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I've had a terrible life. Whenever some tragedy happens to me, there's always another one. Then someone kicks me when I'm down. I fall, I get up, I fall, I get up, even if I have the urge to give up every time. I still have fighting spirit in me, despite everyone almost always working against me (sometimes I only retrospectively understand that), despite all odds being against me.
I am damaged. I am broken. I cry every night, in pain from what is happening to me and what I cannot change. What I cannot undo.
Still, I feel the need to get up and fight. I know I will never change the past or ever be happy, but I still try.
if by rudyard kipling
memories of positive moments in the past
tubthumping by chumbawamba (nonironically)
It doesn't make you feel like this but stoicism might help you
I hate stoicism. I feel like it only makes you give up.
Well then try Christ
The Bible
Ancient historians like Plutarch, Arrian, Quintus Curtius, Livy.
Reading anything written before like 1940 and seeing that even the best of humanity nowadays are retarded ants compared to the average guy 100, 200 years ago. It makes me want to rise above hellish modern society.
literally how
hi anon, you are not alone! Let us hope for a better future, while we endure!
>woops, something bad happened. guess i won't do anything to make things better
unironically mishima
Complete Basedjaks by Chud Chudovsky
Where do any stoics say that?
Gasset “Revolt Of The Masses

Ironically enough, it’s my favorite philosophy book
I prefer real authors like Kino Basedboy
The Adventures of Augie March
really? The Bible makes you feel determined and motivated? any particular parts?
I found it illuminating, mainly things like how flawed God's chosen are, and how impartial the texts are, not really tending to comment on what's happening but merely honestly ( I suppose) telling how they happened - a lot of the morality comes from the laws but even then there is this whole 'I expect the best but know it is hard for you to live up to these expectations'
like is it Abraham that fucks his sons wife because she dressed up like a prostitute? I found that part surprising, and also that Abraham was a drunkard - also why the fuck does he lie to everyone that his wife is his sister just to extort things out of them later? those parts I found strange, and damn, Esau got fucked over, and I feel bad for Pharaoh in a way, he was originally benevolent, and then he got scared, but then when Moses asks God about whether he will change his mind, God says don't worry, He will turn his heart against them, as if he has no choice, he's a bit of a pariah in my mind
also it seems weird to me but like God and Satan are basically the same character or indistinguishable to me a lot of the time, even the fact Moses talks directly to God, no one else does that, also that God would bargain with the devil in Job, seams they are identical there, if anything it pushed me further towards gnosticism - and in many ways I agree with the Islam line of thought that the Bible was corrupted over time
I haven't actually picked it up in a while, it is a wild book though I think people talk about it being boring because of the style of a lot of the translations and the general poetic style of those times, there's a lot of repetition, I should finish it, it's definitely under appreciated
Silas Marner
Bronze Age Mindset made me feel motivated and like grabbing life by the horns, and in a similar but less aggressive way Kant's Metaphysics of Morality (specifically, and for me this sums up the whole text, "I ought never to act except in such a way that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law")
What about you OP? any recommendations?
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>communist age mindset
that's not what stoicism is.
Zoomers and some losers from gen x and y are using the Bible as their cope. They will make a pathetic attempt at self-improvement, fail, then say to themselves "this earthly world is not important, I may be obese now, but soon I'll die and be in Heaven."
Crooked Cucumber by Shunryu Suzuki (zen priests autobiography)

The Existentialist's Survival Guide: How to Live Authentically in an Inauthentic Age
By Gordon Marino

Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder
by Samuel Wilson Fussell
In other words, you are indomitable. You do not break, you do not give up or surrender. The Lord is an indomitable warrior, we put our trust in Him and never falter.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

No matter how bad things get, no matter how difficult or overwhelming the odds, those who trust in the Lord will run the race until the very end. Will mount up with wings like eagles.

Wow sounds a lot of projection right there. Maybe you should pray a little bit.

Another divine pearl from Isaiah, the Word of God:

Fury is not in me: who would set the briers and thorns against me in battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together.

Isaiah 27:4

Anger? For what? There is no need to be upset, God has already won, we are traveling home.

No, not anger, not fear, not even fear of dying. Calm confidence, faith and assurance.

There is no need to be upset. Jesus Christ is the Lord, we are going to see Him.

Another priceless treasure from Isaiah, in service to the Almighty:

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed,
and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment.

This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord
and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.”

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon formed against us shall prosper. No rifles, no missiles, no fighter jets, no unholy lies. Christ is victorious, to serve Him is a perfect joy.
Then read it again in a critical and analytic way this time because you did not understand anything
>and how impartial the texts are
Maybe because it has like 45 different authors?
>a lot of the morality comes from the laws
Not true unless you are a jew. The old covenant is obsolete, thus why a new covenant was created. Christians don't follow the old covenant.
Hebrews 8:13

>like is it Abraham that fucks his sons wife because she dressed up like a prostitute? I found that part surprising, and also that Abraham was a drunkard - also why the fuck does he lie to everyone that his wife is his sister just to extort things out of them later? those parts I found strange, and damn, Esau got fucked over
Who wrote Genesis? Did God told the story of Genesis to Moses to write it down? Well Moses never mentions this. So where does the Genesis story comes from? What did the israelites believe in before Moses came? Think about it, maybe you'll get to the same conclusion that most theologists.

All of what you said (Except Job) doesn't come from the Bible, but from the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible, which is not what christians believe. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
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I don't have any books to recommend. But I have been, Hell I am, where you are, so I'll give you my 2 cents, for what they're worth.

I'm 27 and still in Uni. I haven't graduated yet. I gave up. I was too afraid to try, too afraid to just open the damn books and study, that I just let time pass me by. I got fatter, older, weaker, stupider. I was counting the minutes for the time to pass, desperately trying to find a new movie or show on torrent sites to kill some time. I had gotten too much of a passive nothing that even playing vidya was too much work. That was my life for years. And I'd lie about it. To my parents, to my tutors; I'd say that I kept trying but it was just too hard for me. There was some truth to it all, accidents happened, but, at its core, the problem was me and my fears.

Either way, that's just babbling. Last Friday I got the info that I had until September of 2025 to finish all my classes or that's it, I'm out of Uni. It's a new law. I thought I had until 2027, but... The thing is, here in my country we also have to do a year of mandatory army service, and my time's up in December of 2024. And here I was, with 25 classes remaining, all Physics/Math related. I panicked. I cried. Never had I felt like that. It was over. I could still go to some small local "college", study computers, find a job, live. But what I dreamed of, contributing something, that was dashed. And I never even tried. I wept and moaned and on Monday I called the Uni and the Army. Turns out I was assigned to the Air Force, so I'll be called in around May, and with a paper I can extend that to November 2025. Which leaves me 4 consecutive exam periods to try and pass my classes. It'll be tough, but I have around 10 studied, and I have my tutor who also works at uni and can put me in touch with other professors. Hard, but worth a shot.

My point is this; at that moment, no matter how hard the task was, I felt rejuvenated. And the next day I studied. More than I had in years. I went and took an exam, maybe I passed, maybe I didn't, but for one day's studying I did well enough. I'm taking another on Friday. I am no longer afraid of trying. Because I came nearly to the end, and I found out that more than failing, what I was most ashamed of was that I never tried.

I sympathize with you. Whenever something good happens, something bad is there to balance it. But at the last second, I get another chance. Now I have accepted that I am part of something bigger. And I've realised that as long as you're trying, that's all you need. The end comes no matter what. And maybe you will fail. But it's literally of no consequence if, in your heart, you know you gave it your best. Fight even when it all looks bleak. You never know what's around the corner. And even then, fight for the Hell of it. There's nothing more shameful than cowardice, to Man or God.

I believe in (you) OP.

PS: Maybe give Vanilla Sky a watch, it's special to me.
Not OP but thanks for posting this, anon. I will save it
This thread and others which descend into retarded discourse because of cancerous /pol/ posters, not specifically the OP image, which is funny and tame. Your point was that nobody tells lefties to go back to THEIR echo chamber when they are told to do so constantly. Reddit, twitter, /lgbt/, kek whatever you can think of.

I don't hate /pol/ because they are right wing, I hate /pol/ because they have completely ruined /lit/. Apparently having a whole board where you can post whatever the fuck you want is not enough for the attention whore /pol/ack.
I fully agree with you, but who are you talking to, anon?
You and me are the same, we are a schizo tranny.
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'Tis me, /g/, Eliezer the MAGNIFICENT! You know me as the Ashkenazi Algernon who dropped out of life to become a wordcel after getting a decent SAT score (the true test of genius). By my fruits, ye shall know me: my writings have inspired DOZENS of other wordcels to follow in my footsteps of writing 10,000 word essays when a paragraph or two would have sufficed. Quick Run Down:
>Moldbug kneels in my presence
>Scott Alexander has me on speed dial
>Nick Bostrom? I ghost wrote his entire corpus
>Lex Fridman? Merely my first naive attempt at humanoid presenting AI
They're nothing but trembling termites riding the coattails of a GOLIATH, a loquacious levantine whose EXTROPIAN EXCELLENCE and ESCHATOLOGICAL IMMINENCE is often imitated, but never matched.
Recommended reading
harry potter and the methods of rationality:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8-212
Chapter 6
Chapter 3
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I'm glad I was of help, anon.
Good post anon-kun. Saved.
I can reccommend legend of the strongest man kurosawa if you are ok with picture books.
Most fun I had in a while reading a post. Thanks anon, I love when people take the life by the horns.
The Turner Diaries.

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