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> To regard Christ as God, and to pray to him, are to my mind the greatest possible sacrilege
So he’s a disgusting heretic and a non-Christian. Don’t recommend him to me ever again I would rather read intelligent atheists like Cormac Mccarthy over Tolstoy any day.
He also rewrote the Bible to only focus on the ethical teachings and remove the references to Jesus being the Son of God, miracles, etc. which is Thomas Jefferson tier. Sad that such a great writer is burning in Hell right now.
I really do love this mans earlier work. its crazy how neurotic he became
The ethical teachings of Jesus is a lot more important than Jesus being the son of man or whatever that means
Tolstoy’s theology can't stop trannies. Tolstoy himself was a repressed homosexual.
Go back to listening to podcasts about "world religion"
Just because I understand that Christian theology is built on an ignorance of history and Jewish religion doesn’t mean I support faggotry
I’m a tranny and if either of you little twinks said this to my face I would literally beat you within an inch of your life, be careful and stay anonymous little bros
This is why Parsifal was the superior product of old-19th-century-genius-turns-to-unorthodox-ascetic-christianity. Wagner understood the significance of the transfiguration and divinity of Christ.

>The very shape of the Divine had presented itself in anthropomorphic guise; it was the body of the quintessence of all pitying Love, stretched out upon the cross of pain and suffering. A—symbol?—beckoning to the highest pity, to worship of suffering, to imitation of this breaking of all self-seeking Will: nay, a picture, a very effigy! In this, and its effect upon the human heart, lies all the spell whereby the Church soon made the Græco-Roman world her own.
Tolstoy was a faggot though?
>A tranny showing standard male aggression
And that right there folks is just one reason this fella will never be a woman! That and the cock and Adams apple! Lol
Based and correct, as usual from the goat
Churchers will never stop seething about this guy I luv ‘im
>The ethical teachings of Jesus is a lot more important than Jesus being the son of man or whatever that means

There's absolutely no reason to take anything Jesus said seriously if the Resurrection is false.
Now you know why Dostoyevsky is the most beloved russian writer of all.
Literally who?

Teachings of the Lord without the Lord of the teachings removes all authority from them. Removing Jesus as Lord is no different, since he is God in the flesh.
The notion that Jesus was a god only came centuries after his death in order to help selling Christianity to the greeks and the romans. Also to trick their way out of the great sin of idolatry from Judaism
>literally who?
Disgustingly ignorant
Even people who believe that Jesus was a fiction character say that the teachings of Jesus like the sermon on the mount are important to learn from.
If you think that being a part of the “right” religion is all that matters then there’s separating you from muslims
*If you think that being a part of the “right” religion is all that matters then there’s nothing separating you from muslims
>If you think that being a part of the “right” religion is all that matters then there’s separating you from muslims
The fact that Muslims are in a different religion
I assumed OP was talking about the subject of the pic, but thanks for answering.

>*If you think that being a part of the “right” religion is all that matters
There's only one true God, and only way to the Father and that's through the Son. All the other gods are false idols, often literal idols made of stone and wood which people worship, or Muslims have their black Mecca cube they worship.

>then there’s nothing separating you from muslims
The Bible doesn't command followers to kill you for not believing, the Quran does.

You can read these books before discussing them. It would help.
Always despised Walt Whitman. Behind his folksy facade lies an evil heretic core.
where did he say this?
>I assumed OP was talking about the subject of the pic, but thanks for answering.
he is you fucking retard.
forgot pic
Hahahahaha clown
> There's only one true God, and only way to the Father and that's through the Son. All the other gods are false idols
> The Bible doesn't command followers to kill you for not believing, the Quran does.
This is a double standard. You are saying that you have to agree with Christianity because you think christianity is the right religion but you don’t think Islam is the right religion because you don’t agree with Islam

I agree that Islam is worse than Christianity but your way of thinking is no different to how religious Muslims justify their beliefs
So his teachings in essence mean nothing to you lel. Cringe mentality.
Screech and cry more, you hysterical trad larper. You kow nothing if true holiness. All you have is your effeminate Judaized slavishness
Don’t agree with this hysterical trad-tranny. Wagner is certainly an extreme heretic according to the standards of OP’s absurd larp
The Resurrection happens to be true but you’re just making pseduo-profound statements with no meaning. If the Resurrection is not true, the person of Jesus should become the object of extrem interest (see Nietzsche)
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Based independent thinker. Theists roasted again.
Wow. And people actually shill this guy as a Christian. Tolstoy confirmed for burning in Hell. I also heard he used to praise Mohammed, LOL! Retard.
Which resurrection? Lazarus? All the random graves in the area near Jesus's tomb? If you believe the Bible, resurrection was positively commonplace for a while.
Be silent, atheist. Your opinion is of no relevance here. Your kind reaches the limits of comprehension far too quickly.
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You are already an atheist in regard to every religion in the world that isn't the one you've chosen. You may as well be angry that no one in this thread approves of Allah, or Krishna, or the magic juju up on an African mountain somewhere. If you believe in a deity, you are in the same boat as every other deluded believer.
Isnt there some anime porn you need to get back to, trad larper?
The tradlarpers are easy to mock here, but this canned argument becomes meaningless once you come to regard are religions as constituent of truth and revelatory of the mysteries of nature. Atheism comes the most absurd and incomprehensible position, once you actually understand life and its many dimensions. In Nietzsche’s case he spiritualized biology to a tremendous degree, furnished a plan for the achievement of god-like men, and in the end identified himself with Christ
>Wagner is certainly an extreme heretic according to the standards of OP’s absurd larp
That is true but I still think he understood, and was closer to, Christianity more than Tolstoy.
Lovecraft would have made a good slave. Whish whish
Actually the bearing of all sins to the Cross as the ultimate Divine offering in order so that men could through this seek salvation in forgiveness and new faith, is the most important work. Christ is the intercessor to the Father and God in one. His ethics are self evident and written on the spirit and souls of the righteous but to fulfill that which only He could fulfill being Son of God.
Spirituality is what you adopt when you have no idea what you're doing. It's literally an admission that you're just making things up and are operating in an area where you have no understanding. It's like anti-knowledge and can never be useful.
Krishna is both the giver of life and the destroyer of worlds. Just as you were born, you will die, and you will be born again unless you forsake false religion and devote yourself to the true reality, contemplate on our Lord Krishna.
The ethics of the New Testament rest upon the explicit divinity of the Christ, anyone claiming otherwise has to pretend that, absent of Jesus the morality of the Old Testament would still fully be in place, down to the sacrificial requirements of animals, the new testament clearly affirms all of the old except where Christ as sacrifice and where church as distinct from National-civil nation would modify it. If any of the people who claimed they follow Christ but don’t believe his divinity actually listened to him, they would of course, first, believe his divinity and second obey the Old Testament utterly.
You are a serious dummy, and your smugness is going to get you in trouble. Go to the opera, please
Attitude is irrelevant. Everything I have said is true.
> Actually the bearing of all sins to the Cross as the ultimate Divine offering in order so that men could through this seek salvation in forgiveness and new faith, is the most important work
That doesn’t make any sense. Why was it necessary for him to get crucified as a human sacrifice. You Christians don’t realize that your mythology doesn’t makes sense to people who aren’t surrounded by others who already believe it.

> You are already an atheist in regard to every religion in the world that isn't the one you've chosen … you are in the same boat as every other deluded believer
This is a Reddit tier argument
Atheist means no god, polytheist and monotheists are different categories
Also a lot of Christians believe that other gods are real but demons
It’s sad that you can’t discern the different aspects of human nature to which each mythology appeals. That would of course require an effort of imagination and thinking.
>operating in an area where you have no understanding
Thinking doesn’t even begin until you get to this “area”
>Thomas Jefferson tier
what does that mean
what did thomas jefferson do
>pseudo-profound statements with no meaning
1 Corinthians 15:14-22 is what anon was referring to. It is obvious to anyone that has read the new Testament, but I understand not everyone remembers this if they don't believe it.
A good portion of Romans makes very clear how critical faith is, namely in the promise of resurrection, and started with Abraham as an example. Kierkegaard did the same in Fear and Trembling. It is not mere posturing for a Christian to say the resurrection is key to understanding the narrative and the faith itself.
Also, Christ makes a perpetual big deal about his divinity. Heretics like Tolstoy foolishly attempt to abridge the Word of God to downplay this, along with the "academics" who claim the Gospel of John, or any of Paul's writing, was not legitimate.
>John 8:58
>John 11:25-26
>Mark 2:5-7

Do with this what you will, and by God's will, let it be heard. God bless.
> To regard Christ as God, and to pray to him, are to my mind the greatest possible sacrilege
Unfathomably based. I have to read his entire biblio now
Thanks for immediately proving my point. Atheists have no business discussing religion outside their own confounded circles. I could literally have a more productive discussion with a pagan from classical Herculaneum, than with a modern atheist. You are shut out from anything which isn't perfectly surface level.

One post and you're already making up copes? Come on.
Him and Nikolai Fyodorov are two thinkers my entire worldview is based on
He’s referring to the ‘Jefferson Bible’
> T. Secular liberal
HP was an enormous midwit lol
>Never fight back
>Give all material possessions away
>Even thinking of sin sends you to hell
Truly the most influential moralist
It would work if everyone did it
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what did he mean by this
That does not a good moral system make. Jesus's ethics are terrible
he literally just copy-pasted schopenhauer and added christ to it and then later henry george, that's all that tolstoyism is
>I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
You want to exclude atheists because you have no answer to the most basic of atheist points. There is zero justification to pick any of the primitive deity figures, much less the Christian one who is blatantly a projection of the superego father figure. Again, it's not atheists who decided to believe in a daddy figure in the clouds. Perhaps try to avoid having such laughable beliefs if you don't want to be laughed at?
whats the point of giving up all your possessions and shunning the world if there is no spiritual component?
Perhaps he was trying to dialectically say that God is Christ, but Christ is not God. Does this sound less heretical?
Only the most of intelligent people were unitarians
wtf? I'm dropping war and piss now.

Little bros', are you guys OK.
Money. He was running out of money.
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Dostoevsky won.
Dostoyevsky was clearly on drugs
Probably opium
I’m actually a (non violent except in self defense ) fascist
"People like Dostoevsky, ugh, brutal. Some of the things he wrote are good ideas, interspersed with so much rubbish" - Elon Musk
Dostoevsky was turned into le depressed existentialist philosopher instead of a compassionate Christian writer by Western intelligentsia and Tolstoyan Christianity became obsolete just a few years after his death. They both lost.
Based. He was one of the reasons I left the heretic Catholic church and became an Unitarian.
I understand Tolstoy perfectly. People tend to mystify holy men such as Laozi, Buddha, Jesus, turning them into gods, but the important thing is not whether they were gods or not, but what the ultimately said and taught. I don't regard the New Testament as an absolute truth or being divinely inspired, it was written by men, flawed men at that, it has flaws, it's not perfect and it's not a historical account. What we should take from it is not its supernatural aspects but the very words of Christ where they show he was indeed a holy man worth of influencing the entirety of western society.
>Elon Musk
So true, sister!
>by Western intelligentsia
Literally nobody cares.
>They both lost.
Dostoevsky won because he is with Christ.
>Perhaps he was trying to dialectically say that God is Christ, but Christ is not God. Does this sound less heretical?
Yes but it is far too generous.
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Wow, so you're a pacifist whose ideal society is a government that destroys other cultures, treats 1/2 of the population as working birth slaves, a tyranical goverment corporation with absolute power, and you want war to happen endlessly.

That makes so much sense. You're totally normal and not a complete fucking moron
> that destroys other cultures
Look up social darwinism
> treats 1/2 of the population as working birth slaves
This doesn't make any sense, are you trying to make a pro abortion statement
> a tyranical goverment corporation with absolute power
You don't understand corporatism
> and you want war to happen endlessly
I said non violent except in self defense
>the son of man or whatever that means
It's just a way of saying "average guy."
Old Testament prophets were also referred to as "a son of man."
Calling himself THE Son of Man is definitely mystical.
ITT we see the effects of protestantism
>he’s a disgusting heretic

this post also has NOTHING to do with literature you retarded groyper zoomer faggot, fuck off back to twitter

twitter, mutt

>social dwarnism
racist pseudo-science that has no bearing in reality. Also, it's inherently not pacifist. If Social-dwarnism had any bearing in reality (it does not), do you think people who aren't white, blonde, and blue-eyed want to be erased genetically? They'll just roll on their bellies as a bunch of retards want to erase the "weak"
>pro-abortion statement
No, I'm talking about how women in fascist states are encouraged to only housewives
Retarded. Corporations will never give a shit about anyone but maintaining themselves. Tell me with a straight face that corporations are good when right now you have micro plastics and forever chemicals inside you rn. You think this will any better when they have zero incentive to be regulated since they control everything.
Fascism is inherently violence oriented. Saying you prefer fascism that's pacifist, is like saying, "I prefer drinking water that isn't wet"
Tolstoy had a profound love for Jesus and for the teachings of his ministry.
And yet he denied his divinity
> racist pseudo-science that has no bearing in reality
It's not a pseudo-science it's just unpopular and currently outdated because people are too scared too discuss it. Alot of evolutionary psychology has its origin in social darwinism. Social darwinism is not inherently rascist, it looks at why some groups of people are more successful than others. It doesn't have to apply to race (which is an outdated concept), it can also apply families, local communities, religions, and nationalities.
> Also, it's inherently not pacifist.
Science can't be pacifist. It's descriptive not prescriptive
> No, I'm talking about how women in fascist states are encouraged to only housewives
Women should be homemakers. It's literally their purpose
> Retarded. Corporations will never give a shit about anyone but maintaining themselves ...
You don't understand corporatism
> Fascism is inherently violence oriented. Saying you prefer fascism that's pacifist, is like saying, "I prefer drinking water that isn't wet"
You can say the same thing about socialism/communism yet democratic socialists exist. I'm advocating for democratic fascism
Tolstoy is the famous "great writer" who in fact wrote nothing particularly good or interesting. Him being a lolcow was the only true value he bequeathed.
This. The resurrection never happened. The entire myth surrounding this was precisely contrary to the teachings of Jesus.
>Women should be homemakers. It's literally their purpose
And if you're below 6 ft, don't own land and never killed another man then your purpose if to be either farming equipment or cannon fodder for men who are 6 ft or taller, own land and have killed other men. Not to have opinions on what other people should be.

So you probably should shut the fuck up.
This is a very response that doesn’t make sense
Farming makes up a very small part of modern economies and cannons aren’t used in war anymore
>Son of God is God himself
>God descended from Heavens to let himself be humiliated by filthy jews and then die on the cross
Do christcucks really?
>currently outdated because people are too scared too discuss it.
I shouldn't have to explain this, but I'm doing it anyway. If something has actual merit, there would be actual intellectuals who work in that field talking about it. The only people who talk about social dwarnism are morons who believe skull measurements matter in 2024 while never having a STEM degree
>Science can't be pacifist. It's descriptive not prescriptive
Wtf are you even talking about. When did I ever bring this up.
>Women should be homemakers. It's literally their purpose
You're right. I was wrong on what it is. But it's still just as stupid as corporatocracy. So, a fascist government sets up working corporation groups depending on occupation. You essentially just want government/corporation controlled jobs held by a tyranical government that is fully willing to exploit you for all you got. While having no other option since fascist government confine you to one occupation.
>democratic fascism
democratic socialism and democratic fascism are not comparable in the slightest. One has actual political theories and countries while making actual sense as a form of government. While democratic fascism is an oxymoron with no basis in reality besides a group that disbanded a year later
But the internet told me fascists are inherently violent!
Finally a normal take on /lit/
What is love?
christ was never revered in russia as much as in the west, he's still considered a god of course but the god-father is more important here, like you'd never hear something like "our lord jesus christ" from people (yes even religious people) while western people constantly mention jesus
this is what seething churchers actually believe
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>he's still considered a god of course but the god-father is more important here
This seems to be the end-result of the Roman Catholic "trinity" doctrine, dividing God and denying that Jesus is the Creator (see differences in many Bibles in John 1:3 or Colossians 1:16 or Ephesians 3:9, changing "by" to "through", removing Jesus as Creator and turning him into some kind of middle man). It makes sense the people who decreed it as part of the faith also worship idols of the queen of heaven and call her a co-redemtrix, and worship idols of their patron saints, it's really just polytheism and pagan idolatry, even you see it as separate and multiple gods. And many critics of Christianity think the God of the Bible is polytheistic because of this Roman Catholic doctrine.

The Bible plainly says "these three are one", not "this one is divided into three persons". I'll repeatedly see Catholics call their version of "Mary" the "mother of God", and I'll tell them the Creator wasn't created by creation, then they'll claim they're not talking about the Creator; clearly denying Jesus is the Creator. You never read anything about the "trinity" doctrine being so heavily discussed in Scripture, it's not even part of the gospel according to Paul nor were any other theological positions (see: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4), apparently none of that philosophy was even worth making it into the Scripture according to God's will, and if it's not in the Scripture, Paul just told us it's not necessary for the gospel. And the verses they use, they just read their theology into it; as they do with eternal conscious torment and the Bible plainly states the wages for sin is death (Rom 6:23) and the soul that sins shall die (Ezekiel 18), one verse about a worm not dying and one verse from a parable doesn't prove the doctrine of eternal conscious torment, especially when God plainly said the soul will die and when there are other parables which show it's not eternal tormenting like the wheat/tares but point to eternal destruction or death, and the lake of fire is itself called the second death, and Rev 21:4 says there'll be no more pain, not that it's relegated to "another realm".

Jhn 1:3
>All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Isa 9:6
>For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Jhn 10:30
>I and my Father are one.
Jhn 14:9
>Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

If the trinity doctrine works for someone, I don't care, good for them. I don't subscribe to any sort of theological doctrine/label on this (all of those non-biblical terms have a ton of baggage to them), I just go with what Scripture says.
Would you prefer Nabokov? :)

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.
So very true, sister! That's so valid and brave!
I don’t have to convince you that democratic fascism is better than whatever you believe in. I was just making a point that you don’t have to be a secular liberal to agree with Tolstoys views on religion
Fascist violence was a response to communist violence
>le curmudgeonly russian man
sick of this fucking queef
Christ manifested and is the realization or eternal fact within God of the unity between the divine and the human. He came to the lowest cells in hell, to the depthest of estrangement fom God. God's love manifested is Christ, and is a real performative reality. God's love is union with everyon spiritualy.
explained a bit very shortly. Not all theology make sense, there are christian heretics. But the idea is that God is not only transcendant (the Father).
Maybe actually look into orthodox theological books if you want to studydeep spiritual matters
>To read Tolstoy, and to agree with him, are to my mind the greatest possible sacrilege.
- Anonymous, 2024.
Jesus is a dead kike, accept it, his mom cucked his father, simple as.

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