in order to cook food and heat their homes.
>Communism and Fascism rise up as a response to the worldwide hardship.
>The individual becomes subject to forced labor, total enslavement by the state, and is no different to a medieval peasant.
>The age of industry and infinite economic growth is over.
>ah yes according to these computer models which we have rigged to make the world end by 2XXX, the world will end by 2XXX.
Get real, data is a lie. Death to the computer gods.
>The price of oil just hit $10000 per barrel.
>transportation industry worldwide has collapsed.

this book must have been written before the Chinese started making cheap EVs
Civilization will probably collapse like every civilization in history, but it won't be overnight. It'll be a slow decline over hundreds of years. Los Angeles will absolutely be a ghost town one day.
mmm rice and beans
only really a problem if right wingers continue to disrupt the move to renewables and nuclear power
it will be interesting to see what happens to southwestern US where you have entire cities in the middle of deserts with no water
Is there enough lithium on earth to replace every combustion engine with a battery & motor?
Based off synopsis, too nihilistic. We're conditioned by modern society to think that we'd be passive enough to let shit like this happen, but all it would take is us reverting, and this all stops instantly. The modern corp has trained for violence nearly as little as the average person. It wouln't take much to stop it now, probably not much then.
What a stupid prediction. The planet will naturally depopulate way before that happens. It's already started; birth rates in civilized areas are at an all-time low, in some places (e.g. China) the population has begun shrinking, and the high-birthrate areas (e.g. Africa & the Middle East) will find there's no way to support their populations, and will also depopulate.
Also, take this crap to /pol/

not sure, but either way, lithium is only going to be one of the options. they're already moving on to using sodium-ion batteries, which shoudl be cheaper.

at some point in the future, fusion will become a reality and hte world will not be energy-constrained. even now we could jsut move to nuclear for the entire grid if the political will was there
fake and gay, abiogenic oil is the truth

I will be long gone by then
you're fighting your own shadow buddy
>The year is 2200
>I'm dead, having had an awesome life and driven a hellcat
>oil is a bazillion dollars, but smart people invented a substitute so the world is fine
>but even if this didn't happen (it will) I wouldn't give a shit because I lived either air conditioning and a hellcat.
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The answer to environmental issues is just to stop letting untermenschen multiply. No more browns! Or the really repellent kind of Chinese.
>muh inequality
>muh fascism
>muh regression to feudalism
Genuine paranoia with fake leftist understanding of the world.
>to fix these, we must import infinity brown people into white countries
All environmental doomerism is a thin veneer over white guilt. These issues were solved 50 years ago but we aren't allowed to fix them. Hard pass.

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