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I'm craving a long classic book to get lost in. I'm thinking one of these three, which would you suggest?
I am also open to other suggestions.
The Bible.

Ulysses is Reddit, The classic.
Pure waste of your time.

Moby-Dick is another extremely overrated classic, which takes in an almost Satanist way the Bible and inverts it to become a terrible slop about whale anatomy and homoeroticism
>The Bible.
I've read it. It's shit.
Tristram Shandy
Joseph Andrews
Wilhelm Meister
War and Peace
Save Ulysses for another time. You will either drop it or lose yourself in it for the rest of your life. No inbetween
Go with moby dick. It's /lit/ favorite book for a reason
The KJV is the favorite /lit/ book, not Moby Dick
Not Ulysses. It's great, but difficult, and I'd save it. Moby Dick is quite dense, prose-wise. I love it, but it's very purposeful in its beauty, not so much a book to get lost in. For that I'd pick Quijote, very easy and enjoyable to simply follow along there.
The Lonesome Dove, a western and one of Stephen King’s favorite book.
I see several booktubers giving this book 5/5 stars. This coupled with your post makes me believe it's crap and any intelligent anon will avoid your trap.
it was a classic before youtube moron
Brothers Karamazov

Couldn’t think of a better long fiction book to start on; it’s the most engaging book I’ve ever read. If deep conversation is a favorite pastime of yours (and if you enjoy crime/court drama) then it’s a real page-turner.
All of these aquire close reading and rereading. Slowly and out loud, in little bits per day.

What you searching for is more like dostoevsky or Tolstoy
Fuck off
Thanks anons.
Alright, I'll remove Ulysses from the selection for now
I've read TBK. Loved it. Exactly the type of book I'm looking for.
>Slowly and out loud
Why do you say that?
When would one day if you're ready to start on Ulysses? I've heard that's pretty dense
>Don Quixote
>Moby Dick
The daily seethe over Ulysses always makes me giggle. Moby-Dick and Ulysses are both worth their respective reads and reward research and study. DQ is a much easier "summer read" if you just want something to peel through on your Saturday.
I think people are misunderstanding what I meant by "get lost in". I'm happy to get lost in the analysis and research as well, not necessarily looking for an easy read.
The white chapter is based, though. It's like "let's see how much bullshit I can get away with" kind with beautiful prose in it.
Seems like you are already deconstructing language just like Joyce. I have no idea what you meant with your post
>makes me giggle
If I'm not gay or pretentious will I enjoy it?
The board did a nice full read of Dubliners, Portrait, and Ulysses a few years ago. We followed this schedule for Ulysses. The first filter chapter for the unready is Proteus, and the real killer is Oxen of the Sun. But you don't have to understand every detail and nuance when you first read it. Just enjoy the wild ride. Honestly, finishing Ulysses really advanced my vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. It can be a beast sometimes and as easy as any other book some other times. It just isn't something you can barrel through and expect to feel like you got it all in one read. I recommend it even if you think you aren't ready, though reading Portrait in particular will prepare you for it.
how insecure can you be anon
Ulysses has so very little pretense imo. It offers nothing in the way of delusion, it reaches for nothing out of your own reach, and whatever is "hidden" in the narrative doesn't detract from the experience at all. You can easily read the entire book without looking up any names, events, places, or things, and still get enough juice from it to not feel cheated. It's more likely that the text will make you curious when something is mentioned, and then you'll choose to look up who was X or what does Y mean, and therefore engage further with the text. People who label the book as pretentious, I think, are annoyed by the amount of literary and Irish historical references and incorrectly assume that Joyce was being intentionally obtuse. He was not. Forgotten history now wasn't forgotten back then, after all. Pretention only exists when there is nothing behind the grasping of the author (pic related). There is plenty behind Ulysses to hold it up.
I think you'll like it, OP. I would still suggest reading Portrait, which is a very accessible and delightful book, just to get introduced to Stephen and his history, and get an idea for the Irish history that affected Joyce so much.
Moby Dick.

If your looking for a long classics then I'd also strongly recommended Dickens. Of the long books, David Copperfield and Little Dorrit are the best.
Neither of you retards belong here. The caliber of people around here is too low nowadays.
Count of Monte Cristo.
Count of Montecristo
Not literature
Nice I was being an asshole, sounds pretty based
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The Tale of Genji (unabridged Arthur Waley translation)
I just finished infinite jest this week. Same feeling as when I read 2666, crime and punishment, moby dick. Took my time with them and loved that feeling of being lost in them that you describe.

Maybe it was just the right time for me to read it but I’d recommend IJ
>Seems like you are already deconstructing language just like Joyce
toppest kek
oh look the 3 boring books shilled on lit by the equivalent of instagram lifestyle promoters but for literature

fuck off with your disgusting jew written mutt book

fuck off back to twitter you retarded groyper mutt jew worshipper

>this variant of a jew book is the favourite book of /lit/!
says more about /lit/ than the bible
You atheistic dog, begone. This is a Protestant board.
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There's any good classics for Groypers like me to read? I'm an ESL mexican and zoomer btw if that matters.
If you've read 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, the Mysterious Island is a very enjoyable sequel.
If you want something more serious you could always go for an epic poem(Dante, Homer, Virgil, Chaucer, &c.)
I've only read Moby Dick from the 3 you listed; you'll probably enjoy it: I certainly did.
Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky
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jew worshipping faggot amerimutt

You look at this and there is no doubt. These are the same people who will constantly talk about zoophilia when someone discusses Greek or Norse mythology.
Ever single christianlarper online is a closet homo or a "former" homo.
>Why I'm single and only hang up with dudes all the time? I decided to be a "volcel", is okay, the Bible said isn't wrong when men decide no never have a family of their own!
yup, these "people" constantly say "Odin drank cum" whenever paganism is mentioned even though the source is a Jew who says Jesus (Yeshua) drank cum
or "your gods are marvel characters" even though Hollywood Jews invented Marvel
they can't stop relying on Jewish inventions in order to justify their religion, curious!
They are golems. Simple as.
you're right, you know
I refuse to believe someone can misunderstand moby dick this badly
The Stand by Stephen King
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
The Holy Bible
I'm guessing your favorite characters in Limbus Company is Ishmael, Outis, and Don Quixote
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Don Quixote is the only one that won't make you want to gouge your eyes out
Yes, because Don Quixote isn't a classic, is the beginning of modern slop. Bloom was corrected when he said so.
I agree. I read it at a time I had only read a few books and still enjoyed it very much. It became one of my favorite books ever.
It’s not a literal book.
The words do not mean what they say.
Water is truth.
House is the mind.
Earth is the flesh
Clothes are teachings.


Gaskill Dictionary on Words and Myths.
I finished a good book. Not a classic

Empires of Sand by David Ball.
>It’s not a literal book.
Well that's what I asked for, so if it's not a book it's not an answer I need. Thanks.
What a funny little pseud.
>Book of ancient Jewish lies and fables
Don't listen to this retarded take.
Since it is summer, Moby Dick probably is the best choice. It has some of the best prose in English and is absolutely worth your time. It is not difficult to get through, it's full of philosophical reflections and has a good dose of adventure and monologue of a Shakespearean quality: it really feels like a big, old-time classic, if that's what you want to go for.
Don Quixote is also great for summer for similar reasons: it's big, long, and more episodic than Moby Dick - less philosophical and less serious. If you're looking for something that it's adventurous and entertaining while also being deep, this is the one to go.
Ulysses, on the other hand, is the best novel of all time. It would require a bit of patience and study to get in - get yourself a PDF of the New bloomsday book as a tiny guide, maybe, just to have some help - but, if you give it the time and effort it requires, chances are it will be the most rewarding reading experience of your life.
>retold by Barbara Nichol
why is this allowed?
Ulysses is the best of those for getting lost in. The Making of Americans probably beats it out by that metric. Most will not get lost in DQ or MD, they don't quite work in that way. George Mills get a mention for more recent works of the ilk, worth consideration if you are not autistic regarding the "classic" angle. The Cairo Trilogy is great if you want something with a more traditional narrative.; the USA Trilogy as well for a more modernist approach to to the same sort of thing.
OP here. After much help and consideration I chose to read The Bible as it is the only book that truly matters in the end. I suggest that you abandon your vanities and also buy a new Bi for yourself (KJV).
I already feel at peace knowing that I no longer need to worry about anything other than God and my entry into Paradise.
Not literature
Actual OP here. I bought the bible and burned it.
Based. Take my upvote! And remember to convert and become an Orthodox Christian!

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