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ITT: Darkcel literature
Wtf is a “darkcel?
This is my favorite Elric book
An Incel who's also a disturbed emo freak
Elric got pussy no problem though
You can have sex and also be an incel freak
Oh okay so even on /lit/ words are meaningless.
What are some books you think a disturbed incel freak would read?
Billy and the Minpins
I liked the first few elric books and eventually lost interest, but why did they make elric so fucking retarded? Literally half of his problems would disappear if he applied 10 minutes of critical thinking yet he's supposed to be 'smart'
Yeah he's a whiny bitch but that's because he's supposed to be an anti Conan. Just imagine those two characters in the chad vs virgin meme template and you have your answer for why Elric does anything stupid. Also id recommend finishing the series because the end is quite good and if you went in chronological order, you probably read some newer stories spliced in between more classic ones.
I read the first Elric book where he fights his evil cousin to marry his other cousin and was stunned by the edginess, deus ex machinas, and laughably pathetic attempts at moral ambiguity/philosophy. Moorcock writes juvenile junk for stoner geeks.
Yeah, his books don't hold up well but him, along with H. P. Lovecraft, gave me a love for dark fantasy. Some parts of the Elric series are pretty good for fantasy but there's a lot that's atrocious. I'm surprised that /lit/ even gives a shit about dark fantasy. They're too busy being up Schopenhager, Proust, and Jung's asses to give a fuck.
Ah yes, Michael Moorcock, another boomer writer who love to attack writers from previous generations and act as a faggot without integrity.
A short list of authors he's talked shit about (only after they've died)
J.R.R Tolkien
H.P Lovecraft
Robert E. Howard
Philip K Dick
Arthur C. Clark
C. S. Lewis
I'm surprised to see a Moorcock thread..
Who gives a fuck. People have opinions, wow. How important and revelent. Timely, even.
Moorcuck is just the typical liberal faggot who feels deep envy and frustration for the legacy of better men.
>Who gives a fuck
I do. You're supposed to love every single dead author's work, otherwise you're a fag
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Moorcock really wasn't kidding when he said he's a "bad writer with big ideas" his prose I feel has gotten *worse* over time, but goddamn do his concepts activate my chuuni receptors. His stuff is still better than most modern slop that passes for "fantasy", naturally, and it's a damning indictment that no one has utilized the multiverse concept as well as he has in all these decades.
Thankfully, all he has to do to feel better about himself nowadays is go to a book store and skim the newest releases in the "fantasy and sci-fi" section.
Poor guy, worse than his predecessors and also inferior to his successors. No wonder despite being a boomer he acts like a gen x.
>inferior to his successors.
Wouldn't go that far. For all his faults, and as much of a snoozefest the latest Elric novel was, it at least didn't devote a paragraph about someone taking a shit.
GoT, I'm assuming
What poise! What thrills! What elegance! I'm sure some grunting was involved, right?
Don't forget the parts about Sam and Tyrion cocks being described
I hope they were intertwined
can we blame him for effeminate elves?
He improved everything wrote by Tolkien. He hiimself said it, Tolkien made elves to be this boring perfect creatures which he destroyed it using clever subversion.
Tolkien Elves were shit because they weren't goth.
I hope it's a bait. Only coomers love that retarded twitter artist making shitty art about the goths being elves for whatever reason.
And only hippie faggots and horny women love Tolkien Elves
I'm an zoomer incel btw if that matters.
Elf-fags always are.
Moorcock is just a less successful version of GRRM (and both are overrated fags!)
No that was Forgotten Realms
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>inferior to his successors
Now you're the typical faggot who feels deep envy and frustration for the legacy of better men.
Never read Moorcock. The fact he was friends with Andrea Dworkin is enough to put me off to him forever.
Non-white incel.
Isnt that most incels
The Bible
Moorecuck is outrageously overrated. His only decent books are just outright ripoffs of Barsoom. People suck off the Elric series, but I read the whole thing and it was incredibly boring.
Was the newest Elric story good?
>Tolkien made elves to be this boring perfect creatures
But Tolkien's writing shows that the Elves are far from perfect?
Most people who try to critique Tolkien have not actually read Tolkien.
>Andrea Dworkin
If incels weren't white, they'd be too busy raping.
Citadel of Forgotten Myths?
It was mediocre.
George R.R Martin is the American Moorcock
Martin is nowhere near chuuni enough
Very based. I will now pick up some Elric books.
Btw I'm a zoomer tranny If that matters.
We could not possibly give a fuck less
The Witcher books are like Elric but better
Infinite Jest
This. They are literary fiction. Moorcock, in his bitter despair against Tolkien and other authors, ended up just creating a forgettable series without much merit which is incapable of being either literary fiction or commercial fiction.
Shame on you poor boomer. And The Black Company or The Book of the New Sun are also vastly superior to Moorcock slop.
Why are you here?
What did Morecock have against Dick?
Can you also pinpoint in them the exact moment where the author became horny?
Moorcock had penis envy for Dick.

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