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wtf is a german idealist?
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where's the chudlosopher? not the same thing as german idealist.
It is the German Idealist.
Depending on who you ask it is either the most dangerous and/or greatest philosophical school of thought in history. Either way, Prussian supremacy is assured.
Who says it's the most dangerous?
that’s me except I’m actually gonna get the girl
Is this a joke
right hegelians have a special place in pseud hell
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My favorite philosophers are 1. Foucault 2. Ayer 3. Schopenhauer 4. Spinoza and 5. Skinner. What am I?
probably a pretty cool quirky little guy
Hehehe apparently there can never be too many re-enactments of Stalingrad.
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Audience and popularity aside Watts is one of the the best philosophers of the 20th and I'm tired of pretending he's not.
>predicted Baudrillard calls to murder of the real
>predicted religious and anti-natalist nature of environmentalism
>predicted the evil of do-goodery
>encapsulated variety of complex problems into singular problems like the double-bind

Doors of Perception fucking sucks however
...I just realized I'm the doomer.
an oxymoron lol
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You think you're something special?
Not really. More this, and when I try to ask others their opinion or viewpoint, they always reply with some variant of "Whoa mind blown" or "God you think like that every day? That's awful".
...still looking for answers.
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Goddamn I hate this fucking interface
This person has never stepped foot in a philosophy class above a 100s level elective.
I've only encountered the two types on the left (if all women count as Activist). This also doesn't account for the STEMfags or STEM-adjacent philosophyfags.

t. mathfag who dabbled with philosophy in undergrad
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The Doomer
Yeah you probably consider yourself The Doomer, don't you? Fuck ass.
Why Evola triggers the newfags?
I'm a dialectical sublation of the german idealist and doomer archetypes, as any proper philosopher ought to be.
I still remember seeing people say petersonian for the first time in yt comment sections.
mine are:
1. hegel
2. marx/engels
3. marcuse
4. kant
5. plato
what am i?
Peak pseud?
a faggot
its just friendly criticism anon no need to get defensive
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I look and behave like that
Somewhere between the stoner and the doomer

German idealism is fucked. Nietzsche described it best by basically saying "this is sperg shit" at which point nobody with half a brain took it seriously anymore
1) Deleuze
2) Kierkegaard
3) Aquinas
What am I
Evola used to be really appreciate on /lit/ before /trannypol/ and e-Christians started to infest this board more and more.
Bullshit Evola was never accepted here.
Go to Warosu and see how Evola was received in 2014
you already triggered the discord trannies/incels
Where can I read about his ideas on the religious and anti-natalist nature of environmentalism? I'm working on a similar topic right now and I would be curious to give him a look.
I never really went through a philosophy
I'm christian
Started off as a doomer, then stoner, and now I'm getting into German idealism. Dont do drugs.
A connoisseur in fax machines.
Evola isn't even a real philosopher, but a new age retard so the fact that he's spammed in every philosophy thread shows that /lit/ has been infested by underaged /pol/tards.
>Blaming people
Bots bot bots bot
I'm convinced that maybe 10 people on this board have ever read any german idealism. Everyone else views it as incomprehensible occult magic or schizobabble without attempting to understand it, which is a shame.
There might only be 10 people on the board
What literature would you recommend on German idealism?
If you're already interested in philosophy, reading Kant and understanding his ideas is a good starting place. Virtually all later gernan idealists responded to, criticized, or incorporated his thought, including the big names of subsequent philosophy - Hegel, Schopenhauer, NEETszche. Once you understand Kant's critiques you'll likely develop your own criticisms or develop off what you read.
>not reading the german vomit is a shame even though german elite has been garbage for 2000 years so far
Thank you anon, I've added this suggestion to my list. I've only really just started to pick up philosophy now after deciding I need to challenge myself, so there's a lot to read and catch up with.
A weird nihilist

Mine are

1. Gasset
2. Weber
3. Lao Tzu
4. Heraclitus
5. Kierkegaard

In almost specific order
yeah it's the german idealist
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Here, have this guide.
>word vomit
Apply yourself. Disagreeing with a thinker is acceptable, but writing him off completely using a strawman of his writing is not. This is a literature board, not /dbs/.
Much appreciated anon, saved.
I'm missing myself, The Pseud.
>reads loads of classical philosophy in his free time
>forms his opinions on the text based on the foreword alone
>convinced he have understood the texts perfectly and that anyone with conflicting ideas is an idiot
>opinionated on contemporary (from the 19th century and forward) philosophy without having actually read any
I hope you are baiting. If not, you will never be a woman neither a true intellectual.
the schizophrenic greeaboo
Doomer for me, only not as pathetic. The guy who made this silly meme clearly thinks highly of himself.
German idealism made absolutely no lasting impact outside of the classroom. But it's ok, because these people practically live there and that is their whole world. Hegel and Kant were sheltered autists who, in a rightly ordered society, should have been slaves.
I have no idea why Marx is there. His system is barely even related. All becausr he used to study Hegel once.
Evola has been talked about here since before you even knew 4chan existed.
Why do leftists always have to gadlight themselves into thinking that there exists some tech that is capable of creating thousands of convincingly human posts about the topics that they don't like? I've seen them do this shit since before chatgpt even became widely available.
>/lit/ has been infested by underaged /pol/tards.
/pol/fags don't even know who Evola is these days. That board is just Trump support, Israel, and Ukraine nowadays.

Give me a quick rundown on what Weber is about. I tried to sit throw an hour long video and barely got a damn thing. All I really know about him is he came up with the theory of the Protestant work ethic.
The worst part about being a philosophy student is having to put up with the retarded fartsniffers who think they are actually superior misunderstood geniuses.
Humility and self-awareness is not a thing that comes naturally to these people.
>one of the nicest people when you get to know her
Lol, is this a joke? These people are genuine psychopaths. They get gratification for ratting out people for straying away from their retarded progressive ideas. I know one who got a teacher fired after she discovered that he wrote some right wi g wrongthink on his blog.
People like Kantbot made me realize how far people are capable of deluding themselves. I guess philosophy tends tp attract narcissists
They gravitate to extremes. A lot of them are just women following the current social trends who just want people to be nice to each other. The dangerous ones are the ones who are dedicated ideologues and center their lives around "the cause". They are absolutely crazy and are future HR types.
This, newfags don't know that Evola has been a board staple since at least the early days of 2016
>I guess philosophy tends tp attract narcissists
>the field that attempts to turn "this is what I think" into a higher art form attracts narcissists
You don't say
>the early days of 2016
This just makes him out as a staple of /pol/ election tourists
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Geez. Which sounds closer to Drumpft?

Drumpft is a utilitarian like 99% of all other modern politicians. Albeit not a very good one.
A faggot
The two aren't even incompatible. A utilitarian can incorporate Kantian restrictions on means, judging the means as being necessary to achieve the optimal ends, while a Kantian can incorporate utilitarian focuses on ends, since the maxim formed is itself an end and can thus be judged in utilitarian fashion when formed and when acted on.

Not that the whole deontology vs consequentialism debate doesn't actually say WHAT your particular ethics are. Just how they're executed.
??? How can someone the essence of whose philosophy amounts to a paragraphs-worth of fragments become a favourite? Surely at least Paremenides supersedes him, Plato at best.

He probably read one little fortune cookie quote attributed to Heraclitus and that's all he knows about him. No different than some normie claiming a band is their "favorite band" despite knowing like 1 song.
Evola is famous enough that many anons have actually read his stuff and know firsthand it's shit
Reformed doomer, that ended up practicing Buddhism, first just studying as a philosophy, mainly Madhyamaka.

Without some codified system of practice to engage in, I'm prone to repeated nihilistic death spirals I've not been able to break the cycle of without a specific practice to engage in and lean on.
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>since the early days of 2016
>early days
Nah, he's older than that, but 2016 was a long time ago and people have been talking about him for longer. Just check the archives on warosu.
>newfags don't now about /new/, the board that was practically born racist
Nah, I'm not having this gay ass excuse shit. These people are free adult human agents who deliberatrly choose their actions. Being nice to each other does not involve screaming at the top of your lungs because you cannot actually tolerate the things you disagree with. These people are literally not tolerant, because you have to object to the thing being tolerated for it to count.
Here you go

2014? Try 2011
My top five philosophers are
1. Edmund Husserl
2. Wilhelm Dilthey
3. Friedrich Schlegel
4. Friedrich Schelling
5. T.H. Green

What does that make me?
>/lit/ - personality tests for underage >>>/his/ runoff
You tell me.
I took a philosophy class because I felt it would make me more persuasive. Instead it made me notice that outside the class, everyone uses disjunctive arguments in some way and having better arguments doesn't make you more persuasive, it just means you end up arguing your position from this rigid set of rules in your head where the people you're trying to persuade don't respect those rules because they don't even know the rules exist.

All i got out of philosophy was an understanding that all of my deeply held beliefs were built on a foundation of wet tissue and balanced on a fucking egg, any idiot could just tear holes in my ethical beliefs. I used to be a hard-line utilitarian in terms of morality. But then I sat and thought about standards of justice and due process and how easy it is under a strictly utilitarian morality to justify things like slavery and genocide. Well, I don't like slavery and genocide, but they're so trivially easy to justify under utilitarianism that my respect for it completely eroded. I now think fuck the greater good. You cannot stop suffering, to wake up every day and not kill yourself means you walk around inviting suffering. Suffering can come at you from nowhere. You stub your toe, you get robbed, your wife doesn't know how to suck dick without biting. Life isn't misery, but it contains misery. We call that the cost of doing business. A philosophy that seeks to eliminate suffering is idealist but inviting a Sisyphean Task. Much better to have a minimum set of standards we hold all people to and a minimum set of standards we hold ourselves to. Do not kill, do not steal, do not rape, and if you do any of those things we throw you in a hole with other maladaptive cumstains and keep you fed and clothed. But we don't kill you because it's hard to apologize for accidentally killing the wrong criminal when you could have just thrown him in the hole and released him when new evidence came to light. Utilitarianism doesn't allow for this. It's easy to justify killing repeat violent offenders, it's easy to justify false imprisonment and unjustified execution.
For that reason I think that I lean toward the Doomer. The combination of people using poor logic to justify themselves and respecting philosophies that are so easy to tear down makes me thing that almost nobody on the planet actually sits down and thinks about their deeply held beliefs. Nobody really interrogates their own logic.

I don't know man, I don't pretend to have all the answers. I just know that every belief I ever had is flawed in some way and philosophy gave me the tools to realise that. I'm rambling. I haven't slept since Friday. I had to put my dog down. My wife doesn't know how to suck dick properly. I just want the work week to be over so I can take a day to myself and be alone.
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Have you ever been to a university with this type of woman? Probably not. I don’t blame you for falling for the stereotype that they’re all shrill and intolerant, the 25% that are are very loud online, and I understand the retards on this board only get their life experience through a screen. Here’s the truth from someone who has weathered academia and the liberal education sphere:
75% of women with this phenotype are harmless. Shallow, basic, wannabe edgy hedge witches that are dead fishes in bed, but ultimately harmless. Hell, most of them are actually pretty chill if you catch them at a dining hall or a museum night, they’re not activated woke-brains 24/7 like the Twitter regurgitators will have you believe. 25% of them are, and they’re awful, but everyone including the other members of their so-called leftist milieu know they’re awful. No one denies that, they just don’t talk about it to the same degree online that we do here.
You know what those 25% have in common with the retards that can’t stop complaining about wokeness, such as the ones on this site? You know what vinculum they share?
They’ve both been traumatized by hyperexposure to the world through the internet. They both come from shit homes that turn them into neurotic freaks that attack people on instinct. They both have zero understanding that the other side has gone through shit too and that they could possibly be victims in their own way.
The only difference between that 25% and the dysgenic anons that bitch and moan without pause here are that the 25% are traumatized and afraid, and the anons here are traumatized and angry. That’s it, that’s the dividing line. The population of this place is far too similar to the people they despise, and vice versa. Res ipsa loquitor.
>your wife doesn't know how to suck dick without biting.
bro, a little too specific bro. I'm so sorry. Get her some lip filler.
>A philosophy that seeks to eliminate suffering is idealist
TIL Buddhism is idealism
no Zizek?
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Mixture of the bottom row + German idealist would be better than any of these individually.
Activist and high school debater are worthless but the other four all have strengths and weaknesses.
>Deleuze and Aquinas
>Deleuze over Aquinas
Why is it that I always get the unshakeable feeling that the posters who make these unfailingly identify with the doomer wojak and prop him up as the ultimate anti-hero. This bullshit needs to stop.
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German idealism is idealism with a lot more words. It's still been demolished.
Not OP but Heraclitus is one of the most influential philosophers, cited literally all across the history of philosophy lol. Becoming and Logos are central core tenets of a lot of major philosophers; figures from the continental tradition like Nietzsche, Husserl, Deleuze, Heidegger, etc are all indebted to him.
Lucifer -> Heraclitus -> Hegel -> Karl Marx -> George Soros -> Yuval Noah Harrari -> the Antichrist
remove Hegel + Yuval Noah Harari and thats a good list
why the fuck would ayer be so high? he was just the anglophonic representative of schlick, and had very little in the way of originality outside of his role as vienna circle explainer.
*BTFOs all of them*
Most people on /lit/ will automatically dismiss any "e-celeb" but Jay Dyer is actually really good.
Literally no philosophy matters outside of the word of God.

Deus vult!
You're right about the words part. But Berkeley remains unrefuted
That is the case. The japanese have a term for this specific brand of autism: chuuni or main character syndrome
how the discord latrinx and /trannypol/ we be able to recover?
>Have you ever been to a university with this type of woman? Probably not.
I work with this specific type of woman who told me specifically that she sent emails to the principal because a teacher was posting anti-wokery on his blog. It was in the news in my country. You don't have to believe me of course, it's ok.
But you are right, they tend to lose any and all teeth when confronted, along with their gelatinous spines. A shame they cannot be dutiful slaves and live the ethical life.
Just yesterday in another thread I saw chrisfags/leftwingers trying to gaslight others by saying that Evola has always been hated or never been relevant on /lit/ since forever.
It's incredible how some people can't help themselves and have to do revisionism.
Also, not sure about what your weird rant on trauma is about. I think trauma is all in your head, perpetuated by you because you constructed it to begin with. Something you have put there like a string in a maze so that you might not lose your way. Nice talk about dysgenics btw. I'm not sure whether you think some people actually are really fundamentally dysgenic, since ypu clearly believe in some form of determinism, biological or otherwise, or if you are just flashing your wicked dark sense of humor. I know we're not supposed to be sincere and all, but come on.
I am unsure honestly since most of his books that aren't about religion are disparate collections of essays and lecture transcriptions. Listening to lectures are the superior way to recieve Watts ideas imho. His philosophy on the matter can be boiled down to the thought of humans as separate from nature being it benevolent guaridans or destructive and invasive both perturb and further alienate humans from it, like trying to smooth water by hitting it with a shovel.
why do you think it's a joke?
The doomer, but while I'm far from being an idiot I don't consider myself intellectually gifted.
Yeah tbqh Evola is literal healing crystal shit but for nazis instead of gullible white women.
Deleuze is fucked up & edgy
A dumb nigger
90% of his work is literal slop and not worth reading at all unless you care about muh magic n spirit n shi
Its been 8 years, get over it losers

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